Page 14 of Cruel Summer

  And even though I thought I’d probably start crying the second that was out, I didn’t. But not because I was embarrassed, or wanted to appear strong or cool in front of Yannis—I guess just knowing it was okay to show emotion made it no longer necessary to hide it.

  And after saying good-bye to Petros, Yannis grabbed my hand and we headed into town, anxious to make up for all that lost time.

  Circle in the Sand

  August 25

  I’m back! Thanks to Tally and Tassos who are now totally hooked into the new millennium and have finally gone wireless! Yipee! Which means I can now blog from the comfort of my room, the kitchen table, the couch, the terrace, wherever! And it’s all because they said they wanted to keep in touch with me! And even though I don’t doubt that to be true, I also happen to know that they’re thinking of selling all the art and stuff they make in their own online store, which means they pretty much needed a computer to do that.

  Anyway, you were probably a little confused when you saw the blog name, right? I know, I know, I just can’t seem to stick with a title. I guess I tend to be a little fickle, somewhat flighty, and perhaps even just a tad bit impulsive (but those are only a few of my many, many quirks, I assure you). Though let me also assure you that “Circle in the Sand” is officially back and will hold at least until I leave on August 31, which unfortunately, is now just a few days away.

  Yup, you read that right, I said UNFORTUNATELY. Because even though I spent the better part of the summer longing to be just about anywhere but here, wouldn’t you know it, now that it’s nearly time for me to leave, this has pretty much become the only place I want to be.

  Still, the fact remains that my days here are few, and since I’m determined not to waste any more than I already have, I will keep it short and sweet and show you what I’ve been up to:

  1) This is a picture of me and Yannis out on his cousin’s boat. I thought I was teaching them how to wakeboard, until I discovered that they already knew how to wakeboard—way, WAY better than me.

  2) That’s me and Yannis lying on the beach, that very same day, after the wakeboarding instruction. Notice how wrecked and exhausted I look. That’s what wiping out on the wakeboard, over and over again, will do to a person.

  3) That’s me and Yannis’s cousin Nikos eating a sea urchin that I caught! Seriously! I mean, I pricked my finger pretty badly when I picked it up, but still, it was awesome. That’s right, believe it or not I’ve really learned to love them and I have no idea what I’m going to do when I go back home and I won’t be able to eat them all the time anymore. But I guess, there’s always frozen yogurt—which is something they don’t have here!

  4) That’s us, at the club, dancing. Blah, blah, blah, I know you’ve seen those same kind of shots like a thousand times already. So, moving on…

  5) Oops! Okay, again, another club picture of us drinking (non-alcoholic, I swear!) and hanging out in our usual booth. I like to think of it as the VIP booth, even though it’s not.

  6) This is a photo of our (Yannis and my) favorite beach. Though the reason you can’t see it very well is because it was taken at night, after the club, so it’s pretty much just dark sand, darker water, and really dark sky.

  7) This is another picture of my cat, Mr. Holly Golightly, who has been missing for several weeks now. If you should find him, please, please pick him up gently (because he does NOT like to be cuddled or held for very long—and trust me, you do NOT want to get scratched!) and deliver him to Tally’s Gift Shop located in the harbor front. I promise there will be a reward.

  That’s all for now!



  August 26

  To: AmandaStar

  From: ColbyCat

  Re: Wazup W/U & sandal guy?

  Hey Amanda,

  I got your e-mail, and just thought I’d let you know that SANDAL GUY has a name—it’s YANNIS.

  And just so you know, he also happens to be MY BOYFRIEND.

  And the only reason I didn’t tell you this before is because I knew you’d make fun of both him and me. But now I no longer care about things like that, so there it is.

  Feel free to forward this e-mail to the entire Harbor High School student body if that’ll make you happy, since the truth is, I no longer care about stuff like that either.



  Circle in the Sand

  Blog Comments:

  Anonymous said:

  It’s so good to have you back!

  ColbyCat said:

  It’s AMAZINGLY good to be back!

  August 26

  Dear Mom and Dad,

  Just so you know, I’m sending each of you a copy of this exact same letter so you don’t have to freak out and arrange another conference call. I mean, if you want to call, then of course that’s fine, but I just want you to know that you’re both getting the exact same information at more or less the exact same time, since I plan to express mail both of these as soon as I’m finished writing them.

  Anyway, the purpose of this letter is that I have a proposal to make. And even though you’ll probably not take it very seriously, or think I’m joking (at least when you first start reading), it shouldn’t take long for you to realize just how serious I am.

  And while I realize this may be hard for you to believe, especially in light of my past behavior, not to mention all of the complaining and manipulating I previously engaged in, I am now forced to humbly admit that you guys were completely right in sending me here.

  Yup, you read that right! I sincerely believe that just by being here and experiencing everything I have, not only have I learned, not only have I grown, but I now truly believe I am not stretching the truth when I say (write) that I’m a much better person than I was when I left.

  So with that in mind, I would really appreciate it if you would please hear me out, before you go thinking this is just another attempt by me to sway your vote in my favor.

  So here goes:

  Right before I left, I heard you guys arguing, and one of you (I don’t remember who) mentioned something about Cyber School. And while I’m still not exactly filled in on all of the details, I have to say that over the last few days I’ve conducted a fair amount of online research, and have found what seems to be a multitude of Virtual Academies to choose from.

  And even though I’ve yet to run it by Tally and Tassos (mostly because I wanted to approach you and gain your consent first, which also means that I hope you won’t mention it to them before we’ve had a chance to discuss things), in the end, I think we’ll find them to be in full agreement with my plan.

  So—believe it or not, I’ve really grown to like it here.

  I mean, I REALLY like it here.

  And so I’m wondering if I might be allowed to stay and finish my education by enrolling in Cyber School, since my Greek’s not good enough (yet!) to attend the local school.

  And before you roll your eyes, shake your head, and say NO, please just consider this—if you agree with my plan to let me stay and attend an online school, then:

  1) Mom—You will be able to move wherever you want. You can even get a one-bedroom apartment, thereby SAVING A TON OF MONEY since you won’t have to worry about me, or be forced to stay within my current (high-rent) school district.

  2) Dad—ALL of these online schools are totally ACCREDITED and LEGITIMATE, so my dreams of college will not in any way be compromised and/or hindered.

  3) Also, by staying here, I will become bilingual! A plus on any college and/or job application.

  4) I will still be able to fly home to visit with both of you on Christmas and New Year’s, and you can come visit me for Easter—which happens to be a very big holiday here, and it would be so fun to celebrate it with you! Or even just one of you. Whatever you can arrange.

  5) And even though online school is not exactly free, I think once you both take the time to sit down and do the math, you will find it to be VERY COST EFFECTIVE.

/>   6) Also, just for the record, because I think it needs to be said, Tally and Tassos are NOT CRAZY. They are nice, kind, generous, smart, wonderful people who have become VERY GOOD ROLE MODELS for me (not that you aren’t as well).

  7) Besides, it would only be for the next year. Which, when you think about it, is really just twelve months. Which as you well know, will just fly by before any of us even realizes it’s over!

  8) Not to mention how if I CAN’T return to Harbor High, then I’d really rather just stay here.

  9) And even if I CAN return to Harbor High, then I’d still rather just stay here.

  10) And just so you know, this plan practically GUARANTEES both my current and future HAPPINESS. And we all know how important it is to be happy in life.

  So now that you’ve taken the time to read my letter, I hope you’ll also take the necessary amount of time in which to fully consider my proposal.

  Though it would also be helpful if you could get back to me as soon as you can, since time is clearly running out.



  P.S. Dad, I’ve also decided to send this via e-mail as well as fax it to your office in hopes that you will alert Mom the MOMENT you receive it, because even though I’m springing for express, one-day airmail, as you can see, time is of the essence.

  August 26

  To: NatalieZee

  From: ColbyCat

  Re: Thanks for the earrings

  Hey Nat,

  You’re not going to believe this, but I’m totally campaigning to get my parents to let me stay in Tinos! I have no idea if they’ll actually go for it or not, but I just sent them a very detailed letter making the best case I possibly could, so now I’m just crossing my fingers and hoping for the best.

  I mean, it probably sounds weird and all, especially since I started out really hating it here, but even though I’m not sure exactly when or how it happened, I’ve somehow really grown to like it. And it’s NOT just because Yannis and I are back together (though I’m not even sure you knew we were apart, I guess we have a lot to catch up on!), because in just a few weeks he’ll be going back to Athens to finish up his last year of high school anyway, which means we’ll only be able to see each other on the occasional weekend. But the truth is, I really like this simple, uncluttered, island life. And even though I’ve made a mess of so many things since I got here (I promise to fill you in on all of that too), somehow my life feels a lot less complicated HERE than it does THERE. No yelling, no fighting, no domestic upheaval, everything’s just tranquil, quiet, and peaceful—three things I didn’t appreciate until I came here. Not to mention how there’s really not much for me to return to, so I guess I just don’t see the point in returning at all.

  I mean, of course there’s still YOU—that is, if we’re back to being friends???

  But other than that, there’s really not much for me to miss, since I’m pretty much over that whole Amanda and Levi scene, so allow me to take a moment to say—You were right! You were right! You were so very right!

  Not to mention how I don’t even miss any of my “stuff” as much as I originally thought I would—which is pretty weird, since I really, really thought I would.

  So anyway, if they let me stay here, then I’ll be enrolling in some kind of Cyber School, not sure which one, since there’s plenty to choose from. But if not, then it’s anyone’s guess where I’ll end up.

  Okay, well, I’m meeting Yannis soon—so, e-mail me back when you can!


  P.S. Oh yeah, I’m so glad you liked the earrings! I made them myself! Though I probably already told you that!

  August 27

  Dear Tally/Tassos,

  You’ll be happy to know that the computer DID NOT CRASH!

  It just ran out of battery, which means you have to plug it in and let it recharge for a while, that’s all.

  If either of my parents (or both!) happen to call—please tell them I’ll call them back as soon as I return.

  But please DO NOT ask them why they are calling, since I already know the reason, and it’s kind of private, and not really all that important.




  Colby’s Journal for Desperate Times When She’s Desperately in Love and Doesn’t Care Who Knows

  August 29

  So yesterday, when I went to the beach with Yannis, I finally worked up the nerve to take off my top! But only because neither Tally nor Tassos nor any of his three hundred cousins were there, which meant we were completely alone (well, other than the other tourists and beachgoers), but even then, I only had it off for like ten seconds, before I put it right back on.

  And the second after I did it, Yannis rolled onto his back, squinted at me, and said, “Did you just flash me?”

  But I just laughed as my fingers worked at retying my straps. And once everything was secured, covered, and stowed away safely again, I leaned in and kissed him and said, “Baby steps. You know, one small baby step at a time. That’s how you do it. That’s how all great change begins.”

  And as he pulled me down on top of him and started kissing me back, my mind went straight to the pack of condoms I had stashed in my beach bag. And I wondered if we’d end up using them.

  Ever since we got back together, it was like I’d become obsessed with the idea of sleeping with Yannis. I mean, not that I hadn’t thought about it like a million, gazillion times before, because I had, probably even more than that. But now that we were definitely back together, now that I just might be forced into going home, the whole idea seemed to take on a life of its own, filled with this overwhelming urgency (well, to me anyway, since it’s not like he was even aware of it).

  Besides, I really, really like him. And even though I used to think I really, really liked Levi, now I realize I was wrong. Because my liking Levi had everything to do with Levi the Image and nothing to do with Levi the Person. I mean, I barely even knew him as a person, and what little I did know, well, I really wasn’t all that crazy about. But with Yannis everything is different. We have things in common, we laugh at the same jokes, and we can carry on a conversation just as easily as we can make out.

  I guess what I’m trying to say is that Yannis is also like my good friend. And in light of all that, buying a pack of condoms just seemed like the right thing to do.

  So the day after Petros’s funeral, I got up early, went into town, and purchased a three-pack at the local pharmacy. And I have to admit that the whole entire time my heart was racing, my face was burning, and it was almost as embarrassing as the time I had to buy tampons from this kid in my ninth-grade biology class who was working the register at CVS. But then I reminded myself how I’m not exactly from here, which also meant that the anonymous woman with the furry upper lip who was ringing up my three-pack probably assumed I was just another slutty tourist who she wouldn’t think twice about after I left. And even though she did glance from the box to me while raising her eyebrows, I just rolled my eyes and brushed it off, positive I had nothing to worry about.

  And the second I walked out of that store, with the small brown bag clutched tightly in my fist, the contraband condoms secured in my possession, the specifics of just HOW and WHEN I would actually go about using them became pretty much all I could think about.

  Seriously, it’s like every morning I wake up, I can’t help but think:

  Will today be the day I sleep with Yannis?

  And since time is seriously running out, I was starting to think that today was probably as good a day as any.

  Though it’s not like I’d planned to do it right there on the beach.

  Yet, wouldn’t you know it, just as I was really getting into kissing him back, I accidentally kicked my bag with my foot, which made the whole thing tip over, which made all the contents spill across the sand. And it’s not like I even would’ve stopped kissing him long enough to notice, except that when Yannis came up for air, he also started to clean up the mess.

>   And when he came to the small, silver packet, he looked at me, and said, “So you really did buy condoms. I thought they were making a joke.”

  “What?” I gasped, sitting up so fast an entire constellation of stars swirled before my eyes, watching, in complete mortification, as the little packet, my most embarrassing purchase ever, dangled from the tips of his fingers.

  “Christos told me,” he said, the condoms swinging back and forth in a rush of silver, as though I was being hypnotized. “But I think it was Georgos who told him. But actually, it all started with Katerina, Maria’s aunt. She’s the one who owns the pharmacy.”

  “Your LITTLE BROTHER told you I bought condoms?” I asked, going straight to the most horrifying on the LIST OF PEOPLE WHO KNOW I BOUGHT CONDOMS, as I frantically tried to wrap my mind around how this could possibly ever have happened. I mean, wasn’t there some kind of law against this? Wasn’t there some kind of INTERNATIONAL PROPHYLACTIC PURCHASING PRIVACY ACT? And if not, WHY not? “And who’s Georgos? Do you mean YOUR COUSIN Georgos? And is that the Maria I’m thinking of?” My eyes were bulging, my palms sweating, my heart racing, my mind spinning, watching as Yannis just nodded, clearly amused.

  “You mean the WHOLE TOWN, no, scratch that, you mean the WHOLE ISLAND, knows I bought condoms?” I yelped, clearly on the verge of hysteria.