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  ‘The cave wasp: A small swarming insect that feeds on fungus growing in bat guano when in its adult stage, but survives on blood in its larval state. Found primarily in caves of the southern regions of EdenEsonbar. The mature female nurtures her fertilized eggs in a pouch on her abdomen. As the eggs ripen, it grows a horn-like appendage on its ovipositor in the shape of a hollow stinger.

  When gestation is advanced, the female will search out the web of the Norstis spider, a web-weaving arachnid of exceptional mass. The wasp will then entangle itself in the spider’s web, drawing out the hunter with the lure of a tasty meal. When the spider crawls atop the wasp to inject it with its venom, the wasp drives its stinger-like ovipositor deep into the spider’s abdomen, instantly injecting her eggs into it. The fluid injected with the eggs contains a stunning agent that temporarily paralyzes the spider. If all goes well, the wasp chews its way out of the web before the spider regains mobility. Off it flies to find another host, repeating this process until all its eggs have been deposited.

  The eggs will soon hatch, feeding upon the host spider until they mature. They will then make incisions in the outer skin of the spider to escape, riding its back until their wings harden for flight. If enough eggs are deposited within a spider, the larvae may actually bleed the animal dry.’