safety, he felt astrong inclination to scold her for wandering. As, however, sheappeared overcome with fatigue, he forbore, and left her to the lectureshe knew she would be certain to receive from the old Kahija.
Thaddeus would not quit her side until he had conducted her to the gateof the anderoon, to commit her to the gentle care of Zara who wasanxiously awaiting her.
Volume 3, Chapter III.
The Circassian chieftains had chosen for the encampment of theirirregular but numerous army, a picturesque spot, of which the beauty wasmuch encreased by the wild and warlike bands now filling it. It was ina rich and verdant valley watered by the streams of the Aphibs and theUbin.
By the banks of the latter river the greater part of the tents werepitched beneath the lofty trees; some growing in clumps and othersscattered over the meadows as in a highly cultivated park. The groundrose in gentle grassy undulations from the banks of the river, swellinginto round hills covered with the richest verdure, on which fed numerousflocks and herds; while, further off, men, women, and children wereemployed in the agricultural labour of the fields, unimpeded by thepresence of the warriors. In the far distance were seen the loftypinnacles of the Black Mountains.
Each chief had selected some spot on which to pitch his tent, as histaste dictated, while their respective clansmen and followers werestationed around them.
Here some stalwart chief reposed on the turf in front of his tent,smoking the long chibouque, while looking at his followers engaged inevery description of warlike exercise. Some selected a mark on a tree,and, retreating to a distance, fixed their hatchets in it with unerringaim; others hurled the heavy javelin; some the light dart; whilenumbers, with their bows in hand, were taking sure aim at a greaterdistance. Some, too, were practising wrestling and running.
In one place, the sound of the smith's anvil and hammer was heardrepairing fire-arms for the coming fight. In the river the young menwere engaged in teaching their horses to swim across rivers so as to beready for any sudden excursion into the enemy's country. Here a troopof gallant young nobles, on their long-tailed swift steeds, were seenscouring along the valleys, and up the sides of the hills. The manycoloured and richly-silvered trappings of their horses, and their ownjewelled weapons and armour, shone brightly as they appeared amid thetrees. It was, in truth, a brilliant, warlike, and exciting scene.
The chiefs and nobles were dressed in their complete war array; some insuperbly embossed and ornamented armour, of polished steel; others inbeautifully wrought chain armour fitting closely to the body, and beingpliable to every movement, shewed off their graceful figures toadvantage. The lofty plumes of their helms towered far above the headsof their followers, as they moved through the crowd; their jewelledponiards (the insignia of their rank) were placed in girdles richlyworked in gold; and all their other arms were also highly ornamented.Some of the venerable elders appeared in turbans and long robes, thegarb of peace; and a few nobles wore the simple and eleganttight-fitting coat, richly trimmed with silver lace, and embroideredbelts to hold their arms.
The army was composed of people of many different tribes and races fromall parts of the Caucasus, speaking various languages, having manydifferent customs, with great variations in costume. First, in numbersand bravery, were the tribes of the Atteghei, consisting of the Abzeki,Khapsoukhi, Nothakhaitze, the Demirghoi, and many others. Bands of thedisciplined Lesghians had come from the far off plains bordering on theCaspian, to war with the oppressors of their own country, with whom theythere could not venture to compete. There were bands, also, of thenomadic tribes, the short broad-faced Calmuck and the Nogai Tartars.Many warriors, also, had come from Georgia, Mingrelia, and Immeritia,which countries have succumbed to the Russian power, but still bear herthe most deadly hatred. Some bands had descended from the wild Alpineretreats of the snowy mountains, wild as the regions they inhabited orthe beasts they rode, a small, uncouth, though hardy and active race.These were dark-visaged men, with projecting jaws, and black shaggybeards, mostly clothed in skins, with fur caps, and garments of theroughest materials. Though addicted to roving and predatory habits,they were now animated with the common feeling of hatred to the Urus.
There were the tribes of the Tubi and the Ubick; who fought on foot,owing to the inaccessible nature of their mountain-homes, where no horsecan find a safe footing, and none can venture but the nimble-footedinhabitants, and the active goats and chamois. They are mostly ofgigantic height, with handsome countenances, but fierce in appearanceeven to wildness, which was not a little increased by their sheep skinturbans, the long white wool of which curled over their face andshoulders. They wore the tight-fitting tunic of the Circassians, overwhich was thrown a black mantle of goat and sheep skin hair, plattedtogether; while their sandals were formed of the bark of the lindentree. Each man was armed with a hatchet and poniard in his belt, alight gun on his shoulder, while in his hand he carried a weighty andknotted club, furnished at the end with a long steel barb to assist himin crossing streams, or springing from cliff to cliff. It served alsoas a rest to his gun to take more deadly aim, and as a weapon in thechase, or in his hours of amusement as a toy, to hurl with fearfulexactness at a mark.
Besides these, came another tribe of foot warriors, of ferociousappearance, from the upper regions of the Black Mountains, bearinglarge, black, round shields made of wood, strengthened with bands ofiron or yew, covered with the hide of the buffalo. These people werearmed chiefly with the primitive bow and arrow, with which they can takethe most certain aim.
There were also some of the fierce Tartar tribes, the most deadly foesto Russia, owing to her usurpation of their country. When driven asexiles and wanderers from their native land, they settled in the beforeuninhabited and almost inaccessible regions of the Caucasian range.They also wore jackets of skins and fur turbans, adding to the naturalferocity of their countenances. Their arms were broad curvingscymitars, and long heavy Greek guns, with pistols and hatchets stuck intheir belts, and embroidered with silver.
Even Europe furnished many warriors from ill-fated and ruined Poland,who had found refuge and sympathy among the generous mountaineers, totry their swords against the hated Moscov.
Among the infantry, the only bands which had any pretension to regulardiscipline were the Lesghians, who manoeuvre in compact bodies on theirown plains, though their style of fighting is not well adapted to themountain warfare of the Circassians.
The followers of the princes and nobles of the Atteghei were habitedmuch alike, in the tight-fitting elegant tunic, without collar toconfine the neck, which was left bare; large trowsers, ornamentedgirdles, embroidered slippers, or low boots of coloured leather, and thebroad-crowned low cap, either of hair, or cloth, or leather, trimmedwith fur. All had sabres by their sides and the cama in their belts;but many carried the bow and arrow without fire-arms. The greaternumber were provided with horses, which they had decked with all theornaments they could collect.
The elders and judges, who had repaired to the camp to give their adviceand counsel, wore large white turbans and long vests, and might be seensedately seated beneath the shade of wide spreading trees, in circles,holding grave debates, their white beards flowing over their breasts,and giving them a grave and venerable appearance. Many of them, who hadserved in Turkey, retained the costume of that country; adding to thepicturesque variety of dress to be found among this congregation ofbrave warriors.
No regular arrangement had been preserved in the formation of the camp;the different bands pitching their tents, or building their leafyshelters where they pleased. Many of the warriors had been followed tothe camp by their wives, to attend to their tents and to dress theirfood: their tall and graceful forms were dressed in flowing robes ofvaried tints, embroidered with gold and silver, and long white veilsfalling from their heads as they were seen gliding among the trees.
The camp was unfortified; but though a short distance only from theRussian posts, there was no chance of a surprise, as scouts and advancedparties were cons
tantly watching their foes, who could not make theslightest movement without due notice being given. This was theprincipal camp of the Abasians; but there were others under experiencedleaders, along their frontiers towards Anapa, watching the enemy'scastles in that direction.
Such was the magnificent spectacle which greeted Selem's eyes as, incompany with his father and Hadji Guz Beg, they descended from amountain-ridge into the valley of the Ubin, the refulgence of theevening sun throwing a lustre over the animated and exciting scene. Astheir squires discharged their rifles, numerous chiefs hastened forthfrom their tents, or from among the thickets and trees, mounting theirchargers and galloping to meet their brothers in arms. While they rodeon, others came from all directions, greeting with warm congratulationsthe arrival of the Hadji and Arslan Gherrei; nor were the younger noblesless pleased to see young Alp, who was a favourite with all.
The chiefs cast inquiring looks at Selem, and when Arslan Gherreiproudly introduced him as his son,