Page 40 of Aquari

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  Around forty Earth years earlier another significant bit of history to mention happened between Goag Ralus and the Golimechoid civilization at Poa. Begalius had been still away from objective reality appearances while trying to rid the Dol star-door of the quanta-nanocode virus attack. Goag Ralus began teaching the Poa Golimechoids what He had learned about generating disconnected wormholes, which Deliadre had helped Him create in order to bring the Dol star-door all the way from the star Dol to Goag Ralus. If only the Dol star-door worked. Deliadre and the Eigalli were trying to construct some kind of similar concept in a platform to allow a Poa-3 wormhole to connect with Goag Ralus without the help of the Dol star-door. Those attempts ultimately only enriched the appreciation of the miraculous and impossible-to-duplicate technology in those Nephaprican star-doors.

  The knowledge of disconnected wormholes conveyed to the Golimechoid by Goag Ralus did revolutionize what had been possible for the Golimechoid to do with their Poa-3 star-door. A disconnected wormhole had been one not anchored by another star-door, portal matrix, or teleportation platform. The original wormhole technology had been based on creating two time/space portal matrix points that were quantum-synchronized to exist in the same place regardless of the distance between those two points. A disconnected wormhole synchronized these two time/space points of the wormhole differently by using only one star-door to create both portal matrix points. Goag Ralus invented the technology so He could imitate another star-door capable of being linked to a wormhole matrix point at the Dol star-door. Goag Ralus figured out how to make a disconnected wormhole from building essentially a teleportation platform that could receive the Dol star-door itself, while the star-door became engulfed by the red giant star Dol. He had created a wormhole all the way from Dol to the core of Magphoreus, but in order to teleport the entire star-door, the Dol side of the wormhole had to be disconnected in order to make the Dol star-door exist on Goag Ralus. That had been the story of how the first known one-sided wormhole was created. The problem became a red giant star that had swallowed the Dol star-door to provide enough energy for the wormhole event, but the Poa-3 star-door had been only fueled these days by an array of fusion reactors that were constructed by the Golimechoids after the star Poa had died, to become a spinning pulsar.

  The Poa Golimechoids were able however, to use this knowledge from Goag Ralus to create disconnected wormholes of a limited distance. They still could reach vulnerable places in the surrounding Grulmagof galactic civilization. A disconnected wormhole brought Bleeptoo and his suicide squad of demolition experts to the construction site of the fifth Grulmagof pyramid ship.

  The great battle ship of pyramid shape had been constructed in space above one of the more industrial planets of the Grulmagof Empire. Giant mason particle generators were being fixed below the top point of the whole ship. Below, the ship expanded into a hierarchy of levels from navigation, weapons, quarters, and administration all on top of a base that had become the most highly evolved virtual particle warp-fusion drives known in the galaxy.

  Bleeptoo, along with the other members of the suicide squad of Golimechoids were at the point on the space platform where the wormhole had dropped them off. They all paused to admire the skeleton of a pyramid being built in orbit up here, which they were about to destroy. If the mission succeeded a wormhole would re-appear here in about five minutes, and they would all return to Poa-3 victorious and alive. If not then they had already agreed on the dangers of what may be a suicide mission.

  Every other squad member carried crude atomic fission devices, while the others had evolved their appendages into all kinds of lethal weapons to be used to defend the mission. The advantage of stealth and surprise remained on the mission’s side as they easily entered the base of the great pyramid.

  While explosive experts placed their bombs, Bleeptoo observed how Grulmagof were able to create such impossible battleships. They all kept under cover to avoid the gaze of a giant humanoid being who grabbed a large piece of extremely thick radiation shield siding from another giant that stood outside near the top of the ship. These were not machines, these were giant-sized sentient beings. They were unbelievably strong with muscular brownish orange bodies covered only with loincloths, gloves, and boots in the airless vacuum of space. They had extra large heads that were adorned with shaped bumps that were arranged in patterns as if they had some kind of helmet on, but it had really been the shape of their own skulls. These giant beings were bending and handling large metal girders like they were pieces of clay. These beings, like the snake-like Golimechoid themselves, were unaffected by the airless vacuum of space where this construction took place. They looked like animated humanoid statues themselves, and their faces seemed fixed in place like masks. Bleeptoo didn’t think their mouths moved at all until he saw one make theirs a bit wider before returning to a frozen state.

  Bleeptoo had been careful to get his squad back to the wormhole location before one of these pyramid shipbuilding monsters noticed them. The giant orange-skinned humanoids were actually Asuras who were Devasuras that had adapted to the areas of the galaxy that were fixed in the phantom matter. Instead of the vaporous partially ethereal form assumed by Devasuras, the Asuras were completely solid. Their mass became extremely dense, and they were virtually indestructible.

  It wasn’t an Asura that became a problem for the Golimechoid mission at first. That wrench in the plan came from a Grulmagof guard in a space suite who shot one of the squad members with a fine laser beam weapon. For the sake of not damaging the ship, the laser had been weak, and the squad member had been able to continue on, nursing a bloodied torso. Bleeptoo fired back with his laser appendage a lot less considerate of ship damage. The guard fell down, writhing in the agony of a depressurizing spacesuit, but not before sending out an alarm. They managed to return to the wormhole location but Grulmagof were in pursuit.

  Bleeptoo needed to hold them off for over a minute and a half before the wormhole appeared. The explosives would go off in a minute and forty-five seconds. Unfortunately the minute and forty seconds had just become a lifetime, and the Grulmagof would have them all shot dead in forty seconds as they were already marching gun troops into the engine platform, and exchanging laser fire with the suicide squad.

  Bleeptoo looked over at the giant who still held a giant piece of wall. The giant looked around for the source of the commotion. If he could get that being to release the slab of metal radiation shielding then it would cut off the Grulmagof fire and maybe buy them the minute and 15 seconds they still needed. Bleeptoo’s mind had reached the decision in an instant that propelled him like a flying snake through the free-fall anti-gravity of the space platform directly at the Asura being. As the inertia propelled Bleeptoo toward the Asura the giant being’s mouth widened a bit with disbelief. Bleeptoo unloaded his arsenal of laser and particle accelerator weapons directly at the Asura’s surprised face. It didn’t appear to budge the being, but the Asura did inadvertently let go of the radiation shielding as the attack intended. With about a minute to go the Grulmagof began to stop firing and tried to get out of the way of the released slab of shielding. It crashed into the base deck, smashing right through into the space platform below that overlooked one of the Grulmagof’s dingy industrial planets.

  Bleeptoo ducked just in time to avoid a piece of the battleship that the Asura had tore off and threw at him. He now floated away from the Asura, but grabbed a side of the pyramid ship just in time before he would have been lost in orbit above the industrial planet. Still 20 seconds, which were counting off in Bleeptoo’s mind. The rest of the squad put down a suppressive wave of firepower to keep the Grulmagof from regrouping and reaching their location. A couple were broadcasting to Bleeptoo to tell him to hurry and get back to them, but Grulmagofs were already sure to shoot Bleeptoo dead before another anti-gravity leap from above.

  Bleeptoo took cover and counted down 6 .. 5 .. 4. T
he Grulmagof were reorganizing with a sense that time was running out. Two … One … Just then a swirl of greenish light became a solid blue circle in the air at the wormhole location, which the rest of the squad began to line up in front of. In an instant it became a hole into another reality. Some laser beams zipped by in vain as the squad made it through the hole in three seconds. Bleeptoo broadcasted a farewell to his comrades who broadcasted back a promise to honor his bravery for all time. The focus of the Grulmagof and Asura attack then became fixed upon Bleeptoo, the one left behind. Bleeptoo had been about to be killed or captured in an instant that became quickly interrupted by atomic explosions that ripped the whole partially constructed ship and space platform apart into swarms of molten space debris.

  Everything became scattered in millions of directions above the unsuspecting planet. Bleeptoo found himself wrapped around a piece of debris that sped at an angle, which seemed to be putting him in the planet’s orbit. Bleeptoo had been badly burned and in pain, but still alive miraculously. It had been very hard to kill a Golimechoid before old age overtook them after a life span that never lasted much more than a hundred or so Earth years. He had been badly burned and sure to perish soon from the radiation poisoning. Bleeptoo found comfort in the fact that the mission had been a success, and he knew he left a hero’s legacy behind a well-spent life.

  Then Bleeptoo noticed the Asura who had thrown the piece of ship at him. The giant humanoid appeared completely unharmed by the atomic blast that still flamed in orbit behind them. The giant flew after him without so much as a tear in the boots, gloves, and loincloth that looked like his clothes. Surrounding the Asura’s two eyes and mouth hole of a face an oddly shaped intricately patterned skull showed instead of hair, which resembled the extra skull shapes on the top of the heads of the Eigalli. It used that skull to speak telepathically to Bleeptoo, You will become an interrogated prisoner of this war for what you have done! Death will not be your escape!

  The Asura wore a very highly advanced virtual particle drive belt, which it used to gain on Bleeptoo’s piece of debris in orbit for the sake of capturing the one Golimechoid left behind. Bleeptoo knew he could not allow himself to be captured alive by the Grulmagof, or whatever kind of alien this was. Bleeptoo then turned an appendage on his own skull and took his life before the Asura reached him.

  That attack on the Grulmagof pyramid ship construction had been a success and it allowed for more time while the Golimechoid waited for Goag Ralus to reach them with a repaired Dol star-door. At the time of this bit of Magphoreus history Aquari still weaved his way through the gas and dust of nebulae in the Carina arm of the galaxy. Aquari was still not even at the Orion arm of Magphoreus where the long lost Tze-Doldus destination still awaited.

DD White's Novels