Page 23 of Lorn

  “Rigo, that’s the eight-year-old, has taken to shifting and chasing the other youths, threatening to bite them. He chose the wrong ten-year-old to hunt today. This one is small for his size but he’s cunning. He saw it coming and rigged a few snare traps to trees and used logs as counterweights. Rigo was so busy running after his prey that he stepped into one.”

  “It served him right.”

  “I agree.” Velder chuckled again. “Rigo hung from a tree by his foot for a good hour before Ben confessed what he’d done. Rigo’s claws weren’t sharp enough to cut through a rope so thick to get free on his own. It’s against the rules to set traps like that so Ben had to be punished. The parents would have ranted about the unfairness otherwise.”

  “What about Rigo?”

  “I punished him too. He did hunt Ben, tracks don’t lie. He’d shifted, following Ben into the woods. I had to talk to them in public and assign them chores as punishment. It’s humiliating to get busted in front of your friends. Rigo was given trash duty, while Ben has to help my mate this entire week. She’ll probably feed him sweets and pamper him. She was impressed by Ben too.”

  Lorn grinned. “Should I ask what trash duty is?”

  “Rigo has to collect trash from every home near our village and take it to where we burn it. It’s something we have youths in trouble do. What kind of punishments do your youths get?”

  Lorn’s good humor vanished. “Decker had them shackled behind the lodge for an entire day, regardless of the age or crime. No food, no water, and no regard for the weather. I won’t do that. I think trash duty sounds like a good start if I need to address a problem.”

  “I can email you a list of things we do, if you’d like. We don’t hurt youths. I’ve had to whip a few of the clan, but they were adults. I wish I didn’t have to, but the elders expect some Lycan traditions to hold. I always accept the offer of any man who wishes to take a woman’s punishment, otherwise I allow my mate to do the whipping. I can’t strike a female myself.”

  “I’d welcome your suggestions.” Lorn hesitated. “I need a lot of advice. Do you mind if I call you for it?”

  “I’d be honored, Lorn. Anytime.”

  “Thank you. I need to call the other clans.”

  “No need. I’ve been appointed the temporary liaison. I hope that’s okay with you. We figured you’d have enough bullshit to deal with, without having to make multiple calls each time you needed to reach out to the other clans.”

  “I’m relieved.” Garson walked into the office and took a seat across the desk. Lorn motioned for him to remain quiet. “Thank you, Velder, I look forward to our talks. I have to go. We’re trying to make sense of Decker’s office. It’s imperative that we find the land deeds.”


  “Decker might attempt to sell the land to get revenge.”

  “We used the Homestead Act to acquire this much territory when it was finally offered in Alaska. Very few humans wanted to claim this land. It was too harsh an area and too remote. A certain amount of acreage was available to each family who applied, so we had all VampLycan families file. Each deed was placed in their names. Unless Decker forced your people to sign them over to him, he could only sell what he and his sons registered and claimed.”

  “That’s good to know, but I’d hate to find out he sold the lodge and most of the town out from under us.”

  “I can send someone to Juneau and have them access the deeds if you’re worried. It wouldn’t be difficult to persuade them to change ownership into your name. That’s one of the advantages of being what we are. Our gift of manipulating humans when the need arises. I would consider this one of those times.”

  “Decker could do the same.”

  “Not if I leave a few of my men in Juneau until he’s caught. They’ll be on the lookout for him or any other VampLycans not ours.”

  It was brilliant. “I’d appreciate that.”

  “It’s best for us all. We don’t need humans moving into the heart of VampLycan territory. I’ll send them right away to check the records so they’re there first thing in the morning.”

  “Thank you. I’ll talk to you soon.” Lorn ended the call.

  “Are the other clans cool with us?” Garson gripped the arms of the chair.

  “Yes. Thankfully.”

  “Good.” He relaxed. “Everything is quiet. Where’s Kar?”

  “He’s guarding Kira.”

  Garson’s mouth dropped open. “Isn’t she dead?”

  Lorn leaned forward and braced his elbows on the desk. “No. She was attacked by Vampires but they didn’t take her. The bastards turned her. She’s inside my den.”

  “Holy shit!”

  “I’m trusting you because you’re one of mine now.” Lorn carefully studied him. “Is that a problem?”

  “No. I like Kira. Did she become mean? That happens sometimes with Vampires. They lose their humanity.”

  “She’s the same. I’ve been feeding her my blood.”

  “You weren’t just saying that stuff to Perri about blood last night to give her hope for some kind of normal future for her kids?”

  “It’s true, according to Velder. I’m hoping it will strengthen Kira’s dormant Lycan genetics.”

  “Is it working?”

  “She woke during the day.”

  “That’s great, man! It means she can come back to the clan and nobody will be able to stake her to the ground.”

  “That’s never going to happen. She’s my true mate. I don’t give a damn what others think. Nobody will hurt Kira, or anyone else with strong Vampire traits.”

  Garson swallowed. “I guess you weren’t dicking around when you said things were going to change.”

  ”No. I wasn’t. Is that an issue for you?”

  “Nope. I’m good. Is the ban still in effect for dating or fucking humans?”

  “For now, yes. It’s not a death sentence, though. Not anymore. Let’s get the clan settled and then we’ll go over the rules one at a time and see what needs changing.”

  “Fair enough. I’m hoping you decide we can take them as lovers. Humans dig me.”

  Lorn snorted, amused. “It’s our pheromones. It draws them to us.”

  “I don’t care what it is. I hate going into the human town to collect the mail every week and having to break hearts when I refuse the women.”

  “Whatever’s decided, remember not to tell them where you live. The last thing we need is humans showing up and asking a lot of questions or snooping around.”

  “I know. One-night stands only and always wear condoms. I’m cool with that.”

  “Just don’t do anything yet. Let’s get a handle on this clan before we think about any interactions with humans.”

  * * * * *

  Kira couldn’t stand staying inside the den any longer. Lorn had been gone for hours. She’d promised to remain below while the sun was up but it had gone down hours ago. Kar patrolled Lorn’s land so it would be safe if she just got a little air near the entrance.

  She stepped out from behind the boulders and froze, her new eyesight making her smile. It wasn’t difficult to spot Kar. He sat on a fallen tree about twenty yards away, his back to her. She whistled low and he jerked, twisting his head until their gazes locked. He was on his feet and striding toward her in the next second.

  “Are you alright? Are you hungry? We could hunt if you want, as long as we don’t go far.”

  “I’m bored shitless,” she admitted. “Have you heard from Lorn? How did the meeting go with the clan? Were there any more challenges?”

  “He hasn’t called.”

  She worried at that.

  “I didn’t see a dish anywhere or solar panels. I take it there’s no television inside Lorn’s den?”

  Kar must have read her fear and was trying to distract her. She was more than happy to let him. “No.”

  “Mine has satellite TV and a hot tub.”

  Kira had only been inside two dens. The one her father had built
for their safety and Lorn’s. They were usually basic survival shelters. “Really?”

  “Yeah. I’ve got a full kitchen, separate bedroom, and a killer stereo system. I even had to dig out more space to make a spare room for my friend Garson. He likes my den way better than the one he has. I offered to help him when he moved out of his parents’ place and got his own land but he turned me down. Big mistake. He has a compost toilet.” Kar wrinkled his nose, showing his distaste. “I want to live in comfort if we ever have to stay underground for long periods of time. I hope Lorn’s place is more updated than Garson’s. I can’t imagine cold showers from water collected from melted snow and rain.”

  “Lorn’s den is basic but he does have a water heater.”

  “Most are pretty crude, from what I hear. I figured with the way Decker was going, we’d end up spending a lot of time underground. I really took my time planning my den.”

  “My father believed the same. He stocked a lot of food inside ours. He said if Decker didn’t start a war with the other clans, he’d piss off the GarLycans enough to attack us.”

  “I’m hoping that’s a thing of the past. You know Lorn well. Will he mend the rifts?”

  “You agreed to be one of his enforcers and you aren’t sure of that?”

  “Lavos swore Lorn was a good guy, and let’s be honest. Anyone, with the exception of Nabby, would have led our clan better than Decker.”

  “Lorn wants what’s best for everyone. That means peace. War only brings death and pain.”

  “Good, because I prefer to be a lover more than a fighter.”

  Kira wasn’t sure what to say to that. “Can you call Lorn? Check on him? He took his phone.”

  He removed his cell from his front pocket and turned on the screen. In seconds he had it to his ear. “Hey, Lorn. Are you busy?” He paused. “Here. There’s this hot babe who wants to talk to you.”

  Kira gratefully took the phone. “Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine.”

  She loved hearing his calm, deep voice. “No challenges? No attacks?”

  “None. I’m in Decker’s old office trying to figure out what’s he’s been up to. It’s a mess. Garson is going through a stack of the bills right now and I just picked the lock to some file cabinets. It appears Decker kept detailed information on not only our clan members, but some of the key ones in other clans.”

  “I wish I were there.”

  “So do I, but you stay put.”

  She understood why. It would be bad if anyone found out about her at such an early stage of his leadership. That didn’t make it hurt any less. She wanted to help him. “What kind of information did he collect?”

  “It looks mostly as though he tracked associations.” Papers shuffled. “Friends. Family. What a son of a bitch. I’m reading a file on one of Velder’s sons. Decker has the name and clan of every woman this guy fucked, and how many times. He even has photos of the women.”

  “Any women from our clan?”

  “Just the one who tried to kill Kraven, and Violet’s is the last name on this page. I think Decker was trying to figure out Kraven’s taste in women to send in an assassin he’d find appealing. I feel dirty just reading this shit. He’s written notes about people’s weaknesses and ways he might be able to hurt them. This one says the best way to break Kraven is if his brother or cousin were to die. Apparently they’re the two men closest to him, besides his father.”

  “Stop reading them. You should send those files to the people involved. That way they know what Decker had on them.”

  “I don’t know. It might piss them off when they find out just how low that bastard could go. We’re trying to strengthen clan ties. It might be best to destroy these.”

  “Lorn, the decision is yours, but I would split those files by clan and have the leaders pass them out to all those involved. Decker is going to be desperate and enraged when he learns you took the clan. He’ll cause as much harm as he can. Forewarned is forearmed and all that. He’s still out there. The clans will have some idea on how he might come at them, if he tries.”

  “You’re right.”

  “I’d also suggest you actually read the files on our clan first. It’ll help you figure out who Decker did and didn’t trust.”

  Lorn chuckled. “His friends are my enemies and his enemies are my friends?”


  He suddenly snarled.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “He has a file on you.”

  It shouldn’t have surprised Kira. It really didn’t. “Well, you already know he hated me.”

  “I’m holding it in my hand. Should I open it? I’ll just burn it if you wish.”

  “No. I haven’t kept any secrets from you, Lorn. I’m standing by my ‘forewarned’ stance. We should know what he thought he had on me.”

  “Hold on.”


  A good two minutes passed and Kira glanced at Kar. He had moved away, watching the thick woods for any sign of movement. She strode over to the downed tree he’d vacated and took a seat on the trunk.

  “I’m trying to be patient but the suspense is killing me, Lorn. Is it that bad?”

  “Was the human you slept with a thin brunette with a tattoo on his left arm?”

  Kira leaned forward. “Yes.”

  “There are pictures of the two of you together. Your father said Decker sent an enforcer to find you and bring you home. Those must have been taken then.”

  “No. I had broken up with Carl months before Boon showed up.”

  “Then Decker had found you long before he told Davis, and before Boon made his presence known. I’m reading it now.” He listed off names of a few casual friends she’d made at school. “These are the ones Boon was supposed to kill if you gave him any trouble.”

  It made Kira feel sick. Innocent people could have died. “Anything else?”

  “He worried Veso had taken an interest in you.”

  “What kind of interest?”


  “That’s not true. Veso barely tolerated me.”

  “Are you certain?”

  “I’m sure. I don’t think he hated me but he never looked at me in that way, you know? I was more of a pet project and someone he found amusing to antagonize.”

  “Decker planned to have you killed as soon as I’d found a mate, or after he could be rid of me without angering my father.”

  That pissed her off. “That’s in the file?”

  “Yes. I’m listed as your biggest weakness.”

  “I guess he knew how I felt about you.”

  “I was the only blind one.”

  “Are you coming back here soon?” She really wanted to see Lorn.

  “In a few hours. Are you hungry?”

  “I can wait that long.”

  “I’ll hurry.”

  “Call Kar if anything happens. Promise me? I worry.”

  “I give you my word.”

  They hung up and Kira stood, taking the cell back to the VampLycan. “Thanks.”

  “No problem. Everything a-okay? You didn’t look so great when you hunched over a bit.”

  “Decker has files on everyone.”

  “Shit.” Kar grimaced. “That’s not good.”

  “I’m going inside. Why don’t you go back and help Lorn? I’ll lock in.”

  “No way. Lorn would kill me if anything happened to you. I’m staying put until he pulls me off protective duty.”

  She sighed. “Are you hungry? I could make you a sandwich.”

  “That would be great. Thanks.”

  She turned away, happy to have something to do. Time would drag until Lorn got home.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Kira jumped on Lorn the moment he entered the den. He was safe. He caught her around the waist, holding her tight. She hugged him and tried to ignore the instant hunger that rose from being that close to his throat.

  “I missed you too.”

  “Nothing else happened? I kep
t checking with Kar.”

  “Just a lot of shit to go through. It will take days.”

  Her fangs slid down and she turned her head away. Lorn unwrapped one of his arms and reached up, gripped her under her jaw, and forced her to look at him. His gaze lowered to her mouth and he smiled.

  “It’s been too long. I’m going to put you down and we’ll strip. Hang on a few more seconds. I want us comfortable while you feed.”

  “I’m sorry.” She slid down him and let him go, taking off her clothes.

  “For what?”

  “You’re with me for less than a minute and I want to sink my teeth into you.”

  “I’m not complaining. I have something I’d like to sink into you too.”

  She laughed and moved over to the bed, dropped to her knees and climbing to the other side. Lorn hurried to rid himself of his boots, pants, and shirt. He came after her and she could see how much he wanted her.

  He sprawled out next to her and lay flat. “Climb on.”

  She rolled, straddling his hips. The sight of him always turned her on. She spread her fingers and lightly ran them over his chest, across his nipples, down to his rib cage, and then upward until she bent forward, gripping the curves of his shoulders.

  “I’m just so glad you didn’t have to fight tonight. I worried.”

  “It’s going to happen, Kira. Some are just waiting for the right opportunity. They’re feeling around to see how most of the clan is reacting to the change in leadership and gauging how much they’ll face when they take me on.”

  She nuzzled his cheek with hers and opened her mouth, teasing his skin with her tongue. She didn’t bite him though, trying to ignore the pains in her belly and the fact that she could actually hear his heartbeat.

  “I’m not big on foreplay with you. I already want you too much.” He cupped her ass, getting a firm grip. “Feed.”

  It didn’t take much to encourage Kira. She licked over his throat and gently pressed her fangs against him. He moaned and she applied enough pressure to pierce his skin. The taste of blood hit her tongue and she lost the ability to think clearly. Lorn tasted so good. Desire rolled through her and she began to rub her pussy against his lower stomach, whimpering. She wanted him so much it hurt.