Page 17 of MeltingIron

  His hands suddenly shifted and he gripped her thighs, lifting her off his body as he struggled to sit up. Confused as he jerked out of her mouth, she turned her head as he put her on the bed next to him. There was no missing the passion in Iron’s blue gaze as he sat up on his bent legs. He grabbed her hips and almost growled at her.

  “Brace your arms.”

  She hesitated a second, trying to understand what he wanted, but then she gripped the mattress, tightening her arms as she locked them straight. A gasp escaped her a second later when his hands gripped her hips, lifting her lower half totally off the bed and then eased her down so her legs were on either side of his bent legs so she sat on him facing away. He shifted his hips, rising. His intent was clear as he nudged her with his cock, it slid in the cream that generously coated her folds from her desire for him. He pushed against her, entering her slowly.

  Dawn threw her head back as Iron pushed into her, stretching her and activating nerve endings that were starving for attention. She cried out his name and tried to press back but his strong hands gripped her hips, stopping her from trying to bounce on his cock to get off. She wanted to come desperately.

  “You’re mine, little red,” Iron growled. “And I’m marking you in every damn way so you know who you belong to.”

  He started to fuck her hard and fast, his hips become a pumping machine of sure, long strokes as he delved into her deep, nearly totally withdrawing, only to plunge into her again.

  “Iron,” she chanted his name again and again.

  One of his hands slid forward so he could rub her clit with the side of his finger as he continued to hammer her with his thick, iron-hard cock. A scream tore from Dawn’s mouth as the climax hit her brutally, ripping through her sharply and made the scream cut off as she lost the ability to breath. Her inner muscles convulsed around his still-driving cock. She started coming so hard she was the one soaking them with her release instead of him.


  Iron shouted that single word as he found his own climax, his body shaking against hers as he pressed his hips tightly against her ass, jerking hard against her as he exploded, jetting out spurt after spurt of cum deep into her welcoming body.

  They collapsed together on the bed with Dawn mostly under him but with enough of his upper body shifted to the side of her that she was able to gasp in a lungful of air as she tried to catch her breath. A hand cupped her ass, rubbing her and then firmly gripped her ass cheek.

  “That was amazing,” Iron said softly.

  Dawn smiled against the bedcover. “Little red, huh? I like it.”

  His hand eased his hold. “I think of you that way sometimes. I let that slip.”

  She hated to move, so sated in her relaxed state of sexual bliss, but forced herself to turn her head to stare into his face, inches from her own. She winked at him.

  “I’m honored that you gave me a nickname.”

  He laughed suddenly as his eyes sparkled. “It is not as sexual as your ‘sexy’ reference to me. I thought you would hate it that I think of you as my little red.”

  “I don’t. If I’m little red then you have to be big red.”

  The grin widened, creating little lines next to his eyes. “I prefer ‘sexy’ over that.”

  She scanned his body. “I do too.”

  “I like sixty-nine.”

  “Again, me too. I think any position we try is going to be wonderful but now you know why I was on top.”

  “I would never force you to take all of me. It would choke you and I’m aware of that.”

  She believed him as she wiggled around until she faced him. “So do I get to go to work with you again tomorrow?”

  “If you promise to not attack any more females.”

  Her happy mood crashed and burned instantly at the reminder of Fiona. “I can’t promise not to if that woman, or any other one for that matter, tries to molest you. You wouldn’t stand there watching a man fondle my muff so don’t expect me to stand there watching a woman try to make Mr. Iffy into Mr. Stiffy.”

  He laughed. “These human sayings are so amusing.”

  She slowly smiled, acknowledging it was humorous. “Okay, is saying she was trying to put the joy into your man toy, better?”

  He rumbled as he laughed harder. She loved seeing his expression so open and expressive. He was relaxed and they were both having a great time. His hand rubbed her skin, stroking her lower back.

  All teasing left her. “I can’t and won’t make promises to not hit someone when I know full-well that I will nail anyone who comes after you like that again. If another woman touches you, I’ll kick her ass. You can count on that.”

  Dawn didn’t miss the tensing of his body or the way his eyes grew a little cold, his joy fading fast, along with his sense of humor. She’d hit a nerve and there was no hiding it from his drastic shutdown behavior.

  “I heard some of what that bitch said to you. What is a breeding pact?” She was curious if he’d shut her out or tell her the truth.

  The length of time it took him to answer her stretched into minutes as he looked anywhere but at her. “It just means I’ve promised to have children.”

  “So we have to have at least one child?” She was pushing him to tell her all of it, purposely testing him.

  “We have to have one child,” he said softly.

  “So that’s it?”

  He refused to look at her. “Yes,” he lied.

  Pain filled her. He wasn’t going to tell her about the eleven other men he was in a pact with or what that would mean if one of them couldn’t get his wife pregnant. Hot tears burned behind her eyes as she dropped her head, pressing her face against his chest.

  “You’re the only woman I want in my bed.” He pulled her tighter against him. “Always know that, little red,” he said softly. “You are the only woman I want to have a child with in the future.”

  Pulling in a shaky breath and fighting her emotions to not flat-out break down and tell him she knew, she swallowed hard. “So you’ll never touch another woman?”

  His arms tightened to the point that he was almost crushing her against him. “I never want another woman.”

  He didn’t want to touch one but he would, that was what he wasn’t saying, but she knew it was the reality of his situation. It would kill her if he ever was ordered to fuck someone else, get her pregnant, and the idea of another woman carrying his baby about tore her up. She wondered how many times he’d already had to do that, how many little parts of the man she loved were out there as breathing proof of what he’d do to ensure that his cyborg people had future generations.

  If they returned to his home world then that’s the kind of future she faced. She could run away from him, escape if the opportunity presented itself, but the thought of not having Iron in her life tore her up just as bad as the reality that he’d cheat on her one day. She knew he would since Fiona had a hard-on for him. How many other cyborg women wanted to have little redheaded babies? Iron was prized for his coloring. Special. Different. He was a much-wanted commodity.

  Iron nuzzled her neck. “We haven’t eaten. I’ll order us some food.”

  She nodded against his chest. “I’m starving,” she lied. Her appetite was gone.

  Somehow she needed to keep Iron but at the same time protect their relationship by not allowing his people and their fucked-up ways to tear them apart. She wished she could take him back to Earth but they’d kill him there. Neither of their worlds were an option.

  Dawn suddenly had a crazy idea but as she thought about it, a plan started to form. She bit her lip, hope and excitement slowly building. It could work. It wasn’t as if she had a lot of options.

  Iron eased his hold on her. “Let’s take a cleansing together. I just linked with the computer and put in a request. Our food will arrive in approximately twenty-three minutes. You may go with me tomorrow but I won’t let you out of my sight this time.”

  “Thank you.”

  Shit, Dawn thou
ght. He could link with the computer without getting near a terminal. She’d have to think of a way to make it impossible for him to do that. They got out of bed and walked to the cleansing unit together. He was silent, obviously lost in thought and Dawn was grateful. She had a lot of planning and plotting to do but not a lot of time to do it.

  Chapter Thirteen

  “I had an idea in the middle of the night,” Dawn told Iron as they dressed the next morning to leave for the surface of the planet to finish the last repairs on the Yas shuttle.

  Iron met her eyes with curiosity. “What idea is that?”

  “The shuttle is old and a lot of things can go wrong on it. The fact that you have to control so much with your implanted connections bothers me. I know how to find some workable relays for the gravity stabilizer so you don’t have to monitor and control them on top of everything else.”

  Interest sparked in his beautiful gaze. “How?”

  “You have emergency pods, correct? Some of them are outfitted with older parts on the nonessential equipment. If you take me and a repair kit to one of them I can open up some panels and try to find some of them.”

  He hesitated and then glanced at the clock. She knew he was probably calculating how much time that would take. She spoke before he could veto her suggestion.

  “I know your shift starts soon but it wouldn’t take me long at all. Worst case scenario, the Rally has to swing back and get us after they drop off your guys first but it would help ensure your mission of getting that old hunk of junk off the surface to dock it with the Moonslip. I think that’s worth half an hour of time, don’t you? It’s only logical to want to do everything possible to make sure something doesn’t go wrong. The more systems we have online and functioning on the shuttle, the better chance it has of reaching orbit without a problem.”

  He nodded and Dawn wanted to jump up and down with joy but she managed to hide it as she ducked her head. “Great.”

  Fear and nervousness fought within Dawn as they left their quarters. Iron led her to a lift and they went down three floors before it stopped. He walked her into more crew quarters, it being obvious what it was by the lines of doors on each side and their spacing. She saw the emergency signs posted giving arrow instructions on where the life pods were.

  A hundred things could go wrong with her plan. She was thinking of every single possibility as Iron stopped next to a pod door and opened up a panel on the wall, lifting out a repair bag. He pressed his hand to the scanner that controlled the lock and the ship doors opened to allow Dawn see a short docking sleeve to the pod. As they stepped into the short hallway the pod doors slid open to reveal a decent-sized, twenty-five person life pod.

  Thank goodness for class-A starships and their comfortable emergency pods, Dawn thought, grateful that the ship was large enough to fit her needs. Her gaze darted around the room, taking in every detail and making mental notes of what she could use to help with her plan.

  “Where do you want to start?”

  “The panels under the pilot console,” she said.

  Iron carried the heavy bag and placed it on one of the two pilot seats. Dawn opened the bag to remove the tools and light she would need. She forced a smile, hoping he couldn’t read that she was up to something when he glanced at her.

  “Why don’t you go down under the dash to look for older styled relays while I take off the top deck of the console? The wiring is packed pretty damn tight in there.” She lifted her hands. “And I’ve got the hands for it.”

  Iron picked up a light source and an all-purpose tool. In less than a minute he was flat on his back on the floor, half his body under the console. She quickly flipped open the top panel. She worked fast, cutting through the computer’s connections to the piloting systems. She left it open and grabbed the cutting tool, waiting.

  “Can you turn on the power to the controls?”

  “Why?” His voice sounded a little suspicious.

  “I think I found two relays and I want to make sure they work before I pull them. It’s just the screen scanner lights but I need juice to do it,” she lied.

  The silence was eerie as she waited for him to speak. When the monitors and systems on the console suddenly came on she jumped a little, startled. “Thanks.”

  Dawn worked fast, slicing through the autopilot that allowed Iron to control the system. Now he would be unable to shut it off with a mere thought via his uplink. She said a quick prayer as she leaned over to grab the emergency med kit next to the pilot’s seat.

  “Will they work?”

  “Yeah, sexy. This is going to work. It has to,” she said honestly as she tore open the lid, scanning the contents.

  Relief flooded her as she grabbed one of the med injectors all pods carried in case an unruly passenger got space sickness. She tore away the protective covering and uncapped it, glancing down at Iron’s legs as regret swamped her. I don’t have a choice, she thought. She bent and jabbed the air needle med injector into his lower thigh and depressed the release valve.

  Iron jerked and his body stiffened as his hips rose until his chest held him down where the console pinned him. Tears filled Dawn’s eyes. She hated what she was doing. She knew the drug would hit his system fast, because when she was a newbie, she’d suffered a panic attack and her supervisor had jabbed her with a knockout shot. She counted to nine and then yanked the med injector away. Iron’s body went totally limp, collapsing on the floor.

  Dawn threw away the med injector and grabbed his legs to drag him out. He was damn heavy and it wasn’t easy but she had desperation on her side. She got him clear of the console and straddled him to check for a pulse. Relief hit her when she found it, knowing he wasn’t having an adverse reaction.

  She straightened, stepped over him, and went to work. She finished cutting all the computer controls first, preventing access to the piloting functions by the onboard computer. She rewired the engine controls directly from the computer into to the console. It took several minutes and she kept watching for any sign that Iron was coming around as she worked. She dropped into the seat, slammed the cover down on the panel and reached for the pilot controls. The engine roared to life as she switched them on.

  “Malfunction,” an electronic male voice stated as the onboard computer booted up. “Engine misfire. Attempting to shut down.”

  “You can try,” Dawn told it, knowing damn well it wouldn’t be able to now that she’d cut the auto pilot connection. She licked her lips as she pushed the release button for the docking clamps.

  “Warning,” the computer announced. “Docking clamps disengaged.”

  “Thanks for letting me know.” Dawn took a deep breath as she grabbed the thruster control, flipping the switches to turn them on. “Go silent now.”

  “You do not have access to issue orders,” the computer stated. “Warning. Thrusters preparing to fire.”

  “That’s the plan,” she stated while she grabbed the twin thruster controls firmly in each hand, knowing it depended on equal balance as she pushed them forward.

  The pod shot forward, nearly tossing Dawn back in the chair but she had braced her knees on the edge of the seat, prepared for the jerky launch. She knew that, right now, alarms in the Star had to be stating that a pod had just jettisoned away but she didn’t want to worry about that.

  “Pod 5 is clear of the Star,” the computer announced. “This is an unauthorized function. Trying to link control access.”

  “Good luck with that.”

  She released the thrusters and reached up to open the shielded window so she could see where she was going. Driving a pod half blind and without a computer was tricky as hell but they were in deep space. She’d never be able to pull this off if other ships were around where heavy space traffic existed. It would be too difficult to navigate tightly without the fast calculations and adjustments the computer could automatically make.

  “Sending emergency signal,” the pod announced. “This is an unauthorized flight.”

; “They are already aware, I’m sure.” She saw wide-open space clear of anything in her path and reached for the thrusters, opening them up, and felt the entire pod vibrate from the full burn she was initiating. The pod launched forward at an alarming speed, her back slamming into the chair. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Iron’s body roll a few times but he didn’t slam into anything.

  “Computer, are the collision senses still activated?” She hoped it would answer since it would be a non-security-related question, one the computer shouldn’t be programmed to ignore.


  “Awesome.” If something came into their path the computer would warn her so she was free to move away from the controls now.

  Dawn got out of her seat and moved quickly to the repair kit in the other pilot seat. She dug inside and found a cutting tool. She glanced at Iron then nearly ran to one of the passenger seats. He was going to wake up soon and she needed to secure him before he fully roused. She gripped the belts and sliced through them. She moved to the next seat and then the next. In less than a minute she had four lengths of thick belt. She turned back to Iron and went to work.

  She secured his hands together over his head around one of the seat legs that was bolted to the floor. The belts were thick and sturdy. She was pretty sure he wouldn’t be able to break them. She stood and went to the repair bag and grabbed out a clamper-attachment tool. She crouched and stapled the belt ends together. The clamps were heavy-duty, designed to hold sheets of metal together. She tied his ankles together next, clamping the belt ends to secure it. When she was done she repeated the process, double securing his wrists and ankles. It was better to be safe than sorry.