Page 3 of Dead Gorgeous

  ‘Now wait just a minute . . .’ Mum said, once she’d scraped her jaw off the floor.

  But she was talking to the closing kitchen door.

  Rainbow was long gone! The kitchen was stony silent as Mum turned to see Dad and Nova watching her. Nova drank her orange juice, looking away so she wouldn’t be blamed for what had just happened. Dad moved in to stand behind Mum.

  ‘What you need is a stress-relieving massage,’ he said, his fingers already digging into Mum’s shoulders.

  Mum winced and tried to pull away, but nothing doing. Nova felt sorry for her. She had already experienced Dad’s massages at a time when she used to suffer from leg cramps. The cramps were less painful! Mum tried again to shrug out of his grasp, but Dad just held on tighter.

  ‘Ah!’ There was no mistaking the satisfaction in Dad’s voice. ‘Isn’t that much better? Let’s just work out those kinks.’

  ‘The kinks are all gone,’ Mum said hastily, trying to pull herself away. ‘Let go, dear. I’m getting pins and needles up and down my arms.’

  ‘Nonsense. Five minutes of one of my massages and you’ll be smiling for the rest of the week.’

  By which time, Mum had had enough. She raised her hands to prise Dad’s fingers off her protesting muscles, starting with his little fingers first. ‘Tyler, back off! I’m not being funny but your massages are hellish!’

  Dad’s hands dropped to his sides. ‘Pardon?’

  ‘Every time you give me a massage, it feels like a golden eagle has landed on me and is trying to tear off bits of my body.’ Mum rubbed at each of her sore shoulders in turn. ‘I see,’ Dad said with icy politeness.

  Nova raised her eyebrows. Today obviously wasn’t Mum’s day for tact, but Nova could see she was still trying to work through the pain in her shoulders as she spoke!

  ‘If that’s how you feel, I’ll take my eagle’s talons somewhere else.’ Dad stormed out of the kitchen without another word.

  Nova fought down a grin. ‘Shall I break out the bread dough, Mum?’ she asked.

  Rubbing her throbbing temples, Mum replied, ‘Please!’

  4. Liam

  I marched down the hallway, grabbing my jacket off the banister on my way to the front door.

  ‘Liam, get back here.’

  I kept striding, pulling open the front door. Dad rushed up behind me and pushed it shut, painfully jerking my fingers in the process.

  ‘Liam, you’ll do as I say. This is still my house.’

  ‘Your house?’ I scoffed. ‘Mum left it to me. Or are you too drunk to remember that?’

  Dad’s face went seven shades of red. He looked like one of those DIY paint charts. ‘Don’t talk to me like that, boy. I’m still your father.’ Spittle flew out of his mouth to land on my cheek.

  ‘I wish to God I could forget.’ I took a great deal of pleasure in scrubbing at my face with the back of my hand. I let my eyes blaze, making no attempt to hide what I was feeling. ‘Look at you. You’d be a joke if you weren’t so pathetic!’

  I glared down at Dad, silently daring him to try something. At sixteen, I was several centimetres taller than him and I was glad for every single one of them. Burning spots of pink appeared on Dad’s cheeks as his glance slid away He obviously couldn’t take the way I was looking at him. Good!

  ‘I do my best for you, Liam,’ he sighed. ‘I know you don’t believe that, but I do.’

  ‘You save your best for the local pub. You’ve no interest in anything or anyone except yourself

  ‘That’s not fair — ‘

  ‘Fair!’ I exploded. I pointed to my brother, who couldn’t stop sniffing as he sat on the top stair, taking it all in. ‘Every stitch of clothing on Josh’s back was bought by me. If it wasn’t for my Saturday job, we’d be walking around in rags.’

  ‘I do my best,’ Dad repeated.

  ‘Oh, do me a favour.’ I shook my head. You have no idea what I want, what I’m doing, nothing. I passed all my mock exams but you weren’t even interested enough to ask me how I did.’

  ‘I . . . well done . . .’

  ‘Don’t strain yourself, Dad.’ My contempt sliced into him with every word. ‘The first chance I get, I’m outta here. I’m going to pass my exams and go on to college and, I swear, you will never see me again.’

  ‘Liam, take me with you.’ Josh’s voice rang out from above us.

  ‘No way. It’s time I looked out for myself instead of putting you first all the time. If it wasn’t for you, Josh, I’d’ve left this dump long ago . . .’ Josh flinched at my words. I regretted them the moment I said them. Josh’s face crumpled. Tears rolled down his face. His nose started to drip again.

  ‘You don’t have to worry about your brother. Josh is my responsibility. I’ll take care of him,’ Dad insisted.

  I stared at him. Did he really believe what he was saying? Couldn’t he hear himself? My head was full of bitter words which tripped and tumbled over each other in their haste to leave my mouth. There were too many of them, darting back and forth much too fast. They hurt so much they made my eyes sting. I clamped my lips together. Silent moments passed.

  ‘Dad, get out of my way,’ I said, when I could trust myself to speak without making a fool of myself.

  On the stairs Josh’s sniffing was getting louder and more frequent. I glanced up at him, watching with quiet desperation as the tears trickled faster down his cheeks.

  ‘I’ve got to get out of here.’ I could hear the despair in my voice and despised myself for it. Wrenching open the door, I ran from the house, leaving the door open behind me.

  ‘Liam, take me with you,’ Josh called out from behind me. ‘Please, take me with you.’

  I ran faster. Ran and ran until my heart roared like a wounded lion. But even the roar couldn’t drown out Josh’s words.

  ‘Liam, take me with you . . .’

  I covered my ears with my hands as I ran.

  ‘Liam, take me with you . . .’

  I can’t, Josh.

  I can’t.

  5. Rainbow

  Rainbow was still steaming. Why couldn’t she live with a normal family in a normal house in a normal neighbourhood? Preferably somewhere in a big city where there were actual things to see and do. Instead she was stuck out in the middle of nowhere-by-the-sea with the brothers from hell. After nearly two years Rainbow still missed her old school and her old friends. She was beginning to wonder if she’d ever get used to life in Phoenix Manor. She always felt like she was fifteen minutes ahead of everyone else at the hotel. She just didn’t fit, no matter how hard she tried. And the twins weren’t helping.

  ‘If I catch those two in my room just once more . . . I swear! And no jury of girls my age would convict,’ Rainbow ranted in an undertone. ‘I am so fed up with . . . with — Omigod! He’s gorgeous!’

  Rainbow came to an abrupt, complete halt and stared. The boy standing at the reception desk had her full attention. Those lips! Oh, those kissable lips! And that nose. Strong and masculine. And those eyes! Omigod, those beautiful brown eyes. Like mysterious pools of. . .

  ‘Er, excuse me, love, but d’you know where the staff are? We want to book in,’ said a man’s voice from far away.

  ‘Sorry?’ Rainbow had to drag her gaze away from the angel in front of her. A short, reasonable-looking man and a slightly taller, sour-faced blonde woman stood behind the Boy Wonder. The man had brown hair flecked with abundant silver strands and wore a genuinely amused smile on his face. The woman next to him didn’t though. She was not so much frowning as scowling at Rainbow.

  ‘D’you know where the staff are?’ the man repeated.

  ‘I’ll book you in. That’s no trouble.’ Rainbow immediately moved behind the reception desk. No way was she letting Mr Snog-Me-Until-I’m-Breathless out of her sight until she had his name, age, mobile phone number and star sign.

  ‘D’you work here then?’ the man asked dubiously.

  ‘My family runs this hotel,’ Rainbow informed him, with false modesty. This was
one of those rare occasions when she actually volunteered the information.

  ‘And those are your room rates?’ He pointed to the sign behind her.

  Rainbow nodded. What did he expect to find under a huge sign with the heading ROOM RATES? Secondhand car prices?

  ‘We’re Mr and Mrs Stanley and this is our son, Andrew. We booked a room a fortnight ago. Does the family room come with a double and a single bed or three singles?’

  Rainbow stopped listening after she’d heard the hunk’s name. ‘Hi, Andrew.’ She turned on what she hoped was a casual yet friendly smile. Not too forward, but not too reluctant. Not too eager, yet not too formal. A genuine smile from the eyes. With just a hint of mystery and a dash of promise.

  ‘Hi. Good to meet you. What’s your name?’ Andrew asked. And his voice was deep and flowed like honey. Wow! Gorgeous all over.

  And then Rainbow realized what he’d asked her. Her heart sank. ‘My name? My name is . . . er . . . Raye . . . All my friends call me Raye. You can call me Raye too if you like.’

  ‘Excuse me, but d’you think we could book in some time before the end of the century?’ his mum cut in.

  Rainbow glared at her. How rude! ‘Could you fill in this registration form, please?’ She handed Mrs Stanley the form with a painted-on smile, then turned back to Mr Tall, Dark and Drool-Slobber Handsome. ‘Will you be here for long?’

  Please! Please!

  ‘Two days. We leave on Sunday,’ Andrew replied.


  ‘Well, I hope you have a pleasant stay. If there’s anything you need, anything at all . . .’

  ‘Thanks, Rainbow. I’ll take over now.’ Dad practically pushed her to one side as he smiled at the new guests.

  ‘Rainbow?’ Andrew raised his eyebrows.

  Rainbow’s face immediately began to radiate heat. She could’ve died. ‘My dad’s idea,’ she informed him quickly. ‘I hate it.’

  ‘I don’t,’ said Andrew. ‘It’s original. Unusual. It suits you.’

  ‘D’you think so?’

  Andrew nodded. And for the first time since Rainbow was about seven, she didn’t mind her name.

  ‘We’d like a family room,’ said Mr Stanley. ‘I was asking your daughter if your family rooms come with a double and a single bed or three singles?’

  ‘A double bed and one single,’ Dad replied. ‘But as we’re not too busy at the moment, I can let you have a double room with an adjoining single for the same price, if you’d like?’

  ‘My own room. Great! Perfect,’ Andrew enthused.

  ‘I’m not sure about that . . .’ Mrs Stanley began.

  ‘Mum, I’m perfectly old enough to stay in a room of my own. I’ll behave,’ Andrew said silkily. ‘I promise.’

  A strange feeling came over Rainbow as she watched Andrew and his parents regard each other. There was something going on, some strange undercurrent that Andrew’s words had provoked.

  ‘That’s OK then. I’m very keen on guests who behave themselves!’ Dad laughed.

  And just like that, the tension in the air vanished. Rainbow wondered if maybe she’d imagined it. She wasn’t sure. But she didn’t think so.

  ‘Rainbow, could you . . .? Rainbow?’ Dad prodded his daughter’s arm to get her attention.


  ‘If you can stop fluttering your eyelashes for five seconds, could you get me the keys to the Dickens and the Austen rooms please?’

  Rainbow’s cheeks began to burn – badly. Honestly! She could’ve kicked Dad in the shins. ‘I am not fluttering my eyelashes,’ she hissed, before turning to get the keys.

  ‘Dickens room?’ Mr Stanley asked.

  ‘All our rooms are named after famous writers. Dead ones. I don’t want to be sued. It was my idea actually. It came to me about a week after we took over this place and the minute I thought of it, I said to myself, “Tyler, the job’s a good ‘un!” And fortunately my wife agreed. You’ll meet her later. Her name is Karmah. She’s in the kitchen at the moment — Ow! Rainbow!’

  ‘Here are your keys.’ Rainbow thrust them into Mr Stanley’s hand. She’d had to step on Dad’s foot in the process to get him to shut up. He was burbling on like talking had just come into fashion.

  ‘Will you be dining here tonight? My wife is a great cook,’ Dad smiled.

  Rainbow stared at him. How could he just open his mouth and he like that?

  ‘Er, I don’t —’ began Mrs Stanley.

  ‘Go on, Mum,’ Andrew interrupted. ‘I’m a bit tired. I’d like to stay in this evening.’

  ‘Tired? Are you sure you’re OK?’ His mum was all flustered concern. ‘Is there anything I can do?’

  ‘No, Mum. Stop flapping.’ Andrew smiled to take the sting out of his words.

  Rainbow was not impressed with Mrs Stanley.

  ‘OK.’ Mrs Stanley turned back to Dad. ‘Can we book a table for eight o’clock, please?’

  ‘Certainly. I’ll make a note of that. The dining room is just through those double doors,’ said Dad, pointing past reception to his right.

  ‘And we’ll need a table for three for eight tomorrow,’ Mrs Stanley added.


  ‘For three people, for eight o’clock tomorrow night,’ Mrs Stanley explained impatiently.

  She was getting right up Rainbow’s nose and no mistake.

  ‘It’s Andrew’s birthday tomorrow,’ said Mr Stanley, smiling apologetically at Rainbow and her dad.

  ‘How old will you be?’ Rainbow asked Andrew directly.

  ‘Sixteen,’ he replied with a smile.

  ‘Just a year older than me.’

  ‘You look older.’

  ‘Thanks.’ Rainbow couldn’t believe how he always knew exactly the right things to say. It was uncanny.

  ‘Maybe it would be better if we went elsewhere,’ said Mrs Stanley, glancing frostily at Rainbow before turning back to Rainbow’s dad. ‘Can you recommend a good restaurant?’

  Before Dad could say a word, Andrew got in first. ‘No, Mum. I want my birthday dinner here. This is just fine.’

  ‘You’re sure?’ Mrs Stanley asked doubtfully.

  ‘Positive. And it is my birthday.’

  ‘If you insist.’ Mrs Stanley shrugged.

  Andrew winked at Rainbow, who smiled back. His mum was a gorgon but he more than made up for her.

  ‘D’you need help with your bags?’ Dad asked hopefully.

  They might have thought he was going out of his way to help them, but Rainbow knew the hope in his voice was because he was praying not to have to carry their luggage. Dad had a bad back and lifting heavy suitcases was not what the doctor ordered.

  ‘No thanks. We can manage.’ Andrew spoke before his parents could. ‘Raye, will you be eating at eight too?’

  I am now. ‘I might be,’ Rainbow smiled. After all, it didn’t pay to seem too, too eager.

  ‘Hope to see you later then,’ said Andrew. He and his parents headed up the stairs.

  Count on it, Rainbow thought. Even if she had to drag him to the dining room by his hair roots, they’d meet up again later.

  ‘Ah! Young love!’ Dad sighed.

  The sigh quickly changed into a cough when Rainbow turned the full force of her outraged glare at him.

  ‘Something wrong, darling?’ Dad asked, his face all innocence.

  Rainbow marched off without deigning to answer.

  ‘Something I said, Raye?’ Dad laughed after her.

  Rainbow kept on walking. And not once, not once did she realize she was being watched.

  6. Nova and Miss Eve

  Nova sighed, the way she always did when she thought about her sister. Less than a couple of years ago they’d been so close. What’d happened since then? It would’ve been so fantastic to go to the beach or go shopping or just hang out together in the hotel. But nothing doing. Over the past year or so Raye had backed right away from doing anything with Nova. She didn’t even want to be seen with her. Not in the hotel. Not at school. Nowhere. N
o way!

  ‘Nova, stop swinging on the banister!’ Dad called out from the reception desk.

  Nova carried on rocking to and fro, her hands wrapped around the bottom banister post. Nova the pain. That was her new name. So now Raye was too old to hang out with and the twins were too young. The half-term break was dragging more than usual this time round. Nova usually longed for school holidays and they ended much too soon – but this time not much had been going on at the hotel. Friday morning and nothing dawning.

  ‘Nova, am I talking Martian? Get off the banister,’ said Dad.

  Nova sighed again, but did as she was told this time. She thought for a moment. The gardens. She’d go for a long walk across the gardens and after that maybe down to the beach. She headed across the hall towards the front door.

  Miss Eve emerged from the hotel lounge. ‘Ah, Nova, my poppet. How are you today?’

  Nova bristled with indignation. How many times did she have to repeat herself before Miss Eve got it? ‘Poppet’ was out, OUT, OUT!

  ‘Fine,’ Nova muttered in a voice that suggested she was anything but.

  ‘I wonder if I might have a word?’ Miss Eve continued.

  ‘Any word in particular?’


  ‘Nothing,’ Nova replied hastily. She didn’t want to spend the next ten minutes explaining. She looked at Miss Eve but her glance quickly slid away again. There was something about the elderly woman that set the hairs at the back of Nova’s neck bristling. Miss Eve had off-white, blue-rinsed hair which matched her pale blue eyes. Ice cold eyes, Nova always thought. She was tall and straight and laughed a lot, but very rarely smiled. Miss Dawn was the opposite: she smiled a lot but very rarely laughed. Miss Dawn seemed the sadder of the two.

  ‘Where’re you off to?’ asked Miss Eve.

  ‘I was going to take a walk in the garden. A long walk.’ Nova hoped that would put the old dear off. ‘A long, long walk.’

  ‘Excellent! I was just thinking of doing the same thing myself. Let’s walk together, poppet,’ suggested Miss Eve.