Page 29 of Lorn

  That voice inside his mind didn’t belong to him. It was Kira’s.

  “I’m glad you think so.”

  She clutched at him and he pulled back a little and stared into Kira’s eyes.

  She grinned. “You saw? Heard me?”

  “Yes. If you were thinking about my body and we were inside the den. I’m glad you like me without my clothes on. I’m pretty fond of you that way too.”

  “I was. This is so cool!”

  “The bond will grow stronger. I’m surprised it’s happening this fast. It usually takes days and a lot more blood exchanges.”

  “I’ve been drinking your blood for days.”


  “I love you, Lorn.”

  “I love you too.”

  It would take time for the clan to adjust to him being their leader. More challenges might be issued but he refused to die. Kira’s life depended upon it. He wouldn’t let her down. Tomorrow he’d talk to clansmen and hopefully swear in more enforcers to back him. He’d also call Velder. It might be time to host an event at the lodge to show everyone that he’d made peace with other VampLycan clans.

  “You’re thinking a lot but I can’t pick it up. Talk to me.”

  “I’m going to invite the other clans to come here.”

  She appeared surprised. “Why? I mean, won’t that freak everyone out? You just took the clan.”

  “And I damn well plan to keep it. I want everyone to know Velder, Crocker, and Trayis are happy that I took over, and to strengthen our bonds with them. It will become clear that Decker won’t be coming back.”

  “Strength in numbers.”

  “Exactly. Perhaps Lord Aveoth will even come. I’ll send him an invitation if the other clans agree to come here.”

  “Some of the elders will shit their pants.” Kira stroked his shoulders. “It will frighten them.”

  “Good. I want them to know there will be grave consequences if they take me on.”

  “Do you think the clan leaders will actually come? Let’s be real. Decker would have pulled something like that, then he would have ambushed them. Trust won’t be easily earned after all that asshole has done.”

  He considered it. “Good point. I don’t trust that a few idiots won’t attack any visitors to try to start a war or make me look bad. Velder offered to send enforcers to me if I needed them. We could say they’re delegates.”

  “Do you plan to tell Velder the dangers?”

  “Yes. There’s no reason to lie to him. I’ll want anyone coming here to be prepared for the worst and ready to fight if the need arises.”

  “It’s brilliant.”

  “I try.” He grinned, shifted some of his weight and rolled to the side, pulling Kira against his body.

  She curled into him and yawned.

  “You’re tired. It’s been a long day.”

  “I didn’t sleep much today.”

  “I’ll get the lights and pull all the curtains together tight. We’re not below ground now.” He worried about any sunlight touching Kira on his bed.

  “I’m sure it will be fine.”

  “Maybe we should sleep in the pantry. There’re no windows in there. I could make us a bed.”

  “Don’t be ridiculous.”

  He scowled as he climbed out of bed and checked the material of the drapes. It was thick. He pulled a lot of nights on guard duty for the clan and had to sleep during the day. They sealed pretty tight but he worried about the top edges of them, the space between the top of the window and the rod.

  “Turn off the light and come back to bed,” Kira urged.

  “I think the pantry would be better. I could just shove a towel along the bottom of the door, just in case.”


  He turned, staring at her.

  “You’re being too paranoid. You can sleep on the side toward the window, okay?”

  There was no such thing when it came to Kira’s safety and wellbeing. He couldn’t be careful enough.

  “Please? I want to cuddle with you.” She raised her arms. “Come here, sexy.”

  He rechecked the seams of the curtains and made certain that no gaps were along the center or sides. A new thought struck. “Shit!”

  “Lorn,” she sighed.

  “I’ll be right back. I have some wood in the shed outside. I’m going to board up the window from the inside.” He walked over to where he’d left his pants and bent, ready to put them on.

  Kira slipped out of bed and yanked them out of his hand. He growled, straightening. “Someone could break a window. What then? Sunlight would come through.”

  “It’s fine.” She threw his pants across the room and held out her hands to him. “Come on. We’re both tired and we need sleep. I’m safe and with you. Your brother and his friends are right outside too, keeping watch.”

  She had a good point but he would still worry. He just stared down at her, frown firmly in place.

  “Damn. Fine.” Kira threw up her arms. “You board up the windows. I’m going to get in bed. Hurry up.”

  She strode over to his bed, pulling back the covers.

  He went after his pants and put them on. “I’ll be right back.”

  Chapter Eighteen


  Kira flinched at the volume of Lorn’s voice. “Come on. Are we really going to argue the first day we’re mates?”

  He crossed his arms over his chest, barring the door to the hallway. “If you think I’m going to allow you to walk around the house with the curtains still open, then yes. We are.”

  “I need to find out if I have a better tolerance for the sun.”

  “Give it a few more days.”

  “How do you think you can prevent me from doing it after you leave?” She put her hands on her hips, narrowing her eyes. “I’m going to see what happens. You can either be with me when I do it, or at the lodge. Your choice.”

  He snarled. “You infuriate me. I could tie you to the bed.”

  “You won’t. What happens if someone breaks into the house?” She batted her eyelashes at him and gave her most innocent look. “I’d be helpless. You wouldn’t want that.”

  “Stop doing that. I’m on to you. You used to do the same damn thing when you wanted the last cookie when we were kids.”

  She laughed. “You always gave it to me.”

  “You were too cute to resist and you’d pout. Sometimes there were tears. I hated it when you cried. Don’t even go there.”

  A knock sounded on the bedroom door. “Um, are you two going to fight all day?”

  “Go away, bro.”

  Lavos sighed. “Kira has a point, you know. We should find out how much tolerance she’s gained, Lorn. It would help if she’s seen during the day, if her skin doesn’t burn in the sun any longer.”

  “Stay out of this.” Lorn lifted his booted foot and kicked the wood behind him.

  “You know Brista isn’t just going to let what happened last night sit. She’ll keep at it until she has so much proof shoved down her damn throat that she literally can’t spread false rumors. I’m coming in. I hope you’re both decent.” Lavos tried to open the door.

  Lorn leaned back, his weight slamming it shut. “We’re dressed but stay out there. You shouldn’t even be inside the house. I locked it up. And I don’t give a damn what Brista says.”

  “I’m your brother. You gave me a key.”

  “Think of Elsa,” Kira reminded Lorn. “Brista has it out for that poor girl. The sooner I’m walking around in broad daylight, the better. I’m proof that drinking blood from certain VampLycans can activate the Lycan side more. Hell, I barely had any from my dad. Elsa isn’t part human. If I can withstand the sun after being turned into a Vampire, anyone in the clan could totally build immunity to sunlight.”

  Lorn appeared frustrated. “You drive me crazy.”

  “Short trip, remember?” She grinned. “Move out of the way. I’ll run right back in here if I start to turn red.”

  “You m
ean burn.”

  Lorn wasn’t one to mince words. “Right.” Kira nodded. “That’s not on my list of fun things to do. Move aside and let’s find out how my body withstands it today.”

  Lorn hesitated but finally nodded. “I’m not thrilled with this.”

  “I see that. You’ve got fangs.”

  Lorn stepped aside and jerked the door open. Lavos tumbled in but caught himself. He’d obviously been leaning against the door. Lorn reached out and shoved him. Lavos just laughed, turned, and strode back down the hall.

  “I closed all the doors but opened the curtains in the living room. It’s sunny in there. Just run down the hallway if there’s a problem, new sister,” he called out over his shoulder.

  “You stay close to me and you sprint to the bedroom the second you believe there’s a problem. Promise me, Kira.”

  She nodded. “I will.”

  Lorn walked ahead of her and Kira followed. Her hopes were high, as she saw the brightness ahead, that her skin wouldn’t turn pink again. A lot was riding on what would happen. Lorn came to a halt at the end of the hallway, blocking her. Worry showed in his eyes when he turned.

  “I mean it. You beat feet if you even think you’re about to start burning.”

  “I’m not going to instantly burst into flames.” It was sweet that he was being so overprotective. She reached out and rubbed his chest. “Move, baby.”

  He backed up and got out of her way. Kira glanced at Lavos. He waited in the living room, standing in a patch of sunshine on the floor. She took a deep breath, blew it out, and put one foot in front of the other until the sunlight reached her lower legs. She paused there to keep her face safe.

  Kira’s heart pounded but her skin remained the same pale color, not changing as she inched farther then stared down at the backs of her hands. Lorn moved to her side but kept his body from shading hers. His presence made her feel safer. He’d grab her if the pain struck and took her to her knees or something.

  “So far, so good,” Lavos mumbled. “This is promising.”

  Kira turned her arms over and exposed her wrists and palms. Lorn bumped up against her, one arm wrapping around her waist. He was already prepared to jerk her off her feet and rush her back into the bedroom.

  “It’s warm but I’m good. I’m not burning.” Excitement rose inside her. “I want to go outside!”

  “You’re killing me,” Lorn groaned.

  “It’s been about a minute.” Lavos stayed back. “Give it more time, Kira.”

  “You’re supposed to be on my side.”

  “I don’t want my older brother to lose his mate on day one. That would be all kinds of fucked up.”

  She knew he was trying to joke and she smiled. “True.”

  “That’s not funny.” Lorn tightened his hold on her.

  Time crawled by and nothing happened. Kira’s grin widened. “I’m not all Vampire anymore!”

  “We’re not certain of that yet.”

  She peered up at Lorn, breaking her concentration on her arms. “I must be mostly VampLycan now. I’m not burning.”

  “I just worry. I’d go nuts if anything happened to you,” Lorn rasped.

  “I know.”

  “It’s been three minutes. I’ve been counting.” Lavos took a few steps closer. “Your skin is still pale. I’ll be damned. This is great!”

  Kira wiggled out of Lorn’s hold. She half expected him to protest or refuse to release her but he eased his hold. She stepped fully into the patch of sunlight from one of his big windows and stared out at the bright blue sky. The view was beautiful and she could see the sun shining above.

  “Any sensitivity? Does it hurt your eyes?” Lorn kept at her back, inches from her.

  “No. It’s so pretty.” Tears filled her eyes and she blinked them back. “I never thought I’d see a view like this again, unless it was on television or in a movie.”

  “Let’s just take it slow. I don—”

  Lorn’s phone rang, silencing him. He removed it from his pocket and threw it at his brother. “Answer that. I don’t want to be distracted from my mate in case she needs me.”

  Lavos caught the cell and put it up to his ear. “Hello?” He paused. “You dialed right. Lorn’s busy. What’s up, Davis?” He paused again. “No, he’s not still in bed with your daughter. He’s right here but he’s unable to hold the phone in case Kira needs him. She’s trying to see how she does with sunshine.” More silence, then, “She’s doing great. No burning at all. Okay. Hang on.” He pulled the phone from his ear and hit a button. “You’re on speakerphone.”

  “I just got a call on the lodge’s main line,” Davis stated. “I’ve got good news and bad news. What do you want first?”

  “Just spit it out.” Lorn hooked Kira around her waist, lifted her, and walked backward until she was out of the sun. “What’s happened?”

  Davis hesitated.

  “What is it, Dad?” Kira leaned against Lorn and gripped his forearm around her waist.

  “Veso called. He’s alive. The Vampires drugged and kidnapped him but he escaped.”

  Kira was glad she was being held since her knees seemed to turn to jelly. The news shocked them all.

  Lavos spoke first. “Where is he? Is he hurt?”

  “I don’t have many details. It was a bad connection and I lost him.”

  “Did he say where he was?” Lavos began to pace.

  “No. Just that Vampires had drugged and kidnapped him, he got away, and then the damn line went dead. I tried to call the number back but it just rang.” Her dad sounded frustrated. “I’m going to keep calling. I thought you should know right away. So that’s the good news. The bad news is we don’t know where the hell he is. I did a computer search on the phone number left on the caller ID but got nothing. It’s somewhere within the state. That’s all I could determine.”

  “Shit!” Lavos snarled. “I’m going to see if I can track the Vampires from where Veso was attacked.”

  “It’s been too long.” Lorn bent forward a little, studying Kira’s body over her shoulder. “The scent of them being on our land would have faded. We’ll double the patrols. If Veso got away, it means he’ll be heading home. I would.”

  “Why would they take him?” That part confused Kira. “I’m glad he’s alive but why drug and kidnap a VampLycan?”

  “That’s what I’d like to know.” Lorn let her go and stepped away. “We’re on our way to the lodge to coordinate a search pattern and hopefully Veso will call back. Keep the lodge’s main line clear.”

  “Of course,” Davis agreed. “I’m using my cell right now.”

  Lavos ended the call and stopped pacing. “Veso’s my friend. I need to go find him. He could be hurt, or those Vampires could start tracking him come nightfall. They obviously wanted one of us for whatever the fucking reason.”

  “Maybe it was just him.” Kira shrugged. “He does tend to piss people off. It’s possible he killed someone important when the Vampires attacked and they kept him alive to torture him.”

  “Then they’ll really want to get him back.” Lorn reached up and ran his fingers through his hair. “Someone needs to inform Bran that his son is alive.”

  “I’ll do it.” Lavos rushed toward the door and tossed the cell phone at his brother. “Catch. I’ll meet you at the lodge in five.”

  Lorn managed to snag the phone flying through the air and pocketed it. He spun Kira around. “You need to stay here. I’ll get Garson or Kar to guard you.”

  “That’s bullshit. I’m not burning. I’m coming with.”

  “Damn it, Kira! We don’t have time to argue right now. The sun will only be up for so long and then those Vampires will be after Veso if they’re intent on getting him back. They used drugs once to capture him. They’ll probably do it again.”

  “And I can help. I’ll man the phones. That will free up my father and whoever you’d assign to babysit me to help assist with the search. I’ll be safe with you.”

  “The lodge is
too far to walk. What if you begin to burn out in the open?”

  “I haven’t so far and it’s been like five minutes or so. Either I go with you, or I follow you after you leave. Veso is my friend, too.”

  “You’re so stubborn.”

  “I’m your mate. It’s my job to stand up to you.” She smiled. “You’d be so bored otherwise.”

  “I love you.”

  “I love you too.”

  He held out his hand. “Fine. You tell me the second you feel something wrong. The damn second.” He tugged her across the room but paused at the couch, grabbing the throw over it. “Then I’ll cover you up and run like hell to the nearest building.”


  He wasn’t happy but Kira didn’t care as she followed him out the door. Lorn stayed very close to her side, their bodies rubbing together as they quickly walked toward the lodge. She knew he glanced at her every few seconds to check her skin. She did too, just in case she didn’t feel pain quick enough if she began to burn.

  They passed a few VampLycans as they got closer to the lodge. Kira smiled and waved. They appeared stunned to see her but she wasn’t sure if it was because they hadn’t heard she’d survived the Vampire attack, or if they had, and just couldn’t believe it was possible for someone who’d been turned into a Vampire to roam around in the sun. Either way, she didn’t care. At least the latter would make Brista look bad for accusing Lorn of being an idiot for taking advice from other clans.

  They entered the lodge and Lorn breathed out a deep sigh of relief and released her hand. “Are you well?”

  “I’m great.”

  “Come.” He headed up the stairs, taking them two at a time.

  She ran behind him. Her father waited upstairs in the office, the door open. Garson had arrived too. He stood near the map, talking on his cell phone. It took her listening to him for a few seconds to realize he spoke to Kar.

  “He hasn’t called back,” her father announced.

  Garson turned. “I’m sending everyone to the area where the fight took place. Do you think those damn Vampires might be hiding on our territory somewhere?”

  Lorn strode over to the map and fingered it. “No. We’d have smelled them. He used a phone, so I’m thinking the human areas on this side of the borderlands.” He stared at Davis. “Kira can answer the phone. Does the main line ring up here?”