* * *

  The bridge officer cried out to Salak, “They’re turning about, Sir, coming straight at us!”

  Salak studied the viewing screen and then scoffed, “The fool’s tryin’ to scare us. Well, we don’t scare! Open communications.” Salak transmitted his message. “So, have you chosen surrender or must I incinerate your hull with my torpedoes?”

  A moment later, he heard Ardon’s reply. “You have chosen your own day of death, for your gods flee from before us!”

  Salak laughed. “Prepare to die then, brother. Or do you intend to abandon the crew to their fate as you make escape?”

  Ardon defiantly answered, “You cannot destroy the Phoenix, ghost ship of the Therioskotia, Queen of the Darkness and of the Blood. Prepare to meet your doom!” (Jebbson was instrumental in that statement.)

  The bridge officer’s face filled with fear. Salak angrily waved him off. “Fool! You’re not becoming like those empty-headed Stasis, too, are you?”

  He shouted to the fire command officer, “Tell larboard and starboard torpedo rooms to prepare shrapnel missiles! No big stuff! When the Shikkeron swerves, let ‘em have it! I don’t want ‘em dead, ya hear! I don’t want ‘em dead! Go light on the dose!”

  “One minute to impact, Sir!” The navigation officer couldn’t hide the nervousness in his report. “Shikkeron’s making no sign of turning.”

  Salak again scoffed. “My brother is slow of wit! He will wait too long. That will bring him right into our guns.”

  All eyes were now glued to the overhead screen.

  “Thirty seconds to collision!” Suddenly the trepidation in the officer’s voice turned to relief. “Shikkeron is turning aside! It’s turning aside! Should clear us at about six kilometers.”

  Salak laughed. “The fool’s put himself right in our lap! Right in our lap! Prepare to fire torpedoes!”

  Suddenly the navigation officer shouted. “We have incoming! We have incoming!”

  Salak turned back to the screen, watching in total disbelief. As the Shikkeron cleared his view, he could see a tiny black dot remain, and it continued to grow in size.

  And then he heard Ardon’s triumphant voice. “The Phoenix cannot die!”