Chapter Ten

  Cindy never liked confrontations, but Red was absolutely right. She let her stepmother rule her and treat her like crap. After her father died, she sunk into a deep depression and Ida had used her emotional state to take full control of the estate. Besides Cindy was still a child then, and even if she stood up to her stepmother, she had no idea what would happen to her.

  “King Caspian isn’t suitable and I can’t marry him. Besides, he’s like fifteen or even twenty years older than me, and a vampire. It was just sex…”

  “Yes, the most amazing, thrilling and explosive sex of your life, not to mention, your first time. Who can say they lost their virginity to an incredibly hot and sexy vampire king?” Red finished for her giggling like she was going a bit crazy. Cindy sighed, knowing that her friend was right, yet again. “Man, I wish the forest ranger was like that. He’s so lousy in bed.”

  Cindy rubbed her forehead, feeling ashamed of herself. She was a terrible friend, thinking that she could be in love with Charles once Red was done with him. It looked like everything worked out for the best. Red needed someone in her life, and Cindy was done with her crush on her now-ex-boyfriend, Charles. She wanted to fix her relationship with Red. They used to spend most of their time together, and Cindy knew that there was more to life than cleaning and cooking.

  “Yes, the sex was great, but I can’t keep thinking about it. I bet he has many other women in his bed. He may not even remember me anymore. Everything happened so fast,” Cindy said, and bitter disappointment filled her stomach. She didn’t want him to sleep with other women or forget about her. As much as she was scared, she still desired him.

  “Gee, you’re so lame. He was the one who picked you at the ball where there were hundreds of other girls and then he fucked you senseless. Obviously you meant something to him, Cindy,” Red said, shaking her head. Cindy was still confused, but Red was making sense. The king chose her, and she couldn’t deny their instant connection.

  “I know, but I have to go. My stepmother may start looking for me soon.”

  “Oh, forget about her, she’s doesn’t own you and it’s time to remind her that you’re not her servant. Seriously, marry the vampire king, and tell that Londis guy to get lost,” Red said, sounding annoyed most likely that Cindy wasn’t listening. Moments later, someone was knocking on Red’s front door.

  “Are you expecting someone?” Cindy asked her. Red shook her head, looking a bit worried, but went to the door.

  “Is this the residence of Miss…”

  His voice was a little muffled, so Cindy moved closer. She peered through the curtains that separated the kitchen from the porch and saw a man outside dressed in a navy uniform that Cindy recognised from the castle. Her heart leapt in her throat, because she knew that it was one of Caspian’s guards.

  “What’s this about?” Red asked.

  “King Caspian met a lady at the ball last night, but she ran once she learned who he was,” the messenger announced, and Cindy nearly jumped with joy. Caspian didn’t forget about her, and he had sent his guards to look for her. She thought it was very romantic—almost like a fairytale. Red glanced back behind her, most likely sensing that Cindy was listening in.

  “Right, so how can I help you?” she asked the guard.

  “The lady left her underwear in his chamber. The king sent a few of us hoping that we would find her. Her name is Cindy and he knows that she’s a resident of Farrington Kingdom. The king would like to speak to her urgently,” the messenger explained.

  “Hold on a second,” Red said and shut the door in his face before he could say another word. Red had never cared about manners. She walked into the kitchen laughing to herself.

  “I told you so. The king’s looking for you, and this guy must have been out since dawn, riding around with your panties in his pocket.” Red continued to chuckle. “Darling, you have been a very, very naughty girl.”

  “Shut up and just pretend that you don’t know anything. I have to go. I bet he was already at my house, talking to my stepmother. This is a complete disaster,” Cindy hissed, panicking, and before Red could stop her, she barged through the back door, forgetting her shopping bags.

  She ran all the way back to the house, knowing that by now her stepmother most likely already knew that she’d disobeyed her and went to the ball. She was sure that there wasn’t any other girl named Cindy who lived in Farrington. Then, she remembered Red’s words and slowed down a bit. Cindy had to stop being such a pushover and start speaking her mind.

  She walked all the way back to the house, not hurrying anymore. She couldn’t believe the king had sent his guards to look for her. He was a bloodsucking creature, but she must have made an impression on him. Either way, she decided that she needed to at least give him a chance.

  “You need to calm down and just say what’s on your mind. You had every right to be at the ball,” she told herself, walking through the gate. That pep talked helped a little, and Cindy felt good about seeing Ida.

  “Well, well, well…someone is in the huge trouble now.” The voice of Susan startled her a little. She turned around spotting her stepsister by the path. “I really didn’t think you had the balls, Cindy.”

  Teresa stood beside her, and when Cindy didn’t respond they both laughed. She continued to breathe in steadily. Then, she realised that she left all her shopping bags and Ida’s dress at Red’s house. It didn’t matter anymore. She was done taking orders from her stepmother.

  “At least I found someone who wants me, and I don’t have to hide it anymore,” she snapped back at Susan and walked inside the house. She felt relieved and was ready to tell her stepsisters that she wasn’t done with them. They were cruel to her, and she was ready to kick their arses if either of them came anywhere near her ever again. Cindy knew she had to locate the old paperwork and find out exactly what her father had written in the will. She didn’t believe that he would allow Ida to choose her husband. The whole idea was absurd.

  Ida was in the living room, sitting on the sofa and holding a cup of tea in her right hand. As soon as Cindy saw her, she felt a little scared, but knew she couldn’t change her mind now. Besides, the whole estate was hers before Ida came into the picture—she needed to put Ida in her place. But first, Cindy just needed to find a lawyer who could help her with real estate legalities and wills.

  “Sit down, Cindy, we have a lot to talk about,” her stepmother ordered her, but Cindy didn’t move. This was a start and Cindy needed to show her that she wasn’t sacred.

  Cindy wasn’t an idiot, she knew what she wanted and was willing to fight for her dreams.

  “No, I’m fine standing. It’s about time we talk about the way you’ve been treating me. We aren’t family and you can’t tell me what to do. I’m twenty years old, and this house belongs to me. My father left it to me as an inheritance and you’re the one living here as a guest, stepmother,” she said, more firmly than she intended, placing her hands on her hips.

  She thought that it was a good start, and Cindy wasn’t even planning to stop. She needed to set her own rules. Her stepmother was a stern woman, and over the years, Cindy learned that Ida liked manipulating people. She managed to seduce her father, and within a week she had him wrapped around her little finger.

  The older woman narrowed her eyes at Cindy, and her cheeks went slightly pink.

  “You disobeyed my order and went to the ball after I forbid you to leave this house. Then humiliated yourself and this family by sleeping with the king. I’m disgusted with your behaviour. I thought that your father had brought you up better than this. He asked me to make him a promise before he died. He wanted to see you happy, and I was supposed to match you with the right man. Mr. Londis is the perfect candidate. I have no idea what you’ve been thinking, but the king of this kingdom would never choose you as his life companion or wife,” Cindy’s stepmother stated, not even taking a breath during her entire speech.

  Cindy wanted to roll her eyes, but she d
idn’t want to be rude. Her stepmother was stupid to think that she would ever be happy with a man like Londis. She would never love him. The king was a vampire, but Ida wouldn’t allow her to even consider him, because that would actually make her happy. Maybe she could move past the fangs and the fact that he wanted her for her blood as well.

  Her stepmother’s words hurt a little, but she wasn’t going to show her that. The king truly desired her, called her beautiful, and deep down Cindy realised she wanted to be his queen. Maybe it was unrealistic, but she had been dreaming about her true love ever since she was a little girl.

  “I’m not marrying that obese man just so I can work on his farm like a slave. You can’t just sell me off like livestock—you have no right. I had an invitation to the ball, so I had every right to be there, same as you, and I didn’t need your permission. What happened with the king wasn’t planned. It just happened,” Cindy said, as calmly as she could.

  Her stepmother started laughing, staring at Cindy like she was crazy. Cindy remembered the way she always put her down and made her feel worthless. Cindy cursed the day her stepmother entered her life and married her father. Everything would have been different if they’d never met. She loved her father dearly, but he was gone and she didn’t have any other family.

  “Yes darling, you’re the true owner of the house and the estate, but as soon as you marry Londis everything will be legally transferred to me. And this wedding is going through, because once the King finds out that you’re a hooker who works in the local brothel, he won’t want anything to do with you,” her stepmother said, with smug satisfaction in her tone.

  Cindy dropped her jaw and then laughed a little. Her stepmother was crazy if she thought that her Caspian would believe such lies.

  “I’m sorry stepmother, but your stupid plan won’t work. I’m not a hooker, this accusation alone sounds completely ridiculous,” Cindy stated, almost laughing. She was losing her confidence a little… The fairy hooker helped her that night to get to the ball, but Ida couldn’t have known about it.

  Her stepmother got up, went to the cabinet and took something out of the drawer and handed it to Cindy.

  “Inside, there is a lease of the local brothel and your name is listed in one of the documents. Imagine what the whole town will think when they learn such a shocking revelation,” Ida said. “You know yourself how fast news travels around here and once this rumour spreads to the king, he would never want to see or look at your face again. I have a witness who can confirm that he saw you the night of the ball inside the brothel, accepting a dress from another hooker. I want this house Cindy and I’m willing to do anything within my power to get it.

  Your father had a weak mind, he had spoiled you rotten, and gave you everything you ever wanted. When I stepped in, it was already too late, Cinderella. I’ve never spoiled my girls; they’re well behaved and they know what’s acceptable and what’s not. I’ve tried to keep you on the right path over the years, but it seems that I’ve failed.”

  Cindy started looking through the papers while her heart was racing away. She had no idea who had told her stepmother about Martha, or the fact that she went to the brothel last night. Her stomach dropped when she saw her name at the bottom of the document, along with the names of other girls from the brothel. She was convinced that the king wouldn’t believe anything Ida said, but Cindy didn’t tell him about Charles.

  And once Ida spread this terrible rumour around, no one in the castle would accept that Caspian had chosen her.

  She was so torn about him, but her feelings were real. Ida seemed to take Cindy’s silence as encouragement to carry on.

  “So this is what’s going to happen. The king is arranging another ball. Apparently, the prince picked the woman he wants to marry and the king wants to celebrate in style. I’ve already spoken to Mr. Londis this morning and he’s going to visit us tomorrow evening. This marriage is going forward, Cindy, whether you like it or not. I will take ownership of your father’s estate once you marry Londis. And unless you want the king to find out about the forest ranger or the fact that he ruined his reputation by getting involved with a hooker, then you will obey me. Mr. Londis is going to take you to the ball where you’ll inform the king that you can’t continue this affair, because you’re already engaged to a respectable man. This will teach you a very valuable life lesson. If you would have listened to me from the very beginning, maybe this wouldn’t have to happen. Besides, the king isn’t for you, a man like him needs a real woman, someone who will stand by him and support him. You’re immature, stupid and come from a toxic background. He will suffer to see you with someone else. Now, I want you to get on with your duties. You’ve already wasted too much of my time today.”

  Cindy’s world was spinning out of control and the tiny voice in her head told her this wasn’t really happening. She had no idea how, but her stepmother found a way to defeat her. Ida had a witness who could ruin Cindy’s reputation, and Caspian was the King. He wouldn’t want to get involved with someone like her, once he learned the truth.

  Cindy was trembling, knowing that she was either going to lose her father’s estate or Caspian. Ida had completely trapped her, and it looked like now Cindy had no other choice, but to marry that idiot Londis.

  Red was wrong–nothing was going to end well for her. The king was a vampire, but she was ready to look past that. She wanted him, and her stepmother was wrong. She could see herself standing beside him.

  “Yes, stepmother,” she said in the end and left the room, feeling completely wiped and heartbroken that she’d lost this battle.

  Chapter Eleven

  Cindy cried when she went to feed the chickens later on. Her stepmother achieved what she wanted by faking the paperwork about her working in the brothel. Someone must have seen her with Martha that night, but the bar downstairs was empty. Almost everyone in town went to the ball. She didn’t believe that one of Martha’s girls would’ve betrayed her like that. A girl like Cindy never thought that she would be forced into marriage with a man who only wanted to use her as his farm worker and bed warmer. Especially now after her steamy night with the king.

  The king had sent his guards to look for her, and tomorrow she would have to face him again, hand in hand with another man. She hadn’t lied to him when he asked her if there was another man in her life. At the time, Cindy was convinced that she could still kick Londis up his backside. Now that seemed nearly impossible.

  Her stepsisters laughed and mocked her while she worked. Cindy clenched her fists and carried on with her usual duties, ignoring their taunts as best as she could. Rage filled her veins, and tears of frustration built in her eyes, but she wouldn’t let those wretched cows see her cry.

  Everything was falling apart, and her dream of finding the love of her life was slowly fading away. Her stepmother hadn’t said anything else to her since their confrontation, and Cindy finished all her housekeeping duties by midnight. She was exhausted when she went to bed, but couldn’t sleep, yet again.

  Londis—Cindy still had no idea what his first name was, and at that point she wasn’t even bothered, nor did she care. In her new reality, she knew she was destined to stay unhappy for the rest of her life, but maybe it was fate’s way of saying she didn’t deserve anything better—her happiness died with her father. At some point, late in the night, she managed to drift off to sleep, dreaming about her wedding with the vampire king.

  The next day, she considered running away from Ida and her stepsisters, but she knew that she had nothing but the clothes on her back. Everything that her father had left her—money, jewellery and some old antiques—was under Ida’s careful watch and she highly doubted she could get away with taking back what was rightly hers with her stepmother guarding it like a hawk. Cindy knew her stepmother was a conniving woman—a liar—and she’d do anything to further her status in the kingdom.

  In the evening, when Cindy saw Londis’s carriage outside, she went to her room. Susan showed up a few minute
s later, barking at her, telling her to get ready. She even threatened to drop a bucket of cold water over her head if she didn’t hurry up. Although Cindy wanted to punch her in face, she had no other choice but to take out her red ball gown and put it on. It was getting dark outside when she entered the living room and saw Londis with her stepmother. Nausea rolled through her stomach, although she told herself that she couldn’t act out of character in front of them; however, it would serve them right if she did indeed vomit on their shoes.

  Teresa and Susan were staring at her with open jealousy as she walked in wearing the red ball gown Martha had gifted her in order to impress Prince Eric. Even Ida was surprised to see that Cindy had made such an effort. Londis kept staring at her boobs, nearly drooling. Tonight he looked as equally unappealing as when she saw him the first time. The thought of him touching her made her sick.

  “Oh, there she is, Mr. Londis, our Cindy,” her stepmother announced, giving her a stern look. “You can ride with your future husband in his carriage.”

  Cindy nodded. In a way she was glad that she didn’t have to ride with her stepmother and stepsisters. She didn’t want to listen to their ridicule or her stepmother’s threats of blackmail. Teresa and Susan must have forgotten that Cindy looked much more beautiful than them, because now they were giggling to themselves, most likely happy that Cindy was so miserable.

  “You look very delightful, but such an intense colour doesn’t suit you at all. And it clashes with my suit,” Londis commented, and Cindy sighed, ready to punch him as well. The king had complimented her dress multiple times, and he thought she was the most beautiful woman that he’d ever laid his eyes on. Obviously Londis had no clue about fashion, but either way Cindy didn’t care about his opinion.