Later as the Cardinals are all convening in the Sistine Chapel, with various groups in conversation, Pope John XXIV enters the Chapel, and a hush permeates the room.

  Pope John XXIV, sits at his seat, there suddenly appears in the center of the Chapel, a person in a white robe, with a golden glow emanating from his body.

  “My dear brothers, would you have me consult with you, before I make a proclamation? When I introduced your new Pope, I mentioned that he had MY favor. Let it be known, that when John speaks a proclamation, he is speaking for ME, your Lord God and Savior. By the conclusion of this meeting, whoever of you does not want to continue being faithful to Me in carrying out the mission of My church, needs to relinquish his position immediately, and never return to this room. John has accepted my calling; now you must also respond as to whether you will be continuing to be My disciples. This will be My last visit with you until you see me at your judgment, and until the end of the ages. But make no mistake, I am in John, and he is in Me. His discernment is My discernment.” Suddenly, the Lord disappears from among their midst.

  Pope John XXIV stands, and as everyone is in awe, he addresses them. “Take the remainder of your time this evening to discern what your decision is to be. Before you leave this Chapel tonight, you are to give your Lord Jesus, Our God, your answer as to whether you will continue to be 100 % His disciple. If for health reasons or other, leave your Cardinal’s skull-cap on your kneeler if you are unable to make that commitment. Tomorrow, all Cardinals who have decided in the affirmative are to reconvene here at 9:00 am to continue on Our Lord’s request for a Universal Catholic Church.” The Pope then leaves the Chapel.

  As the Cardinals leave the Sistine Chapel, all of them are in a tizzy as to what is happening, but a number of them whisper to each other to meet secretly in Cardinal Rossini’s chambers. Once they have gathered in the cardinal’s private chamber, Cardinal Rossini quietly states that what is discussed must be kept in complete confidence among themselves, as how to prevent this from happening to the church. They must eliminate the new Pope. So a secret plot begins among five Cardinals, who conspire to obstruct every facet of the new Pope’s efforts in unifying the church. “Who can we get that will do this with upmost secrecy?” asked Cardinal Thrombus. Cardinal Rossini then expresses that he has someone in mind that is very knowledgeable of people within the Sicilian mob. “They will be very interested, obviously, for the right price of course.” ‘How much will this cost?’ “Ah, but they will want to protect their operations! If the Church becomes any stronger and influences more participation by people, the mafia will lose revenues. The mafia will demand access to everything that is being planned, so they can do whatever to influence the right outcomes.”

  “We will meet again when I have more news. You must understand Cardinals that the Illuminati will also take great interest in trying to find ways to stop the Pope. Between their efforts and ours, surely one of us will succeed stopping these events.”

Donald Michaud's Novels