Page 17 of Fate and Fury

  “Okay, you are going to have to shut up and listen,” Cynthia growled through the phone.

  Wadim took a deep breath and gathered his composure. “Okay, I’m good.”

  “We’re in the forest on the way to the mansion,” she said.

  “We’ll send vehicles for you,” Wadim interrupted just as Dillon made to leave the room.

  “WAIT!” Cynthia yelled. The males froze.

  Dillon, having taken all the waiting he could handle snatched the phone from Wadim.

  “What the hell is going on Cynthia?” He growled.

  “If you males would just chill out for two seconds and put away your need to control every damn thing around you I could tell you.”

  A pause. “I’m listening,” Dillon responded, in a much calmer tone.

  “It wouldn’t be wise to send any males near these females right now.” Dillon heard a scream in the background and felt his wolf rise up inside of him.

  “Desdemona is working her bitchery and the females have a spell on them. The males can’t touch them,”

  “Why can’t the males touch their mates?” Dillon snapped.

  “Once again, keep your trap shut until I am finished.”

  Dillon bristled at the order, but ignored it when he heard Fane yell Jacque’s name. It took everything in him not to crush the phone in his hand.

  “It’s a long story, but basically the females uninvited the touch of their mates. I can’t get into the whys just now. At the moment, the males are watching their mates endure terrible visions, happening only in their heads. And, the males can’t touch them to help! Peri has tried to break the spell and tried to force the pack magic to break, but it’s not working. We need to know how to restore the male’s ability to touch their mates so we can move the females. Peri thinks that we can break Desdemona’s spell by transporting the girls somewhere farther away. Sometimes this type of magic has a limited range. It’s a shot in the dark, but at the moment I think we’d take just about any suggestion if it would fix this.”

  Dillon stared at the floor as his brain tried to process what Cynthia had just told him. He knew that Skender and Wadim had heard everything and he could tell from the looks on their faces that they were working it all out in their head, searching for any solution possible.

  “HELLO!” Cynthia yelled. “Look, the world is falling apart as I know it and I don’t have time for you to go into all freaky Alpha mode, so please help me.”

  Wadim moved slowly as he took the phone from Dillon.

  “Cynthia,” Wadim’s voice was steady and he felt less panicked, as he discovered that he had a purpose and could be of help. “The males were in their human forms when the woman put the binding on them?”


  “Okay, okay,” Wadim, said again. “The males need to change. The wolf is not bound by the human female’s desire. The mate bond from wolf to wolf is different than the human bond. I don’t have time to explain it.”

  “What about Sally? She isn’t a wolf.”

  Wadim thought about it for a moment, but then shook his head. “It should still work. Costin’s wolf sees Sally as his equal, as his she-wolf regardless.”

  “Okay so if they shift they should be able to touch them?”

  “I think so.”

  Cynthia growled. “You think so or you know so?”

  “Crap Cynthia, it’s not a freaking exact science. I’m going on what I’ve learned over the centuries of documenting our race, so truly, anything is possible, but what other choice do they have right now? By the sounds of it, they are on the verge of killing anything or anyone. Get those males to change and get them and their mates home.” Wadim was breathing heavily when he finished and his heart was pounding in his chest. This is what it was to be pack. When one in the pack hurt, they all hurt. When one in the pack was in danger, they all felt the urgency to save them.

  “Okay,” Cynthia finally answered. “You need to have their rooms ready. The males are going to want their mates in their territory, surrounded by only their scents. No other males, unless you want a blood bath. Wadim, Vasile is not in control. You need to prepare the others for that.”

  The phone went dead. Wadim pulled it from his ear and looked down at it. He looked up at Dillon and Skender. “Did you get all that?”

  Skender nodded.

  “She didn’t give us a time frame for how long till they get here,” Dillon said as he looked out of the window to the forest. “We need to start preparing for their arrival now. It would devastate Vasile if he killed one of his own.”

  Wadim shook his head as he let out a humorless laugh. “I swear, I didn’t think things could get any worse. After everything that has happened, you would think that I’d be smart enough to realize that, more than likely, things are going to always get worse—much, much worse.”

  “The important thing is that we stand united. Desdemona’s first goal in any battle with us will be to separate us, either physically or by creating division among us. That must always be in the back of our minds. It has never been as imperative as it is now to put aside our pride, our dominance, and our need to control. If we fight as one she cannot win; she is no match for all of us.” Dillon’s words gave Skender and Wadim the encouragement and renewed determination to put aside their fears and do what they could, what was within their power to do.

  Dillon waited as the other two males left the office. He closed his eyes and reached for his mate. He needed to feel the comfort and strength that came from being mated to one who is your perfect match. He felt the return of her love, felt her spirit spurring him on to be the man she knew him to be. That’s what a mate was. She was the one who reminded him, in his darkest hour that there was still light in the world. As long as those who stand for good, fight evil, then there was always hope and hope was all they needed in order to stand firm.


  “Where did the ginormous dragon go?” Lilly pointed to the clearing where the beast had fallen, the clearing that was now empty.

  Thalion shrugged as if a giant dragon hadn't just disappeared. “He was not of this realm, so in death he would not stay here. He was returned to his realm where he will be laid to his eternal rest.”

  Cypher, Lilly, Cyn, and Thalion stood just on the edge of the forest while the other elves gathered the arrows so that no humans or other supernaturals would find them.

  “Where do we go from here?” Thalion asked Cypher.

  Cypher paused and looked at Lilly. She saw the question in his eyes and was touched that he was looking to her for advice.

  “Might as well tell him, he’s going to find out,” she told him.

  Cypher gave a resolute nod and looked back at Thalion.

  “I made a bargain with Desdemona. At the time, I thought it was my only option. I needed a mate and I needed magic for my people. The magic in the human realm is growing thin since the Fae have confined themselves to their own realm. The divisions among the supernaturals were killing us slowly. Mona asked me for a favor, one that only the King of the Warlocks could perform.”

  Thalion’s eyes grew wide and Lilly thought it probably wasn’t a look that crossed his face very often.

  “The underworld? She wants you to open the veil to the underworld.” Thalion ran a hand across his face and for a brief moment, he looked much older than his young face portrayed.

  Cypher nodded.

  “What has changed?” Thalion asked.

  Cypher’s eyes fell on Lilly and softened when she smiled at him.

  “Ahh,” Thalion drew out. “So Lilly is the mate?”

  “My mate,” Cypher emphasized.

  “Tell him the really good part, your majesty.” Lilly’s voice was dry and dripped with obvious irritation.

  Cypher growled. “There is a slight problem. I made a blood oath with the witch.”

  Cyn was shaking her head. Even though she had heard the news already, it was apparent that she felt it just as stupid as the first time she heard.

  “You made a blood oath with a witch?”

  “That is what I said,” Cypher barked.


  “I was desperate. It’s no excuse, but it is the truth.”

  “The truth sucks,” Lilly, said with a sigh.

  “Now, that I’m mated, I am unsure of how the spell will work, or how it might affect Lilly. It is also very important that I know how to quickly close the veil once it’s opened. I was hoping my brother would shed some light on the situation, but it seems that he is still a tad cross with me about our past.” Cypher explained.

  “A tad cross?” Lilly asked, incredulously. “He released a giant dragon on us. I’d hate to see what he’d do if he was really angry.” Lilly pursued her lips and stared at Cypher.

  “Not helpful, little one.”

  “Not trying to be, big one.”

  Thalion held up a hand to stop the bickering of the two mates.

  “The warlocks are not the only ones with the knowledge necessary to open the veil to the underworld.”

  “Why does that not surprise me?” Cypher glanced at Cyn.

  “You didn’t ask,” she defended.

  “Haven’t you people ever heard of information that is ‘need to know,’” Lilly asked? “Cyn, sweetie, that is information that is need to know, and should have been offered up without being asked.”

  Cyn nodded towards Thalion. “Hey, the prince of the elves knows how to open the veil to the underworld.”

  Lilly snorted. “Thanks for that Cyn.”

  “I’m just here to help,” she responded.

  “You are getting way too good at sarcasm. I think I liked you better when you just stood and stared at everyone.”

  “Do you know how it will affect Lilly?” Cypher, asked the prince.

  “I can find out,” Thalion told him. “We will have to visit our library back in the Elvin realm. We keep documentation there on all the supernatural races.”

  Cypher’s brow rose. “You have records concerning the history of other supernaturals?” His tone of voice questioned whether it was wise of Thalion to have divulged this information.

  Thalion didn’t appear bothered by the king’s question. “It would be both foolish and prideful to think that the actions of others would not affect us, even in the smallest of ways. The safety and well-being of my kind is my greatest priority, as I’m sure you understand. It would behoove any leader to pay close attention to the doings of others, especially those that might be a threat to his race. Such diligence is prudent in order to be a successful leader.”

  “So what I hear you saying is that we are going to be doing some more hiking?” Lilly asked, grumpily.

  Thalion smiled. “Yes Lilly, mate of Cypher, we will be doing the unthinkable and using these appendages we call legs.”

  “Ha, ha, you are so clever,” she told him, dryly.

  “Come,” Thalion motioned. “It’s not all that far.”

  “I want to believe you, I really do,” Lilly muttered, as Cypher took her hand.


  Mona’s uninvited guest had finally taken leave. After several minutes of collecting herself, she turned her attention away from the danger that had taken its leave, to the grief that was music to her ears and nutrients to her body. “If I were the dancing kind, which I’m not, I swear I would do a jig right now.” Mona stroked Octavian’s mane as she felt her magic pulsing across the distance finally having found its prey. She could taste the agony of the females and the rage of the males feeding her wickedness and urging her on. The chaos was a welcome distraction from the frustration caused by the continuing failure of the warlock king. She had to admit that there had been much that had not gone as planned and there were new situations she'd had to adjust to, but that was the way of war and she was no stranger to adapting to new complications.

  She would give Cypher a few more days, simply because she was in a good mood; torturing people tended to do that for her. But, if she had not heard back from him by the end of three days, then he would endure her wrath. Actually, his mate will bear my wrath, she thought as she opened a small box and lovingly stroked the strands of hair tucked safely inside.

  Chapter 15

  “I’ve never known such fear, such utter despair. Not even in death did my misery meet such depths, for at least, in death, she was at peace. I thought I could keep her safe, or save her from any foe, but how can I save her from her own mind? She, who holds my heart in the palm of her hand and my child in her womb. She, who is so strong, so loyal, lies before me sobbing and broken. How can I ever make it right? How can I ever redeem such a time from her soul? If I could not prevent this, how will I prevent the death of our baby girl?”

  ~ Decebel

  “So we have to get the wolves to phase?” Peri asked Cynthia though she had heard the whole conversation. Peri thought about it for a moment as she looked at the pairs in front of her. Her eyes landed on Adam and Crina. “What about Adam? He isn’t a wolf and I don’t imagine we will be able to get Crina to phase.”

  “You are throwing too many problems at me Peri. Let’s just get the wolves to phase. We’ll deal with Adam as soon as the others are in their fur.” Cynthia took several breaths to calm hear heart rate and get her fear under control. Agitated wolves fed off of fear and she was not about to become prey for six dominant males.

  Peri let go of her magic and revealed her high Fae form as light enveloped her and she appeared taller than before. She radiated light, peace, and goodness.

  “Hear me great wolves, children of the Great Luna, I’m here to help. Remember our history, remember who I am; Perizada of the Fae, friend of the wolves, teacher of the healers. Hear the truth in my words as I tell you how you can help your mates.”

  One by one the males turned, taking up defensive positions in front of their vulnerable mates. Peri could see the feral rage that boiled just under the surface of each male. It might not be as hard as she thought seeing as how they were on the verge of allowing their wolves to take over any way.

  “Vasile, who am I?” Peri asked the Alpha.

  Vasile’s eyes glowed a radiant blue and his body shook with the need to fight, to kill something. He narrowed his eyes as he stared at the Fae. He knew that he should trust her, that he had trusted her many times before, but his mate was totally defenseless, unable to protect herself in any way. Trust was not a male’s first instinct when his mate was in danger.

  “Vasile,” she said his name again, firmer, and with more authority this time.

  “You are Perizada,” Vasile finally answered, “friend of the wolves, friend of my mate.”

  “Yes,” Peri agreed with loyalty that rang true in her voice. “You need to phase, Vasile. Your wolf will be able to touch your mate. Your wolf will be able to carry her to safety. I will be your voice. I will be your guard. Trust me, as you have so many times over the centuries, trust me.”

  Peri waited and just when she thought she hadn’t reached him, suddenly Vasile phased, his clothes shredding as he shed him human skin and took his wolf form. He turned abruptly and nudged his mate carefully with his muzzle, when there was no shock of pain he laid down and buried his face against her neck. Tears streamed down Alina’s face as her mind raged against her with lies. Instinctively, she reached for Vasile’s fur. She clutched it and pulled herself over and onto his back. She wrapped her arms around his great neck and wept into his pelt.

  As soon as the other males realized that Vasile’s wolf was able to touch Alina, they all began to phase until, where each man had been, now stood, great, snarling wolves.

  “Well, now I feel so much better,” Peri said sarcastically, as she began to drop her High Fae form. “Snarling wolves are so much more reassuring than raging males.”

  “Well, at least in this form they are useful,” Cynthia, pointed out.

  “True enough.”

  They watched as, one by one, the wolves coaxed their females onto their backs. Peri noticed that coaxing the cooperation of the fem
ales took some dominant commanding from the males.

  Adam stood up but did not leave Crina’s side. “Peri, what about my mate? How am I to carry her?” Anger radiated from the male Fae, and beneath the anger, anguish threatened to take over.

  Making a split second decision, Peri glanced at Cynthia. “Cynthia will phase and carry Crina.” Adam would hate the idea of another caring for his mate, but better a female than another male.

  Adam glared at Cynthia, a silent challenge to take great care of his mate or there would be hell to pay. Cynthia gave a slight nod just before she phased. Adam paced next to her as Peri helped Crina crawl on to Cynthia’s back and he stayed as close to the wolf as he could without touching his mate.

  Peri turned to Drake. “You should phase, but stay at the back. I wouldn’t put it past any of these males, who are bordering on psychotic at the moment I might add, to attempt to take you out in a misguided attempt to keep their female safe.” Drake nodded and turned to walk back, far away from the group.

  Peri took a roundabout way to get to Vasile so that she would be in his line of sight. She didn’t want him to think she was sneaking up on him. For one brief moment she really wanted to hit a wolf, any wolf would do, upside its head, because of all the precautions she was having to take to keep from becoming wolf kibble. It was highly annoying.

  “Lead the way Alpha. And, if you don’t mind, be quick about it and try not to kill anyone.”

  Vasile lifted his lips in a wolf like smile.

  Peri lifted a single brow. “Okay, don’t ever do that again.”

  She waved out a hand, encouraging him to take the lead.

  Vasile let out a loud howl that cut through the silence that had taken over with the witches curse. He took off in a burst of speed only capable by one of his race. The howls from the other males began echoing across the landscape as, one by one, they followed after Vasile. Peri ran parallel to the pack, watching for any danger they might not notice in their single-minded journey to get their mates to safety.