Page 6 of His Proposed Deal

  He placed a piece of French toast on a plate and slid it to me. “I had Martin pick her up and take her home. She was pissed as hell.”

  “Then you should have stayed with her.”

  “Nah. I couldn’t let you wander the streets of New York alone, especially at night and in your condition.” He sat down next to me on the stool with his plate and began eating. “It’s a deal.”

  “What’s a deal?”

  “No seeing other people until our arrangement is over. We’re having sex now, so it won’t be an issue.”

  Did he really just say that? Was that all he thought about? I rolled my eyes and attempted to eat.

  “Are you sure you can commit to one woman for the next couple of months? Are you sure it won’t be too difficult for you?”

  He snickered at me. “You’re cute when you’re hung over.” He finished his breakfast before I did and then grabbed his phone and called Darren to come pick him up.

  “You’re leaving?”

  “Yeah. I have to get home and do some work. I have a meeting tomorrow morning and I’m not fully prepared. I want to get it done before dinner at my parents’ house tonight.”

  “Ugh. I forgot about that.”

  He put his clothes on and kissed my forehead. “Take some aspirin. Drink plenty of fluids and rest up for tonight. I’ll be by to pick you up around six o’clock and don’t forget to put on your ring.”

  “I’ll be ready and waiting.”

  “I’ll see you later, babe.” He walked out the door.

  I grabbed my phone from my purse and sent a group message to Hannah and Austin.

  Me: “Sorry about last night. I wasn’t feeling well.”

  Austin: “Don’t worry about it. It happens.”

  Hannah: “Is something going on between you and Max? Because he looked really pissed when we were out there dancing and that guy came up to you.”

  Me: “We’re sort of seeing each other.”

  Austin: “But he was with that girl last night.”

  Me: “Yeah, I know. I guess you can say that we made it official last night.”

  Hannah: “You’re so lucky. He’s so hot and rich. He’s a keeper, Emma.”

  Austin: “Yeah. Don’t let him get away.”

  Me: I’ll see you two at school tomorrow. I have to do some things around the apartment and then I’m having dinner with Max and his parents later.”


  Taking one last look in the mirror, I ran my fingers through my straightened blonde hair and dabbed on a light pink-colored lip-gloss. My phone started beeping with a text message and when I looked at it, it was from Macy.

  “Hey, girl! Sorry I haven’t been in touch. Service isn’t the best over here. I hope you’re all settled in and enjoying the apartment. I’ll be home in a couple of weeks and we can spend enormous amounts of time catching up. Ciao.”

  I smiled but didn’t send a message back due to the international charges. There was a knock on the door and, as usual, Max was right on time. When I opened it, Darren was standing there with a smile.

  “Hello, Emma. You’re looking better.”

  “Sorry about last night. It wasn’t one of my finest moments.” I grabbed my purse and shut the door.

  “It’s fine and I know Max can do that to you. I want to say congratulations for slapping him.”

  “He told you?”

  “He tells me a lot of things and I’m sure he deserved it.”

  “That he did, Darren.” I smiled.

  We reached the Rolls Royce and I slid into the back seat. Max glanced at me and smiled as he held his phone up to his ear.

  “I don’t fucking care if they don’t like it. You tell that son of a bitch if he doesn’t agree to my terms, then he’s out. Get back with me tomorrow.”

  He hung up and grabbed my hand, bringing it up to his lips. “You look gorgeous.”

  “Thanks. You’re looking pretty spiffy yourself, Mr. Hamilton. Sounds like you’re having an issue with someone.”

  “It’s just work bullshit. I’ll deal with it tomorrow.”

  “I talked to my mom today. It seems she’s met someone.”

  “Good for her. Right?” He narrowed his eyes at me.

  “I guess. As long as he’s good to her.”

  Darren pulled up to the three-story red brick building with the little black wrought-iron gate in the front and opened the door. Stepping out, Darren opened the gate and held it as Max and I walked through. We walked up the four concrete steps that led to the door and, before we approached, the door opened and a small-framed woman in a maid’s outfit stood there, welcoming us.

  “Hello, Hattie.”

  “Hello, Mr. Hamilton. How are you this evening?”

  She was a younger woman, I’d say about mid to late thirties with short black hair. I could tell by the look on her face she was smitten with Max.

  “Hattie, this is Miss Knight.”

  “Please, call me Emma.” I smiled at her.

  “Your family is in the living room,” she spoke as she shut the door behind us.

  Max took hold of my hand and led me to the living room where his parents were properly seated in burgundy wingback chairs.

  “Darling, it’s so good to see you.” Carol smiled as they hugged. “And Emma. You look as beautiful as ever.”

  “Can I get either of you a drink?” Bradshaw asked.

  “Emma will have a glass of wine and I can get my own bourbon.”

  “A glass of wine for a beautiful young lady.” Bradshaw smiled as he handed me the glass. I couldn’t help but look at him with contempt for what he was doing behind his wife’s back. Knowing what I knew had tainted my perception of him being a good man and a loving father.

  “Thank you.” I gave a small, non-deserving smile.

  Hattie alerted us that dinner was ready and so we headed to the dining room.

  “Where’s Fiona?” Max asked.

  “Right here, big brother.” She smiled as she kissed him on the cheek. Her unfriendly eyes diverted my way and as she looked me up and down.

  “Don’t be rude, Fiona,” Max stated.

  “Hey.” She walked around to the other side of the table and took the seat across from me.

  “Our sweet little Fiona applied to Columbia today,” Bradshaw proudly said.

  “Good for you, sis.”

  “What do you want to study?” I asked.

  “She’s getting into law,” Carol answered for her.

  “My girlfriend is just finishing up her degree in law. She’ll be graduating in December.”

  “Good for her. Where at? Miami?” She rolled her eyes. “And why the hell are you just starting Parsons anyway? Shouldn’t you have been graduated already?”

  “Fiona, that’s enough.” Max scowled.

  “You’re right, Fiona, but I chose not to go to college right from high school. I took a few years off to work.”

  “Stop right there, Emma.” Max commanded. “It’s none of Fiona’s business.”

  The air was thick in the room and I didn’t know what Fiona’s problem with me was. Both times I’d seen her, she had been nothing but rude. We finished dinner and had dessert. Max poured me another glass of wine and leaned down and kissed my lips.

  “Aw, look at those two lovebirds. They’re perfect together.” Carol smiled at us.

  I felt bad for this charade. They were genuinely happy that their only son had finally found someone to settle down with. Little did they know that it wasn’t going to last.

  Chapter 11

  It was Wednesday night and Max and I were having dinner together at my apartment. It was the first time I’d seen him since dinner with his parents on Sunday. I was making lasagna and waiting for him to come by after the office. As I was in the kitchen making the salad, the door opened, and Max walked in and set his briefcase down on the stool.

  “Hi.” I smiled.

  “Hey. It smells delicious in here. How was school today?”

  “It was
good. How was work?”

  “Hectic and stressful as always.” He walked behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist, burying his face into my neck. “It’s good to see you.”

  “It’s good to see you too.”

  “Can I help?” he asked.

  “Yes. Finish cutting up these tomatoes for the salad while I check on the lasagna.” I reached up and kissed his soft lips before pulling the dish out of the oven.

  Just as the two of us sat down at the table, there was a knock at the door.

  “Are you expecting someone?”

  “No. I have no idea who it could be.”

  “I’ll answer it.” He got up from the table and opened the door. My eyes widened and my heart started racing when I peeked over the table and saw Molly and Kara standing there.

  “Umm. Is Emma here?”

  “Yeah. Come on in, ladies.”

  I jumped up from the table and ran to them. “What are you doing here?” I asked as the three of us hugged.

  “We wanted to surprise you, but I think you may have surprised us. Isn’t that the guy from the club in Miami?”

  I sighed.

  “Yes, I am. I’m Max Hamilton.” He held out his hand. “We were never formally introduced.”

  “What’s going on, Emma?” Molly asked.

  I stood there and stared at my best friends from whom I never kept a secret. I didn’t expect this visit and they caught me off guard.

  “Come sit down and have some lasagna. I’ll explain everything, but first let me pour you a drink because you’re going to need it.”

  Max and I explained everything to them and I could tell they weren’t happy about the situation. The two of them glared at me from across the table, a glare that I came to know growing up. After dinner, Max helped clean up and then said his goodbyes to Molly and Kara.

  “It was lovely to finally meet the two of you officially this time.” He winked. He placed his thumb on my chin. “You owe me sex.”

  “I know. Sorry.” I pouted.

  “It’s all good. I’m glad your friends are here. Go catch up and I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”

  He walked out the door and as soon as I shut it, the girls were right behind me, grabbing my arms and dragging me to the couch.

  “What the fuck, Emma? How the hell are you going to pull this off?” Kara asked with concern.

  “It’s easy. After he collects his trust fund, I’m breaking off the engagement.”

  “That’s not what she meant,” Molly chimed.

  I looked at both of them as I narrowed one eye. “What are you talking about?”

  “I can already tell you’re falling in love with him if you aren’t already in love with him. I’ve never seen you like this before. You’re different. I saw it in the way you looked at him every time he spoke.”

  “You’re going to get hurt, Emma, and we’re worried for you.” Molly put her arm around me.

  “You’re both wrong. I don’t love Max. This is an agreement we have. There’s no love between us. Only amazing sex and friendship. We’re the friends-with-benefits couple and nothing else. I don’t have time for love or relationships and neither does he.”

  “If you say so, but we’re still worried,” Kara spoke.

  I grabbed the bottle of wine from the table and brought it over to the couch with our glasses. “Now, tell me why the two of you are here.”

  Excitement overtook both of them at the same time as their faces displayed huge smiles.

  “We’re moving to New York!” Kara screamed.

  “You’re kidding, right? Because seriously, that’s not even funny if you’re joking.”

  Molly took hold of my hand. “No, Emma. We aren’t kidding around. We both have interviews tomorrow at a new hair salon that’s opening up over on Madison Avenue. They’re looking to hire ten new stylists. We miss you and Miami hasn’t been the same since you left and you know we’ve always wanted to see New York.”

  I could barely contain my excitement. Having my best friends, who were like sisters to me, with me in New York was like a dream come true. I missed them so much and the fun times we used to have.

  “Poor Aubrey. Now she’s going to be left all alone back in Miami.”

  Molly looked at me and gave me a big smile. “We were waiting for the best piece of news for last. She’s moving to New York too!”

  “WHAT?!” I screamed in excitement.

  “After she graduates in December, she has a job waiting for her at Lawson, Talbot, and Grimes Law Firm. She did a Skype interview with them and they hired her. She wanted to come here with us and tell you in person, but with her classes, she couldn’t.”

  I started jumping up and down because I was so happy. Then reality hit me. “What if you two don’t get the job at the salon?”

  “We already thought of that and it doesn’t matter. We’ll find jobs at one of these salons in New York or even Jersey.” Kara smiled.


  Kara and Molly stayed the night. I had to get up and go to class, so I left the extra key on the counter for them. As I walked to class, I dialed Aubrey.

  “Hello, my dearest best friend,” she answered.

  “I can’t believe you’re moving to New York in December and didn’t tell me!”

  She laughed. “I wanted to, but the other two goofballs wanted to do it in person. I’m so excited, Emma, and I’m ready to make a fresh start.”

  “I am thrilled that we’re all going to be together. I just got to class, so I’ll talk to you later. Love you, Aubrey.”

  “Love you too, girly!”

  I couldn’t wait to introduce Hannah and Austin to my friends, as I was telling them all about the girls. During my last class, a text message came through from Max.

  “Dinner tonight. The four of us. I’ll pick you ladies up at seven o’clock and then you’re spending the night at my house. So pack a bag.”

  “What if I don’t want to spend the night?”

  “It’s not an option. You owe me sex and I’m ready to collect.”

  I smiled and rolled my eyes. “See you at seven.”

  He was becoming the most important person in my life very quickly. I knew that falling in love with him wasn’t an option, but it was too late and I knew he was falling for me. The question was: how were we going to continue our relationship after he collected his trust fund?

  When I arrived home and opened the door, Molly and Kara were huddled on the couch, watching Sex in the City with a pint of ice cream in their hands and two spoons. I set my purse down and sat in between them.

  “How did your interviews go?”

  “Great,” Kara spoke. “They said they’d let us know by the end of tomorrow.”

  “I’m keeping my fingers crossed for both of you! By the way, Max is picking us up at seven for dinner.” I took the spoon from Kara and dipped it in the ice cream.

  “Please tell me he has a brother,” Molly begged.

  “Sorry. He only has a nasty seventeen-year-old sister named Fiona. For some reason, that girl hates me.”

  “Friends, perhaps?” Kara smiled.

  “I never met any of his friends.”

  “That’s weird. Don’t you think you should?”

  I shrugged. “We have a three-month arrangement. He probably doesn’t want his friends involved.”

  I took one last bite of ice cream and got up from the couch to change for dinner. Kara and Molly followed to do the same. At precisely seven o’clock, there was a knock on the door. When I opened it, Darren was standing there.

  “Come on in, Darren. We’re almost ready.”

  “Max informed me that your friends were in town and that you were forced to tell them about your ‘arrangement.’”

  “Yeah. But I trust them with my life, so I’m not worried. Molly. Kara. I would like you to meet Darren, Max’s driver.”

  “Nice to meet you, ladies.” Darren smiled.

  “Nice to meet you too, Darren,” they both chimed at the same tim

  We walked down to the car and I looked around because the only thing in front of the building was a limousine.

  “No Rolls today, Darren?”

  “Not today, Emma.” He winked as he opened the door.

  I slid in first, taking the seat next to Max. “Hey, good looking.” I smiled as I leaned over and kissed his lips.

  “Hey, beautiful.” He took my bag from me and set it down on the floor. “Hello, ladies.”

  Both girls blushed as they sat across from us. It wasn’t hard to do when one of the hottest and sexiest guys in the universe spoke to you.

  “Did you tell them about the engagement party?”

  “Umm. No.”

  “We would love if the two of you would join us Saturday night at our engagement party.”

  Molly frowned. “Engagement party? Isn’t that taking things a bit far?”

  “It’s my parents. They feel the need to show off to their friends.”

  “We’d love to come and celebrate your fake engagement.” Kara smiled.

  We drank, talked, and laughed as we ate dinner and I couldn’t have been more pleased at how well Max got along with my friends. I had visions of a future where we’d be sitting here with Kara and Molly and their boyfriends, laughing and having a good time. I had to have a little hope that when all was said and done at the end of three months, Max would love me enough to want to keep me in his life. After a great dinner and conversation, we dropped the girls back at my apartment and I went home with Max where our first round of sex took place in the kitchen because we couldn’t make it up to the bedroom fast enough.

  Chapter 12

  “Good morning,” Max whispered as he kissed the side of my head.

  My hand ran down the front of his torso as I curled up closer to him, not wanting to leave his bed or his side. Our night of passion topped it all and my body was still reeling in the effects of the things he did to me.

  “Do you have to go to work?”

  “Unfortunately, I do. I have a meeting first thing. You don’t have classes today, so what are your plans?” His finger made tiny circles around my shoulder, sending me into a frenzy.