Page 11 of Fate and Fury

  “Yeah, that could be it,” Crina agreed.

  Vasile gradually let his hold on his son lesson as he carefully watched to make sure that he wasn’t going to attack. When Fane didn’t move, he released him fully.

  Fane took a step towards his mate and stopped to make sure she wasn’t going to back away. When she stood her ground, he took another step and another, until he was standing right in front of her.

  “Please leave us,” he spoke softly, but knew everyone would hear him.

  Decebel let out a low growl and was going to take a step towards Fane until Jen stepped in front of him.

  “He won’t hurt her.”

  Decebel stared at his mate a moment before he finally relented. He took Jen’s hand as he turned to follow the others to give Fane and Jacque as much privacy as the forest would afford.

  Once they were alone, Fane placed two fingers under Jacquelyn’s chin and gently raised her face to look at him.

  “How could you possibly think I wouldn’t want you?”

  Tears slid down her cheeks as she tried to speak. Her lips trembled and she tried to look away, but he held firmly to her chin.

  “How could you after watching that? How could you ever want to touch me again?”

  Fanes eyes closed briefly as he realized that she had thought his emotions were directed at her. He wasn’t mad at her and she didn't revolt him. She was his. His precious mate and he knew that she hadn’t really been touched or kissed or loved by another. He knew it, but still his wolf and he needed to connect with her emotionally as well as physically. He needed to reassure himself that she still wanted him, desired him, and no other.

  Jacque stood on her tip toes and pressed her lips to his. She reached up, ran her fingers through his thick, black hair, and moaned when he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her closer. She opened her mind to his and poured her heart into their kiss. She thought about their wedding night, about the blood rites and then the time after. She reminded him of their first time together and all the times after, showing him the only way she could in that moment, how much she needed him, wanted him, and thirsted for him.

  She was his, no doubt, but he was also hers.

  “You are mine,” she told him. “There is no other for me. My heart, my body, and my desire is for you alone.”

  Fane’s body shuddered as Jacquelyn’s words reverberated to his very soul. His wolf and he was hers. He felt the truth in those words and it eased something inside him just a little. His hands roamed her body as much as he dared in their semi-private environment and he didn’t think he had ever wanted to be alone with his mate more than he did in that moment.

  She pulled back from his kiss gasping for breath and he smiled slightly at her swollen lips.

  “Soon,” she panted.

  “Not soon enough,” he growled.

  They stared at each other as they tried to get their breathing under control. The image of her looking at him in fear flashed in his mind and his heart ached.

  “I’m sorry I scared you,” he whispered.

  Her arms were still wrapped around her neck and her hands gripped his neck tightly.

  “I wasn’t scared of you; I was scared that I’d lost you, because of what you have endured. I saw what you had visually endured and even now, I can’t think of it or I’ll be sick again. Fane,” her voice wavered as she tried to keep it together, “the thought of any man’s, hands besides yours, is revolting. I don’t want those images in your mind. I don’t want our bed tainted with that.”

  “I’m sorry. It’s my fault that I saw it. It was my fear that created it and after I saw it once, it just grew inside me. More and more I feared that I wasn’t enough for you, that you would realize that you deserved someone better.”

  Jacque silenced him with her lips as she kissed him deeply. When she pulled back, again she nipped his collar bone as punishment for his doubt.

  “There is no one better for me. Not in this realm or any other.”

  Fane pressed his forehead to hers and breathed in her scent. Then his eyes found his bite mark from the blood rites ceremony and he growled. He kissed down her face to her neck. When he reached the mark, he kissed it gently and then gave into his wolf.

  Jacque gasped as she felt Fane’s teeth sink into her tender flesh and as quickly, as the pain had started it was gone. A rush of pleasure brought another gasp from her and then a deep, throaty moan. She gripped him tightly as she felt the pull of his mouth and she smiled as she heard him sigh in contentment. He liked the way she tasted, she heard his thoughts loud and clear, and it only made the experience that much more intense and intimate. Finally, he released her and licked her neck tenderly. He kissed the bite several times before he nipped her ear and growled. “Mine.”

  “I think you’ve established that wolf-man,” she teased.

  “Want to reciprocate?” He asked her as he tilted his head to the side giving her a clear view of his neck. He wanted her bite, wanted his scent running through her veins, but he knew that his Jacquelyn was a very private person. The only reason she had let him bite her was because she had felt his need. She had compromised, since they couldn’t make love, she submitted to his bite instead.

  “I want to, you know I do.” Jacque pleaded for him to understand. She wasn’t rejecting him.

  “I know love, I know you do. It’s not fair of me to ask it of you when I know how you feel about it.”

  “It’s just so intimate. I feel I might as well be standing here naked.” She laughed at her insecurity and reveled in the laugh that erupted from Fane.

  “As much as that idea appeals to me, I wouldn’t want others to see you so I can understand why you don’t want others to see you bite me. It is intimate and under normal circumstances I would not have done that here.”

  “I know,” she told him with a smile, “but I’m glad you did. It’s calmed your wolf.”

  “Yes,” he agreed. “He definitely feels more secure with you at the moment.”

  “Are you going to lose it again?”

  Fane knew she was teasing, but the truth was he didn’t know. It was a possibility and so he wouldn’t lie to her.

  “I don’t know.”

  She kissed him gently before stepping back, but keeping hold of his hand.

  “Okay, we will cross that bridge when we get there,” she shrugged then as she turned to pull him towards the others, “or fall off.”

  “Thanks for the vote of confidence babe,” he muttered.

  Jacque laughed, “If worse comes to worse I’ll just have to let you ravish me like a caveman.”

  Fane growled, “Don’t tempt me.”

  The others were waiting for them just over a hill. The camp had been packed up and they were ready to be on the move again.

  “Did you finally give in and just let him have his way with you, Red?” Jen asked, with a wicked grin.

  Decebel, who had an arm wrapped around her, pulled her tighter and growled.

  “Relax B. You’ll get your roll in the hay soon.”

  Decebel leaned down and nipped her neck sharply. “You’re writing checks, Jennifer.”

  “Yeah, yeah… that I can’t cash. I get it, but maybe rough is what I’m aiming for Dec, ever think about that?” She rounded on him and raised a single eye brow in challenge.

  “You really want to do this now?” He growled at her.

  “Good grief,” Peri groaned, as she rubbed her forehead. “The Great Luna, save us from horny, dominant werewolves, and the mates that are determined to push them over the edge they are precariously perched on.”

  Vasile stepped forward so that he stood where he could see the whole group. He let his power loose and watched as one by one the wolves dropped to their knees; all except Decebel and Gavril. Gavril willingly went to his knees of his own choice, but Decebel remained standing.

  “I know you all are feeling a bit territorial with your mates. I understand that you feel the need to connect with them, to reestablish your claim
and bond, but you are not pups to be ruled by your needs and desires. You will pull yourselves together, you will hold it together until we are safe, and you have a private room to lose it. Are we clear?”

  Rumbles of agreement met his waiting stare and after several moments of Vasile’s intense gaze, he pulled his power in and let them up.

  Some of the tension that had been growing between the males abated, though not completely.

  “Okay, let me catch you up to speed,” Peri began speaking. “The Great Luna had the Fae council send out the call to the packs. She is not asking politely for you all to unite, she is demanding it. They should already be gathering and hopefully by the time we make it back to the mansion they will be there and in one piece.”

  Vasile rubbed his brow as worry seeped into him. “Skender is in charge right now, and though he is dominant, he is no match for an Alpha, let alone eleven of them.”

  “Skender is diplomatic, Vasile,” Decebel assured him. “He can keep the peace. Not to mention, Dillon Jacobs will be there. He is levelheaded and smart, and should be able to curb any violence.”

  Vasile let out a deep breath and though he knew Decebel’s words to be true, he also knew that Alpha’s didn’t mix, no matter how levelheaded or diplomatic they might be.

  “We need to move quickly,” Peri continued. “Mona is going to learn of your escape soon enough and she will not let it go unanswered. She knows that we are in these mountains and she will use anything she can to take us out.

  “Well, let‘s quit wasting time here trying to kill each other and get a move on.” Elle surprised them all with her sudden candor.

  Sorin smiled at his mate. “Feeling feisty?”

  She returned his smiled innocently and kissed his cheek. “I’m as eager as the rest to get back.”

  Sorin’s eyebrows rose in surprise and his response in her ear was anything but innocent.

  Peri shook her head as she turned to lead them. “I’m highly disappointed Elle, what happened to your prudish behavior?”

  Elle laughed. “It took a back seat when I was given a mate so hot that he could cook bacon on his abs.”

  Jen reached over for a high five from Elle as she grinned. “Good one fairy.”

  Elle nodded. “I know, right?”

  Peri picked up the pace hoping to make them keep their talking to a minimum as they traveled. The males were on edge and it wasn’t going to take much to cause another fight like the one that had just erupted.

  “Are you alright?” Sally asked Costin for the hundredth time since Fane had attacked him. She felt his warm breath on her neck as he kept stride next to her.

  “I’m fine Sally mine, quit worrying about me.” He winked at her and she smiled because it still gave her flutters and made her want to throw herself into his arms.

  “Feel free to,” he told her as he saw the thoughts in her mind.

  Sally rolled her eyes at him, but took comfort in his returned playfulness. He wasn’t any less possessive or protective, but his demeanor had almost returned to normal.

  “Dec,” Jen spoke tentatively to her mate. He was angry, she didn’t really think it was at her, but she knew she hadn’t helped.

  “Jennifer,” he responded, not unkindly.

  “We good?”

  “I will be better once I can look you over thoroughly, and once Cynthia examines you and lets me know our little girl is alright.”

  “I’m fine babe, promise.” She tried to reassure him, but she knew he was telling the truth; he wouldn’t be all right until he had looked her over himself.

  “I love you, Jennifer,” his voice suddenly sounded urgent in her mind.

  “I love you to. I’m glad your back.”

  “You missed my bossy, brooding, possessive ways?” He teased.

  “Wouldn’t have you any other way, babe.”

  “I’ll remember you said that,” he warned with a smile, knowing she would get the reference.

  She laughed out loud, as they jogged through the quiet forest.

  “Tombstone.” She confirmed with a smile at him and the slight upturn of his lips sent a thrill through her. He was safe, he was with her and now she could focus on saving the world, saving their baby, and anything else that needed saving.

  “Feeling ambitious?” Decebel asked with a smirk.

  She smiled wickedly at him, “Oh babe, you have no idea.”

  Chapter 10

  “For centuries we have managed to stay out of the affairs of humans and other supernatural races. I do not feel that it is in our best interest to get involved in the tribulations of others. Unfortunately, what I feel does not matter to those outside of my own race. I should have known it was only a matter of time before trouble should show up at our door. However, I could have never imagined that the trouble would include not one race or two, but all of the supernaturals save ours. Just goes to show that my imagination is very bland. ~ Thalion, Prince of the Elves

  “Are you sure this is what you want to do?” Lilly asked as they stood before a clearing in the vast forest.

  Cypher was staring intently into the clearing and Lilly knew he must be seeing something she was not.

  Cyn made a motion with her hand and suddenly there was ripple in the air. Out of nowhere, a seam appeared and, like a curtain, the space in front of them parted and she could see through it to the other side. It did not match the forest around them and for that reason she knew that she was looking into the realm of the elves.

  Cypher looked down at her and the answer was evident in his eyes.

  “Okay, okay,” she groaned, “we don’t really have a choice do we?”

  “We cannot walk away from a dangerous situation hoping that someone else will step forward and deal with it. We might not be the first ones to discover the draheim in the human realm, but we are the only ones willing to fix it.”

  “For someone who was willing to make a deal with the devil, you sure are turning out to be noble and selfless.” Lilly told him with a wink.

  “I am not so noble as to give up the woman who was kidnapped to be my mate.” Though the words came out softly, Lilly felt the possessiveness behind them and tried to deny the warm feeling it gave her. She was wanted. After being discarded so many years ago, someone wanted her and she didn’t know how to respond.

  Cyn’s throat clearing drew their attention back to the open Veil.

  “Ready?” She asked them.

  In response, Cypher walked towards the Veil without hesitation and stepped through it. Cyn motioned for Lilly to go next, and then followed closely behind.

  Lilly’s mouth dropped open as she turned in slow circle.

  “Have we just walked into a Disney movie?” She asked, in awe of the scenery around her.

  The sky above her was the most beautiful shade of blue she had ever seen. The sun shown down on a grassy meadow and the blades blew in the wind rhythmically. The trees around them were tall and strong with large leaves that were a bright vivid green. Birds fluttered from tree to tree, chirping happily. Lilly felt as if at any moment a beautiful big eyed, tiny waisted princess would emerge, spinning out of the trees singing some ridiculous song about nature, or love, or needing to get away from her wicked mother.

  “Technology has not polluted their realm the way it has in the human realm,” Cyn explained.

  Lilly made an “oh” expression with her mouth as she continued to take in the realm before her.

  “Do we find them or do they find us?” Cypher asked the Fae.

  “We will go deeper into the realm, but they will definitely find us before we even know that they are upon us.”

  “Excellent,” Lilly groaned, “because you know I didn’t want this little adventure in our story to be easy or anything. I mean seriously, where would the crazy excitement in that be?”

  Cyn’s brow furrowed at her and Lilly laughed. “Sarcasm Cyn, it’s a coping mechanism I learned from my daughter and her best friends.”

  Cypher took Lilly’s hand
in his and smiled at Cyn. “Just nod your head like you understand and it might make her stop.”

  A slight smile crept up on Cyn’s lips and that made Lilly smile even wider.

  “Let’s go,” Cypher said, as he tugged on Lilly’s hand. “Stay alert,” he added.

  “Have I mentioned that I’m so hungry that I might consider gnawing one of my arms off?” Lilly asked in between breaths as she kept up with Cypher’s long strides.

  “Only twenty three times,” Cyn answered, not sarcastically, just stating a fact.

  “What’s the quota for mentioning hunger before food is finally the answer given, instead of a dry retort?”

  Cypher chuckled at his mate. He loved her quirky sense of humor, and her ability to handle stress so well. He even loved when she complained, like now, because it meant he got to hear her beautiful voice.

  “I haven’t exactly set one,” Cyn answered. “But, when I do, you’ll be the first to know.”

  Lilly’s mouth dropped open as she eyed Cyn. “Were you just being sarcastic? Oh... my gosh you were... you just totally tossed sarcasm at me like a pro.”

  Cyn shrugged. “I’m learning to cope with you.”

  That comment brought a cough from Cypher as he tried to stifle his laughter.

  Lilly’s eyes narrowed but the sparkle in them made it clear that she wasn’t really irritated. “I’ll let that one slide because I figure you need the practice.”

  An hour later they finally stopped and Cyn reached in the pack that she carried on her back and pulled out a loaf of something that looked a lot like bread. She tore off two pieces and handed one each to Cypher and Lilly.

  Lilly glared at the bread and then looked up at Cyn. “Please tell me this is just an appetizer.”

  “It’s more than it appears to be,” said Cyn.

  As they ate their bread in silence, Lilly began to realize that Cyn was right; there was more to this bread. She felt full despite the small amount she had eaten and she felt her body being infused with energy. She was just about to remark on this when suddenly Cypher was on his feet from one breath to the next. His eyes narrowed as he stared into the trees and his head tilted to the side, listening. Cyn had stood as well and was looking in the opposite direction as Cypher. Lilly started to stand but stopped when Cypher looked at her and put a finger to his lips. She moved more slowly as she rose, trying not to make a sound.