Page 19 of MeltingIron


  It didn’t respond. She licked her lips. “Emergency Response.” It was the universal code to activate all Earth vessels. She heard a click.

  “State emergency,” a female auto voice demanded.

  “What is the designation of this ship?”

  “Unable to respond. Your request for information has been forwarded to the captain.”

  “Who is the captain?”

  “Unable to respond. Your request for information has been forwarded to the captain.”

  Dawn was frustrated. Who the hell had her? Where was Iron? His cyborg friends had shot her, knocked her out, and it was all a blank after that. He’d tricked her and kept her occupied while the Rally had caught up to them to hook them so they could dock with the pod. She blinked back tears. She didn’t feel betrayed as much as disappointed. Her plan would have worked and they could have had a happy life on Arian Nine in the underground emergency station. Had he been so furious with what she’d done that he’d made sure they never saw each other again? Her heart squeezed painfully. She loved him.

  Minutes later the doors slid open and she stared openmouthed at the big male who walked in. Iron looked grim as the doors closed behind him. He hesitated and then crossed the few feet to the bed, staring down at her.

  “How do you feel?”

  “Where are we? What is going on?”

  He sat down on the edge of the mattress, making the bed dip his way a little. “This is a jumper shuttle we acquired recently from a team of humans who attacked the Star. It’s designated the Bridden. It is state-of-the-art and these are the captain’s personal quarters.” He turned his head, his gaze flickering around the room before he looked back at her. “They are smaller than the quarters on the Star but you should be comfortable here.”

  Her heart wrenched. “I love you, Iron. I only kidnapped you so we could be together. Please don’t give me away to someone else. We’re married. All couples have problems but they work them out.”

  A red eyebrow arched and he reached up, gripping his braid. He slowly started to unravel it. “Is that so? Do you honestly believe I would give you up, little red?”

  She stared into his eyes and then saw a spark of amusement there. She bit her lip, trying to make sense of the situation but all she knew for sure was that he was freeing his beautiful long hair. Her attention scanned every inch of it as he released it from the tight twists.

  “I made a deal with the cyborg council that I believe you will find more than satisfying.”

  Her gaze darted to his. “What kind of deal?”

  He totally freed his hair, used his fingers to comb it, and then slowly stood. She heard one boot at a time hit the floor as he toed them off. “I’m the new captain of the Bridden. We’re on our way to Garden where they are going to copy the technology of this ship and then we are going to go on a few spying missions for my people. It will be just you and me along with a few other males to help run the ship. It will be extremely dangerous but there is special shielding on the exterior of the shuttle that makes us very difficult to pick up on sensors. For leading this mission I was granted a few special considerations.”

  He opened his shirt, baring his magnificent chest. Dawn swallowed hard, liking what he was saying so far but really loving the way he was stripping. Her heart started to pound and as her body shifted, the restraints pulled on her limbs, making her very aware of her naked circumstances. Her nipples tightened and her pussy warmed with excitement. She was good with math and she was adding up the developments. She was on his bed, tied down naked, and he was stripping. Her tongue darted out to lick her lips.

  “I don’t mind danger.”

  He grinned. “I didn’t think you would with your history of climbing into oxygen generators and picking fistfights with larger cyborgs.”

  She wiggled in the restraints. “What kind of special considerations?”

  He slid his belt free and dropped it on the floor. “I am exempt from being in a breeding pact, little red. That means no female but you will ever be allowed to use my body as a breeder.”

  Pure joy slammed through her. “Seriously?”

  He smiled. “I have written assurances.”

  “That’s like set in stone, right?”

  “Yes.” He chuckled. “The only breeding that is going to happen will be between you and me.”

  “Iron,” she blinked back tears as she smiled. “That’s great.”

  He nodded. “We’re going to be getting closer to Earth than I am comfortable with but this is a good vessel and being together the way we wish to be is worth the danger.” He shoved down his pants.

  Dawn licked her lips at the sight of a very hard Iron cock. She grinned at the thought, seeing the humor in his name when he was built the way he was. Her gaze lifted. “And what about me kidnapping you and stealing the pod? What did they have to say about that?”

  He put his knee on the bed, leaning over her so his long, fiery, beautiful tresses teased her stomach and thigh near him. “You have to be punished for that.” His gaze left hers to slowly travel along her body. “They left the severity of the punishment up to my discretion.”

  Her pussy clenched and her nipples were so hard they nearly hurt. “Really?”

  “Yes,” Iron’s voice dropped to a husky tone. “I believe keeping you tied to my bed for at least a week is a good start to reform you from bad behavior.”

  “Just being tied down?” She wiggled again, the ache between her thighs turning into something hotter and needier. “I think you should do more than that.”

  Beautiful blue eyes lifted to hers. “I agree. I think I should fuck you into submission.”

  “Iron,” she breathed his name. “Please? Touch me.”

  His hand eased between her thighs, which she parted as wide as the restraints would allow. His fingers encountered saturated wetness. His full lips parted and he ran his tongue over them, teasing her with the quick view.

  “You need to do what I say and not disobey me, little red.”

  She rolled her hips, rubbing against his fingers so they pressed her swollen clit. She gasped in a little breath at the wonderful sensation. “Order me to take you then and fuck me. I want you inside me.”

  A grin spread across his lips. “You are never going to be docile, are you?”

  She shook her head. “Nope, but it will be fun to fight with each other sometimes. Tie me down and that’s about as obedient as I get though.”

  A deep chuckle burst from him. “I see I will need to buy more restraints then since we will end up wearing these out soon.”

  “Buy larger ones that fit you too when you do. We’ll take turns on who gets to be in charge.”

  She saw his cock wave like a sexy flag. He liked that idea or at least his body sure did. Iron moved suddenly, reaching for her ankle. He freed it from the leather cuff and then pushed her thigh up, bending her knee. He moved to lie over her and she hooked her free leg around his hip. Iron pushed into her pussy.

  Dawn threw her head back as she moaned loudly at the sudden entry. Iron buried himself in her as deep as he could go and held there until she opened her eyes to lock gazes with him.

  “I’ll fuck you slow later, but for now, I want you. You make me lose my control.”

  “I love doing that,” she confessed. “Take me, Iron. Show me just how much you want me.”

  “I might not be very gentle.” His eyes narrowed and his lips tensed. “I get so excited and you feel so damn good. I am afraid I’ll get too rough and accidentally hurt you. I’d rather hold back than risk that.”

  “I’m a mechanic,” Dawn teased. “I’m tough. I can take you, sexy. I like it a little rough and tough. I especially love everything you do to me.”

  Iron groaned, lowering his mouth to hers to lick at her lower lip before he took possession of her with a kiss that floored her with how passionate it was as his tongue teased hers. He sucked on her, giving her an image of his mouth doing that to her pussy. She
wiggled her hips, moaning into his mouth, wanting him to move and trying to urge him to.

  Iron broke the kiss and hovered just over her lips. “You make me so hot, Dawn. You warm me where I was cold once. It’s like I’m melting right into you and want to get so damn close that we’re one.”

  “I feel the same way, sexy. I love you.” She winked. “Now move, damn it. I’ll beg if you want because I hurt for you.”

  He started to move as their gazes locked together. Dawn’s heart swelled with love for the man making love to her. The future with him stretched before her in her mind’s eye and joy and pleasure washed through her.

  Yeah, I will totally be happy spending the rest of my life melting Iron, she thought.

  About the Author

  I’m a full time “in-house supervisor” (sounds much better than plain ol’ housewife), mother and writer. I’m addicted to caramel iced coffee, the occasional candy bar (or two) and trying to get at least five hours of sleep at night.

  I love to write all kinds of stories. I think the best part about writing is the fact that real life is always uncertain, always tossing things at us that we have no control over, but when your write, you can make sure there’s always a happy ending. I love that about writing. I love it when I sit down at my computer desk and put on my headphones to listen to loud music to block out the world around me, so I can create worlds in front of me.

  Laurann welcomes comments from readers. You can find her website and email address on her author bio page at

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  Also by Laurann Dohner

  Cyborg Seduction 1: Burning Up Flint

  Cyborg Seduction 2: Kissing Steel

  Zorn Warriors 1: Ral’s Woman

  Zorn Warriors 2: Kidnapping Casey

  Zorn Warriors 3: Tempting Rever

  Discover for yourself why readers can’t get enough of the multiple award-winning publisher Ellora’s Cave. Whether you prefer e-books or paperbacks, be sure to visit EC on the web at for an erotic reading experience that will leave you breathless.



  Laurann Dohner, MeltingIron



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