Page 2 of Lorn

  Bitterness surfaced and Kira couldn’t stay silent. “Your father was alright with Lavos’s mate being pure Lycan?”


  It figures. The clan would accept a pure-blood Lycan over someone with human blood. It made the pain worse for her.


  She still refused to look at him. It broke her heart. All those nights she’d spent dreaming about him, hoping that somehow they’d end up together, haunted her. It had been stupid and foolish to even consider that somehow she’d be the one to get to spend her life with Lorn. He was a VampLycan and she was mostly human. Few of her father’s traits had been passed down to her, except a heightened sense of smell and she aged slower than a human. She’d never be able to shift forms or grow claws. The strength wasn’t there either. She’d taken more after her mother.

  All the carefully constructed protective walls crashed down with Lorn’s hands on her, and being so close, she could feel his heartbeat under her palm. They’d played together every day as kids until that fateful trip to the river when she’d been fifteen. She’d never been a good swimmer to begin with but then a log had slammed into her from the strong current.

  That day replayed in Kira’s mind. The air had been knocked out of her and she’d been pulled under water. It had taken her seconds to fight beyond the pain in her side before she could struggle to reach air. The other problem was part of the log had snagged on the shirt she wore, holding her under. She couldn’t break free. Death seemed imminent—but then Lorn had been there. He must have seen what happened and had come to her rescue. His strong arm had wrapped around her waist and he’d torn her away from the log. How he’d gotten her out of the water was a blur, but they’d ended up on the river’s embankment.

  Lorn had hovered over her while she lay flat on her back gasping for breath.

  “Are you okay? Speak to me!”

  She’d stared into his face and realized that he’d saved her life. She wasn’t able to form words but had given a firm nod.

  That’s when his gaze had lowered to her chest…and his mouth dropped open.

  She glanced down and stared too. Her shirt was gone. It was probably still tangled with the log, lost somewhere in the river.

  Her hands had clutched at her breasts to hide them. They’d grown a bit over the summer, the reason she’d taken to swimming in t-shirts instead of a bathing suit top. Her hands barely hid them and the mounds only seemed bigger when she did that.

  A low growl had burst from Lorn and he suddenly rolled away to get to his feet. His hair had been longer back then, midway down his back. He’d shoved the wet strands away from his face and refused to look at her.

  “Let me get you my shirt.”

  His voice had sounded funny, deeper, and she sat up. “Are you okay?”

  He’d slowly turned around, and Kira’s mouth was the one to drop next. Her gaze had jerked up, from the front of his shorts to his face. Her father had given her the talk about sex. Lorn was aroused, there was no hiding that, and it was sight she’d never forget.

  “I’m getting you my shirt. Stay there.” He frantically glanced around. “Don’t move. Someone else could see you.” He almost ran down the embankment to where they’d left their towels.

  She’d grinned, happy that he thought of her that way. One day she wanted to be his mate. She wouldn’t mind if Lorn wanted to kiss her. She’d allow it.

  He’d rushed back within a minute and just tossed her his shirt, then spun around to give her his back.

  “Put that on, Kira. Hurry up.” He glanced around again. “The others are near. I’ll kill someone if they notice how much you’ve matured.” He growled. “How did you manage to hide it from me?”

  “I wear exercise bras. They flatten me out a little and I wear loose T-shirts over them. Dad insisted.”

  “He should.” Lorn glanced back then, seeing she was covered. “Why weren’t you wearing one today?”

  “We were swimming.” She frowned as she got to her feet, feeling surprisingly good for almost drowning. “We always get dressed in different locations so I just planned to put it on after we were done.”

  “Wear them all the time.”

  She laughed. “You’re being silly.”

  He growled again. “I am?”


  “Go home.” He spun and dove into the river.

  That had pretty much been the last time Lorn had spent time with her.

  She had cried when he’d just walked away every time she’d tried to approach him. Her father had finally realized something was wrong and had sat her down. It had been a painful talk.

  “You’re too attractive, baby girl. You take after your mother.”

  “I know I look like her.”

  “You take after her in more ways than just sharing her pretty face. You’re smaller than the other women, you can’t shift, and you smell totally human.”

  “That’s because you’re half VampLycan but Mom wasn’t.”

  “Yes. The problem is that you are so human.” He’d taken her hand then and shattered her world. “Lorn is turning into a man, honey. He just realized you’re growing into a woman. He’s not allowed to ever be with you that way.”

  “You like him, Dad. I know we’re too young but in a few years—”

  “I do like him and trust him with your life. It’s not up to me though. Decker demands we keep the bloodlines strong. I broke that law when I spent time in the outside world and fell in love with your mother. I stayed there to be with her. I only returned home after she died because I couldn’t raise you myself among humans. I didn’t know at the time that you’d never shift. I couldn’t risk leaving you with a babysitter while I worked, in case you sprouted claws or changed forms. It’s important that they never know we exist.”

  “You could have made her forget what she saw.”

  “I had to work to support us. She might have panicked and called others before I could get home to wipe her memories. It was just safer to return to the clan.”

  “But Lorn likes me too.”

  “It’s forbidden, Kira. Lorn’s family would never allow him to leave this clan because he’s the oldest son. It’s his responsibility to carry on their bloodlines and take care of his family when his father gets too old. And Decker wouldn’t allow him to be with you. I’m sorry. One day I’ll send you into the human world and you can find a nice one of them to mate with.”

  “I don’t want anyone else!”

  He’d hugged her then. “I’m so sorry. Lorn and you aren’t meant to be.”

  The sound of Lorn inhaling brought Kira back from her memories into the present and she closed her eyes when the low rumble of a growl could not only be heard, but felt under her palm still resting on his chest. He seemed mad, and he obviously smelled her pain. There was no hiding her feelings from him anymore. All the years they’d avoided each other suddenly seemed meaningless.

  “Damn it, Kira. Why didn’t you tell me you had feelings for me?”

  “What was the point? I’m mostly human and there’s no getting around that.”

  He released her and stepped back, out of her reach. “Expect me at breakfast tomorrow. We’re going to talk. I know you have to patrol and I need to go right now. I was ordered to witness the official ceremony. The couple just arrived.” He glanced around. “I can smell my father nearby too. He’s approaching.”

  She’d take his word for it. Her sense of smell and hearing weren’t nearly as keen as his. “What do you want to talk about?” She avoided looking at him still. “Are you going to offer to run away with me?” Her lungs froze as she stopped breathing, hoping he’d say yes.

  “You know I can’t do that, but—”

  “Enough.” She cut him off. That jabbing sensation in her heart felt like a twisting knife. “Then we have nothing to discuss. Enjoy the party. Wish the couple congratulations for me.”

  “Kira, I—”

  She rushed away before he could say anything else.
r />   * * * * *

  Lorn grabbed a beer out of an ice cooler and found a spot away from the others. His gaze followed the newly mated pair. They appeared overjoyed at finding and claiming each other.

  The party had already been scheduled before Decker had caused trouble, but the couple had decided to go through with it. The clan needed something to celebrate after the last few hellish days.

  He took a sip of his beer, trying to swallow down some of the resentment he felt.

  It didn’t help. He wanted what they had.

  Movement out of the corner of his eye drew his attention and he turned his head. The last person he wished to speak to approached. He faced him. “Ladius.”

  “Keep your voice down. I told you to always address me as ‘Father’ at social events.”

  Lorn smirked. “You still want to give the impression we’re close?”

  “You’re my son.”

  “We do look similar, and Mother has assured me on many occasions that you were the one who impregnated her.”

  “You’re in a foul mood.”

  “Did you expect anything less? Is that woman still coming?”

  “Your intended mate will be here in four or five days. Her parents insisted things die down a bit before she joins our clan. She’s a looker.”

  “I’m certain she is. I had hoped she or her family would change their minds after that stunt Decker pulled.” Lorn wanted to drop the topic. The urge to crush the glass bottle clutched in his hand became strong enough that he actually loosened his grip. It would draw attention to the pair. He didn’t want that. “Where are my mother and brother?”

  “They’ll be along shortly.” Ladius’s mouth twisted into a grimace. “I saw you come around the building right after that girl left the same way. Did you see her?”

  “Her name is Kira, and I said hello.”

  “We spoke of this already. Decker will return and his laws are still in effect. I also will not allow you to shame our family in any way. I’ll do whatever it takes to make certain that never happens.”

  Lorn set the beer down and crossed his arms over his chest, glaring directly into his father’s eyes. “Is that a threat, old man?”

  “It’s a promise. You’re to be mated to another. You stay far away from that girl.”

  “Or you’ll do what? Decker isn’t here to help enforce your wishes.”

  “He’ll be back.”


  “You and I made a deal. I talked Decker into keeping that girl alive if you agreed to stay far away from her. You promised.”

  The reminder pissed Lorn off. “Under extreme duress. I just ran into Kira for a moment. Would you have preferred I be rude by completely ignoring her existence?”

  “Yes.” Ladius gave a firm nod. “I told you I don’t want you within half a mile of that girl.”

  “Stop speaking of her in a cursed tone,” Lorn demanded.

  “She’s weak and should never have been allowed to live with our clan! Davis used leverage to force Decker into accepting her at first but we eventually got around that. Then I intervened on your behalf. She should have been killed. Davis chose to screw a human and brought his shameful mistake home with him. It is an insult to us all!”

  “What did Davis have on Decker?”

  “That’s none of your business.”

  Lorn pressed, not willing to let it go. “Is that why Davis was assigned to host these parties every time one is held, and Decker made him one of the lowest-ranking members of the clan? As punishment?”

  Ladius glared at him. “None of that is your concern. I kept that girl alive for you after Decker handled the issue with Davis.”

  “Kira’s never harmed anyone in any way.”

  “It doesn’t matter. Humans aren’t to be trusted.”

  “She’s not completely human. You think she’d ever do anything to betray this clan? Her father would suffer. She loves Davis. You’re being paranoid again.”

  “You’re young, and have no idea how destructive those vile creatures can be. She reeks of human and acts like one. They lie, cheat, steal, and would cut your throat the moment you let your guard down.”

  “Kira is none of those things. I can’t say the same about Decker.”

  “Blasphemy!” his father hissed. “Never dishonor our clan leader’s reputation!”

  “His actions have done far more damage than my words ever could. He stole a small child from her mother. Where was the honor in that? He tried to blackmail Lord Aveoth by offering up his own granddaughter as a bribe to start a war between the VampLycan clans. Decker is greedy, devious, and he turns my stomach.”

  Ladius took a menacing step forward. “You need to be taught to respect your elders.”

  Lorn dropped his hands to his side, allowing his own anger to show. “I doubt you’d like the results if you start down this path. I’m not a small boy any longer. You strike me and I will consider that a challenge. Understood?”

  His father paled and backed away. “You wouldn’t dare fight me.”

  “Take a swing at me and find out.” Part of Lorn wished he’d do it.

  Shrewdness entered his father’s eyes and the fear vanished. “You’re my firstborn son. Never forget what duties are expected of you. I’ve pledged allegiance to Decker and you will abide by my decision.”

  “As if I have a choice.” Lorn glanced around again, making sure no one had witnessed the tense moment. “You’ve damned our entire family to follow that prick.”

  Memories of his childhood filtered through Lorn’s mind. They’d never had a good father/son relationship. Ladius ruled his family with an iron will and a closed fist. He and Decker were both first-generation VampLycans. Brutal, heartless, and set in their vicious ways. They were good friends and too much alike. Life had changed as the years passed but their thinking never had caught up to modern times.

  His father seemed to be assessing him. “I only want what is best for you, son. I might have been tough on you but look at how you’ve turned out. I’m proud of the man you’ve become. I made choices for the good of our family.”

  “Spare me your lies. You’ve done everything to assure that your high ranking with this clan remains the same. Lavos and I have always come second to your greed. You swore your alliance to a man unfit to lead and damned us to live under his rule.”

  “You were a threat,” his father hissed. “Don’t you realize that, Lorn? Decker became nervous of you as soon as you hit puberty. You’re stronger and faster than his enforcers, yet you refused to become one of his personal guards. My assurances that we’d never betray him have kept you alive. He would have killed you if he’d thought it were possible that you’d ever challenge him for leadership.”

  “You swore an oath of loyalty to him long before your sons were born. Spare me that bullshit.”

  “I’ve had to swear to him plenty of times that you’d never challenge him, Lorn. You flat-out refused his offer to serve with his most loyal. How do you think that looked? He knows you don’t like him.” Ladius scowled. “He wasn’t comfortable with your strength or skills as a fighter once you fully matured. We had long talks about it. I’ve protected you.”

  “You protected your position. We could have left this clan to live with another if he didn’t want me here. I’ve seen him banish other members. Don’t put this on me. You wanted to remain here because you love being Decker’s eyes and ears. No other clan would ever trust you after everything you’ve done with and for him. It would be a miracle if they allowed you to even live amongst them.”

  “You should be grateful Decker listens to me. Never forget I was the one who changed his mind about the girl. He wanted to kill her as soon as he could. I pointed out how useful she could be. He could assign her duties no one else wanted.”

  Lorn’s temper flared. “You mean you fucked me over and pointed out he could use Kira to keep me in line. You betrayed your own son by handing that bastard a weapon against me.”

  “You have n
o proof of that.”

  “I don’t need it. We both know you’re the one who whispered in his ear so he’d know exactly how to leash me. Did you not learn from your good friend’s mistake? His only daughter ran away.” Lorn gritted his teeth. “You’re lucky I didn’t kill you. Thank your mate. I couldn’t hurt my mother that way. You can’t lie to me, old man. I see right through your bullshit.”

  Ladius licked his lips. “I didn’t betray you. You wanted that girl alive and I needed Decker to rethink having you killed. It saved you both. You should thank me. She’s still here.”

  “Her name is Kira—and I told you to stop using that tone when you speak of her. I’ll never be thankful that Decker assigned Kira to deal with humans who trespass on our lands. It puts her in danger.”

  “I insisted she have one of our guards in close proximity when she’s on patrol.”

  “Because you knew I was pissed and spending my time tracking her movements so she wasn’t out there alone. That was pure selfishness on your part, making certain I had no reason to go near her—and your spies will tell you if I do.”

  “Your obsession with her is sickening.”

  It took effort for Lorn not to launch an attack. It must have shown on his face because his father switched tactics and put more space between them.

  “You gave me your word that you’d stay away from Kira. Nothing has changed. You’re going to mate a VampLycan woman and give me strong grandchildren.” He suddenly grinned wickedly. “I wonder how long that girl will stay under the radar of Darya. I’ve been assured she’s not only beautiful but an excellent fighter. It will be her right to take out any threats to her family.”

  Lorn’s stomach churned and his lunch wanted to come up. Would his father manipulate the VampLycan into attacking Kira? “That will never happen.”

  “You won’t allow it?” Ladius shook his head. “Your mate comes first. Always.”

  “Kira is no threat to anyone.”

  “Darya isn’t going to like you having feelings for that girl. You won’t be able to hide them from her forever. Your link will never be as strong as that of true mates, but she’ll want it to be. The first time Darya catches you looking at Kira, she’ll know who’s to blame for your lack of enthusiasm in this mating. Perhaps someone will tell her first…”