The battle lasted less than an hour.
The armies camped outside Castle Cravenlock remained oblivious to Sil Tarithyn’s attack, the death of Lord Mitor, and Lord Richard’s approaching force. Even when Lord Marcus appeared, shouting incoherent warnings of impending doom, the mercenaries remained at ease.
Then Lord Richard’s army struck.
Sir Tanam and Toraine’s wings of heavy horse cut through the camp like a scythe through wheat. Lord Marcus tried to rally his men from Roseblood Keep, and came under attack from Sir Commander Galan Hawking’s Justiciars for his trouble. The mercenary camp disintegrated, and Cravenlock armsmen fled in every direction. Lord Marcus tried to flee and Sir Tanam put a lance through his chest. Then Lord Richard struck with his footmen and archers. The mercenaries were slaughtered and driven off, the Cravenlock armsmen broken, and Lord Marcus and Lord Roget’s men were killed.
Lord Mitor’s rebellion had come to a sudden and ignominious end.
The Lord of Castle Cravenlock