Page 35 of Hidden Currents

  The helicopter rose into the air and her heart began to pound as it circled above the victims and began to maneuver into position. She could see the crew through the open door, the strain showing on their faces as they approached the cliffs from the right. The winds were steady and Elle knew from talking with Ty that it was essential they stay that way, as gusts over twenty miles an hour made it impossible to perform a rescue along their coastline.

  With her heart in her throat, she watched the helicopter slow and then the crew chief move to the skid and secure himself. "It's Ty," she whispered aloud as a second man moved to the skid. He would be the rescuer, the crew member going down the rope, putting himself in harm's way. "I knew it." Fate had a way of interfering, of repeating when it didn't get its way.

  "Ty has nerves of steel," Jonas muttered, shaking his head. The last time Ty had performed a short-haul over-water rescue on the coast, he'd fallen and suffered major head trauma.

  Elle couldn't imagine what was going through his mind, but she looked frantically for the shadowy, robed figure skulking somewhere in the rocks. I can't see him. Even to herself she sounded desperate. She clutched at Jackson's sleeve as she twisted around, trying to get a visual on the others who had been in the grocery store. "Drew! He's over by the fence. Look at the ground along there." A faint crack had developed, whether from the firefighters and their equipment as they'd tried to get down to the victims, or whether Death could maneuver the ground to suit its needs, she didn't know.

  "I'll get him," Jackson said.

  "No!" Elle held him tighter. "You can't. Death is crouched right behind him. Don't call attention to yourself or Drew. Not yet."

  She could see the apparition now; it wasn't facing Drew, but rather toward the helicopter. She glanced down toward the sea below. Ty was on the rock, crouched beside Venita. He moved over her, gently removing her arm from the water, obviously communicating with her. She could see the girl writhing in pain. Her heart pounding now so hard it hurt, Elle watched as Ty carefully, in a crouch, made his way to assess RJ.

  She could taste fear and danger in her mouth. "The cliff is going to go." She gripped Jackson harder, afraid to look away from Ty, afraid to take her eyes off Death. Jonas sprinted across the grass toward Drew. Jackson tore free from Elle's hand and went after him. Death leapt into the air and came down hard. A tremor rocked the earth. Someone screamed. The ground began to crumple all along the cliff. Mud, rock, the fence and debris crashed down toward the sea and the rocks below.

  Drew slipped, arms waving in the air to try to balance. For one moment, Death looked back over his shoulder, hesitating as he saw the boy waver in the air. Jonas dove, locked hands with Drew as the boy went over, taking his weight, just holding him there as Jonas lay prone in the tall grass. Jackson anchored Jonas's legs as the firemen rushed to help. Death turned back toward the sea, looking to the victims below, his face a mask of unholy glee, and then he leapt.

  Elle looked below to see Ty's body blanketing Venita's. He must have covered the girl when the slide started and the rocks had bounced all around them. She could see RJ hidden under a pile of boulders and mud. Ty stood up cautiously and leaned over to look at the man crushed on the rocks. There was a slight movement. Elle saw the shadow reach RJ.

  "Please," she whispered. "Please let that be enough."

  The stokes--a basket the victim was put in for the ride up--was lowered from the helicopter as Ty made his way through the rubble to try to help RJ. The shadow crouched on RJ's chest, pressing his weight on him, leaning close to RJ's face. Ty leaned over RJ and began CPR, trying to save the man, but Elle could have told him it was too late. She saw the shadow look toward Venita.

  The next wave crashed over the rock and the helicopter lurched a little. Elle lifted her arms to stay the gusts of wind. She held back the flurries, giving the pilot time to steady his craft and give orders to bring Venita up before the weather deteriorated. They would abandon the body to the sea and hope to recover later.

  Elle's heart didn't stop straining until Ty and the teenage girl were safe in the helicopter and the pilot had set the craft in motion, bringing it back over land to set down in the field where the paramedics waited.

  Death had faded away and she let her breath out, looking at Bomber, just to be certain, before she could believe everyone she loved was safe. She made her way to Jackson, who had escorted Drew to the paramedics just to make certain he was okay. Jackson immediately put his arm around her and they exchanged a slow, wordless smile.


  "YOU look beautiful, Elle," Sarah said. "Absolutely beautiful."

  Elle turned around, looking at herself in the mirrors. She hadn't considered that she really would be married in a white wedding gown on the beach, but the gown Sarah had chosen was exquisite, although daring. The bust was ruched silk georgette, a bikini top essentially with double spaghetti straps, hugging Elle's breasts. Asymmetrical transparent lace sprinkled with small leaf and poppy ap plique flowed over her midriff. The couture gown, by a popular and talented New Zealand designer, was perfect for a beach wedding. White satin hugged her hips low, beads sparkling to the ankles.

  "It's breathtaking," Hannah proclaimed.

  Elle couldn't take her eyes off her skin. Libby and her sisters had made certain that not a single line, not a scar, nothing at all remained of her encounter with Stavros. Her skin was flawless, not even a blemish showing. She blinked back tears as she looked at her oldest sister.

  "I can't believe the lash marks are gone. I was afraid he'd permanently scarred me. I hated Jackson having to see those wounds. He never flinched at them though." She blushed a little remembering him trailing kisses over every lesion.

  Libby smiled at her. "He's going to be thrilled when he sees you in that dress."

  "Jackson wanted me to wear a bikini, but I knew I couldn't, even to a beach wedding. I didn't think I'd ever wear one again," Elle admitted.

  "Thanks for looking after Ty last night," Libby said. "When I heard he was going to be the dope on a rope, I was terrified. It seemed such a coincidence, the same cliff, the same field, and he's the one up for rotation to do the rescue, or rather the man whose shift he covered."

  "Jonas saved Drew," Elle said, looking at Hannah. "Drew would have gone over that cliff if he hadn't caught his arms. He really does have a psychic gift whether he wants to believe it or not. He was running before that cliff gave way."

  Hannah blinked back tears. "He told me Jackson saved both of them. That if he hadn't been right behind covering Jonas's back, like he's done for years, he would have gone over the cliff with Drew."

  "They do look out for each other," Elle said. She glanced anxiously at Sarah. "Is Mom here yet? She said they'd make it. They were in Europe again at their house there."

  "Joley sent a small plane to pick them up. The pilot landed at the Little River Airport just a couple minutes ago. They'll make it in plenty of time," Sarah assured her.

  "What about Aunt Carol?"

  "She drove in late last night and is staying with Reginald," Abbey reported. "When I called she sounded a little flustered and I wasn't about to ask any questions. With my luck I would have blurted the word 'truth' and she would have told me far more than I ever wanted to know. I just got off the phone fast."

  "I've got news," Joley announced, adjusting her dress and frowning at the tiny baby bump she couldn't hide. "Sheesh, I'm totally showing. I'm kicking Ilya when I see him."

  "We already know you're pregnant," Sarah pointed out. "There's not much news after that. And you aren't showing at all."

  Joley waited for the laughter to subside. "Very funny. All of you," she sniffed indignantly. "Just for that I'm not telling you a thing." She studied her figure again and drew in her breath. "Couldn't you have chosen something a little less clingy? It's beautiful, but honestly it looks almost like a wedding dress."

  The dress was ivory in color, a halter top made of transparent lace beaded with platinum and pearls gathered together at the midriff
with a sheer lace panel encrusted with more platinum and pearls. The dress showcased her generous breasts and left her back daringly bare. Sarah had chosen the gowns from the same New Zealand designer because they were perfect for the beach wedding and flattered them all. Silk satin crepe flowed to the ankle, creating elegance with every movement.

  "It is a wedding dress. I loved it and wanted to be married in it, but because we were having a church wedding, I didn't think it was appropriate so I chose them for Elle's wedding. The designer is a friend of mine and she'd already made most of them for bridesmaid dresses."

  "Great, I have a big baby bump in the front of a wedding gown. How attractive is that?"

  "Very," Hannah said soothingly. "You look so beautiful, Joley. Don't be upset."

  "Oh, for heaven's sake," Sarah said, "everyone knows you're pregnant. Why are you making such a fuss? Hannah's showing and you're not at all."

  Joley looked uncomfortable. "Hannah's married. I wanted to wait until Elle was home."

  "Joley!" Elle wailed. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done this so quickly. Maybe I should wait until all of you are married."

  "No, you shouldn't," Joley said firmly. "I just feel funny facing Mom and Dad pregnant. You know I'm always the screw-up." She shrugged. "I suppose it's silly to want to be married when I'm always the one in the tabloids. And boy, is the press ever having a field day right now."

  "Mom and Dad don't think you're a screw-up, silly," Sarah said, wrapping her arm around her younger sister. "They're proud of you. They love Ilya and they know why you waited. Of course you'd wait for Elle. I guess you'll just have to be impulsive like Jackson and be the next ones. We can put something together fast. Abbey and Aleksandr are getting married in their backyard with only family there."

  Joley smoothed her hands over the dress again. "I'm crazy about Ilya," she admitted in a little rush, "but sometimes, I worry that I'm so crazy about him that I'll blow it all."

  Abigail frowned. "Joley, Ilya is just as crazy about you. Where did you get all these insecurities?"

  "I've always had them when it comes to Mom and Dad. And Ilya is my life. I'm so wrapped up in him, I sometimes feel like I'm obsessed." Joley ran her palm down her thigh. "I hate being away from him."

  Sarah looked at her watch. "Well, honey, we've only got a few minutes to finish up or the bride will be late and Jackson will send a cop to pick her up."

  "So tell us the news," Hannah urged.

  "Sylvia Fredrickson is going to have a baby." Joley dropped the bombshell on her astonished sisters. "Inez invited Mason and Sylvia to the wedding and Sylvia wanted to make certain it wouldn't make us uncomfortable to be there. She was really very sweet on the phone and sounded happy. She said Mason didn't divorce her and they've worked things out. She asked to apologize again to Abigail and wanted you to know, Abbey, that her life is a thousand times better because of you."

  "Of course you told her to come to the wedding," Elle said.

  "I did," Joley confirmed.

  "That makes me happy that she's turned her life around," Abbey said.

  Hannah made a sound in her throat and waited until they were all looking at her. "I believe those of you who thought to lecture my decision to help Sylvia learn her lesson should apologize. I'm certain it was my help that put her on the right path."

  "With a big red handprint on her face every time she lied?" Joley said. "That's right, Hannah, it was very helpful."

  All of them laughed. Sarah shook her head. "How you manage to say that with a straight face and in that righteous tone, Hannah, I'll never know."

  Elle looked at her watch again. "I really wanted to talk to Mom before I got married. Just for a couple of minutes."

  Sarah rubbed her arm. "Give it a little more time."

  Bomber gave a short bark and Elle ran to the window to peer out. "She's here!" She started crying.

  Hannah wrapped her arm around Elle's waist. "Don't ruin your makeup."

  "I never thought I'd see her again," Elle sobbed.

  Hannah burst into tears with her. Their parents walked in to find them all crying. Mrs. Drake took Elle into her arms and held her. Mr. Drake wrapped his arms tightly around both of them and they just stood there trembling, holding one another, grateful Elle was alive and back home.

  "I'VE never seen you so cleaned up," Jonas said, brushing an imaginary speck of lint from the suit jacket he was holding out to Jackson. "Somebody might just call you a pretty boy."

  Jackson resisted giving Jonas the finger and adjusted his tie. "Somebody might get knocked on his ass. I thought a beach wedding would get me out of wearing a suit and tie."

  "No such luck," Damon said. "Sarah wanted Elle to wear a beautiful gown and you have to look halfway decent standing next to her."

  Jackson swung around away from the mirror as Ilya came in. "Is the yacht anchored out at sea like we suspected?"

  "Yes." Ilya flicked a quick glance at Jonas. "I had to enlist Hannah's aid to help position the yacht where we could reach it. Sorry, Jonas, but no one can make the wind obey like Hannah."

  "Did you tell her the plan?" Jonas asked.

  All the men turned for the answer, regarding Ilya with worried frowns. Ilya shook his head. "I just said we had one and were working out the kinks. Once I said Damon was helping she seemed to be relieved. Apparently Jackson and Jonas are regarded somewhat as hotheads."

  Ty nodded in agreement. "Libby said Elle's worried Jackson might do something crazy and end up in jail. Hannah said if he did, her knuckle-headed husband would be in the same cell right along with him."

  Jonas gave a derisive snort and scowled at Damon. "How have you managed to keep Sarah thinking you're as innocent as a lamb?"

  Damon shrugged. "She admires my brain and knows I'm a logical man." He spread a map on the kitchen table. "And I have an innocent face."

  "Mostly you give a good line of bull," Aleksandr contributed as he peered down at the map. "Make some sense of this for me."

  "What we're going to do, gentlemen, with the help of the townspeople and our women, is create a new Bermuda Triangle. A ship is going to sink and with it, Stavros Gratsos, the billionaire shipping magnate, who will be, sadly, lost at sea. He won't be arrested. No one can be blamed for his death, and it will create a great mystery that people can speculate over for years to come. Not to mention, it will provide spectacular skies for the wedding and all the guests will swear all of us were together for a celebration and no one could have harmed Gratsos in any way."

  Aleksandr shook his head. "You really think we can make a ship disappear?"

  Damon nodded. "He uses the sea as his weapon. He's at home in it. He's going to stay out on his yacht and do as much damage from there as possible. But we're smarter than he is. We're going to create what is known as a 'cred ible physics anomaly.' "

  Matt cleared his throat. "Actually, Damon, maybe you and Ty are, but the rest of us like to rely on weapons. Because this"--he spread his arms out over the map--"I don't understand a word of."

  "We have everything we need. We're sitting right on a continental shelf. The San Andreas Fault runs right along this coast, right? In fact, we're the triple junction where three tectonic plates come together." Ty said. "Isn't the standing joke that the next earthquake is going to take us all out?"

  Ilya scowled at him. "Bite your tongue. We don't want to give Gratsos any ideas."

  "You can't trigger an earthquake, Damon," Jonas objected. "What do you want to do? Create a tsunami and drown the bastard? You'll take Sea Haven with you."

  "No, I don't want a wave, even a rogue one. I agree that's far too dangerous. We have something much better. Methane clathrate, of which we have significant deposits on the ocean floor. These hydrates only form in the continental shelves and so typically are in shallower depths. In other words, in our reach." Damon looked pleased with himself. He beamed at the men and waved his arm as if he'd just performed a magic trick.

  There was a small silence. Matt cleared his throat. "Methane ga
s? We're going to bomb him? Stink him out? What? Where are you going with this?"

  Damon looked at Ty and raised his eyebrow. "I told you, we're going to sink his yacht. Didn't I explain that to you? We're going to give everyone a legitimate scientific puzzle."

  Jackson swung a chair around and straddled it. "Lay it out for us, Damon."

  "What we're going to do is quite simple. We'll be celebrating on the beach, and up in the sky, everyone will start seeing strange anomalies like those associated with the Bermuda Triangle. We'll give them everything we can find that's been reported down through the years. Flames in the sky, the water turning color, and lights, whatever we come up with. I've got Inez working on that for me."

  "Inez?" Jackson snapped. "You can't involve her in this."

  "She's sharp, Jackson. She came to me and said she was certain you had a plan and whatever it was, not to let you do it and to come up with a better one."

  Jonas laughed and punched Jackson in his shoulder. "Smart old lady knows your brain capacity, bro."

  Jackson rubbed his hand over his face. "This would be a whole hell of a lot cleaner if I just took the bastard out with a rifle."

  "He's a billionaire, Jackson. You don't think a few people might notice?" Damon said. His look said he agreed with Elle and Hannah--that Jackson was a hothead.

  Jonas straddled a chair beside Jackson and pulled the map around. "Tell us how this is done, Damon." Jackson was liable to go the sniper route if he didn't think this was going to end the threat to Elle, and Jonas wasn't about to arrest his best friend for murder. "How do we sink a ship?"

  Damon exchanged a gleeful look with Ty and even rubbed his hands together. "You give them the explanation, Ty."