Beardsley, the trio, and a couple of Masters watching their subs rub up against each other on the dancefloor from mid-platform opposite Beardsley were the only folks up on high. So it wasn’t very populated. But even though they probably did it to be stationed close to her, it was clear the comfortable way the trio settled into play there, and no staff came to intervene, that something like that wasn’t unusual.
After she was seated, while bent double to seat himself, D shot her a wolfish grin.
“Time to play,” he said.
She allowed her lips to tip up.
He reached to the side, caught his boy by the back of his thick neck, and shoved him to all fours on the floor in front of him.
D then bent forward and with practiced hands had the man’s suede breeches down over his sculpted ass in no time.
“Legs wide, Mad, thighs tight against that suede,” D told him. “You know the drill.”
Maddox instantly adjusted his position as told.
Molly, standing at the ready at D’s side with a dark green velvet bag opened for him, offered it up.
D reached in, felt around, pulled out a wide plug, muttered, “Get the remote, baby,” and then, without lube, shoved it up the ass in front of him.
The resounding grunt coming from the floor made Sixx out-and-out smile and catch D’s eyes.
“I take it you like payback,” she remarked as D lifted his big, booted feet and rested them on the back of the man in front of him while he took the remote from Molly.
He hit it, a groan floated up as D’s boots jerked, and he wasn’t the one jerking them, and D grinned audaciously at Sixx.
“You’re gonna get fucked, Mistress, only way to go is raw.” He looked to his feet. “Am I right, Mad?”
“Yeah, D,” Maddox growled.
“How blue are those balls, bro?” D asked.
“You could get to the fucking-me-raw part anytime, my man.”
D slid his big, white smile Sixx’s way. “I think Mad and me have different definitions of when ‘anytime’ should be. Too bad you’re gonna miss that action, Mistress. My boy here likes his big daddy’s cock. Almost more than I like his. But God didn’t grant me the extra inches, so I gotta go at him with all sorts of endurance and get creative.”
Sixx had no doubt he had the skills to achieve all of that and again smiled back.
“How hard you gonna go at me tomorrow, boy?” D asked the man under his boots.
“Am I sleeping with your cock up my ass?” Maddox asked back.
D dug the heel of his boot into the guy’s shoulder as the mischievous Dom took a hike and D’s baritone came out like a slow roll of warning thunder. “What’s that you say?”
“Am I sleeping with your cock up my ass, big daddy?” Maddox amended.
D took his boots off his man’s back, leaned down, reached in and obviously gave some balls a hefty squeeze because Maddox’s head stretched well back, his attractive lips parted in a silent groan. “That’s how you talk to your big daddy, boy,” he educated quietly.
Though Sixx was in little doubt he needed to do that. This crew had been together for so long, especially with an audience, Maddox bought just that because he wanted it … bad.
His sub’s needs communicated to him, D then hit the zone.
“You like this?” he asked gently.
“Yeah,” Maddox answered, and Sixx guessed at ball massage.
D reached deeper, and Sixx knew he was now stroking cock, and Lord, if he wanted to make certain that anyone who was watching would know they were pulling out the stops to put on a show for Mistress Sixx, he was certainly succeeding.
“How about this?” D queried.
“More, my man,” Maddox begged, his hips beginning to hump fist.
“You’ll get more,” D promised. “You gonna like sleeping with my cock up your ass?”
“Always. Love your meat up my ass, Diesel.”
“Yeah,” D grunted, jacking him faster, and a low noise rumbled up Maddox’s throat, his head still back. “Jack that fist, my monster, keep that head back. I like your back arched for me.”
Maddox started fucking the fist wrapped around his dick.
D handed the remote to Molly and went in two-handed, and Sixx couldn’t see, but she figured he was working cock and balls and knew it was good by the permanent wince, white teeth sunk into full lower lip and the hissing, labored breathing of the man on his hands and knees.
“Fuck me, but I like to watch that ass moving,” D muttered reverently, eyes locked on his man’s ass. “So damned pretty, all plugged and shit. Almost as pretty as it looks when it’s full of my cock.” He kept his attention on the swinging, carved buttocks in front of him as he asked, “How ’bout you, Molly baby? You like to watch your Mad’s ass move while he jacks your D’s fist?”
“I love it, sire,” Molly breathed, pressed tits to shoulder at D’s back, watching.
“Better plugged or full of me?” D queried.
“Full of you, D,” she whispered worshipfully. “Always love to watch you inside my Mad. But you’re right, it sure is pretty right now.”
“Gonna come up there tonight,” D shared. “Use that ass good. Shoot load after load inside my boy.”
“Fuck,” Maddox hissed, his hips moving savagely now.
“I can’t wait,” Molly said excitedly.
“My boy’s gonna sleep plugged with my cock and full of my cum,” D went on.
“God, fuck,” Maddox grunted.
“Though he’s gonna fall asleep inside you, my sweet pixie,” D kept at it.
“Shit,” Maddox ground out.
“Lovely,” Molly whispered.
“Faster,” D commanded.
“Christ,” Maddox bit, giving his Master what he’d ordered and suffering gloriously for it.
“My dick is twitching, waiting to get all up in there,” D told him.
“Take my ass now, D.” Maddox’s grating voice was low and ragged.
“No, my monster. Want you on your back, locked to your bars spread wide first time I fuck that ass tonight,” D informed him.
Nice visual.
“Fucking fuck,” Maddox panted.
Apparently, Maddox agreed.
Then again, he probably had repeatedly experienced the real thing, so there you go.
“Though second time, you suck me hard again, do it good and ask nice, I’ll fuck you on all fours,” D offered.
“I’ll ask nice,” Maddox clipped out his vow.
D kept up the torture. “You won’t be coming though. Not until you come with me for time number three. How you want to take my cock that time, monster?”
“Shit, fuck, Jesus,” Maddox grunted.
D leaned into him and Maddox emitted a long, low, pained groan.
More ball action.
“Was that an answer?” he asked.
“Any way you wanna fuck me,” Maddox forced out.
“Any way I wanna fuck you, what?” D pushed.
“Any way you wanna fuck me, big daddy.”
“Say it like I like it, monster,” D bit off.
“Any way you wanna take your boy’s ass, big daddy. I’ll take it. I’ll love it. I’ll beg for your cum.”
“Nice,” D murmured, leaning back but keeping at him. “Now answer my fuckin’ question,” D ordered. “How hard you gonna go at me tomorrow night, Mad?”
“How hard do you want it, D?”
“Stop,” D growled and Maddox impressively immediately quit moving, except his chest, which was heaving. Then his big body began trembling as D started stroking, slow and so deep, his whole upper body went up and down with it. “How much do I like this monster?”
“You love it,” Maddox pushed out.
“And you know I like it when you fuck me hard and blow so goddamned deep,” D murmured. “Gonna earn that good, my monster. Gonna earn payback that’s gonna blow my mind. You’re gonna bury that huge dick so far up me, I’ll feel that motherfucker in
my chest.” He ceased his stroking. “How do these feel?” he asked, and Maddox grunted.
Ball squeeze.
“Ready to explode,” Maddox answered.
“Make ’em feel better by sucking them sweet while I fuck our little pixie later.”
“Thank fuck,” Maddox breathed out.
“Though they’ll still be bound.”
“Jesus,” Maddox groaned.
The balls let go, the plug pulled out, D set it in the indent of Maddox’s spine, drove two fingers inside and immediately commenced stroking deep.
“Need to fuck those,” Maddox grunted.
“Be my guest,” D invited.
Maddox rolled into his finger fucking.
“Now, ask you one more time,” D said. “How fuckin’ hard are you gonna go at me tomorrow night, boy?”
“Make you beg me to split you in two,” Maddox rumbled.
D turned to Sixx, straight back to cheeky, and cocked a cheerful brow. “Something for you to look forward to.”
She shook her head at him but did it thinking she seriously liked this guy.
“So you’re big daddy now,” she noted. “Tomorrow night,” she tipped her head to the man on the floor, “what’re you going to be to him?”
D grinned his impertinent grin. “His boy,” he answered. “And Mistress girl, wait until you see me be boy to this big monster daddy and his huge cock. I rock that shit.”
“He does,” Molly put in. “But Mad will probably shake it up. He always does.”
Sixx looked to Molly. “How?”
She smiled huge. “It’ll probably be straight M/M tomorrow, with a little F thrown in for me. But when Mad goes at D like that, he knows I like it best to watch, and they take care of me after. Mad’s old school. He likes it straight up. Fucking and pain. So he likes D’s ass real red before he fucks it. And God, D’s dick trussed up the way Mad does him? It’s so, so pretty, all hard and red and thick. If I’m good, Mad lets me suck D off while he’s spanking him. So it … is gonna be … epic.” Her smile got bigger as she carried on, “But tonight’s awesome too. I love it when D gets creative. And I’m sorry it sounds like you can’t come home with us, because he’s just warming up.”
Just warming up?
“And tonight’s special,” Molly carried on. “They just do the warlord and hides and breeches thing for me. They aren’t really into it. But it’s super sweet they gave it to me tonight. It’s been a while.”
Damn, they must love her to put on the breeches and hides.
Seriously, Sixx liked all three of these guys.
And she really wanted to introduce Stellan to them.
They might dig his playroom, and he might dig whatever antics they dreamed up.
“You gonna spank me tomorrow night, my monster?” D asked the man between his legs quietly, taking Sixx out of her mini-reverie.
“So fuckin’ hard, D,” Mad grunted, still fucking his own ass while taking a finger fucking. “When I’m up your ass, you’ll feel me hit before I take you to the root.”
“Something else for me to look forward to,” D mumbled, withdrew his fingers from ass, his hand from cock, re-inserted the plug, replaced his boots on his human footstool, looked up at Molly, and his strong-featured face got soft as he twisted, reached back a brawny arm, and hooked her at the waist, murmuring gently, “Come here, baby. D’s cock needs some of your sweet pussy. Face your Maddox. He’s gonna be getting some of your loving attention.”
“As you wish, sire,” she murmured, beyond ready, she was right in there (and Sixx didn’t blame her), throwing a leg over his lap to straddle him, facing out.
Wardrobe adjustments were made, bodily adjustments were made, and on a cute sigh, Molly slid D’s thick, hard, divinely veined cock up her veiled-by-her-skirt pussy.
It was then Sixx noted he might not have the extra inches, but he made up for it with additional girth.
“Just sit on it, honey, but give Mad some of your extra-special loving.”
She bent forward, kissed Maddox’s ass cheek then took hold of the plug and slowly and rhythmically fucked him while she reached around to stroke his cock.
Another groan from below before a tender, “Thank you, my pixie.”
“That’s it,” D cooed approvingly as well as adoringly, gliding one hand up from her belly to cup her breast over her corset, the other one headed downward and dove under her skirt.
Figuring the headliner event was over, at least deciding it was for her, Sixx reached behind her back, pulled her phone out of the waistband of her pants, brought it forward and looked at the time.
She had fifteen minutes.
She turned her attention to Beardsley.
His head was bent to look down at his lap, and she couldn’t see his expression but his arm was moving and she knew he was done with cock holding. He was forcing out a blowjob.
“Give me a couple bounces, baby,” she heard D whisper.
Sixx looked to the crowd, giving it another scan, and this time honing in on one girl who was exceptionally thin, barely dressed, and definitely spacy. A girl who had not been there earlier. She danced by herself, and as Sixx watched, a man approached her, and she smiled vaguely, though she clearly wanted it to be coyly.
Her lips moved, and the man jerked back, gave her a stone-faced look, shook his head once and moved away.
She watched him go like it was all the same to her and then got lost in the music again.
Pay to play, he wasn’t down with that … next.
Sixx wished she had time to fashion an approach and question that guy about what had just gone down without freaking him out she might be a cop, but she unfortunately didn’t. Though she studied him closely as he shifted through the crowd so she could clock him if he was there the next night and maybe make an approach.
She couldn’t spot another girl who might be in that game, and she hadn’t noticed anyone other than the girl in station seven in the play area.
D had said twos and threes.
Apparently, tonight it was threes.
“Up and fuck that,” she heard D command and looked back to them.
Maddox was up on his knees between D’s spread legs, Molly could be seen riding D behind him, her wings aflutter, even as she was grasping Maddox’s big dick and he was fucking her fist.
Sixx’s eyes went around the action to D, who probably liked an audience but was now all about the two people between his legs.
“I’m hitting the ladies’ room then I’m out,” she told him.
“Cool,” he grunted.
“Contact me about a time tomorrow,” she told him.
“Guess what, Mad?” D asked roughly. “In case you didn’t pick up on it, you get to return the favor for Mistress Sixx tomorrow night.”
“Fuck…” Maddox puffed out, his black eyes so glazed, he was so getting off on what was being done to him, she wasn’t sure he was actually replying to D when he said, “Yeah.”
She got up, shoving her phone back in her waistband.
“Thanks for the time and the show. You all do brilliant work. Look forward to tomorrow night. Later,” she muttered.
“Pleasure,” D groaned, then, “Faster, baby, bounce.”
Molly bounced and shot Sixx a happy, zoned-out, turned-on, sexed-up grin, which seriously, all that meat all hers to watch fuck and to get fucked with, sweet and adoring too, Sixx wouldn’t blame her if she looked like that permanently.
She moved away from the trio.
She did a sweep of the ladies’ room, which was shared by female Dommes and subs. It was not a thing like the Dom Lounge at the Honey, far more utilitarian, but did have a small rest area with lockers. The whole place also had nothing in it but a couple of women refreshing makeup.
Time to meet Stellan at the Honey, but not enough time to meet him at home and go together.
She texted him on her way out that she had to meet him there, and it wasn’t the loud club music that was the reason she
didn’t hear it, even though it sounded right over her head.
It was the fact that it was up in the soundproofed office with the window overlooking the club where the beep signaled that her text had been delivered.
* * *
Sixx was somewhat surprised when Stellan wasn’t in the observation room at the Honey when she arrived.
He’d replied to her text, On my way, X, and their home was closer to the Honey than the Bolt was.
She was a worried and about to text him again when her phone binged.
Held up. There soon. X
She let out a sigh of relief and left the room to get them drinks.
On the way in she’d seen Naya and Ami, who were seated at a booth in a way that conveyed it was definitely a getting-to-know you session. Therefore she hadn’t interrupted. She’d just caught their eyes before she’d gone back to the observation room of the playroom they’d be using in order to meet up with Stellan.
By the time she returned after ordering drinks to be delivered, the couple was in the playroom, seeing to preliminaries.
And it would seem it was Sixx’s night to view inspiration because it would appear that Naya had been emboldened by Ami’s response the night before.
She was taking them somewhere deeper, maybe even darker, and Sixx’s attention peaked.
She was sitting forward in her armchair, not because it was intriguing, though it was, but because she needed to be ready to intervene if Naya took Ami to a place he didn’t want to be but was too into her or too much of a guy to stop it.
The door opened, and she turned her head to see Stellan enter wearing his usual-for-the-Club suit, looking dashing, hot and utterly bangable.
He closed the door behind him, glanced at her, looked to the window and hummed, “Mm,” as he moved her way.
She tipped her head back.
When he arrived at her chair, Stellan took her invitation, bending and touching his lips to hers before his eyes dropped to her collar and warmed. He lifted a finger to touch the gold at her throat lightly in a weird way that seemed more doting than his normal doting, and she knew he liked her collared, before seating himself beside her. He reached for the drink that was sitting on the table on his other side and leveled his gaze on the window.
“That’s interesting,” he remarked before taking a sip.