Page 30 of Water Bound

  She inhaled sharply, tilting her head as he came closer. Lev wrapped his fingers around the nape of her neck and drew her to him. The moment he touched her, he felt complete. The water poured over both of them like an exotic waterfall. The entire shower had been constructed to appear as if they were out in the wild, the sea surrounding them, and the water, either rain or a cascading fall, added to the effect. She belonged in that setting, and when her body moved against his, she was relaxed and welcoming.

  He loved the scent of her, the womanly fragrance drifting around him like a heady perfume. The trust in her eyes, the need and passion, aroused him as nothing else could. Her hands moved over his chest, her fingers tracing defined muscles. There was possession in her touch for the first time. A claiming of her own.

  The breath slammed out of his body when her fingers closed over his engorged cock, trailing sizzling sensation up and down its length and around the thick girth. She knelt there on the cool gray and blue tile, and cupped the weight of his balls in her palms.

  "What are you doing?" He could barely get the words out as he felt her breath, already hot, already sweet, bathing the throbbing mushroom head. With shaky hands he changed the cascade of water falling on them to a gentle rain.

  "Practicing," she replied in a husky, sensual tone. "I like to be good at whatever I do and I like pleasing you." She licked at the pearly drops and then hummed, savoring them as if he had given her the finest of wines. "You taste good."

  "I have to say I'm glad you think so. What would we have done otherwise?"

  She gave him a sassy smile. "I would have smeared peanut butter over you and licked it off," she offered. "I still might."

  Happiness burst through him. And then she took him in her mouth, allowing his cock to slide down the silken heat of her tongue and his mind just slid away from him. Always before, Rikki had become wholly focused on what she was doing, leaving his body in heaven, but he'd known she was somewhat detached from him, completely mesmerized by what she was doing, by her exploration of his body. Now, her eyes met his and she watched him, wholly focused on him, not just on the mechanics, and just like before, when she'd touched him, he knew there was blood and not ice water running in his veins.

  Her mouth, growing hotter by the moment, felt subtly different--her tongue, teasing the underside of the head of his cock in the most sensitive spot and then flicking over the head again, had him groaning. He had no time to assimilate the sizzling streaks of pure heat rushing through his veins. Her teeth scraped gently and his cock jerked. Her lips slid up and down, then over his sac, teased the base and then once more engulfed him.

  There was fire in her mouth, pouring over him, and the alternating tight suction and dancing tongue kept him off balance. Pleasure seemed almost overwhelming, and through it all, he was lost in the dark pools of passion in her eyes.

  He felt that first tentative stirring in his mind as she connected so gently, so lightly. He knew what she was doing, but he opened to her anyway, allowing her to stroke caresses inside his head, to heighten his pleasure by allowing him to experience hers and, most of all, to follow the images in his head. He gasped as she took him deeper, swallowing, the tight muscles constricting around him.

  The water fell around them, clear and fresh, adding to the beauty of the moment. The tiles shimmered as if the sea had come alive. The soft lights played over Rikki's skin, turning soft flesh into a creamy delight of pure satin. The water caressed her body, ran in rivulets over her shoulders and down the valley between her small, perfect breasts.

  All the while those dark eyes held him captive. There was love, there was pure enjoyment and a desire for him every bit as intense as what he felt for her. Her mouth never broke contact, although she would slide him to the very edge of her lips and then slow, so slowly, enclose him with tight, fiery heat.

  He knew every trick there was to heighten the pleasure of his sexual partner, yet he'd never experienced the true generosity of love. His hands bunched in her hair and he lifted his face to the gentle rain of the shower head, his eyes burning. Warmth flooded his mind, surrounded him, pushing out every horrific image from his past, until there was only Rikki with her sweet mouth and her giving, accepting nature.

  His body coiled tighter and tighter, and he tugged at her hair, needing desperately to be inside of her, a part of her. She moved into his arms without hesitation, wrapping her arms around his neck as he lifted her, guiding her legs around his waist. She locked her ankles behind him and he settled her body over his. She sheathed him with that same exquisite slowness she'd used with her mouth. He felt her body open to his, a little reluctantly. The tight petals unfurled as his thick shaft penetrated her deeper and deeper until she was seated on him, constricting and gripping so that he shuddered with the pleasure of her.

  He let her find her own rhythm and she began to move, undulating like the waves she loved so much, up and down, yet making tight, small circles and moving her hips as if she were riding with the surf. He loved the growing confidence in her, the way she stretched to arm's length, fingers linked behind his neck, throwing her head back while her hips continued that slow rhythm that was certain to drive him mad. The expression on her face was priceless, pure bliss, sexy--she was a wanton woman lost completely in her chosen lover.

  The water ran down her body to where they were joined, pooling and then running in small rivers down their thighs. The droplets sizzled as if electrified. He didn't know if it was the water running hot, or his sensitive skin, or something she did as a water element. It didn't matter how, just that a thousand velvet tongues licked at his skin, and when she moved in that slow, sensuous ride, he felt hot liquid bathing the very head of his cock.

  Her feminine sheath, tight and hot, gripped and moved as if alive, surrounding him with living silk, wrapping, milking, strangling and causing heated friction as he slid nearly out and then she was once again seating herself to the hilt. Tension grew, coiling inside him like a hot spring. His toes, his legs, his thick thighs, shuddered with arousal. The boiling magma pooled and heated, the pressure building in his jerking, pulsing cock and his tight, relentless sac.

  With a low moan, he gripped her hips and took over. He slammed into her, deep and hard, bottoming out, bumping her sensitive cervix so that she cried out and dug her fingers into his shoulders, preparing for a wild ride. He gave it to her, switching from those slow, rising waves, to a crashing stormy sea, surging into her again and again.

  Her music started, those soft little whimpers and moaning pleas he found himself waiting for. Her voice blended with the sound of flesh coming together and the beat of the rain shower. He lost himself in her, allowed her to wash him clean, to drive away people, places and the things he'd done and seen. He was just Lev Prakenskii, consumed by the woman he loved more than anything or anyone on earth. Thunder roared in his head. His heart pounded, and his blood scorched his veins as the magma boiled hotter and began to build in his balls. He felt her first tremor, then the ripple, the quake, sweeping him with her tremendous orgasm, so that he lost all control and emptied himself in her, deep and hard and so satisfactorily.

  For a moment his lungs burned and his heart nearly exploded. His legs shook. He eased her against the wall to keep both of them from landing on the floor. Pressing his forehead against hers, he fought for breath.

  "Ya tebya lyublyu, Rikki," he murmured softly. "I love you. I know you think it's too soon. And I don't want to frighten you, but it's true and I have to tell you. So I'll tell you in my native language and you can't be afraid."

  Her dark eyes swallowed him, and then she leaned forward and took possession of his mouth, a sweet, tender kiss, pouring herself into him. "I love you right back," she whispered, pulling back to look down into his face. "Maybe it is too soon. All my sisters would think so. But I've never felt like this. Not ever. Don't think I have to hear pretty words, Lev, I'm not asking for forever ..."

  "I want forever." He tasted the word. "I'd never considered that I'd have a ch
ance at forever. I like the sound of it. I'll take that. Forever with you."

  She kissed him again. While the ripples of pleasure ran over their shared body, her fingers slid into his hair and she rode him gently until they were both completely spent. She lowered her legs, reluctant to part with him.

  "I love when you're inside me." Her hand stroked his bare chest. She bent forward to capture a drop of water clinging to his hard pebble of a nipple.

  He cradled her head to him. "I love being inside of you."

  Picking up the shampoo, he washed her silky hair, his fingers gently massaging her scalp. Rinsing, he took his time soaping her body with her shower gel, lingering in every place that made her jump or shiver with need.

  "I could spend all day here with you," he told her, sponging the soap from her skin.

  She took over. Her hands were familiar now, moving over his body with such tenderness, he ached inside.

  "It won't be so fun when the hot water turns cold on us, which it's about to do."

  Her hands stroked lovingly over his groin, slippery with soap, washing him thoroughly before she rinsed him off. He grinned at her, gathered her into his arms and kissed her again. She looked so tempting, with those dark eyes and slicked back hair, her lips slightly swollen from his earlier kisses.

  "You're right. The water's turning cold." He turned it off and handed her a towel before drying off himself.

  A bird called. Another answered.

  "Let's just sit on the back porch and watch the sky tonight. A small storm is supposed to make its way over the ocean inland. I love to watch them come in. It's not a big system, but the sky is always so great with churning clouds. They get heavier and darker, and you can just feel the rain in the air."

  "Someone's here, laskovaya moya," Lev whispered. He put her gently from him and stepped hastily into his jeans. He couldn't help taking the time to look at her, wet and disheveled and looking very much as if she'd been thoroughly made love to. He padded barefoot into the bedroom and checked his weapons.

  Rikki followed him to the bedroom door and stood regarding him with amusement, absently toweling herself off. "Only my sisters come visit me," she pointed out. "I think you're safe."

  "I prefer to be certain," he replied, flashing a small, reassuring smile. She might be amused by his safety precautions, but they were ingrained in him and he would never be completely free of his training.

  Survival was part of the reason he had grabbed at her with both hands, committing fully almost before he even realized what he was doing. Survival was at the very core of who he was, and Rikki represented existence for what had been left of the original Lev Prakenskii. That man had slowly been consumed by the phantom that slipped through the world unnoticed, assuming new identities, shedding his skin and his identity at the drop of a hat. She had no real concept of his world and the danger that came from accepting him into her life, but he also knew, even if she had fully recognized the risks, she would accept them.

  "You're distracting me," he pointed out, stepping close to her, one hand cupping her bare breast, as he leaned down to capture her mouth with his.

  He loved the feel of her skin, baby soft, silky smooth. The way she shivered at his touch. The way she tasted. Everything. All of her. He kissed his way to her ear, nibbling, pressing butterfly kisses over her chin and neck and back to her delicate earlobe. "I could eat you up, Rikki."

  Her nipple hardened into his palm and he transferred his attention to her breast, rolling and tugging and then bending to draw the silky flesh into his mouth. She cradled his head to her, holding him, the tremors rocking her, the small little whimpers enveloping him in her music. He pressed his forehead against hers and inhaled, taking her feminine fragrance into his lungs.

  "You're so beautiful, Rikki."

  "Actually, I'm pretty thin," she said matter-of-factly. "I don't have a lot of curves."

  He couldn't help but smile. She wasn't fishing for compliments, she meant it literally. He'd not only meant her outside, but her inside as well.

  "You have enough for me. And we'll work on the thin part. I'm a good cook. You just have to learn to eat something other than peanut butter." He pulled away from her before he was lost again. "You're also a terrible distraction."

  He caressed her bare bottom as he slipped past and made his way to the kitchen. The drive teed and went into a circle. Rikki, as well as her family, always used the parking at the back. There was more room and the drive circled right back to the main road. He didn't turn on lights, but waited in the gathering darkness as a car he recognized as Blythe's made its way to park beside Rikki's truck. She sat for a moment, staring at the house, obviously disturbed by something, before she opened her door and got out. As soon as he saw that she was alone and bringing dinner, he went out to help her.

  "Blythe, good to see you," he greeted, taking the containers from her. "I really can cook now. I do appreciate all of you keeping me from starving to death, but we're going shopping tomorrow and I'll cook. We'll do a little trial and error, and see if we can find other things Rikki can comfortably eat."

  Blythe followed him up the stairs to the porch, but stopped at the door. "You have to go slow with her, Levi."

  He nodded. "I'm learning that. It's a good journey though. Come on in."

  Blythe shook her head. "I don't know how she manages to accept you in her house, but she gets very distressed when we all come in. She barely held it together when we had to enter the house the other day."

  "But not because of her autism," Lev said. "She's afraid for you. If you don't stop that now, it's going to become part of her routine and she'll lose the ability to have guests in her home. That's too limiting for her. Her home is her safe haven. Her refuge. She has to be comfortable with her family in it. Come in and just act natural."

  Blythe moistened her lips nervously, but she stepped into the kitchen, looking at him with speculative eyes. Lev knew his hair was damp and his shirt open. She knew he was more than a man passing through Rikki's life. He also knew she was worried. He couldn't blame her. Her sisters had read him accurately, but he was going to stay. Blythe would have to learn that Rikki was his world and she was safe in his hands. He put the dinner on the table and padded barefoot on through to the living room, Blythe following reluctantly.

  "It's Blythe, Rikki. She brought dinner," he called.

  "Oh, good. I wanted to see her," Rikki called back. "I was going to tell her what a great hunter you are, almost bringing us back a huge lingcod." Laughing, she emerged from the bedroom, her hair disheveled and still damp, her eyes bright with laughter, hands still buttoning her shirt.

  The smile faded from her face the moment she saw her sister standing in her living room. "Oh." She pushed her hand through the wet strands of her hair in agitation. "I thought you'd be waiting outside on the porch for me."

  "It's a little cool out there to be comfortable," Lev said smoothly. "I asked her in. I knew you'd want her to stay warm."

  Rikki opened her mouth twice to say something and closed it, swallowing hard. Her frown was back, dark brows drawn together. She turned in a circle, looking helpless and vulnerable.

  Lev wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her close to him, dropping his chin on the top of her head. "You aren't worried about your stalker, are you, sweetheart ? I've got a good warning system. He can't sneak up on us. Your sister is safe."

  Her fingers plucked nervously at his shirt. "Are you certain?"

  "Absolutely," he said. "I would never put your sister's life in danger."

  "He manages to hurt or kill everyone I care about," she said.

  "Not this time, honey." Laskovaya moya, trust me. I am beginning to know him and his days will be numbered. He will not be allowed to harm you.

  Lev kissed her neck and then waved Blythe to a chair. "Rikki threw a fish at me today. One with gigantic teeth."

  He forced a small grin. Rikki was still tense. He was definitely pushing her comfort zone by having Blythe in the house
with them. He causally crossed to the door and opened it, leaving the screen in place, but allowing Rikki to see that they had a clear escape should a fire start.

  "She threw a fish at you?" Blythe settled into a chair with an encouraging smile. "Did you really, Rikki?"

  Rikki dropped into her favorite chair and glanced uneasily at the kitchen door. Lev obligingly went through to the kitchen to open it for her.

  "He's always complaining about my peanut butter so I thought I might help him out with dinner."

  "The fish was possessed," Lev picked up the story. "It was snapping and flopping and trying to chew my leg off, and she's in the water laughing."

  Rikki's laughter was genuine and the tension in him unraveled.

  "He looked like he was doing a wild rain dance. And he was going to bail, give up my boat to the fish."

  "I was not." Lev couldn't take his eyes from her face. He loved watching her expressions. Maybe he'd never looked at people before. They meant nothing to him. He could never see their pain and suffering. He couldn't let it touch him or he would fail in his mission. The mission mattered, the ultimate goal, not the individual. Laughter was never heard. If you allowed yourself to hear or feel amusement, you would hear and feel pain.

  As if she was reading his thoughts, Rikki took his left hand in both of hers. "He definitely was, Blythe. He was going to abandon ship."

  The pad of her thumb slid over the center of his palm. He felt her caress, not on his skin but deep in his body, an intimacy that connected them beyond all expectations. Stay. She'd whispered that to him. Given him a choice. She didn't want him in the cold--in the shadows. She saw beyond the ghost to the man and somehow gave him substance. She'd given him a home, a refuge. And now she'd given him this--intimacy beyond imagining.

  He wanted to take her into his arms all over again, bury his body in hers and merge them together until they were sharing the same skin. He didn't think it was possible to love a woman, to love anyone, the way he loved her. He felt Blythe's gaze on him and he forced himself to look away from Rikki. Instincts honed by years of survival kept him from showing his feelings. Rikki made him vulnerable, and his feelings for her made her the perfect target if anyone wanted to get to him.