Page 8 of Fate and Fury

  “Blood of yours, blood of mine,

  The truths I speak now entwined.

  All we’ve said shall come to be,

  Or death to you and death to me.

  The ties that bind can’t be undone,

  Not by many, not by one.

  Fulfill this bargain from me to you,

  Then it will be finished and finally through.

  They both watched as the magic wrapped around their clutched hands, and then around them, digging deeply into their bodies. As suddenly as it had begun, it was over.

  Peri stepped back and made a motion with her right hand. As if on cue, the other women emerged from the forest. Thurlok took a step back, but caught himself. Backing away from a predator only encouraged it to chase. The eight other females stood beside Peri and stared at him.

  “Are you expecting me to do a trick or something?” He snapped at them.

  “Now, now, Thurlok,” Peri crooned. “Play nice. The she-wolves and healers won’t hurt you.”

  Someone cleared their throat and Peri glanced over at Elle who was staring at her.

  “What?” Peri asked, shaking her head, her voice rising in exasperation. “I can’t guarantee what you will do. You pink haired fairies are always unpredictable.”

  Jen started to speak, but stopped when Sally stepped around Peri, directly in front of the troll.

  Peri laid a hand on Sally’s shoulder stopping her from speaking. She leaned forward and whispered into her ear.

  “I know you are ready to get to your male, but it is never wise to offend the one who holds the cards.”

  Sally’s shoulders stiffened, but she gave a curt nod to let Peri know she understood.

  Peri motioned towards the bridge as she looked at Thurlok. “We’ve made our bargain troll. Open the veil.”

  Thurlok spoke in an unusual language as he drew symbols in the air. His eyes closed as his voice rose and the air around him swirled.

  Sally and the others stood transfixed as they watched the veil to the In-Between appear. Suddenly where a bridge and trees had been there was a cavernous opening with stairs disappearing into the darkness beyond it.

  “The veil will remain open for 2 hours.” Thurlok told them.

  Anger flashed in Peri’s eyes as she realized she had missed a very important detail. Time.

  “Is that going to be enough time?” Sally asked.

  “Yes,” Alina spoke from Sally’s right.

  “How do you know?”

  “Because there is no other option.”

  “We’re wasting time,” Jen hollered as she headed towards the veil at a jog.

  The stairs leading down into the In-Between were narrow and only allowed for them to be single file. Peri had moved Jen out of the way and taken point, and, as usual, Alina pulled up the rear. The stairs were clearly visible but Sally couldn’t figure out what was emitting the light that illuminated them. The walls around them were made of gray stone and felt warm to her fingers as she pressed against it for balance. She followed behind Jacque and, like the others, her eyes constantly moved, watching for danger. Her skin tingled and she felt the magic inside of her welling up, like a charged battery waiting to be plugged into something. As they descended further down the stairs, the air began to grow thick and warm. Sally felt the hair on the back of her neck begin to stick to her as sweat began dampen her skin. She glanced back over her shoulder to Elle and saw that she too was sweating. Elle gave her a small smile and wiped her forehead with the back of her hand.

  Finally, the stairs ended. One by one, they each took the final step, emerging into a wide hallway. They all stood restlessly shifting from one foot to the other. The need to move, to take some sort of action was palpable among them. Peri closed her eyes, her lips moved as she murmured. A few moments later, her eyes snapped open and she pointed to the right.

  “That way,” she said curtly and began walking. Peri felt the undeniable urgency to hurry, the knowledge of their limited amount of time, foreboding, in the back of her mind.

  They hadn’t been walking for longer than two minutes when Jen suddenly stopped. Her eyes were unfocused as she looked down the hallway and her breathing had become labored.

  Cynthia stepped up beside her and laid a hand on her shoulder. “Jen,” Cynthia spoke her name softly, trying not to startle her. “Are you alright?”

  Jen’s hand went to her abdomen as she gasped. Her blue eyes widened and a sob broke from her chest. “Tell me it’s not real,” she whispered.

  Sally stood directly in front of Jen and placed her hands on either side of her face. She closed her eyes and reached into Jens mind. She felt the darkness before she saw it, a swirl of black evil surrounding Jen’s mind. And, in the center of that darkness was Decebel. Sally’s eyes opened and her head jerked back.

  “It’s Decebel’s mind that she’s seeing and his emotions that she is feeling,” Sally told them.

  “We must be getting close to them if the bond is beginning to open up without any help from the mates,” said Peri. Again, she felt the sense of urgency. Behind that urgency was something just out of her grasp, something more than their ever shortening allotment of time. But, when she tried to pinpoint her fear, it would scurry away and all that was left was the part of her urging her forward. Move fast Peri. Can’t stop. Have to hurry, her mind told her. Even as they stood looking at Jen, Peri knew they should be moving.

  “Jen,” Sally patted her friends face. “It’s not real honey. It’s what Decebel is seeing. Come on Jennifer, pull it together.”

  Jen squeezed her eyes closed, but then quickly opened them as the images burst forth even more strongly across the back of her eyelids. She nodded and patted Sally’s hand that was still against her face. “I’m alright gypsy lady.” She took several deep breaths attempting to push away the panic attack that was brimming up inside her.

  “Ladies, you need to be on your guard. Your minds are your enemy in this place. Your mates are going to be broadcasting and you mustn’t react to the things you might see or…” Peri’s words were cut off by an ear piercing howl and it was joined by another, and another, and still more until the walls shook from the noise.

  Without thought Sally took off at a dead run. She knew that howl, knew it like she knew her own voice. She felt the pain radiating in the sound, felt the hopelessness and the loss. Something inside her reached out for the wolf she claimed as hers. “Costin,” she called his name through the bond that had opened when the howl came. “I’m here. I’m coming for you.” Another howl, another lash of pain that took Sally’s breath away as she ran. She heard heavy breathing beside her and saw that Jacque and Jen were on either side of her running just as hard and with just as much determination in their eyes. There were footsteps and heavy breathing behind them and Sally knew that the other women were right on their heels. She had no clue where she was going, but she knew it was the right direction.

  Jacque pushed her legs as hard as she could. The air brushed her face and the hot air brought no relief from the heat. Her lungs burned with the effort to take in more oxygen as her muscles cried out in need. She ignored the pain, and thought of only one thing, get to Fane. He was on the verge of losing control of his wolf. Peri had warned them that it could happen and Jacque knew if she didn’t get to him very, very soon it would be too late.

  “Jennifer,” Jen heard the desperation in Decebel’s voice, it was a sound that she never wanted to hear again, because she knew what he was seeing, and it nearly broke her. “Decebel, hold on a little longer babe. We’re almost there.” She could feel the confusion in his mind. He didn’t know what to believe, or what the lie was? What was illusion and what was real? She pumped her arms faster and called on the speed of her wolf. He needed her; she had to get to him.

  “STOP!” Perizada’s voice reverberated off the walls. The hallway that had been filled with howls, heavy breathing, and stomping feet, was suddenly silent.

  “Look at me,” Peri’s voice was a command and sl
owly, one by one, they turned to look at the Fae. Alina’s eyes glowed dangerously at the one who would keep her from her mate and she took a menacing step forward.

  “Do not do something you will regret Alpha,” Peri’s eyes met Alina’s briefly, and then looked back at the group.

  “What are your greatest fears right this moment?” She asked them.

  “Can’t we have this little discussion after we have the guys back?” Jen growled.

  “NO!” Peri snarled back. “We will have it now. What is your greatest fear?”

  “We aren’t going to make it in time,” Sally whispered as she met the Fae’s eyes. “We’re going to be too late. Their wolves are taking over.”

  Heads nodded as the others agreed with Sally.

  “Exactly,” Peri smiled at Sally as if she were her star pupil. “Now, what did I tell you about this place? It uses your biggest fear. You think that you hear your wolves howling for you and instead of stopping for a moment and thinking you take off like a bunch of yahoo’s running to who knows where into who knows what.”

  “What are we supposed to do?” Alina growled, her eyes still glowed in anger.

  “Use your bonds. Jen just proved that they are fully operational, so suck it up, and accept that what you are going to feel and see from your mates is going to be unpleasant, but it will tell you if what you are hearing is real. Your fears had you running towards a noise that was only in your mind and you would have continued to run, never going anywhere because your fear is that you won’t make it in time.”

  Sally’s hand slapped over her mouth as a gasp escaped and her eyes widened. The realization hit Jacque, Crina, Elle, and the others.

  “We would have run forever,” Crina muttered.

  Peri nodded. “Until there were no more shoes left on your feet. Now, the worst part,” Peri motioned to their right. “What do you see?”

  This time the gasps rippled through all eight of them as they saw the steps, they had descended only a short time ago.

  Chapter 8

  “I felt arms surround me and wetness on my face. I looked up into brown eyes brimming with tears. Her lips were moving, but I couldn’t hear anything. My wolf stirred, begging for release. He could save us from the anguish. But, the beautiful brown eyes stared into mine and the urgency in them had me holding off the phase. I narrowed my eyes trying to hear what she was saying, trying to understand why this Sally was so different from the other, the one I couldn’t save. I knew I couldn’t endure one more moment of seeing my mate suffer, so I closed my eyes to the crying Sally and called on my wolf.” ~ Costin

  “The stairs,” said Alina shaking her head. “How is that possible, we were running, I felt my legs moving, the wind on my face,” her speech grew more urgent with every word. “I know I was moving.”

  “We started walking when we got down here and you pointed in that direction Peri,” Cynthia pointed out.

  Peri nodded. “We thought we did. Our minds were telling us we were moving because our fear is to not make it in time. I couldn’t figure it out at first, but I knew I needed to hurry. I didn’t bother to examine why I all of the sudden knew we just had to go, without thinking about a plan or anything. It was this place, using my fear against me.” She let out a deep breath and shook her head.

  “The mind is a very powerful tool,” she said, solemnly. “And, in this place it is your enemy.”

  “So if we can’t trust our minds,” Elle prompted.

  “Trust your instincts,” finished Peri.

  “My mind is screaming at me to run,” Sally said as she stared down the hallway she thought she had been running down, “in that direction,” she pointed.

  “Crina, use your nose,” Peri told her. “What does that direction smell like?”

  Crina closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She let her wolf out enough to use her senses, to break down the mixture of smells into individual scents.

  “I smell,” she paused, “nothing.”

  “Good, now what about that way?” Peri nodded.

  This time all of the wolves took in deep breaths. Jen spoke first.

  “Decebel.” She started to move, but Rachel grabbed her arm.

  “Wait,” Rachel said calmly. Jen looked at the healer and then at the others. She could see the realization on each of their faces. Their mates were close. Very close.

  “Now,” Peri said as she looked at them, her voice that of a teacher instructing her class, “follow what you know is a fact.”

  “Our mate’s scents are that way,” Jen announced. “Does everyone else agree? Because, I really don’t want to run standing in place again thinking I’m getting somewhere like a dumb ass only to find out I’m in the exact same place I started.”

  Jacque nodded. “I hear you, and yes, our mates are that way.”

  Alina took the lead and they began walking briskly. Every so often Alina would stop and take a deep breath. The other wolves would follow suit while Elle and Sally tried hard to ignore the irritation building, because they needed to hurry, they weren’t moving fast enough.

  “Sally, stop.” Jen’s words wrapped around Sally like a steel band and held her in place. She hadn’t even realized that she had turned and was walking away from the group. Her mouth dropped open and her eyes widened.

  “I didn’t realize,” Sally began.

  “You can’t smell Costin. You don’t have anything to go on, but what your mind is telling you,” Peri explained. “You are going to have to trust your friends, your pack mates.”

  Sally nodded, but didn’t say anything else.

  “Peri, something is not right,” Alina looked back at the Fae.

  “What do you mean?” Peri asked.

  Alina pointed and they all turned to see that, once again, the stairs were mere feet from them.

  Jen threw her hands up in the air. “You have got to be kidding me!” She growled in frustration.

  Peri’s eyes narrowed as she stared at the stairs. Why weren’t they getting anywhere? She had pointed out their fear. They were aware of it and not allowing it to dictate their actions, so why weren’t they making any progress. Her head snapped over to Jacque.

  “When you came down those stairs, what were your biggest worries?”

  Jacque answered, without hesitation. “That we wouldn’t find them in time.”

  Peri pointed at Rachel waiting for her to answer the same question.

  “I’m afraid that two hours wouldn’t be enough time to find them and get them out.” Rachel told her.

  Peri smacked herself on the forehead, as she realized her mistake.

  “Finding them,” she said, “not only are we afraid that we won’t make it in time, we’re afraid that we won’t be able to find them.”

  “Bloody hell,” Sally murmured.

  “Our own fears have been keeping us right here?” Cynthia asked, with raised eyebrows.

  “Picture your mates, ladies,” Peri instructed as she walked over and stood on the bottom step so she was a tad taller than the rest. “Cynthia, make yourself useful, since you have no mate to picture, and sing.”

  Cynthia’s eyes narrowed. “You want me to sing?”

  “Did I stutter?” Peri snapped.

  “Can I ask how singing will help?”

  “It will keep them grounded on what’s real. Give them an anchor so to speak.”

  Cynthia didn’t say anything more, but thought for a brief moment and then started to sing.

  I have seen what man can do,

  When the evil lives inside of you.

  Many are the weak,

  And the strong are few.

  Her voice carried as she sang, filling the room with a deep, rich music that reached into each of them.

  Peri spoke over Cynthia’s singing, but made a motion to Cynthia to keep singing. So she did.

  “Picture your mates, think of how they smell, look, and sound. Focus on details no matter how small. What color are his eyes? What does his hair look like when the sun
hits it and light touches the individual strands? What does his skin feel like under your fingers? What does your mate’s scent smell like to you and how does it make you feel? Put all your energy into remembering them, every detail.”

  Sally let Peri’s voice draw her in and she pictured Costin. His hazel eyes sparkling with mischief and his lips turned up in a playful smile. She pictured his dimple that always made her heart beat faster and heard the laughter that usually accompanied it. She pictured him standing before her with his hands on her hips, as they had been when he had been teaching her how to bartend. She pictured his lips moving towards hers and she remembered how he had smelled, how his scent had called to her. It called to her now. Her eyes had drifted closed as she thought about her mate, but when the scent of him hit her nose, they immediately snapped open.

  Sally’s eyes widened as she look around the room where she stood. She hadn’t moved from where she was standing, but the room she was in now was dark and made of earth. All the other females were with her, but there were more than just them. Kneeling on the dirt floor mere feet from each other were their mates. All oblivious to one another, each locked in their own misery.

  Her head turned to the right slowly and the breath was wrenched from her lungs when she saw Costin. He was leaning over and looked like he was stroking something, but there was nothing in front of him. Sally ran to him and knelt down next to him.

  “Costin,” she whispered his name, as she brushed the hair from his face. “Costin, sweetie, it’s Sally.” His head turned slowly and his eyes locked on hers. His eyes were wild and desperate. He looked back down to the spot where he had been staring and then back at her. He was trying to decide something. She placed her hand on his face and reached out to see what he was seeing. She bit her lip to keep from crying out as she saw her body lying before him; naked, broken, bloody. She jerked away from the image and met his eyes.