Page 44 of Burning Alive

Page 44


  The feel of her lips on his made his whole body clench against a hot burst of lust. She hadn’t intended to turn him on with that kiss; he knew that, but it didn’t matter. She had anyway.

  Drake’s hand cradled the back of her head, while his other tightened slightly around her throat. She couldn’t go anywhere, couldn’t move away from him. He saw her realize it and waited for a flash of fear or disgust he expected to follow, but it never came. If anything, she relaxed slightly, accepting his decision to hold her still, waiting to see what he’d do.

  She licked her lips and Drake’s gaze was drawn to the motion like a moth to the flame. He knew better than to kiss her. He knew that if he did, it would let loose the last strand of control he still held. If he kissed her, he would take her, and there was a reason he wasn’t supposed to do that. He couldn’t think of what it was, nor did it seem to be as important as it had been a moment ago, but there was something in his head warning him of danger.

  Helen swallowed and he felt her throat move beneath his hand. He stood there, frozen, trying to figure out what had been so important. Why he shouldn’t carry her inside, strip her naked, and make her come over and over until she passed out. It sounded like a really good plan.

  His body throbbed with hot pulses of blood that all seemed to pool in his groin. His skin heated and his hands shook with the effort it took to restrain himself from kissing her.

  He dragged his eyes away from her mouth, hoping that would help him think. Her face was lovely in the dim light—her cheeks so perfectly smooth and soft. She was soft all over, especially the delicate skin along the inside of her thighs and the undersides of her breasts. He remembered exactly how she tasted there, too, and his mouth watered in response.

  Helen’s body shuddered again. Was she cold? Did she want him as much as he did her? He wasn’t sure, so he looked into her eyes to read her.

  Her eyes were nearly bloody. Suddenly, he remembered why he couldn’t make love to her now. She was tired. Fragile. He had to protect her and make her rest.

  “I’ll rest better after you’ve helped me relax. After you make me come,” she whispered to him.

  She’d heard his thought. He’d been too distracted by her pull on him to remember to shield her. With an effort of will, he blocked her out, but he couldn’t bring himself to let her go. The only places his hands were willing to move were to more intimate territory on her body, so he held still.

  “Don’t shut me out, Drake. You’re the only anchor I have right now and I need you. ”

  Drake felt a thrill of triumph stampede through him. She needed him. It was more than he’d ever hoped to hear her say. If she needed him, maybe she would stay with him. “Say that again,” he demanded. He hated it that his voice was so rough, but he couldn’t help it.

  “Say what?”

  “That you need me. Say it again. ”

  A strange look crossed her face, but he couldn’t read it through the bloody haze in her eyes. His own emotions were running hot, taking up all his concentration, and try as he might, he couldn’t figure out what she was thinking.

  “I need you, Drake. Let me in. ” Her words were faint, but he heard every one of them and wanted to howl in victory.

  She’d asked him to let her in and he could refuse her nothing. Not now. Drake stopped trying to hide himself from her. He let her feel every bit of his lust and hope and joy. He pressed his hips against her belly and let her feel the erection he’d been protecting her from as well.

  Helen’s eyes fluttered shut and she let out a moan he felt vibrate under his hand. Her nipples beaded up under the wet T-shirt and her face flushed a pretty pink.

  Drake was lost. Not kissing her was impossible, so he covered her parted lips with his and just gave in. His fingers tightened in her hair and he angled her head so he could feast on her mouth. Helen’s hands gripped his arms and her tongue swirled around his. She was holding on tight and he could feel the effort it took for her to stay upright.

  Drake picked her up and took her inside, sliding the door closed with his elbow. The cool air hit his hot skin, but it did nothing to cool the furnace raging inside him. The only thing that could do that was Helen. He needed to be inside her. Now.

  He couldn’t pull his mouth from hers, and by some miracle, he found his way to his room and laid her on his bed. In seconds, her loose sweatpants and panties were no more than a soggy pile on his carpet. He opened his jeans enough to free his erection, spread her legs, and thrust into her.

  Helen’s shock registered somewhere in the back of his mind and he froze. Sweat broke out over his ribs with the effort it took not to give in to his need to move. Something wasn’t right, but he couldn’t figure out what it was.

  Drake opened his eyes and looked down at her. Her hair was leaving a dark water spot on his pillow. She was still wearing her shirt. Maybe that’s what was wrong. He wanted her naked, but he couldn’t seem to remember how to make it happen. It was taking all his focus to stay still inside her.

  She reached up and touched his face. A muscle in his jaw jumped and a shiver coursed down his spine. His hips no longer listened to him and he pressed forward, pushing Helen into the mattress. Her eyes rolled back in her head and she let out a faint whimper.

  He found the part of him that lived only to protect her and asked, “Am I hurting you?”

  She bit her bottom lip and shook her head. “No. It’s good. Just like that. ”

  Drake needed no further incentive. He slid out of her, feeling the slick heat of her arousal gliding between them. It was perfect. She was perfect. Warm and tight and slippery. Made just for him.

  He wasn’t going to last long. No way could he hold out when everything about her gave him insane pleasure. He rested his weight on his elbow and cradled the nape of her neck in his hand. Both parts of the luceria met as he thrust heavily inside her again.

  Helen gasped and Drake tried to look at her and see whether it was in pleasure or pain, but he couldn’t see. Fiery colors danced in his vision, blinding him, swirling in a deep mix of reds and oranges. All he could do was feel her pleasure pulsing through the link and trust that it was right. Her body was pliant beneath his, accepting his powerful movements. Her fingers slid up under his shirt and dug into the muscles of his chest. The leaves of his lifemark shivered in response to her touch, sending a tingling heat to the base of his spine.

  He felt Helen’s body tighten around his erection in a silken contraction at the same time he felt her pleasure swell up and flood their link. She let out a soft cry of pleasure and it sent Drake right over the edge. His orgasm exploded inside him and he buried himself as deep as he could go, wanting to be as close to Helen as possible. He poured himself into her, both mind and body, letting her feel his rioting emotions pulsing into her in time with his release.

  Her sweet voice filled the room, tapering off into a breathless sigh. Drake’s body was buzzing with pleasure. He knew he was too heavy on top of her, but he couldn’t make his limbs work to move.

  It took him several minutes to control his breathing and get his body to cooperate. When he found the strength to push himself up and look at her, Helen was already asleep.

  The colors of the luceria had nearly settled into a swirl of rich, fiery reds.

  The Scarlet Lady. His lady.

  A bone-deep sense of satisfaction glowed inside him. He knew that when the colors stopped shifting, their bond would be complete and that could mean his death if she chose to leave him, but he didn’t care. She was accepting him and even if it was only for a short time, it was more than he’d ever hoped to have before he died. He’d fulfilled his purpose in life and found his partner. He was going to do everything in his power to see to it that they stayed together for a long, long time. Whatever Helen wanted or needed, it would be hers. He’d make her happy and show her every day how much he loved her.

  Drake stilled at the thought. Loved her? Could he truly love her s
o soon? He cared for her and wanted her to be safe and happy, but love?

  Helen had shown him her strength and kindness from the moment he met her. She protected those she cared about and had spent her life helping others. She’d sacrificed her blood to save his life and she’d given of herself freely to help him get through his grief. He’d seen inside her mind and felt her soul brush his every time both halves of the luceria connected. She was kind and generous and strong. How could he not love her?

  Acknowledging his love for her freed him somehow, satisfied him in a way nothing else could. He was going to do whatever it took to keep her by his side.

  Drake smoothed a tangle of dark hair away from her smooth cheek. The flush of passion in her skin had only started to fade. Bluish crescents of fatigue hung beneath her eyes. Her shirt was still damp, as was the bed beneath them.

  She needed her rest and a wet bed wasn’t going to be comfortable for her, so he eased himself off her body. He made quick work of cleaning her up, stripping the wet shirt from her, and wrapped her hair in a towel. He slipped her into the clean, dry guest bed, shed his clothes, and crawled in with her, making sure his sword was close at hand. She didn’t even stir once, which proved just how exhausted she was.

  Drake didn’t need much sleep, but he couldn’t keep himself from curling around her soft body and holding her while she slept. It was a rare treat—one he hoped he would get to enjoy for many years to come.

  He knew Helen thought she was going to die soon, but Drake refused to believe it. There was enough magic in the world that he’d find a way to keep her vision from coming true. Now that they were united, there was little they wouldn’t be able to accomplish together. He’d keep her by his side and keep her safe and nothing would ever hurt her. He wouldn’t allow it.

  Drake realized he was holding Helen too tight and loosened his grip. The next few days were going to be hard on her. She was still adjusting to this new life, and seeing Sibyl wasn’t easy on anyone. And Kevin’s sword was still out there.

  Again, the idea of letting it go unfound was compelling. Helen would be forced to stay with him forever if they never found it, and that was enough to tempt a saint. But Drake didn’t want her that way—through force. He wanted her to stay with him because she cared for him.

  Because she loved him, too.

  Drake nearly snorted. He was getting soft. First he fell in love and now he was all sappy about the idea that Helen should love him back. It seemed a ridiculous notion that she would, but he couldn’t push it aside. Even if it did mean he’d gone soft.

  Chapter 20

  Helen had just showered and dressed the next morning when she heard a sound that was music to her ears.

  “I want to see her now or I’m calling the police,” said Miss Mabel in her age-weary voice.

  Helen rushed out into the living room, reached around her walker, and pulled Miss Mabel to her chest in a gentle hug. She had to fight not to grip the woman too tight in her excitement. “What are you doing here?”

  Miss Mabel scooted her walker toward the couch. “Those boys brought me here,” she grumbled.

  “What boys?”

  “Vance and Slade,” answered Drake. “Seems Miss Mabel is one of those thickheaded people who can’t have their memories erased. When Joseph called me about it, I told him you’d enjoy having her come live here at Dabyr with us. ”