Page 28 of Fate and Fury

  Desdemona rolled her eyes. “We all know that I’m an ass Cypher, that’s not news to anyone.”

  Cypher cut another slash across his arm, and another.

  “You aren’t going to bleed out before you’ve opened it right?”

  “Do you want me to do this or not?” Cypher growled.

  “Touchy, touchy,” Mona muttered, as she leaned back against a tree. She watched as Cypher slashed his other arm the same number of times as the first. Rivers of blood snaked down his arms dripping to the ground around his feet. Mona watched in fascination as the blood, almost as if it had a life of its own, began to join and flow as one towards the shimmering covering of the veil.

  Cypher closed his eyes and began to murmur the words that Peri had taught him. His mind was drawn back to the look on Peri’s face as she explained the requirement of the magic. She explained that dark magic could never be accomplished without paying some form of price and it was usually a life or blood. Peri’s face has taken on an ashen hue as she read the words of the book. She had looked up at him and he could see the answer to his unasked question.

  “It will take your blood,” she told him.

  “Come now Peri, we are both too old to skirt around the truth,” he had teased.

  Peri’s eyes had shimmered with unshed tears.

  “It will take all of your blood,” she finally told him.

  Cypher nodded. He knew that a life was the requirement to open the veil. He had hoped that there would be a loop hole.

  “You’ve only just found her,” Peri had whispered to him. “She has finally, after so long, found the one who can fill the void in her only to lose him.” She had looked up at him and Cypher had felt his heart breaking as he watched one as ancient as Perizada hurt for Lilly, who she had claimed as one of her own.

  “You need to tell her,” Peri had growled at him.

  “No,” his answer had been final. He refused to leave Lilly with the knowledge that he would not be coming back to her. When he had left that morning, she had hugged him and kissed him and the smile that radiated on her face gave him the courage to do what was necessary. If it had been her tears, he didn’t know if he would have been able to walk away.

  So now he stood before an ancient evil that longed to be unleashed into the world and he longed for the life that he knew he didn’t deserve. His blood would slowly weaken the opening to the veil and the words from the Nushtonia would give the demons strength.

  He and Peri had gone to Vasile and explained their strategy and it was simple. He would bleed as slowly as he could, giving the wolves time to travel the twenty miles to his location. Desdemona did not know what it took, nor how long it would take to open the veil so he could use that to his advantage.

  He felt the warm, wet blood flowing down his arms and fought the urge to try and kill Mona himself. He had argued for that, but Peri had told him that he alone would not be able to defeat Mona, not at this point. She had spent too many centuries amassing power.

  So, he stood there, bleeding like the sacrificial lamb waiting for death to take him, and wishing for one more day with the human who had stolen his heart.


  Ainsel stood just beyond the trees, watching as the Warlock King bled freely. He had given his blood without force or coercion. He stood of his own free will as his lifeblood created a puddle at his feet and flowed towards the veil.

  “Ainsel, please join us,” Mona’s voice crawled over his skin like prickly insects making him want to recoil. But, she knew he was here, he had no choice but to step forward.

  “Desdemona.” The King of the Pixies bowed his head slightly to the witch.

  “I see you have come to uphold your end of the bargain,” she told him, with a toothy smile.

  “I am here,” was his only response.

  “Good,” she folded her arms across her chest as she turned back to the bleeding Warlock King, “because things are about to get interesting.”


  Vasile stood, flanked by Alina and Decebel, gazing at the warriors arrayed before him. Each of the packs, along with the Fae, Warlocks, and the Elves were assembled on the practice field in tight formations. Vasile wondered how many of them, if any, would return from this battle. He hoped they would all return. For the first time in his memory, he felt as if there was a real chance for his race to be united.

  “Today will not be a day of mourning, or a day of loss,” his deep voice filled the empty space reaching into the hearts of his brothers, reminding them of why they were created, and why they stood where they did today. “Today will not be a day of defeat. Today is the day that we finally take a stand against evil. Today, though we are separate species, though we come from different places, and have served different purposes, today we are one pack. Toda y we combine our strengths and use them for the greater good, when others cannot fight for themselves, today we will. I will not tell you to be fearless, for a lack of fear will make you reckless. I will tell you to be courageous. Stand your ground in the face of adversity, set your feet, and brace your body for impact, because today you will fight for your right to simply exist. You fight for the existence of your friends, your brothers and sisters, and your mates. Today I am proud to fight beside each of you. FOR THE PACK!”

  Shoulders that had been slumped were now pulled back. Chins rose and jaws set as those who were not the same, those who did not agree on everything, did not always understand one another, and did not always like each other yelled as one. “FOR THE PACK!”

  Vasile turned to Decebel and shook his hand before pulling him into a tight hug.

  “You stay alive,” he told his former Beta.

  Decebel gave him a small smile. “I would tell you the same, but you’re too bullheaded to die.”

  Vasile chuckled. “Too true.” His voice sobered. “We run as one and as soon as we pick up the King’s scent, we break off.”

  The other Alphas walked over and joined Decebel and Vasile.

  “Victor, Dragomir, Angus, Artur, Gustavo, and Ciro, you will bank left, circle around, and fan out Dillon, Drayden, Tyler, Jeff, Decebel, and myself will bank right so that we form a complete circle. You will stagger your wolves' one facing in, one facing out, every other wolf. This will protect our flanks as we move forward. Desdemona is not a witch of simple mind. She will use anything in her power to achieve her goal. Adam, Alston, Dain, Disir, Gwem, Lorelle, and Nissa of the Fae will spread out amongst us to fight along with us. They will shield our presence for as long as possible. Jacque, Alina, Cynthia, and Crina will be fighting amongst us. They are the only females fighting with us. I do not say that I allowed this, but if you have met them, you have figured out that these are women that you don’t really allow anything.

  "So, as much as it is in your power, protect our females. They are precious to us. Rachel and Sally, our two healers, along with Jen, the Serbian pack Alpha female, Elle, Sorin’s mate and Perizada will be a short distance away, hopefully with the stones of the Fae, if they make themselves available. They will help fight any of the forces of nature that Desdemona will attempt use in her favor.

  "Our total numbers are thus: ten Fae, seven of which belong to the High Council, twenty Warlock warriors, twenty Elves, led by their Prince, two Gypsy Healers and fifty-one dominant Canis lupus, twelve of which are Alphas. This could be the largest united effort of supernatural races in our long history. It is my sincerest hope that we all come back, that we end this madness together. If we do not, I want to personally thank each of you for your help, for hearing our cry and the cry of the Great Luna and coming to our aide.” Vasile stepped back and to everyone’s surprise, he knelt, bowed his head, and placed his hand over his heart. Every movement stopped. Every noise ceased as they all turned to see the greatest of them on his knees, humbled.

  One by one, they took a knee and bowed their heads, joining Vasile.

  “My children,” warmth spread across them as they all looked up at the sound of the powerful voice—the Great Luna st
ood before them in all her glory. “Today, I am pleased with the leader who has risen among you, who sees himself not as the greatest, but as a servant. Today, I am pleased with you all, those who belong to me and those who do not. Today, you have exercised your free will and chosen the harder path. For it is easier to give in to the darkness that dwells in each of your hearts, but much more difficult to go against your nature and take the path of righteousness. Listen to Vasile. His heart is pure and he desires nothing more than to see each of the races prosper and flourish. Go with my blessing. Know that I am and will give you strength; all you need is to ask.” And, as quietly as she had appeared, she was gone.

  Across the field, surrounded by the guards that Vasile and Decebel had assigned to them, the females all stood up together and Jen stepped forward. “You heard the woman people, let’s bring the rain!”

  Chuckles rippled across the group as they all stood and began to join with their packs.

  “That is your mate, no?” Gustavo, Alpha to the pack of Spain, asked Decebel.

  Decebel looked across the field to his mate who was giving him thumbs up.

  “Yes, yes she is,” Decebel, said with a small laugh.

  “She is strange,” Gustavo admitted.

  “Yes, she is definitely that as well.”

  “But hot,” Costin piped in as he came up behind Decebel.

  “I’ll tell your mate you said that,” Decebel threatened, as the other Alphas watched Decebel warily, having seen firsthand how protective he was of his mate.

  “I’ll just point out that she’s hotter, she’ll forgive me.”

  Decebel rolled his eyes. “You are the only wolf whose mate wouldn’t castrate you for calling another woman hot.”

  “Oooh, who are we castrating?” Jen asked as she wrapped her arms around Decebel who had seen her coming and held them open for her.

  “Costin,” Decebel told her.

  “Sally won’t be happy with you B,” Jen looked up at her mate, grinning.

  “It doesn’t appear that he ever plans to need them, as slow as those two are moving, so I honestly don’t think she’ll mind.”

  Jen laughed and gave her mate a high five. “Good one babe.”

  Costin frowned at the pair. “Jen that was so not cool.”

  Jen laughed. She stood on her tip toes and kissed Decebel. The others left the couple, giving them a semblance of privacy.

  “You stay safe,” Decebel told her.

  “I will only be as safe as you are B,” Jen told him, honestly.

  “I know,” Decebel’s voice was soft and she heard the regret in it.

  “Hey,” she nudged him. “Would you want to exist in a world where I was not?”

  “You know I wouldn’t,” Decebel frowned.

  “Then do not be sad that we fall together, because I would not want to exist without you.”

  “We have a child to think of now Jennifer.”

  “All the more reason for you to prove that you are the badass you claim to be and come back to me.”

  “Language,” he growled.

  “Babe, it’s the end of the world as we know it. As such, I reserve the right to indulge in the pottying of the mouth.” Jen smiled.

  Decebel shook his head and rolled his eyes as he leaned down and kissed his mate passionately. His lips parted and Jen boldly explored his mouth. He smiled against her lips.

  “What?” she asked him, breathlessly.

  “I have always loved that you are not shy with me.” He tucked her long, blonde hair behind her ear.

  “Why would I need to be shy? Have you seen all this?” She motioned up and down her body with her hands.

  Decebel grinned as his eyes began to glow. “Why, yes mate, yes I have.”

  Jen laughed. She took his face in her hands and all humor fled.

  “You live so that we can live, do you hear me?”

  Decebel nodded, and fell to his knees before her. He pressed his lips to her stomach, and then looked up at her.

  “I love you.”

  She ran her fingers through his thick hair. “And, I’m one lucky woman because of it.”

  She backed up from him and blew him a kiss. As she turned to go, she looked back over his shoulder and grinned at her still kneeling mate. “Oh by the way, I love you too.”

  Decebel winked at her as he stood up.

  “And, I am the luckiest man because of it,” he whispered to himself as he watched her walk back to the group of females.

  “When we get back, we are getting married,” Costin told Sally, as he held her close.

  Sally smiled. “You’ve been around Decebel too much, you’re getting bossy.”

  Costin laughed, “No, I’m getting desperate.”

  Sally pulled him down to kiss her. She pressed her body tight to his and drew strength from his confident hold.

  “I am yours, every square inch of me.”

  Costin raised a brow at her. “I’ll hold you to those words Sally mine.”

  “I love you, I want you, and I need you,” She told him, as her lips brushed against his.

  Costin closed his eyes and used the intimacy of their bond.

  “The time I’ve had with you has been the best in my sixty years. And, I want many more. You are precious to me. Please be careful out there.” Costin kissed her forehead and held his lips against her. “I love you. I want you more than you could possibly understand and I need you even more than that.”

  Sally let out a shaky breath as they stared into each other’s eyes. Finally, he pushed her back with a small grin. “Go do your thing gypsy lady.”

  Sally waved as she backed away. “See you soon lover boy.”

  Costin winked at her and she blushed.

  Fane pulled Jacque close to him as he pressed his lips to her neck where he had left his mark. She shivered under his touch. She was still worried about him as he continued to keep himself closed off.

  “I love you, Jacquelyn,” he told her, solemnly.

  Jacque looked up into his blue eyes. “Do you?” She asked, for the first time in their marriage and mating.

  Fane’s eyes filled with pain, as he felt the doubt inside her. He knew that it was his fault and he didn’t know how to fix it. He didn’t know how to show her just how broken and tormented he was over what she had been through while under Mona’s spell. He had tried to just rejoice in the fact that she was alive and healthy now, but he just kept seeing the things she had endured and because of that he had not let her into his mind, even when he had made love to her. Even then, he had felt her pain.

  “More than anything,” he told her.

  “Then what have I done that you keep yourself from me? Are you mad, because of what I did in the forest? Because I wouldn’t let you touch me, are you punishing me?” Her voice grew distressed as she tried to understand.

  Fane scowled. “I would never punish you for anything Luna. How could you think that?”

  “You won’t open the bond; you won’t share all of yourself with me. What am I supposed to think?”

  Fane kissed her fiercely as he ran his hands up her back to her hair. He released her and stepped back. “All you need to know right now, is that you are mine and I love you. We will talk after this is over. We will go into this battle safe in the knowledge that no matter what, we will always belong to each other, please believe that.”

  Jacque’s mouth dropped open, shocked that her Fane was acting like this. “I’m pissed at you Fane Lupei.”

  “I can live with that, as long as you don’t doubt that I love you, and I will never give you up.”

  Jacque stomped her foot as he turned and walked away from her.

  “Being a butthead?” Jen asked, as she came to stand next to her best friend.

  Jacque growled. “He doesn’t know it yet, but I’m going to kick his ass when this is over.”

  Jen snorted. “Decebel would be so turned on if I said that.”

  That brought a grin to Jacque’s face as Jen nudged her s
houlder. “Come on Red, we have a witch’s britches to kick before you can start your foreplay with your wolf man.”

  “Did you just say witch’s britches?” Jacque asked, as they joined the group of females that Peri was currently talking to.

  Jen grinned. “There’s more where that came from.”

  “Of that, I have no doubt,” Jacque agreed.

  Peri pointed to Jen as she and Jacque walked up. “And, if you give me any jacked up act of heroics I will tan your pregnant hide.”

  “Dude, I just got here. How can you possibly be chastising me when I haven’t even opened my mouth?”

  “I have no doubt that you have said something, or fifty somethings, already this morning that deserve more than just chastising,” Peri pointed out.

  “Were you listening in at my bedroom door this morning Perizada?” Jen’s smirk told the group of females more than they wanted to know and they all groaned.

  “Listen up,” Peri snapped. “I’ve already told each of you exactly what your roles are as we go into this crap shoot. Do not deviate from the plan or I will zap your ass. Be aware of your position and your enemy’s position at all times. Mona will try to disorient you. Wolves use the superior senses the Great Luna gave you. Rachel and Sally follow my lead. Elle do your thing.”

  “What do I do?” Jen asked.

  “You are going guard the healers in your wolf form.”

  “I thought you just said no heroics.”

  “Since when do you do anything that anyone tells you?”

  “Good point,” Jen nodded.

  Peri looked over the women and saw that the males were shedding their clothes and phasing.

  “Okay, it’s go time. Sally, you will ride your male,” Peri paused as all their heads swung to look at Jen.


  Peri tilted her head at her. “Nothing?”

  “Okay, if you insist. Sally, if you need any pointers on how to hold on just let me know.”

  Sally’s face turned bright red as she heard Costin add in her mind. “No more waiting brown eyes, you have been ordered to ride me.”