The next day, the installation of the new Pope is being prepared, and Pope John XXIV is seen in the library working on his homily.
At the Mass, the newly installed Pope moves to the microphone. “Welcome to all who are eager to await the beginning of Christ’s new age. We are to embark on a difficult journey to bring about the unity of all who are or would like to become united in an inclusive Universal Catholic Church. The Church that Jesus Christ himself founded here on earth. This will not be easy to achieve, as we all must now divest ourselves of long held beliefs and traditions that were secular and exclusive to your own church beliefs. We will not be any longer exclusive as to whom may belong or are entitled to the sacraments of the church, no longer will discrimination of any kind be allowed to those who will seek to have full membership and blessings of Jesus the Lord’s Universal Catholic Church here on earth and HIS HEAVENLY KINGDOM.
One year from today, we invite representatives of all Christian, Protestant, Jewish and of other faith denominations to meet here in St. Peter’s Basilica to embark on the mission of unifying all our churches into a singular faith of common tenets and beliefs as ascribed by our Lord Jesus. In order to do so, we must return to our own church ruling bodies and asks for their blessing and willingness to journey on this path. For this to succeed there has to be a determination that barriers must be removed, whether it is philosophical, historical traditions, precedents, or religious beliefs that are counter to universal inclusion. Make no mistake; this is not an exercise in futility, but one of determination that will be achieved for all who are willing to make this journey.”
There is no bargaining in what the Lord is asking of us; HE IS THE WAY TO FAITH AND SALVATION. He is commanding us to achieve this NOW. And I am passing on the same challenge to every other church organization, within the Catholic Church, and every other Christian, Protestant, or other faith denominations who would want to consider a union in a Universal Catholic Church, to do the same with the members of their own church governing bodies.”
At the moment of the elevation of the ciborium and chalice by the Pope, as he intones the prayer “Through him, with him, and in him, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, all glory and honor is yours, almighty Father, for ever and ever” above the Pope’s head an image of the crucified Christ on the Cross is seen touching the sacred vessels, and blood dripping forth from His lanced side into the chalice. A voice proclaims from the heavens “This is my beloved Son, who gives you His body and blood at every mass, so that you may have eternal salvation, receive these gifts in remembrance of His death for you.” The image of the crucifixion then disappears. The crowds go wild in exclaiming words of exaltation in every language. Some ask for forgiveness for their sins. All the media reporters and their crews are busy broadcasting to the world what just happened.
The Pope then interjects this comment. “Many, including some priests, who receive the blood and body of Christ truly never, have believed in Transubstantiation. But here and now, the true “Miracle of the Eucharist” has been shown to us by God himself.”
As the Pope continues celebrating the mass, in honor of the Pope’s American heritage, the assembled participants in the square, sing the hymn “Amazing Grace” and continued throughout the distribution of communion. It would appear that for the first time for many Catholics, they now truly understood the meaning of Transubstantiation of the Body and Blood of Christ occurring during each mass. They are now consuming Christ with the greatest of reverence.
As the choir is singing the final hymn, more and more in the audience are singing at the top of their lungs in glorious acclamation of the miracle that they have just witnessed. The crowds are all in a joyful and exhilarated mood as they start to disperse from the plaza.