Now is Cupid like a child of conscience--he makes restitution.--SHAKESPEARE.

  Mr. Duncan Macwheeble, no longer Commissary or Bailie, though stillenjoying the empty name of the latter dignity, had escapedproscription by an early secession from the insurgent party and by hisinsignificance.

  Edward found him in his office, immersed among papers and accounts.Before him was a large bicker of oatmeal-porridge, and at the sidethereof, a horn-spoon and a bottle of two-penny. Eagerly running his eyeover a voluminous law-paper, he from time to time shovelled animmense spoonful of these nutritive viands into his capacious mouth. Apot-bellied Dutch bottle of brandy which stood by, intimated either thatthis honest limb of the law had taken his morning already, or thathe meant to season his porridge with such digestive; or perhapsboth circumstances might reasonably be inferred. His night-cap andmorning-gown had whilome been of tartan, but, equally cautious andfrugal, the honest Bailie had got them dyed black, lest their originalill-omened colour might remind his visitors of his unlucky excursion toDerby. To sum up the picture, his face was daubed with snuff up to theeyes, and his fingers with ink up to the knuckles. He looked dubiouslyat Waverley as he approached the little green rail which fenced his deskand stool from the approach of the vulgar. Nothing could give the Bailiemore annoyance than the idea of his acquaintance being claimed by anyof the unfortunate gentlemen who were now so much more likely toneed assistance than to afford profit. But this was the rich youngEnglishman--who knew what might be his situation?--he was the Baron'sfriend too--what was to be done?

  While these reflections gave an air of absurd perplexity to the poorman's visage, Waverley, reflecting on the communication he was about tomake to him, of a nature so ridiculously contrasted with the appearanceof the individual, could not help bursting out a-laughing, as he checkedthe propensity to exclaim with Syphax--

  Cato's a proper person to entrust A love-tale with.

  As Mr. Macwheeble had no idea of any person laughing heartily who waseither encircled by peril or oppressed by poverty, the hilarity ofEdward's countenance greatly relieved the embarrassment of his own, and,giving him a tolerably hearty welcome to Little Veolan, he asked whathe would choose for breakfast. His visitor had, in the first place,something for his private ear, and begged leave to bolt the door.Duncan by no means liked this precaution, which savoured of danger to beapprehended; but he could not now draw back.

  Convinced he might trust this man, as he could make it his interestto be faithful, Edward communicated his present situation and futureschemes to Macwheeble. The wily agent listened with apprehension whenhe found Waverley was still in a state of proscription--was somewhatcomforted by learning that he had a passport--rubbed his hands with gleewhen he mentioned the amount of his present fortune--opened huge eyeswhen he heard the brilliancy of his future expectations; but whenhe expressed his intention to share them with Miss Rose Bradwardine,ecstasy had almost deprived the honest man of his senses. The Bailiestarted from his three-footed stool like the Pythoness from her tripod;flung his best wig out of the window, because the block on which it wasplaced stood in the way of his career; chucked his cap to the ceiling,caught it as it fell; whistled Tullochgorum; danced a Highland flingwith inimitable grace and agility; and then threw himself exhausted intoa chair, exclaiming, 'Lady Wauverley!--ten thousand a year, the leastpenny!--Lord preserve my poor understanding!'

  'Amen, with all my heart,' said Waverley;--'but now, Mr. Macwheeble, letus proceed to business.' This word had a somewhat sedative effect, butthe Bailie's head, as he expressed himself, was still 'in the bees.'He mended his pen, however, marked half a dozen sheets of paper with anample marginal fold, whipped down Dallas of St. Martin's STYLES froma shelf, where that venerable work roosted with Stair's INSTITUTIONS,Dirleton's DOUBTS, Balfour's PRACTIQUES, and a parcel of oldaccount-books-opened the volume at the article Contract of Marriage, andprepared to make what he called a 'sma' minute, to prevent parties fraeresiling.

  With some difficulty, Waverley made him comprehend that he was going alittle too fast. He explained to him that he should want his assistance,in the first place, to make his residence safe for the time, by writingto the officer at Tully-Veolan, that Mr. Stanley, an English gentleman,nearly related to Colonel Talbot, was upon a visit of business atMr. Macwheeble's, and, knowing the state of the country, had sent hispassport for Captain Foster's inspection. This produced a polite answerfrom the officer, with an invitation to Mr. Stanley to dine with him,which was declined (as may easily be supposed), under pretence ofbusiness.

  Waverley's next request was, that Mr. Macwheeble would dispatch a manand horse to --, the post-town, at which Colonel Talbot was to addresshim, with directions to wait there until the post should bring a letterfor Mr. Stanley, and then to forward it to Little Veolan with all speed.In a moment, the Bailie was in search of his apprentice (or servitor, ashe was called Sixty Years since), Jock Scriever, and in not much greaterspace of time, Jock was on the back of the white pony.

  'Tak care ye guide him weel, sir, for he's aye been short in the windsince--ahem--lord be gude to me!' (in a low voice) 'I was gaun to comeout wi'--since I rode whip and spur to fetch the Chevalier to reddMr. Wauverley and Vich Ian Vohr; and an uncanny coup I gat for mypains.--Lord forgie your honour! I might hae broken my neck--but trothit was in a venture, mae ways nor ane; but this maks amends for a'. LadyWauverley!--ten thousand a year!--Lord be gude unto me!'

  'But you forget, Mr. Macwheeble, we want the Baron's consent--thelady's--'

  'Never fear, I'se be caution for them--I'se gie you my personalwarrandice--ten thousand a year! it dings Balmawhapple out and out--ayear's rent's worth a' Balmawhapple, fee and life-rent! Lord make usthankful!'

  To turn the current of his feelings, Edward inquired if he had heardanything lately of the Chieftain of Glennaquoich?

  'Not one word,' answered Macwheeble, 'but that he was still in CarlisleCastle, and was soon to be panelled for his life. I dinna wish the younggentleman ill,' he said, 'but I hope that they that hae got him willkeep him, and no let him back to this Hieland border to plague us wi'blackmail, and a' manner o' violent, wrongous, and masterfu' oppressionand spoliation, both by himself and others of his causing, sending, andhounding out:--and he couldna tak care o' the siller when he had gottenit neither, but flung it a' into yon idle quean's lap at Edinburgh--butlight come light gane. For my part, I never wish to see a kilt in thecountry again, nor a red-coat, nor a gun, for that matter, unless itwere to shoot a paitrick:--they're a' tarr'd wi' ae stick. And whenthey have done ye wrang, even when ya hae gotten decreet of spuilzie,oppression, and violent profits against them, what better are ye?--theyhae na a plack to pay ye; ye need never extract it.'

  With such discourse, and the intervening topics of business, the timepassed until dinner, Macwheeble meanwhile promising to devise some modeof introducing Edward at the Duchran, where Rose at present resided,without risk of danger or suspicion; which seemed no very easytask, since the laird was a very zealous friend to Government.--Thepoultry-yard had been laid under requisition, and cockyleeky and Scotchcollops soon reeked in the Bailie's little parlour. The landlord'scorkscrew was just introduced into the muzzle of a pint-bottle of claret(cribbed possibly from the cellars of Tully-Veolan), when the sight ofthe grey pony, passing the window at full trot, induced the Bailie,but with due precaution, to place it aside for the moment. Enter JockScriever with a packet for Mr. Stanley: it is Colonel Talbot's seal; andEdward's fingers tremble as he undoes it. Two official papers, folded,signed, and sealed in all formality, drop out. They were hastily pickedup by the Bailie, who had a natural respect for everything resemblinga deed, and, glancing slily on their titles, his eyes, or ratherspectacles, are greeted with 'Protection by His Royal Highness to theperson of Cosmo Comyne Bradwardine, Esq. of that ilk, commonlycalled Baron of Bradwardine, forfeited for his accession to the laterebellion.' The other proves to be a protection of the same tenor infavour of Edward Waverley, Esq. Colon
el Talbot's letter was in thesewords:--


  'I am just arrived here, and yet I have finished my business; it hascost me some trouble though, as you shall hear. I waited upon his RoyalHighness immediately on my arrival, and found him in no very good humourfor my purpose. Three or four Scotch gentlemen were just leaving hislevee. After he had expressed himself to me very courteously; "Wouldyou think it," he said, "Talbot? here have been half a dozen of themost respectable gentlemen, and best friends to Government north ofthe Forth,--Major Melville of Cairnvreckan, Rubrick of Duchran, andothers,--who have fairly wrung from me, by their downright importunity,a present protection, and the promise of a future pardon, for thatstubborn old rebel whom they call Baron of Bradwardine. They allege thathis high personal character, and the clemency which he showed to such ofour people as fell into the rebels' hands, should weigh in his favour;especially as the loss of his estate is likely to be a severe enoughpunishment. Rubrick has undertaken to keep him at his own house tillthings are settled in the country; but it's a little hard to be forcedin a manner to pardon such a mortal enemy to the House of Brunswick."This was no favourable moment for opening my business:--however, I saidI was rejoiced to learn that his Royal Highness was in the course ofgranting such requests, as it emboldened me to present one of the likenature in my own name. He was very angry, but I persisted;--I mentionedthe uniform support of our three votes in the House, touched modestlyon services abroad, though valuable only in his Royal Highness's havingbeen pleased kindly to accept them, and founded pretty strongly on hisown expressions of friendship and goodwill. He was embarrassed, butobstinate. I hinted the policy of detaching, on all future occasions,the heir of such a fortune as your uncle's from the machinations of thedisaffected. But I made no impression. I mentioned the obligation whichI lay under to Sir Everard, and to you personally, and claimed, as thesole reward of my services, that he would be pleased to afford me themeans of evincing my gratitude. I perceived that he still meditated arefusal, and, taking my commission from my pocket, I said (as a lastresource), that as his Royal Highness did not, under these pressingcircumstances, think me worthy of a favour which he had not scrupledto grant to other gentlemen, whose services I could hardly judge moreimportant than my own, I must beg leave to deposit, with all humility,my commission in his Royal Highness's hands, and to retire from theservice. He was not prepared for this;--he told me to take up mycommission; said some handsome things of my services, and granted myrequest. You are therefore once more a free man, and I have promised foryou that you will be a good boy in future, and remember what you owe tothe lenity of Government. Thus you see MY PRINCE can be as generous asYOURS. I do not pretend, indeed, that he confers a favour with all theforeign graces and compliments of your Chevalier errant; but he has aplain English manner, and the evident reluctance with which he grantsyour request, indicates the sacrifice which he makes of his owninclination to your wishes. My friend, the adjutant-general, hasprocured me a duplicate of the Baron's protection (the original being inMajor Melville's possession), which I send to you, as I know that if youcan find him you will have pleasure in being the first to communicatethe joyful intelligence. He will of course repair to the Duchran withoutloss of time, there to ride quarantine for a few weeks. As for you, Igive you leave to escort him thither, and to stay a week there, asI understand a certain fair lady is in that quarter. And I have thepleasure to tell you, that whatever progress you can make in her goodgraces will be highly agreeable to Sir Everard and Mrs. Rachel, who willnever believe your view and prospects settled, and the three erminespassant in actual safety, until you present them with a Mrs. EdwardWaverley. Now, certain love-affairs of my own--a good many yearssince--interrupted some measures which were then proposed in favour ofthe three ermines passant; so I am bound in honour to make them amends.Therefore make good use of your time, for when your week is expired, itwill be necessary that you go to London to plead your pardon in the lawcourts.

  'Ever, dear Waverley, yours most truly,