There’s a loud noise which wakes me with a start. The door opens to my cell which brings me from a peaceful dream back to reality. The same officer from the night before with the big eyebrows is standing there fresh faced.

  ‘Jay, follow me please.’ I rise from the hard mattress and again follow him to the interview room. Sitting there is my lawyer who doesn’t actually say a word and the same two uniformed officers.

  ‘Take a seat Jay.’

  ‘Any chance of some breakfast?’ My stomach feels empty. Feeling half asleep still, I find it hard to concentrate and the same questions roll out. I feel frustrated and extremely agitated. They are obviously trying to catch me off-guard however, with what comes next I know I don’t have a leg to stand on. The stocky officer turns to me with big wide eyes and a slight smile.

  ‘Jay, we have found traces of Chloe James’ DNA in your house and in the boot of your car. Do you have anything to say about that?’ Knowing now that I've been defeated I decide it’s time to admit the truth.

  ‘Fine, I killed her! It didn’t mean to. We were fooling around sexually. I was carrying her up the stairs when I fell and she must have broken her neck.’ All parties in the room stare at me, and I hear a sigh of relief from my lawyer.

  ‘Jay, what happened next?’

  ‘I took her body into the garage and then disposed of her down the docks the following day, Sunday.’ There was a slight pause. The stocky officer smiled. He cracked me, and he’s caught the murderer of Chloe James.

  ‘Jay, we are charging you for the murder of Chloe James. You will remain in custody until your trial and you will be denied bail.’ Before I could say another word I was taken back to my cell and left there for hours, waiting.

  I couldn’t stop shaking. I was sweating, my head hurt. I’d ruined my life and now I had no way out. I was so angry with myself I started to bang my head hard on the wall. I kept doing it. There was no pain. I could see smears of blood from my head on the wall. I took one last blow and the lights went out.


  Chapter 9

  I come to finding my brother Tommy standing over me with a look of disappointment on his face.

  ‘What the fuck Jay?’ he shouts. I find it hard to talk. My neck is sore and I'm gasping for breath.

  ‘What do you mean Tommy?’ not really sure what's happened.

  ‘You’re going to have to see someone about this. You can’t keep doing it. Please get yourself sorted.’ I sit up and look around to find myself on my bedroom floor with a rope tide round my neck.

  ‘Sorry Tommy. I’ll get myself sorted. I promise.’ He leans over to me and gives me a big hug,

  ‘Look Jay, I'm here for you ok? Please stop all this. Please! Are you ok?’

  ‘Yeah I think so. I'm sorry Tommy. I will see someone as soon as possible.’ I rise to my feet and walk over to the mirror to find large rope marks around my neck. I pull out my mobile to see its Saturday 1st October. Tommy leaves my room. I can hear him sniffing from where he’s been crying and shuts the door behind me.

  I sit on the edge of my bed thinking to myself what am I doing? I need to sort my life out. I can’t keep trying to kill myself. I make my way downstairs, walk straight up to Tommy and give him a big man hug.

  ‘I’m so sorry mate. Never again. I promise you.’

  ‘Good. Tell you what mate, let’s go out tonight and put all this behind us?’

  ‘You know what Tommy, think I’ll give it a miss. I go out too much. It’s time to turn things around for once.’

  ‘Oh ok, fair enough.’ I walk back up to my room, load up my PC and logon to Facebook.

  My page loads up and I find I have a friend request from a girl. I don’t recognise the name or her face but for some strange reason ‘Chloe James’ rings a bell.


  The End

  Thank you for taking the time to read this eBook. Please leave feedback on your thoughts.

  If you enjoyed this then you may enjoy my debut eBook ‘Did I Die?’

  14-year-old schoolboy John Malcolm finds school tough taking every hit on the chin. His home life isn’t much better and quickly discovers how bad the world is when he goes out there alone. He’s stronger than he thought…. “A bone chilling short story.”

  Also, visit my website for news and other eBooks coming soon by myself Gareth Parker.

  Once again thank you for reading.

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