Page 32 of Restless Souls



  While Benjamin went upstairs to get the Chinese Checkers from his room, Katie and I cleared the table and put our dinner dishes in the dishwasher. “Do you have time for a game, Katie?”

  She checked her watch. “Sure.”

  “When did you tell Veronica you’d be there?” In a moment of weakness and because Katie was so good all week, I gave her a four hour reprieve from house arrest for tonight on the condition that she spend it at Veronica’s. She agreed without argument, saying they were just going to watch videos and hang out anyway.

  “Around seven, but it doesn’t matter if I’m a little late.”

  “You have to be in by eleven, don’t forget.”

  “I won’t.”

  She seemed so anxious to have a stay of execution, as she put it, and now she seemed indifferent about it. Why? Maybe I was being too suspicious. Hadn’t I earned the right, though?

  Studying her didn’t give me any insight into her thoughts. Her face was as impassive as a head of lettuce. “Would you put those empty boxes next to the door in the back porch for me, please, honey?”

  Benjamin lumbered down the stairs. “Alex’s here.”

  My heart sang yay. I sauntered into the living room, realizing I must look a fright.

  Alex walked over to me. A wide grin spread across his face.

  I must really look silly. If I knew he’d drop by, I would have fixed my hair. And put on a little blush and a lipstick and changed from coveralls into something sexy looking. No, I couldn’t do that, either. The closest thing to sexy in my closet was Snoopy underwear.

  He fingered a braid. “I like ‘em.” He bent and kissed my cheek.

  “Gross.” Benjamin slipped between us, looking up at Alex. “Wanna have a game of Chinese Checkers with us?”

  “An offer I can’t refuse.”

  The back door closed.

  “Hi, Katie.” Alex nodded at her. “How’s everything?”

  Katie paled. Was it my imagination or was there something going on between her and Alex? I shook off the thought, chalking it down to paranoia.

  “Mom, I think I’ll go to Veronica’s now.”

  “Okay, honey.” That, too, puzzled me. First, she seemed eager to spend time with her new friend. Then, after she had permission to go, she seemed indifferent to the idea, wanting to stay and play checkers with Benjamin and me. Now, she seemed she couldn't get out of the house fast enough. What wasn't I getting?

  She kissed my cheek. “I’ll be back by eleven.”

  “I’ll set up the game,” Benjamin said.

  “Katie’s not grounded anymore?” Alex asked.

  “Only until eleven o’clock.” When he frowned, I said, “I’m a pushover, aren’t I?”

  “Not at all.”

  “You don’t think so?”

  He tilted his face. “Well, maybe a little.”

  I poked him in the ribs.

  “The game’s all ready, Mom.”

  “I guess that’s our cue.”

  Alex’s smile turned into a frown, and he worried his bottom lip. What was with everyone tonight?

  After four games of Checkers, I told Benjamin it was time for bed.

  “Aw, Mom, it’s still early.”

  “It’s nine o’clock. Now get a move on, mister. I’ll run your bath.”

  He hopped off the chair and went over to Alex. “Will you read me a bedtime story?”


  Later, after Benjamin was asleep, Alex and I curled up on the sofa. It was the most relaxed I felt all week. “That was fun, wasn’t it?”

  His smile caressed my hair. “It was.”

  In that moment, I felt our spirits move closer together. I turned and kissed him softly on the lips. His lips were warm and inviting. The kiss ended. I stared at his lips, wanting more than another kiss, but that couldn’t happen, not with my son upstairs. “That was nice.”

  “Hmm. I’m not sure. Another would help me decide.”

  The telephone rang.

  I groaned. “Someone has terribly bad timing.”

  He chuckled.

  The telephone rang again.

  “Would you get that, Alex, and I’ll get us something to drink.”


  When I came back from the kitchen, Alex was writing furiously on a coiled pad. “I’ll be right there. Hang tight.”

  He turned to me. “I had my calls forwarded to your number. I hope you don’t mind.”

  I shook my head, perplexed by his frenzied breathing.

  “I’ve got to go. A friend needs my help.”

  Recognizing the urgency in his voice and the serious look in his eyes, I curtailed questions for later. “Okay." I set the tray on the end table. "Will you be back?" I wanted to continue where we left off.

  He grabbed his jacket from the chair and gave me a quick peck on the lips. “I shouldn’t be long. Keep my spot warm.”

  I nodded, not liking his troubled expression.