Page 25 of Elusive Hero

  After his death, every word of every letter became significant. She'd re-read them often, until she was captured. When she returned home, everything had been burned to the ground and reduced to ash, including those. But the words had remained engraved in her mind, the phrases and thoughts rising to bring her comfort or inspiration when needed. Like now.

  Kaela turned in Garron's grasp. As he eased his hold enough to permit it, she stared up at him. In mere seconds her world was going to be destroyed by the truth or she'd embrace the lie that kept it intact. Could she trust a human with everything she was? Trust him to understand, know what to do when she honestly didn't have a clue what she wanted to do? Could she truly follow his lead when her life hung in the balance? Or--more importantly to her--his life?

  He was a man who'd faced death, horrendous injury, who'd led men in the field, men who'd had to trust him the same way. They had, because they knew he'd bring them home safe, if it was within his power. If he could have, he would have made a deal with the Devil for his perceived shortcomings in that area. As her gaze slid over his scars, she realized why he hadn't had them minimized. Everything worth doing and having had a commensurate price.

  "Lady Kaela."

  She'd been wrong. It wasn't one vampire, but two that she turned and faced.

  Lord Richard was Region Master for many of the southern states, the post Lady Lyssa had held before she took over the Council. Before that, he and Lady Tara had shared overlord responsibility for the Alabama territory. Tara had remained in that overlord role, but the bond between them was apparently still strong, if they were at a resort island together. While she wondered what had brought them this far afield, she realized they were likely asking themselves the same question. Unlike her, their servants were with them.

  That's a matter of opinion, my lady. Garron's thumb caressed the valley of her spine under the thin robe.

  It should have been distracting, and it was, but it was a touch she embraced, that steadied her as well. She wasn't going to analyze the why of that. Instead, she gave Garron a brief flash of information about the two vampires and the servants standing just behind them.

  Seanna was a black New Orleans native whom Richard had taken out of a brothel when she was barely in her teens, decades ago. Most servants aged until they looked late twenties, early thirties, but she still looked barely twenty-one. Despite that, she had a confidence, a sultry sensuality, that belied that. She was also almost as tall as Tara's servant Liam, a handsome blond male who looked like a young Brad Pitt. He wasn't as outgoing in personality as Seanna but served his Mistress with a quiet earnestness that made him acceptable and appealing at once. Since Seanna's arm was linked with Liam's as they strolled behind their Master and Mistress, it seemed they had a good rapport.

  Kaela knew them as a twosome that had no difficulties staying within the lines of vampire society and protocols, and who were keenly aware of where those lines were. Even with Seanna's more flamboyant personality there was no overstepping the bounds for either of these servants. Both knew their place and served their vampires well.

  "We just arrived this afternoon. We were unaware there were any other vampires here," Tara said, giving her a courteous and warm look out of her dark, expressive eyes. They'd met at several Gatherings, and were friendly acquaintances. Kaela knew that Tara had been born and made in the Middle East, her straight dark hair and olive coloring making her a head turner, though of course all vampires were. Richard, more reserved and austere, had the looks supporting that. He'd been turned in his forties and so his chestnut hair was threaded with handsome silver strands highlighted by his piercing gray eyes. As a Region Master, he outranked Kaela, and even when he and Tara were co-overlords, Richard had always been the more dominant of the two.

  "It's an unexpected pleasure." Kaela said with equal politeness and warmth. "What brings you to Eden?"

  "A vacation, if you can believe it. We were sent an exclusive getaway package. We thought it was a mistake, but's hard to explain why we're here. All the reasons in the world not to go but the offerings were just too irresistible. And you?"

  "Almost the same story." Her mind was turning, trying to figure out the angles and whys of it. As well as wondering if Theodosius Vardalos had a will made up in the event of his tragic, sudden and painful death.

  Easy, my lady.

  "How long are you here?" she said, hoping her smile didn't come off as a snarl. Since Tara and Richard continued to look genial, she must have accomplished it. A hundred and seventy-five years of practice really did come in handy.

  "For the next week. And you?"

  "I leave first thing tomorrow night."

  She felt a flicker of startled reaction from Garron and closed herself down to it. "But you'll find so many wonderful things to do here."

  "Like him." As Tara's gaze slid past her to Garron, Kaela suppressed the strong urge to stand in front of him. Not that she could have concealed his massive bulk with her far slighter form. However, if she bared fangs, she was sure it would tear Tara's gaze from its slithering over every inch of Garron's half-naked muscular form. "Isn't Fran here with you?" the Alabama overlord asked.

  "No. I gave her a vacation as well." Something trembled hard and low in Kaela's belly as Richard's eyes flickered, considering. A vampire didn't travel without her blood source unless it was for significant reasons.

  With a shot of utter panic, she remembered she had third marked Garron, something other vampires could detect. But maybe because it was temporary, that wouldn't be the case. Maybe.

  "I've been thinking it's time to take...a more permanent companion, but my preference is a male." Kaela amended her language, knowing their assumption would be that their vampire identities must be concealed. "This seemed like a good place to sample the possibilities without any commitment."

  After a weighted pause, Richard inclined his head. "I admit I was surprised when you accepted Fran as a second mark. You've always seemed to have far more attraction to males."

  "Sometimes it's less distracting to have the gender that's not your primary preference." Kaela was satisfied to see them smile in response, even as it felt like a knife stabbed her in the vitals.

  The way their gazes passed over Garron said neither of them detected the marks. Another boon to the temporary marking process, but the threat to Garron's life if that had not been the case wasn't going to be overlooked. Nothing about this situation was going to be overlooked. She didn't want to pretend here. She wasn't supposed to have to do so. Vardalos, that bastard, had promised his life to her if it proved any differently. He'd find she took promises very seriously.

  Garron's hand was still on her waist. His fingers covered her hip bone, a small movement that gave him a more intimate hold on her. You're not pretending at all, my lady. Your Master is standing at your back, watching your every move. Protecting you is my primary charge, even if that charge means ordering you to do everything necessary to protect yourself. Reach behind you and fondle my cock. Rub your hips against it. Make me harder in front of them. Now.

  As Tara continued to chat about the island's amenities, Kaela slid her hand behind her, finding the space between her buttocks and Garron's pelvis not that wide at all. She slid her fingers along the front of his slacks, finding him already semi-erect. Her fingers closed over the fabric, tightening and stroking as she rotated her hips against him as ordered, feeling a frisson of arousal as the organ immediately responded.

  It was impossible that she could be this tense and be getting aroused at once, but vampires were like that. Or maybe it was the delicious danger of it and she was just hysterical enough to let it happen.

  As he'd correctly surmised, vampires were used to such casual carnality, so neither vampire remarked on it, though she noted Tara watching with appreciation, as well as Seanna. She remembered Seanna was a pretty aggressive submissive, one who could be a service top with little effort. She was probably imagining in vivid detail the things she might be allowed to do
to Garron if the vampires wanted to see some servant play.

  No. Absolutely no.

  "Join us so we can try some of the facilities together, my lady," Richard said. "We were headed for one of the communal rooms to play. We'd like you and your..." He gave a half shrug. "I'm used to referring to a submissive as a...servant."

  "Masters and Mistresses call their subs many things here, sir. I'd be honored for you and my lady to call me that, if it's more comfortable for you all." Garron inclined his head courteously in their direction, but his gaze flickered over Kaela's face as she turned toward him.

  Tara smiled, pleased. "He doesn't look like a sub, but he's very well-trained. Almost on the same level of the ones we brought, though of course there are some limitations. Things that can be overlooked because of the many pleasures of this environment."

  Kaela was all too aware of what limitations Tara was referencing. Like the ability of a third mark to endure levels of pain and deprivation that made the edge play here look like beginner's BDSM, using toy handcuffs from a party store.

  They were waiting for her response. One of the things she'd learned as a spy as well as a vampire was that sticking as close to the truth as possible was the best cover. "Garron is one of the dungeon Masters, but as a paid employee, he is available as a switch if the guest wants a stronger personality to order around."

  Tara chuckled. "Being who you are, you wanted the strongest one available. Lady Kaela, you are always wonderfully unexpected. But it makes sense. If you're going to be auditioning servants, you need to go for a powerful personality. Fran has always seemed so docile for you...more your secretary and personal assistant than someone who can satisfy our more demanding needs."

  She wouldn't give away how close to the truth that arrow struck. She had too much else to focus upon, like what excuse would allow them to part company. Richard was the ranking vampire. Short of a demand on her time from another even higher ranking vampire, she was stuck. No. She could say she was engaged with another matter. Even if she seemed rude, she was going to do it.

  No, my lady. We see this through.

  Richard was assuming her assent, already pointing her toward their destination, Tara moving to link arms with her. In another second she was going to dig in her heels, appearances be damned. You have no idea what they will demand.

  I've seen almost every demand you can imagine in these rooms, Kaela. While I'm sure their tastes are even more extreme, beyond what Eden allows, I think I can handle whatever happens. I want to see how my sub handles it. It will tell me even more about what kind of Master you need.

  This wasn't a debate of hypotheticals. He had no clue what they could demand within those boundaries. Yet his knee pressed into the back of hers, and suddenly she was walking with Tara, Garron falling in behind her.

  She was not a donkey, to be led around by the nose, forced to...

  To do what, my lady? What's the real issue here? What I can handle, or what you can bear to watch me handle?

  It's not that. Damn it...

  Will it make you think less of me, to allow myself to be treated as a sub? It ruins your fantasy, your desires?

  She wanted to grind her teeth, but she almost flinched at the sharpness of his tone.

  Yes or no. Simple question, Kaela.

  No. Nothing could make me think less of you. Her hands curled into fists. Fortunately Tara didn't seem to notice.

  His voice in her mind went dead calm. Then let me handle this, my lady. If you honor me as your Master, you have only one job. To trust me.

  Chapter Ten

  "Everything any Master or Mistress could ever want," Tara observed. Their destination looked like a giant crystal cave, the pillars and walls glittering with clear jagged rocks that reflected the fire flickering in the wall sconces. Once again, Kaela wondered how Vardalos managed this underground network on an island where the water table had to be close to the surface, but she was starting not to question any remarkable thing the island produced. At this point, she feared the real world would be a greater challenge for her to accept. How could Garron ever contemplate leaving such a place? Why the hell was she having that thought?

  Because you already know my intentions, my lady, no matter how you refuse to talk about them. We have a testing ground here, don't we?

  Tara had released Kaela to lean against Richard, comment to him as they surveyed the activity in the communal area. Scenes from playful to intense were being conducted in the informal spaces created by the pillars and array of equipment. Whippings, spankings, fire play, electric play. Even some role play like in the enclosed rooms with the viewing windows, only these were being conducted in a more populated setting. She saw a Domme strutting before a trio of kneeling girls in school uniforms while the Mistress tapped her palm with a long switch.

  Music with a sensual backbeat that reminded Kaela of an aroused pulse added to the ambiance. Beautiful men and women danced in cages suspended at different levels above the main floor, sometimes alone, sometimes two or three together. Along the back wall was a giant white screen, video feed showing screen close ups of different sessions happening live on the floor, interspersed with movie clips that had BDSM elements. They ranged from old black-and-white movie spankings to more current cinematic fare. The area was saturated with sexual energy, encouraging everyone to play without care or worry, adults immersing themselves in good, clean lustful pursuits. The ceiling was hung with ropes of lights and carefully placed spotlights highlighted the play areas, leaving the areas outside of them in dimly lit shadow. Provocatively dressed wait staff moved in and out of those areas, taking orders for food and drinks and offering toys and lubricants like they had on the above ground level.

  Tara chuckled. "I think I could live here, Richard."

  "It's remarkable," he agreed with a serious smile. "Ladies, do you think we could talk Vardalos into vacating the island and renting out the castle for our next Gathering?"

  "What a delicious idea. Now, what to do first? It's like being in a great big candy store."

  Tara shifted between Liam and Seanna, rubbing up against her servant like an affectionate cat as she put her hand on Seanna's shoulder, twirling one of her dark red braids. Kaela tensed as the vampire female's gaze slid back over to Garron, giving him an appraising look. As she did, she trailed her other hand down Liam's back, landing on his taut ass to take a firm hold of one buttock. Liam remained still under her touch, though Kaela had already detected his arousal, not a surprise in these surroundings. Plus, as she'd noted earlier when Garron woke her from sleep, third mark males could pretty much stay erect as long as needed, the stamina necessary to keep up with a vampire's insatiable appetites.

  So if I was your actual third mark, I'd never have to worry about ED.

  Only if you pissed me off and I castrated you. She wasn't in the mood to joke, but when Garron did that subtle shift again, so his hip bone was against the rise of her ass, she felt the heat of his body emanating over her.

  Don't play with fire, my lady. You'll have to be alone with me when this is all over.

  Did he not understand? Apparently her body didn't either, because the image he shot to her mind sent an erotic prickle through her vitals. The environment and her own carnal nature were only exacerbating the issue.

  Don't fight it, my lady. It's part of who you are. Study her servant the way she's studying me. She'll expect it.

  Well that wasn't a hardship. His Mistress had Liam dressed in snug jeans and nothing else. Given how compelling all servants seemed to be, he was sculpted lean muscle, no chest hair like Garron had, either because he kept it shaved or his Mistress had had it removed. Since vampires had no body hair, many seemed to prefer their servants shaved, though Kaela liked Garron's chest hair and the fine hairs on his calves and forearms.

  Tara considered Garron from head to toe, covering that same terrain. "Liam is a lovely servant, very accommodating to my needs, but he's no alpha like that one. I don't desire that in my own servant, but I
admit, watching Lady Lyssa's Jacob take the Dominant role with another servant arouses me quite...intriguingly. Do you think your servant...this male...could provide us that experience? I'd like to see him take control of both Seanna and Liam."

  "I think you'll be more stimulated seeing those roles reversed, my lady," Richard demurred. "I suggest tying him down and letting the two of them have their way with him. With your permission of course, Lady Kaela."

  She knew that part was just a formality. Permission was automatically assumed from a lesser ranking vampire.

  Tara frowned, but not because of Richard's suggestion. "I trust your judgment, my lord, but we have to remember this is a different environment. What are the rules governing your use of him, Lady Kaela?" The female overlord lowered her voice so only Kaela and Richard and the servants could hear her. "The human world can be so limiting. It's why playing in their clubs can get old so quickly. Though this one has enough variety to keep things interesting."

  Richard nodded. "How far may we push him, Lady Kaela? What have you paid for?"

  An expensive resort vacation... I'm off the clock. You're mine...

  They'd given her an out. All she had to do was say no. Though paying enough money would allow them to do anything in certain dark corners of the human world, that wasn't the case here.

  "With my lady's permission..." Garron stepped to her side and dropped to a knee, offering a deferential nod before tilting his head back and cocking it, giving Richard a bland look. "If it gives my lady pleasure, she can order me to do whatever she wills. I will give her whatever she needs, regardless."

  Richard lifted a brow. There was so much double meaning laced in his words Kaela couldn't fault the intrigued spark in the male vampire's gaze.

  "I can identify hard limits with a safe word so as to minimize disruption," Garron said. "Lady Kaela knows what the word is."