Gwynplaine was alone--alone, and in the presence of the tepid bath andthe deserted couch. The confusion in his mind had reached itsculminating point. His thoughts no longer resembled thoughts. Theyoverflowed and ran riot; it was the anguish of a creature wrestling withperplexity. He felt as if he were awaking from a horrid nightmare. Theentrance into unknown spheres is no simple matter.

  From the time he had received the duchess's letter, brought by thepage, a series of surprising adventures had befallen Gwynplaine, eachone less intelligible than the other. Up to this time, though in adream, he had seen things clearly. Now he could only grope his way. Heno longer thought, nor even dreamed. He collapsed. He sank down upon thecouch which the duchess had vacated.

  Suddenly he heard a sound of footsteps, and those of a man. The noisecame from the opposite side of the gallery to that by which the duchesshad departed. The man approached, and his footsteps, though deadened bythe carpet, were clear and distinct. Gwynplaine, in spite of hisabstraction, listened.

  Suddenly, beyond the silver web of curtain which the duchess had leftpartly open, a door, evidently concealed by the painted glass, openedwide, and there came floating into the room the refrain of an old Frenchsong, carolled at the top of a manly and joyous voice,--

  "Trois petits gorets sur leur fumier Juraient comme de porteurs de chaise,"

  and a man entered. He wore a sword by his side, a magnificent navaluniform, covered with gold lace, and held in his hand a plumed hat withloops and cockade. Gwynplaine sprang up erect as if moved by springs. Herecognized the man, and was, in turn, recognized by him. From theirastonished lips came, simultaneously, this double exclamation:--



  The man with the plumed hat advanced towards Gwynplaine, who stood withfolded arms.

  "What are you doing here, Gwynplaine?"

  "And you, Tom-Jim-Jack, what are you doing here?"

  "Oh! I understand. Josiana! a caprice. A mountebank and a monster! Thedouble attraction is too powerful to be resisted. You disguised yourselfin order to get here, Gwynplaine?"

  "And you, too, Tom-Jim-Jack?"

  "Gwynplaine, what does this gentleman's dress mean?"

  "Tom-Jim-Jack, what does that officer's uniform mean?"

  "Gwynplaine, I answer no questions."

  "Neither do I, Tom-Jim-Jack."

  "Gwynplaine, my name is not Tom-Jim-Jack."

  "Tom-Jim-Jack, my name is not Gwynplaine."

  "Gwynplaine, I am here in my own house."

  "I am here in my own house, Tom-Jim-Jack."

  "I will not have you echo my words. You are ironical; but I've got acane. An end to your jokes, you wretched fool."

  Gwynplaine became ashy pale. "You are a fool yourself, and you shallgive me satisfaction for this insult."

  "In your booth as much as you like, with fisticuffs."

  "Here, and with swords?"

  "My friend Gwynplaine, the sword is a weapon for gentlemen. With it Ican only fight my equals. At fisticuffs we are equal, but not so withswords. At the Tadcaster Inn Tom-Jim-Jack could box with Gwynplaine; atWindsor the case is altered. Understand this: I am a rear-admiral."

  "And I am a peer of England."

  The man whom Gwynplaine recognized as Tom-Jim-Jack burst out laughing."Why not a king? Indeed, you are right. An actor plays every part.You'll tell me next that you are Theseus, Duke of Athens."

  "I am a peer of England, and we are going to fight."

  "Gwynplaine, this becomes tiresome. Don't play with one who can orderyou to be flogged. I am Lord David Dirry-Moir."

  "And I am Lord Clancharlie."

  Again Lord David burst out laughing.

  "Well said! Gwynplaine is Lord Clancharlie. That is indeed the name theman must bear who is to win Josiana. Listen. I forgive you; and do youknow the reason? It's because we are both lovers of the same woman."

  The curtain in the door was lifted, and a voice exclaimed, "You are thetwo husbands, my lords."

  They turned.

  "Barkilphedro!" cried Lord David.

  It was indeed he; he bowed low to the two lords, with a smile on hisface. Some few paces behind him was a gentleman with a stern anddignified countenance, who carried in his hand a black wand. Thisgentleman advanced, and, bowing three times to Gwynplaine, said, "I amthe Usher of the Black Rod. I come to fetch your lordship, in obedienceto her Majesty's commands."