Fulcher of Chartres. Chronicle of the First Crusade (Historia Hioerosolymitana) (trans, and ed. M. E. McGinty, Philadelphia, 1941).

  Geoffrey of Monmouth. Historia Regum Britaniae: The History of the Kings of Britain (trans, and ed. A. Griscom and R. E. Jones, New York, 1929; also ed. J. Hammer, Cambridge, Massachussetts, 1951; also trans. Lewis Thorpe, London, 1966).

  Geoffrey de Vige/Vigeois. Chronica Gaufredi Coenobitae Monasterii S. Martialis Lemovicensis ac Prioris Vosciensis Coenobbi: La chronique de Geoffrey, prieur de Vigeois (in Nova Bibliotheca Manuscriptorum, Vol. 2., ed. P. Labbe, Paris, 1657; also in Receuil des historiens des Gaules et de la France, ed. Leopold Delisle and others, 24 vols., Paris, 1738-1904; also trans, and ed. F. Bonnelye, Tulle, 1864).


  Gerald of Wales. See Giraldus Cambrensis.

  Gervase of Canterbury. The Deeds of Kings (ed. William Stubbs in The Historical Works of Gervase of Canterbury, Rolls Series, 1880; also in English Historical Documents, 1042-1189, trans, and ed. D. C. Douglas and G. W Greenaway, London, 1953).

  Gervase of Canterbury. Opera Historical The Historical Works of Gervase of Canterbury (ed. William Stubbs, 2 vols., Rolls Series, 1879-1880).

  Gesta Abbatum Monasterii Sancti Albani: Chronici Monasterii S. Albani, Vol. 1 (ed. H. T. Riley, Rolls Series, 1867).

  Gesta Francorum et Aliorum Hierosolimitanorum: The Deeds of the Franks and the Other Pilgrims to Jerusalem (ed. Rosalind Hill, London, 1962).

  Gesta Henrici Secundi: The Deeds of Henry II (in English Historical Documents 1042-1189, trans, and ed. D. C. Douglas and G. W. Greenaway, London, 1953).

  Gesta Regis Ricardi: The Deeds of King Richard (ed. William Stubbs, 2 vols., Rolls Series).

  Gesta Stephani: The Deeds of Stephen (anonymous; trans, and ed. Thomas Forester in Henry of Huntingdon, Bohn's Antiquarian Library, 1853; also trans, and ed. K. R. Potter, London, 1955).

  Giraldus Cambrensis. The Autobiography of Giraldus Cambrensis/Gerald the Welshman (trans, and ed. H. E. Butler, London, 1937).

  Giraldus Cambrensis. The First Version of the Topography of Ireland by Giraldus Cambrensis (trans. J. J. O'Mara, Dundalk, 1951).

  Giraldus Cambrensis. The Journey through Wales, and the Description of Wales (trans. Lewis Thorpe, London, 1978).

  Giraldus Cambrensis. Opera (ed. J. S. Brewer, J. F. Dimmock, and George F. Warner, 8 vols., Rolls Series, 1861-1891).

  Giraldus Cambrensis. De Principis Instructions Concerning the Instruction of Princes (trans. J. Stevenson, London, 1858; also ed. George F. Warner, Rolls Series, 1861-1891).

  Giraldus Cambrensis. De Vita Galfredi: The Life of Geoffrey (ed. J. S. Brewer, Rolls Series, 1861-1891).

  Gottfried von Strasburg. Tristan, with the Surviving Fragments of the Tristan of Thomas (ed. A. T. Hatto, London, 1960).

  The Great Rolls of the Pipe for the First Year of the Reign of King Henry II (in The Red Book of the Exchequer, Vol. 2, ed. H. Hall, 3 vols., Rolls Series, 1896).

  The Great Rolls of the Pipe for the Second, Third and Fourth Years of the Reign of King Henry II, 1155-1158 (ed. Joseph Hunter, Records Commission, London, 1844).

  The Great Rolls of the Pipe of the Reign of Henry the Second, 5th to 34th Years (30 vols., Pipe Roll Society, London, 1884-1925).

  The Great Roll of the Pipe for the Thirty-Third Year of the Reign of King Henry the Second, ad 1186-7 (ed. John Horace Round, Pipe Roll Society, London, 1915)

  The Great Roll of the Pipe for the First Year of the Reign of Richard I, 1189-90 (ed. J. Hunter, London, 1844).


  The Great Rolls of the Pipe for the Reign of Richard I (Pipe Roll Society, London, 1925-1933).

  Grim, Edward. Materials for a History of Thomas Becket (ed. J. C. Robertson, Rolls Series, 1875-1885).

  Guiart, Guillaume. Branches des royaux lignages (fourteenth-century verse history; ed. J. A. Buchon, Paris, 1920).

  Guillaume le Breton. Gesta Philippe Augusti: Philippide (ed. H. F. Delaborde, 2 vols., Paris, 1882-1885).

  Guillaume le Clerc. The Romance of Fergus, or Fergus of Galloway, Knight of King Arthur (ed. Wilson Frescoln, Philadelphia, 1983; also trans. D.D.R. Owen, London, 1991).

  Guillaume de Nangis. Chronique (in Collection des memoires relatifs a I'Histoire de France ..., ed. F.P.G. Guizot, 32 vols., Paris, 1823-1836).

  Guy de Bazoches. Eloge de Paris (trans. Helen Waddell, undated).

  Hearne, Thomas. See under More, Sir Thomas, et al.

  Helinant de Froidfnont. Chronicon (ed. J. P. Migne in Patrologia Latinae, Vol. 212, Paris, 1855).

  Henry of Bracton. De Legibus et Consuetudinibus Angliae (ed. T. Twiss, 6 vols., Rolls Series, 1878-1883).

  Henry of Huntingdon. The Chronicle of Henry of Huntingdon (trans, and ed. Thomas Forester, Bonn's Antiquarian Library, London, 1853).

  Henry of Huntingdon. Historiae Anglorum: The History of the English (ed. T. Arnold, Rolls Series, 1879).

  Herbert of Bosham. Materials for the History of Thomas Becket (ed. J. C. Robertson, Rolls Series, 1875-1885).

  Higden, Ranulf. Polychronicon (fourteenth century; 9 vols, ed. Joseph Rawson Lumby, Rolls Series, 1882).

  Histoire des dues de Normandie et des rois d'Angleterre (ed. Francisque Michel, Societe de I'Histoire de France, Paris, 1840).

  L'Histoire de Guillaume le Marechale, Comte de Striguil et de Pembroke: The History of William the Marshal, Earl of Striguil and Pembroke (written c. 1225; trans, and ed. Paul Meyer, 3 vols., Societe de I'Histoire de France, Paris, 1891-1901).

  The Icelandic Life of Becket: Thomas Saga Erkibyskups (trans, and ed. Eirikr Magnusson, Rolls Series, 1875-1883).

  Itinerarium et Peregrinorum et Gesta Regis Ricardi (ed. William Stubbs, Rolls Series, 1864).

  The Itinerary of King Richard I (trans, in Chronicles of the Crusades, Bohn's Antiquarian Library, 1865; also ed. Lionel Landon, Pipe Roll Society, London, 1935).

  Jofffoi de Poitiers. Roman d'aventures du XUIe siecle (ed. Perceval B. Fay and John L. Grigsby, Textes Litteraires Franfais, Geneva and Paris, 1972).


  John de Marmoutier. The Chronicles of the Counts of Anjou (and) Historia Gaufredi Ducis Normannorum et Comitis Andegavorum: The History of Geoffrey, Duke of Normandy and Count of Anjou (ed. L. Halphen and R. Poupardin in Chroniques des Comtes d'Anjou et d'Amboise, Collection des Textes, Paris, 1913).

  John of Salisbury. Ioannis Saresberiensis Historia Pontificalis: John of Salisbury's Memoirs of the Papal Court (trans, and ed. Marjorie Chibnall, London, 1956; reprinted Oxford, 1986).

  John of Salisbury. The Letters of John of Salisbury (ed. W. J. Millor and H. E. Butler, revised [C.N.L. Brooke, 2 vols.], London, 1955 and 1965).

  John of Salisbury. Materials for the History of Thomas Becket (ed. J. C. Robertson, Rolls Series, 1875-1885).

  John of Salisbury. Policraticus: The Statesman's Book (trans. John Dickinson, New York, 1927).

  Joscelin of Brakelond. Chronica focelini de Brakelonde De Rebus Gestis Sam-sonis, Abbatis Monasteri Sancti Edmundi (trans, and ed. H. E. Butler, Oxford, 1949).

  Langtoft, Piers. The Chronicle of Pierre de Langtoft, in French Verse from the Earliest Period to the Death of Edward I (ed. T. Wright, 2 vols., Rolls Series, London, 1866-1868).

  Layamon. See under Wace.

  Letters of the Kings of England (ed. James O. HaHiwell-Philhpps, Vol. 1, London, 1848).

  Letters of the Queens of England, 1100-1547 (ed. Anne Crawford, Stroud, 1994). Letters of Royal and Illustrious Ladies of Great Britain (ed. Mary Anne Everett

  Wood, 3 vols., London, 1846). Liberate Rolls (3 vols., Rolls Series, London, 1916-1937).

  The Life and Death of Thomas Becket, Chancellor of England and Archbishop of Canterbury (various accounts; trans, and ed. G. W. Greenaway, the Folio Society, London, 1961).

  Lyrics of the Troubadours and Trouveres (ed. Frederick Goldin, New York, 1973).

  Map, Walter. De Nugis Curialium: Courtiers' Trifles (ed. T. Wright, Camden Society, 1850; also trans, and ed. M. R.James, Oxford, 1914; revised
C.N.L. Brooke and R.A.B. Mynors, Oxford, 1983; also trans, and ed. Frederick Tupper and M. B. Ogle, London, 1924).

  Marie de France. Lais (ed. A. Ewart, Oxford, 1944).

  Materials for the History of Thomas Becket, Archbishop of Canterbury (various accounts; ed. J. C. Robertson, Vols. 1-6, and J. B. Sheppard, Vol. 7, Rolls Series, 1875-1885).

  Minstrel of Rheims. Recits d'un menestrel de Reims, or, The Chronicle of Rheims (thirteenth century; ed. Natalis de Wailfy, Paris, 1876; also in Three Old French Chronicles, trans. Edward Noble Stone, Seattle, 1939).

  Der Mittelenglische Versroman über Richard Lbwenherz: The Middle English Romance of Richard the Lion Heart (thirteenth-century romance of the life of Richard I,


  now only surviving in a fourteenth-century Middle English version; trans, and ed. Karl Brunner in Wiener Beitr'dge zur Englischen Philologie 42, Vienna and Leipzig, 1913).

  More, Sir Thomas; Drayton, Michael; Hearne, Thomas; et al. The Unfortunate Royal Mistresses, including Rosamund Clifford and Jane Shore, Concubines to King Henry the Second and Edward the Fourth, with Historical and Metrical Memoirs of those Celebrated Persons (London, 1825?).

  Niketas Choniates. Die Krone de Komnenen: die Regierungszeit der Kaiser Joannes und Manuel Komnenos (1118-1180) aus dem Geschichtswerk des Niketas Choniates (trans. Franz Grabler, Byzantine Geschichtzsschreiber, 7; Graz-Vienna-Cologne, 1958).

  Niketas Choniates. Nicetae Choniatae Historia: Corpus Scriptorum Historiae Byzantinae (ed. Emmanuel Bekker, Bonn, 1835). Nino, Pedro. Sumario de los Reyes de Fspana (in Coleccion de las cronicas de Costilla, Madrid, 1782).

  Nouvelle anthologie des Troubadours (ed. J. Audiau, Paris, 1928).

  Odo de Deuil. De Eudovici VII Francorum Regis, Profectione in Orientem (trans, and ed. Virginia D. Berry, New York, 1948; also ed. H. Waquet, Paris, 1949)

  Oeuvres de Rigord et de Guillaume le Breton, historiens de Philippe Auguste (ed. H. F. Delaborde, 2 vols., Societe de I'Histoire de France, Paris, 1882-1885).

  Ordericus Vitalis. Orderici Vitalis Angligenae Coenobi Uticensis Monachi, Historia Ecclesiae: The Ecclesiastical History of England and Normandy (ed. A. le Pre-vost, 5 vols., Societe de I'Histoire de France, Paris, 1838-1855; also trans, and ed. Thomas Forester, 4 vols., Bohn's Antiquarian Library, London, 1853-1856).

  Paris, Matthew. Chronica Major (ed. H. R. Luard, 7 vols., Rolls Series, 1872-1873).

  Paris, Matthew. Flores Historiarum (once erroneously ascribed to Paris; see under Roger of Wendover).

  Paris, Matthew. Historia Anglorum, sive, ut vulgo dicitur, Historia Minor (ed. Sir Frederick H. Madden, 3 vols., Rolls Series, 1866-1869).

  Patrologiae Latinae, Cursus Completus a Tertullian ad Innocentium III, Series Lati-nae (ed. J. P. Migne, 221 vols., Paris, 1844-1864).

  Percy, Thomas. Reliques of Ancient English Poetry (ed. R. A. Willmott, London, undated).

  Peter of Blois. Petri Blensis Archidiaconi Opera Omnia (ed. J. A. Giles, 4 vols., Oxford, 1846-1847; also in Patrologiae Latinae, Vol. CCVII, ed. J. P. Migne, Paris, 1855).

  The Peterborough Chronicle: Chronicon Angliae Petriburgense, 1070-1154 (ed. J. A. Giles, London, 1945; also ed. Cecily Clark, Oxford, 1970).


  The Pilgrimage of Charlemagne: Le Pelerinage de Charlemagne and Aucassin and Nicolette: Aucassin et Nicolette (ed. Anne Elizabeth Cobby and Glyn S. Burgess, New York and London, 1988).

  Pipe Rolls. See The Great Rolls of the Pipe.

  Ralph of Coggeshall. Radulphi de Coggeshall Chronicon Anglicanum: The English Chronicle (ed. Joseph Stevenson, Rolls Series, 1875).

  Ralph of Diceto. Imagines Historiarum: Images of History (ed. William Stubbs in The Historical Works of Master Ralph of Diceto, Rolls Series, 1876).

  Ralph of Diceto (Diss.). Radulfi de Diceto Decani Londoniensis Opera Historica: The Historical Works of Master Ralph of Diceto, Deacon of London (ed. William Stubbs, 2 vols., Rolls Series, 1876).

  Ralph Niger. Radulphi Nigri Chronica (ed. Robert Anstruther, Caxton Society, London, 1851).

  Raoul de Cambrai (ed. Sarah Kay, Oxford, 1992).

  The Receipt Roll of the Exchequer for Michaelmas Term 1185 (ed. Hubert Hall, London School of Economics, 1899).

  Receuil des actes de Henri II, roi d'Angleterre et due de Normandie, concernant les provinces francaises et les affaires de France (ed. Leopold Delisle and Elie Berger, 4 vols., Paris, 1906-1927).

  Receud des actes de Philippe Auguste, roi de France (ed. H. E Delaborde et al., 3 vols., Paris, 1916-1966).

  Receuil d'annales Angevins et Vendomoises (ed. L. Halphen, Paris, 1903).

  Receuil des historiens des croisades: Auteurs occidentaux (5 vols., Paris, 1872-1906) and Auteurs orientaux (5 vols., Paris, 1872-1906) (par les soins de l'Academie Imperiale des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres).

  Receuil des historiens des Gaules et de la France: Rerum Gallicarum et Francicarum Scriptores (ed. Leopold Delisle, M. Bouquet, et al., 24 vols., Paris, 1738-1904).

  The Red Book of the Exchequer (ed. H. Hall, 3 vols., Rolls Series, 1896).

  Richard of Devizes. Chronicon Richardi Divisensis de tempore Regis Richardi Primi: Richard of Devizes' Chronicle of the Times of King Richard the First (in Chronicles of the Reigns of Stephen, Henry II and Richard I, ed. Richard Howlett, Rolls Series, 1884-1890; also trans, and ed. John T. Appleby, London, 1963).

  Richard of Hexham. Historia Ricardi, Prioris Ecclesia Haugustaldensis, De Gesta Regis Stephani: Richard, Prior of Hexham's History of the Deeds of King Stephen (in Chronicles of the Reigns of Stephen, Henry II and Richard I, ed. Richard Howlett, Rolls Series, 18 84-1890).

  Richard le Poitevin. Ex Chronico (in Receuil des historiens des Gaules et de la France, ed. Leopold Delisle et al., 24 vols., Paris, 1738-1904).

  Rigord. Gesta Philippi Augusti: The Deeds of Philip Augustus (ed. H. E Delaborde in Oeuvres de Rigord et de Guillaume le Breton, Societe de I'Histoire de France, 1882-1885).

  Rishanger, William. Chronica (ed. Henry T. Riley, Rolls Series, 1865).


  Robert of Torigny. Chronica Roberti de Torigneio, Abbatis Monasterii Sancti Michaelis in Periculo Maris (in Chronicles of the Reigns of Stephen, Henry II and Richard I, ed. Richard Howlett, Rolls Series, 1884-1890).

  Roger of Hoveden (or Howden). Annals (trans, and ed. Henry T. Riley, 2 vols., Bohn's Antiquarian Library, London, 1853).

  Roger of Hoveden. Chronica Magistri Rogeri de Houedene (ed. William Stubbs, 4 vols., Rolls Series, 1868-1871).

  Roger of Hoveden. Gesta Regis Henrici Secundi et Gesta Ricardi I: The Deeds of King Henry the Second and the Deeds of Richard I (previously attributed erroneously to Benedict of Peterborough; ed. William Stubbs, 2 vols., Rolls Series, 1867).

  Roger of Pontigny. Materials for the History of Thomas Becket (ed. J. C. Robertson, Rolls Series, 1875-1885).

  Roger of Wendover. Chronica Rogeri de Wendover liber qui dictus Flores Histori-arum: Mowers of History (formerly ascribed to Matthew Paris; ed. H. O. Coxe, English Historical Society, 1841-1844; also trans. J. A. Giles, 2 vols., Bohn's Antiquarian Library, London, 1849; also ed. H. J. Hewlett, Rolls Series, 1886-1889; also ed. H. R. Luard, 3 vols., Rolls Series, 1890).

  The Rolls Series. Rerum Britannicarum Medii Aevi Scriptores, or, Chronicles and Memorials of Great Britain and Ireland during the Middle Ages, published under the Authority of the Master of the Rolls (198 vols., limSO, London, 1858-1899).

  Le roman de Renart (trans, and ed. Jean Dufournet, 2 vols., Paris, 1985).

  Rotuli Litterarum Patentium in Turri Londinensi Asservati (ed. T. D. Hardy, Record Commissioners, London, 1835).

  Royal Writs in England from the Conquest to Glanville (ed. R. C. van Caenegem, Selden Society, London, 1959).

  Shakespeare, William. King John (ed. E.A.J. Honigmann, the Arden Shakespeare, London, 1954).

  Simeon of Durham. Historical Works (ed. T. Arnold, 2 vols., Rolls Series, 1882-1885).

  The Song of Roland (trans. D.D.R. Owen, London, 1972).

  Suger. Oeuvres de Suger (ed. A. Leco
y de la Marche, Paris, 1867).

  Suger. Vie de Louis VI le Gros par Suger, suivie de Vhistoire du roi Louis VII: Historia Ludovici VII (ed. Auguste Molinier, Paris, 1887; also ed. Henri Wa-quet, Paris, 1929).

  Thomas. Les fragments du roman de Tristan, poeme du Xlle siecle (ed. Bartina H. Wind, Textes Litteraires Franjais, Geneva and Paris, 1960) (see also under Gottfried von Strasburg).

  Thomas. The Romance of Tristram and Ysolt by Thomas of Britain (trans. Roger Sherman Loomis, New York, 1931).

  Thomas Agnellus. De Morte et Sepultura Henrici Regis Junioris (ed. Joseph Stevenson in Ralph of Coggeshall: The English Chronicle, Rolls Series, 1875).


  Three Old French Chronicles (trans. Edward Noble Stone, University of Washington, Seattle, 1939).

  Vidal, Pierre. Poesie (ed. D. S. Avalle, Milan, 1960).

  Wace, Robert. Le roman de Brut (ed. J. Arnold, 2 vols., Societe des Anciens Textes Francais, Paris, 1938-1940).

  Wace, Robert. Le roman de Rou (ed. A. J. Holden, Societe des Anciens Textes Franfais, Paris, 1970).

  Wace, Robert, and Layamon. Arthurian Chronicles (trans. Eugene Mason, London 1912, 1962).

  Walter of Coventry. Memoriale Walteri de Coventria: The Historical Collections of Walter of Coventry (also contains the Barnwell Annals; ed. William Stubbs, Rolls Series, 1872-1873).

  Walter of Guisborough. The Chronicle of Walter of Guisborough (ed. H. Roth-well, London, 1957).

  William IX, Duke of Aquitaine. Les chansons de Guillaume IX (ed. Alfred Jean-roy, Classiques Franfais du Moyen Age, Paris, 1927).

  William of Canterbury. Materials for the History of Thomas Becket (ed. J. C. Robertson, Rolls Series, 1875-1885).

  William of Malmesbury. De Gestis Regum Anglorum libri quinque (ed. William Stubbs, 2 vols., Rolls Series, 1887-1889).

  William of Malmesbury. Historia Novella (ed. K. R. Potter, London, 1955).

  William of Newburgh. Historia Rerum Anglicarum: The History of English Affairs (ed. Thomas Hearne, 3 vols., Oxford, 1719; also ed. Richard Howlett in Chronicles of the Reigns of Stephen, Henry II and Richard I, Rolls Series, 1844-1890; also in English Historical Documents, 1042-1189, trans, and ed. D. C. Douglas and G. W Greenaway, London, 1953; also trans, and ed. P. G. Walsh and M. J. Kennedy, Warminster, 1988).