
  Ran-Del started back to the Hayden complex pleased with the course of the day. He had not only found employment, he had a small amount of cash in his pocket. Georges had insisted on paying him for his time, even though it was clear Ran-Del’s work at the warehouse would be limited until he could learn to read.

  Ran-Del felt so good, it surprised him when he found himself frowning at his surroundings, even at the strangers he passed. What was wrong with him? The city dwellers around him had done him no harm.

  He stared at a food vendor who had set up a stall on the nearest corner. Even though he was hungry, Ran-Del moved past rapidly, compelled to get away. No! Ran-Del realized suddenly that it wasn’t a matter of getting away from the vendor. He needed to get back to the Hayden compound.

  His psy sense must be warning him of something. Ran-Del walked faster. The compulsion to hurry grew stronger as he walked. He broke into a jog, and then into a run.

  The people around him stared, but Ran-Del ignored them and ran as fast as he could, dodging around pedestrians on the walkways and through vehicles as he crossed streets. He had to get back. Something was going to happen. Something bad.
Carmen Webster Buxton's Novels