Page 19 of Texas Heart

Danny persisted.

  "There wasn't time to think."

  Cole drew deeply, filling his lungs with smoke.

  "I wasn't thinking about anything except how scared I was," Thad said.

  He turned to his sister, and she saw the sudden knowledge in them.

  "But you weren't scared, were you, Cole?"

  "Sure I was, Half-pint."

  "But you didn't cry or run away. You stayed and faced him."

  "Sometimes that's the only choice a man has," Cole said simply.

  Danny's voice took on a new edge of respect.

  Suddenly the excitement and the drama of the day faded with the knowledge of what this man had really done.

  "You were going to die before you'd let him hurt Thad."

  Cole tossed the cigarette into the fire and stood.

  "That's enough talk.

  I think we've all had our fill of excitement for one night.

  Time for bed.

  Danny stood and walked closer, then extended his hand.

  "Thanks, Cole."

  Cole studied the boy in the firelight and accepted his handshake.

  "You're welcome. Good night, Danny."

  As Danny turned away, Jessie was surprised to see Thad walk to Cole and extend his hand as his brother had done.

  Cole took the pudgy fingers in a firm handshake, resisting the urge to hug the boy to his chest as he had earlier.

  "Thank you, Cole."

  Even Thad's high voice seemed changed by what had happened this day.

  His tone was tinged with awe.

  "You saved my life."

  "Your sister did that. Be sure you thank her."

  "I will. Good night."

  "Night, Half-pint."

  Both boys kissed their sister before climbing into their bedrolls.

  In the darkness Cole asked, "More coffee, Jessie?"


  She accepted the cup and sipped, feeling the warmth of the liquid and the heat of the fire.

  But the warmth that was growing within her had nothing to do with the coffee or the fire.

  It was the knowledge that Cole was alive.

  Alive and here with her.

  It no longer mattered how long he stayed.

  For now, for this night, he was safe.

  "You're quiet, Jessie. Are you sure you're all right?"

  "I'm fine.

  Just--shaken by what happened.

  " " You saved my life.

  For that I'm grateful.

  "I'm the one who's grateful. I saw what you did out there."

  He gave her a sideways glance and sipped his coffee in silence, wishing there was some way to say all the things he was thinking.

  The thought of seeing little Thad ripped apart by the vicious animal had left him shaken to the core.

  Even the value of his own life had paled beside that of Thad.

  The two boys who had once been a burden were now very important in his life.

  Though he hadn't taken the time to figure out why.

  When the prolonged silence became awkward, he stood. · "Guess I'll go down to the creek and wash this blood off."

  Jessie watched as he strode away.

  For long minutes she sat staring at the flickering flames of the fire.

  Then she smiled a mysterious woman's smile.

  She got to her feet, still draped in her blanket.

  Checking to see that her brothers were fast asleep, she stepped away from the fire and into the shadows and silently made her way to the creek.

  Cole looked up at the robed specter standing alongside the bank of the creek.

  "You startled me, Jessie. What the hell are you doing here?"

  "I came to help you wash."


  She dropped the blanket and held out the cake of fragrant soap.

  "After what you did today, I think you deserve something besides that old lye soap."

  Before he could speak, she began unbuttoning her shirt.

  "Now what are you doing?"

  She smiled and hoped he wouldn't notice that her hands were shaking.

  "I just told you. I'm going to join you in the creek. ' “ Go away, Jessie.

  I'm too tired for this.

  When she continued unbuttoning her shirt, he let out a sigh of frustration.

  "I suppose you expect me to turn around out of respect for your privacy."

  She slipped off her shirt and reached for the buttons of her britches.

  Even in her nervousness she had to smile.

  "I expect you'll want to watch me."

  She glanced over in time to see his look of surprise.

  When she had stepped out of her britches, she began to untie the ribbons at the shoulder of her chemise.

  Cole stood very still, cursing the cloud that crossed the moon, blotting out her image for a moment.

  When the cloud passed, Jessie was bathed in streams of golden moonlight.

  He caught his breath at the sight of her.

  She was more beautiful than he could have ever imagined.

  So young, so slender, with narrow hips and high rounded breasts.

  Her skin looked cool and pale and untouchable.

  She picked up the soap and began to walk through the shallows.

  He watched as the water lapped at her thighs, then higher to cover her hips, and higher still until only her head and shoulders were above the water.

  When she was a few feet from him she paused.

  "Turn around."

  Wordlessly he obeyed.

  She began moving the soap across his shoulders and along his back, marveling at the muscled strength of him.

  As she moved the soap to his waist, she felt him tense.

  Before she could stop him, he turned and caught her in an iron grip.

  "Now what is this game you're playing, Jessie?"

  His voice was rougher than he'd intended.

  "I told you. I came here to help you bathe. You saved my brother's life today. It's the least I can do."

  Z He felt a wave of fresh frustration that left him trembling.

  His voice was harsh.

  "I don't want you to think you owe me anything for today. I did what I had to do. Nothing more."

  "I'm not here to pay you back."

  "Then why are you here?"

  She ran her tongue over dry lips and fought to keep her tone casual.

  "I discovered something amazing today."

  He waited, watching the way the moonlight played her cheekbones, giving her a dark mysterious look that was intriguing.

  "I discovered that I love you."

  He went very still, letting her words wash over him.

  He could not have heard her.

  This couldn't be happening.

  the hell are you talking about?

  "I love you, Cole. When I saw you willing to sacrifice yourself for Thad today, I realized hoWnoble you are. And realize, too, that you almost died without ever knowing love you."

  His eyes narrowed.

  "So now that I'm still alive, you think you'd better tell me fast, before I get myself killed. Is it?"

  She smiled and he felt a tightening deep inside.

  like that.

  Knowing that I love you is so wonderful, I want to share it with you.

  ' He kept his hands firmly at his sides.

  There was no way could risk touching her now.

  There were too many feelings rushing through him, leaving him reeling.

  "All right. You've told me. Now what?"

  She felt a swift stab of pain at his cold, cutting tone.

  Her own voice lost some of its enthusiasm.

  "Nothing more, I guess. This was the only way I could think of to show you how I felt."

  As she turned away, he caught her by the shoulder and spun her around to face him.

  "By washing me?"

  She shrugged.

  How could she tell him that she hadn't thought this thing through?

/>   That she had acted on impulse and had no idea where it would lead?

  She had wanted to be a temptress but didn't quite know how.

  "I didn't know what else to do. Whenever we start to become friends, you always seem to turn away from me."

  When she refused to meet his gaze, Cole caught her by the chin, forcing her to look up at him.

  "Is that what you think? That I don't want to be close to you?"

  She hoped he couldn't see the betraying blush that colored her cheeks.

  His tone grew soft.

  "I think you should know something. Your brother and I fought one night."

  "You and Danny?"

  She knew they would have been badly mismatched.

  "Danny would dare to fight you? Why?"

  She heard the unspoken laughter in his voice.

  "It was over you." “ I don't understand.

  "He accused me of treating you with disrespect because he saw me kissing you."


  She felt a wave of embarrassment at the knowledge that Danny had seen them together.

  And then a wave of tenderness for a young brother who would be willing to fight a tough gunman like Cole because of her honor.

  "And after that fight he demanded a promise from me."

  Jessie waited, feeling her cheeks grow hotter.

  "I promised your brother that I wouldn't touch you again."

  "I see."

  She paused then glanced up at him through a veil of lashes.

  "And you're a man who always keeps your promises."“ I am.

  " He bit back the laughter that welled up inside him at the look of bitter disappointment on her face." But there was one provision added to that promise.

  She swallowed and waited to hear the rest.

  "I agreed not to touch you unless it was what you wanted.

  If it was what you wanted, the deal was off.

  Jessie remained very still.

  "Now," he said, still fighting the laughter.

  "If it's what you want, would you like to wash my back?"

  The smile returned to her eyes.

  As she lifted her soap-filled hand, he caught it and pulled her close.

  His voice was low with emotion.

  "One more thing. This isn't a game we're playing, Jessie. If you stay here with me, I won't be able to walk away after one kiss."

  "I--I know that."

  Do you? Do you really know what you're doing?"

  "No. But I'm sure that I love you, Cole. And I want to stay."

  His voice was barely a whisper.

  "You stay at your own risk."

  "I'm good at taking risks."

  "Too damn good."

  He saw her blink away the little flicker of fear in her eyes and knew that she had no idea what she was getting into.

  For that matter, neither did he.

  He knew only that he could no more send her away than walk on this water.

  It would take a miracle to send her away now.

  Andhe was no miracle worker.

  He motioned to the soap still held in her hand.

  Then he turned away from her.

  Over his shoulder he drawled, "It's been a long time since I had a woman scrub my back. I think I'm going to enjoy this."

  With halting, awkward strokes Jessie moved the soap across his shoulders and down the Column of his spine.

  She felt him tremble slightly as her hand traced his waist and across his hipbones.

  Sensing his reaction, she grew bolder, bringing the soap up one side of his body and down the other.

  But when he turned to face her she found all her courage fleeing.

  "That felt good, Jessie. Seems I told you that once before, when you bathed my gunshot wounds. You have a nice gentle touch." ' He saw the way her cheeks reddened at his words, and he couldn't resist teasing her a little more.

  "If you'd like, you can start at my shoulders and work your way down."

  With his dark eyes watching her, she found her hands were trembling again.

  Clutching the soap, she moved along one shoulder, then the other.

  As her fingertips came in contact with the mat of hair on his chest, she experienced a strange tingling sensation deep inside.

  "Oh, Jessie," he breathed.

  "Do you have any idea what your touch is doing to me?"

  It was impossible to speak.

  She could think of nothing to say.

  Instead she moved her hand lower across his rib cage to the flat planes of his stomach.

  He stood very still, waiting to see what she would do now.

  Though Jessie had every intention of moving her hand lower, she found she couldn't.

  "Now what?"

  Cole asked in a voice tinged with unspoken humor.

  She swallowed.

  "I--thought I'd wash your hair."

  "My hair?"

  He laughed then, and it was such a joyous sound she forgot to be embarrassed.

  Lifting her hands to his head, she began to lather.

  As her fingertips caressed his scalp, Cole sighed and felt himself begin to relax.

  "I don't think I've ever had my hair washed by someone else. It feels good."

  Growing bolder, Jessie scooped a handful of water over his head and began lathering it harder.

  Her fingers were gentle as they moved through his hair, kneading his scalp.

  He felt a curling sensation all the way to his toes.

  "Now duck under the water and I'll help you rinse it," she ordered.

  He did as he was told, and Jessie massaged his head while he held his breath.

  When he came up for air, his dark hair glistened in the moonlight.

  "Now it's my turn," he said, taking the soap from her.

  Before she could protest, he began lathering her hair.

  His fingers were strong and firm as they moved through the tangles, massaging her scalp, her neck, her temples.

  With a little sigh she gave up any further protest and gave in to his tender ministrations.

  When her hair was thoroughly soaped, he whispered, "Hold your breath."

  He pushed her gently beneath the waves and watched as the soap floated free, leaving her hair shimmering in the moonlight.

  She laughed and tossed her head, sending a spray of water high into the air.

  Her hair floated behind her like a golden veil.

  Before she could move away, Cole began running the soap across her shoulders and down her back.

  And then with a little gasp she felt his hands move across the slope of her hips to her stomach, then higher to her ribs, and higher still until they stroked her breasts.

  Instantly she felt her nipples harden and wondered if he had felt it, too.

  She chanced a glance at his eyes and saw them narrow with sudden knowledge.

  He drew her close until their bodies were touching.

  The water swirled around them, but even its coolness couldn't chill the heat that flowed between them.

  The weightlessness was a pleasant sensation as Jessie floated in Cole's arms.

  With unhurried movements they touched each other's faces, arms, throats, rinsing away soap, kissing away tiny droplets of water.


  His gaze fastened on her mouth, and she felt the blood rush to her temples.

  All her life, Jessie had hated her name.

  It was, she thought, a boy's name.

  And Pa had wanted lots of sons to help him with the ranch chores.

  But suddenly, hearing Cole say it, she thought it was the most beautiful sound she'd ever heard.

  "Oh, Cole," she murmured.

  "Say my name again. Just that way. Soft and husky.

  Like a whisper on the breeze.

  "Jessie. Jessie. Jessie."

  He drew her even closer until he could feel her heartbeat thundering inside his own chest.

  And then he lowered his mouth until it hovered just above hers.

; "Say you want this, Jessie. I need to know it's what you want."

  "I want..."

  She could barely get the words out.

  Her throat was so clogged with fear and desire she thought she might choke on the words.

  "I want you, Cole."

  His mouth closed over hers, absorbing the words.

  The kiss was hot, hungry, by turns giving, then demanding, until she felt drained by it.

  His tongue traced the fullness of her lips until she ached for his lips on hers.

  Instead he held her close and pressed moist kisses to her temple, her eyelids, her cheek.

  She lifted her lips to him and waited, waited until she thought she would go mad from wanting his kiss.

  And when at last his lips covered hers, the kiss was savage, desperate, filled with a hunger that left them both gasping.

  She wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed herself to him.

  He caught his breath and shuddered at the contact.

  He let out a long savage oath and caught her by the shoulders.

  "Do you want us to drown?"

  She laughed low and husky, sending shivers along his spine.

  "You'd never let anything happen to me."

  "You're too trusting."

  "Only with you."

  He lifted her easily in his arms and strode from the water.

  On shore he laid her on the blanket and stretched out beside her.

  Before she could even wrap her arms around him, he pulled her close and covered her mouth with his, :His tongue parted her lips and invaded the sweetness of her mouth, tasting all the wonders that were hers alone.

  The fragrance of crashed roses was all around her--on her skin, in her hair, fueling his desire.

  Boldly she followed his lead, allowing herself to explore the intimacies of his mouth.

  He tasted dark and mysterious, with just a hint of tobacco on his tongue.

  His lips still held the coolness of the creek, but his flesh was warm wherever she touched.

  Cole wanted her.

  Wanted her desperately.

  But he forced himself to bank his needs.

  This was her first time, and he would make it as gentle, as easy as possible.

  With only lips and tongue he roamed her face, exploring her eyelids, her ear, her mouth.

  He ran openmouthed kisses along the column of her throat and felt her tremble.

  As his lips moved lower, they probed the swell of her breast.

  And when his mouth closed over one moist nipple, he felt her gasp and arch against him.

  With slow teasing kisses he thrilled at her moans of delight and frustration.

  And while his mouth fed at her breasts, his hands moved lower, touching, exploring.