Page 20 of The October List

  Best American Mystery Stories 2009 (Editor) The Watch List (The Copper Bracelet and The Chopin Manuscript) (Contributor) Roadside Crosses**

  The Bodies Left Behind

  The Broken Window*

  The Sleeping Doll**

  More Twisted: Collected Stories, Volume Two

  The Cold Moon*/**

  The Twelfth Card*

  Garden of Beasts

  Twisted: Collected Stories

  The Vanished Man*

  The Stone Monkey*

  The Blue Nowhere

  The Empty Chair*

  Speaking in Tongues

  The Devil's Teardrop

  The Coffin Dancer*

  The Bone Collector*

  A Maiden's Grave

  Praying for Sleep

  The Lesson of Her Death

  Mistress of Justice

  Hard News

  Death of a Blue Movie Star

  Manhattan Is My Beat

  Hell's Kitchen

  Bloody River Blues

  Shallow Graves

  A Century of Great Suspense Stories (Editor) A Hot and Sultry Night for Crime (Editor) Mary Shelley's Frankenstein (Introduction)

  *Featuring Lincoln Rhyme and Amelia Sachs **Featuring Kathryn Dance

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  Cover photo by Michael Skoglund/Workbook Stock/Getty Images Cover copyright (c) 2013 by Hachette Book Group, Inc.

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  Grand Central Publishing Hachette Book Group

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  First ebook edition: October 2013

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  ISBN 978-1-4555-7666-1



  Jeffery Deaver, The October List

  (Series: # )




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