169 fearful awesome, fear-inducing

  169 difference dispute, discord

  172 Unyoke this seizure unclasp this grasp (of hands) 172 regreet return of salutation

  173 fast and loose i.e. gamble (literally, game of betting whether the end of a rope was fastened or not) 173 so in the same manner

  174 unconstant changeable, fickle

  177 bloody bloodstained/violent

  177 host army

  178 brow forehead

  181 ordain establish

  188 revolting rebelling

  189 hold ... tongue "take a serpent by the tongue" (proverbial; a snake's venom was thought to be located in the tongue) 190 cased wearing a skin, i.e. living

  190 mortal fatal, lethal

  193 faith promise (to King John)

  194 faith religious faith, i.e. the Church 195 to against

  199 since subsequently, i.e. since swearing allegiance to the Church 199 swor'st i.e. allegiance with John

  202 truly done i.e. not done at all 203 to toward

  205 act action

  205 purposes mistook misguided aims, erroneous outcomes 206 mistake again i.e. break your oath to John 206 indirect roundabout, devious

  208 fire ... burned "one heat drives out another" (proverbial; heat was used to treat burns) 210 religion religious belief, obligation or fear 212 By ... swear'st i.e. you swear against the very faith by which you swear (in the making of your second oath to John) 213 And ... truth i.e. in making an oath that apparently guarantees your loyalty and integrity, you in fact violate your faith 214 unsure uncertain, hesitant

  215 swears ... forsworn you swear never to break your word 224 part side

  226 light descend (heavy creates a play on the sense of "of little weight") 227 as that

  228 black deadly

  229 Rebellion i.e. Philip's rebellion against the Church or against himself 229 flat outright

  230 be i.e. be still and silent

  231 stop fill/silence

  234 blood ... married i.e. as Blanche is John's niece 235 kept celebrated

  237 measures melodious accompaniment

  245 doom judgment/destiny

  245 forethought anticipated, planned

  248 that thee upholds who supports you

  250 muse wonder

  251 profound respects important considerations

  252 denounce proclaim

  253 fall from desert/renounce

  256 rue grieve for/regret

  257 bald proverbially, Time was hairless

  259 adieu good-bye

  263 dismember mutilate, tear limb from limb

  266 Father i.e. father-in-law

  272 Cousin i.e. kinsman

  272 puissance power/army

  274 condition nature/stipulation

  276 dearest-valued i.e. royal/life-sustaining 280 threats threatens

  280 hie hasten

  3.2 Alarums calls to battle 3.2 excursions fighting (across the stage) 2 airy devil aerial demons were associated with storms and, here, battle 4 Philip i.e. the Bastard

  4 breathes catches his breath

  4.1 Hubert probably based on Hubert de Burgh, chief judicial officer under King John 5 keep look after/guard

  5 make up move forward, press on

  6 assailed attacked

  7 ta'en taken, captured

  10 liege lord, superior entitled to feudal allegiance and service 10 pains ... labour a birth metaphor

  11 happy end fortunate outcome/pleasing conclusion 11.1 retreat call for withdrawal of army 12 stay behind i.e. remain behind in charge of John's territories 17 Haste before hurry ahead (of us)

  19 angels gold coins (playing on the sense of "heavenly angels") 22 commission warrant/authority

  22 his its

  23 Bell ... candle items involved in the ceremony of excommunication 24 becks beckons

  28 gentle kind/noble

  29 Coz cousin

  34 advantage profit/interest

  34 pay repay

  35 voluntary freely offered, willing

  36 bosom i.e. heart

  38 tune i.e. words, speech

  40 respect regard

  41 bounden indebted, obliged

  48 wanton lively, playful

  48 gauds showy playthings, attractive trifles

  49 give me audience listen to me

  49 midnight bell i.e. bell tolling midnight 50 brazen made of brass/shameless

  51 Sound on continue striking

  51 race course

  56 else otherwise

  57 idiot clown/fool

  57 keep occupy, hold captive

  59 passion emotion

  62 conceit thought

  64 despite spite

  64 watchful wakeful/vigilant

  67 troth faith

  68 what whatever

  69 adjunct to attendant upon, linked to

  73 yon yonder, that

  78 so in such a way

  88 powers forces

  90 cousin i.e. Arthur

  91 man servant

  1 flood sea

  2 armado armada, fleet

  2 convicted defeated

  3 fellowship puns on "fellow ships"

  5 run fared/followed a course

  7 Divers various/several

  8 bloody bloodstained/violent

  8 England the King of England

  9 O'erbearing overcoming

  9 interruption resistance, obstacles

  9 spite in defiance

  11 hot active, vigorous, quick

  11 advice prudence

  11 disposed handled

  12 temperate calm, composed

  13 want example lack precedent

  14 kindred related, allied in qualities

  14 like similar

  16 So provided that

  16 pattern previous example

  17 grave i.e. shell of the body, mere container 21 issue outcome

  21 peace i.e. agreement, treaty

  23 defy reject

  23 counsel advice

  23 redress assistance, comfort

  24 But except

  25 amiable lovable

  26 odoriferous sweet-smelling

  26 sound wholesome, healthy

  27 lasting everlasting

  30 vaulty empty/sepulchral

  32 gap of breath i.e. mouth

  32 fulsome repulsive

  33 carrion skeletal/rotting

  35 buss kiss

  37 affliction i.e. afflicted one

  41 fell terrible/cruel

  41 anatomy skeleton

  43 modern commonplace, everyday

  43 invocation entreaty

  45 belie slander

  50 like likely

  54 sensible of sensitive to, capable of feeling

  55 reasonable part rational faculty

  56 delivered of released from (perhaps with connotations of childbirth) 59 babe of clouts ragdoll

  59 clouts cloths/rags

  61 different distinct, individual

  61 plague affliction

  62 Bind ... tresses in her distress, Constance's hair is loose and disheveled 64 silver drop i.e. tear

  65 wiry friends i.e. hairs (wiry does not necessarily suggest "coarse, tough") 66 sociable sympathetic

  69 To ... will Constance's response to Philip's invitation earlier in the scene 71 wherefore why

  73 redeem liberate

  75 envy at resent

  79 know recognize/be acquainted with

  81 Cain in the Bible, Adam and Eve's eldest son (who killed his brother Abel) 82 suspire (first) breathe

  83 gracious filled with divine grace/virtuous/delightful 84 canker-sorrow the gnawing worm of grief

  84 bud i.e. young son

  85 native natural

  87 dim dull/pale

  87 meagre gaunt

  87 an ague's fit (the victim of) a bout of shaking caused by fever 88 so in that way/in that condition

  88 rising i.e. from death/into heaven

  90 know reco

  92 heinous grave, severe

  92 respect view

  94 fond of doting on

  95 room place

  98 Remembers reminds

  103 form orderly arrangement

  108 outrage passionate act of violence (i.e. suicide) 109 joy feel happy, take pleasure

  111 dull bored/inattentive/sleepy

  112 word's i.e. Life

  113 That so that

  115 in the instant at the precise moment

  115 repair recovery

  116 fit bout of illness

  118 day i.e. battle (Lewis employs the more literal sense) 120 had would have (lost all those things)

  121 means intends

  124 accounts reckons

  130 rub obstacle (a term from the game of bowls) 132 mark pay attention

  134 infant young child/minor, too young to claim sovereignty (legal term) 135 misplaced i.e. usurping

  135 entertain receive, experience

  138 boisterously violently

  140 Makes ... no is not fussy about using any

  140 stay prop, keep

  141 That in order that

  147 green young, inexperienced

  148 lays you plots makes schemes for you

  149 steeps soaks

  149 true legitimate/royal

  150 untrue deceptive/uncertain

  152 zeal fervent loyalty

  153 none ... advantage not even the smallest opportunity 154 check inhibit, curb, control

  154 reign rule (puns on "rein")

  155 exhalation vapor/meteor (considered a bad omen) 156 scope circumstance

  156 distempered disordered/stormy

  157 customed customary, ordinary

  158 pluck away disregard

  158 his its

  158 cause explanation

  159 prodigies omens

  160 Abortives abnormalities

  160 presages signs, portents

  161 denouncing declaring

  163 hold consider

  163 himself i.e. John

  163 in his prisonment i.e. while Arthur is John's prisoner 164 approach arrival

  168 kiss ... of i.e. welcome

  168 unacquainted unfamiliar

  169 pick extract/find

  169 strong matter of compelling reason for

  170 Out ... John i.e. in John's crimes, symbolized by his bloodstained hands 171 hurly uproar, turmoil

  171 on foot underway

  172 breeds develops

  176 call decoy, bait/call to arms

  177 train lure

  179 Anon instantly

  181 wrought fashioned

  182 top-full brim-full

  182 offence hostility, sense of wrong (in reaction to John's deeds) 183 whet on encourage (as if sharpening a sword) 184 strange actions unusual/unexpected military deeds 185 ay yes

  4.1 Location: England, a prison

  1 me for me

  1 irons branding tools

  1 look be sure

  2 Within behind

  2 arras large tapestry wall-hanging

  5 heedful watchful/careful

  6 bear out support, authorize

  7 Uncleanly scruples improper concerns/concerns about being morally tainted 8 to say with something to say to

  10 little young, small (Arthur then shifts the sense) 11 As ... be I am as little a prince as possible, despite having claims to being much greater 12 sad serious, solemn

  14 'Mercy i.e. God's mercy

  17 sad serious/mournful/dark-colored

  18 Only merely

  18 wantonness foolish behavior/whim

  18 by my christendom i.e. as I am a Christian 19 So provided that

  21 doubt suspect, fear

  22 practises plots

  25 would wish

  26 so if

  27 prate chatter

  29 dispatch put (him) to death/hurry up

  31 sooth truth

  32 watch stay awake

  33 warrant assure (you)

  35 rheum i.e. tears

  36 Turning ... door banishing pitiless torture

  37 brief quick

  37 resolution determination

  39 fair writ written clearly, well

  40 effect purpose

  46 knit tied

  46 handkercher handkerchief

  47 wrought it embroidered it for

  48 it you for it back from you

  50 watchful time-keeping/wakeful/vigilant

  51 Still and anon continually

  51 heavy slow-moving/sad

  52 lack you i.e. do you need

  52 grief physical pain/sorrow

  53 love act of kindness

  54 lien lain

  56 at ... service i.e. to look after you through your illness 57 crafty devious

  58 an if if

  59 ill badly, wrongfully

  65 iron age the present/the last and worst of the four classical ages: Gold, Silver, Bronze, Iron/a period of wickedness and cruelty (puns on irons) 66 heat heated

  68 this its

  69 Even ... matter in the very substance, i.e. tears 71 But for containing merely because it contained 73 should have had

  78 out put out/blinded

  86 winch wince

  87 angerly angrily

  91 from away from

  92 chid scolded/driven

  97 remedy alternative/relief

  99 mote particle of dust; making literal the biblical reference to "a mote in the eye," i.e. a minor fault observed in another person by someone who ignores a greater fault of his or her own (Matthew 7:3) 101 annoyance irritation

  101 sense organ of sense, i.e. eye

  102 boisterous painful

  104 Go to expression of irritated impatience

  105 a brace (even) a pair

  106 Must ... pleading would not be sufficient to plead 107 Let me not do not make me

  110 still always

  111 troth faith

  114 in good sooth truly

  115 create created

  116 undeserved extremes unjust cruelties

  116 else otherwise, i.e. if it isn't true 121 but only

  123 perchance perhaps

  123 sparkle in send sparks into

  125 Snatch snap, bite

  125 tarre provoke, urge

  127 office proper function

  128 extends offers

  129 Creatures ... uses instruments noted for compassion when they are not put to evil uses 131 owes owns

  132 purpose intend

  137 but anything other than that

  138 dogged doglike/cruel

  139 doubtless without fear

  141 offend harm

  143 closely secretly

  4.2 Location: England, the court of King John

  4 once in a word/one occasion (that was)

  7 Fresh new

  8 state state of affairs/monarch

  9 possessed invested, given possession (of the royal title) 9 double pomp second ceremony

  10 guard adorn/protect

  11 gild cover with a thin layer of gold

  14 taper-light candlelight

  15 eye of heaven i.e. the sun

  17 But i.e. were it not

  17 pleasure will/desire

  20 unseasonable unsuitable (probably four syllable; Being at beginning of line may be monosyllabic for sake of meter) 21 antique old

  21 well-noted well-known

  22 form custom

  22 disfigured altered

  23 shifted changed (in direction)

  24 It i.e. having a second coronation

  24 fetch about change tack

  25 consideration deep reflection

  26 sound healthy

  27 new a fashioned newly made/of new design

  29 confound ruin

  30 excusing ... th'excuse i.e. excuses draw attention to faults rather than explaining them away 32 breach tear, hole

  33 Discredit bring into disrepute

  35 new crowned i.e. crowned again

sp; 36 breathed spoke

  37 overbear overrule

  39 make ... at stop and give way for/resist

  41 possessed you with informed you of

  42 more ... fear I shall give you further reasons that are as great as my fear is small 43 indue supply

  47 tongue spokesperson

  48 sound proclaim/discover the depth of

  50 them they

  51 Bend direct, focus

  51 studies efforts

  52 enfranchisement release

  55 rest peace/freedom from exertion

  55 in right rightfully

  56 attend accompany

  57 attend ... wrong i.e. are bent toward wrongdoing 57 mew up confine

  58 tender young

  60 exercise occupations/gentlemanly physical training in the martial arts 61 That so that

  61 this i.e. such an argument

  62 grace occasions suit their purposes

  62 suit request (that John earlier invited them to make) 64 goods personal benefits

  65 weal welfare

  66 Counts considers

  67 commit entrust

  68 direction responsibility (for Arthur's upbringing) 70 should do who was to have done

  72 heinous hateful, odious

  73 Lives i.e. is apparent

  73 close secretive

  73 aspect appearance

  74 Do most editions since the Fourth Folio emend to "Does," but "Does show" sounds infelicitous: an elision Do' show is possible ("Doth show" is also possible) 76 charge order

  77 colour i.e. of his complexion (which alternates between pale and red) 79 'twixt between

  79 dreadful battles terrifying fighting forces

  80 ripe swollen (like an abscess)

  80 break burst

  83 hold hold back

  84 give i.e. grant your request

  86 tonight last night

  90 answered accounted for/recompensed

  90 hence elsewhere/in the future/in the next world 91 brows faces, expressions

  92 shears of destiny i.e. like Atropos, one of the three Fates, responsible for cutting the thread of life 93 commandment on control over

  94 apparent evidently

  95 greatness i.e. a king

  95 grossly blatantly

  95 offer undertake, venture to do

  96 So thus, i.e. grossly

  96 game intrigue, undertaking

  99 forced compelled, brought about by violence

  100 owed owned

  101 the while in the meantime/while such things happen 103 doubt fear

  105 sure secure

  105 set i.e. built

  107 fearful frightened

  110 weather i.e. stormy news

  111 From ... England the messenger interprets John's how goes ("how is it going") in terms of literal movement (France invading England) 111 power army

  112 preparation military expedition

  113 levied mustered, raised

  113 body length and breadth

  114 copy example

  117 intelligence military information, spies

  118 care diligence

  119 drawn gathered

  124 frenzy madness/fit of agitation

  126 idly casually

  127 Occasion course of events

  128 league alliance/truce

  130 wildly disorderedly, without rule

  130 walks goes, progresses

  130 estate affairs/holdings

  131 conduct leadership

  132 for ... out claim in the name of truth

  135 Pomfret Pontefract in Yorkshire

  136 proceedings course of action, i.e. to collect money from the monasteries 138 afeard afraid

  139 unheard ... head befall you without warning, i.e. it is better to be prepared for the worst