Page 13 of Need You Now

  She shook her head. "None at all. I double-checked with the producers after Nolan mentioned maybe doing promo spots for the bar during his show. It's all good."

  "And the more publicity for the bar, the better," Jenna added.

  "Amen to that," Tyree said.

  "Speaking of," Cam continued, "Kiki checked with her manager and so long as you sign all the forms he's emailing over, then you can also broadcast snippets of her performance. You too," he added to Nolan, who rubbed his hands together in glee. "In fact, she and Noah should be here any minute."

  "I guess that makes our timing perfect," Kiki said, coming into the office and making a beeline for Cameron. "God, I've missed you," she said, pulling him into a tight hug.

  She gave him one more squeeze, then swooped into Tyree's arms as well. "It's been ages since I saw you. I'm so glad this worked out. Oh! I forgot introductions."

  She turned to indicate the men in the doorway. Cam knew his brother-in-law, Noah, of course. And Noah stood beside another man who Cam had met once or twice. A billionaire several times over, Damien Stark was a former tennis champion turned entrepreneur, with enough money and scandal in his background to keep him and his wife, Nikki, on pretty much constant display in the tabloids.

  "Tyree, you already know my husband, Noah," Kiki said, then introduced Noah around the room. "And this is his boss--"

  "And friend," Stark put in.

  Kiki laughed and nodded in acknowledgement. "And friend," she agreed. "Damien Stark."

  "It's a pleasure to be here," Stark said, leaning against the doorframe and looking as if he owned the place. All things considered, Cam figured that if Stark wanted to, he could probably write a check.

  Then again, maybe not. Cam knew damn well that Tyree had no intention of selling. That was the whole point of the calendar contest and the other ramped up promo. To keep the place in the black--and in Tyree and his partners' hands.

  "I'm impressed with everything you've rolled out with an eye toward increasing revenues," Stark said. "And I'm definitely looking forward to the calendar contest tonight. I understand you put on quite a show last time," he added, with a wry glance toward Cam.

  "Anything for my adoring public," Cam quipped, as Kiki rolled her eyes and the others laughed.

  "Forgive my brother. He's an idiot. I saw Mina on my way in, by the way. She said I was supposed to give you this," she added to Cam, then blew him a kiss. Silly, but Cam caught it, warmed by the knowledge that Mina was just beyond those walls thinking of him.

  "I don't suppose you have any more ideas for The Fix," Tyree asked Stark. "You built an empire from the ground up. Any tips you want to toss my way..."

  Stark probably got asked that kind of question a hundred times each day. But if he was irritated, he didn't show it. On the contrary, he ticked off the various things that the bar had already implemented to increase the customer base and, therefore, the revenue. And it really was a nice, long list.

  "To be honest, I don't have a thing to add," Stark said with what sounded like genuine approval.

  "Whoa," Tyree said. "I was just looking for an off-the-cuff answer. I didn't realize you'd taken the time to look into what we're doing here. Thank you, man."

  Stark nodded toward Kiki, who shrugged. "What can I say? I was in marketing for years and Damien speaks the language. We talked."

  "All kidding aside," Stark said, "I think that short of a collection plate, you're doing what needs to be done. And if you are taking donations, I'd be happy to contribute."

  Tyree shook his head. "This bar earns its right to keep the doors open, or it doesn't keep them open."

  "I speak his language, too," Damien said, nodding with approval toward Tyree.

  "Actually, there is one thing you could help with," Jenna said, stepping forward and looking just a tiny bit intimidated.

  "What's that?"

  "Enter the contest," Brooke interrupted, laughing. "You'd be a big hit."

  "My wife might be less than thrilled."

  "Is Nikki here?" Kiki asked.

  He shook his head. "She was hoping to fly out to see you perform, but she texted me this morning that our nanny's ill. She's hoping to find a friend to watch the girls, but it doesn't sound likely."

  "Too bad. I haven't seen her in ages," Kiki said, then turned to Jenna whose hand had moved to her belly at the talk of kids. "Sorry. We derailed you. What were you going to suggest?"

  "Well, it turns out that Beverly's under the weather, too. She said she'll come do it if we can't find someone else. But it occurred to me that Mr. Stark would be a great replacement."

  For the first time, Stark looked a little out of his element. He turned, taking in all the faces--each of whom seemed enthusiastic about the plan. "Ah, I hate to ask. But replacement for what, exactly?"

  * * *

  Since Cameron was actually entered in the Man of the Month contest, Brooke and Spencer told Mina that not only did she not have to work, she wasn't allowed to. So instead of running a camera, she had a table front and center with Darryl and Noah Carter and Damien Stark.

  Not bad company, even if she was so intimidated by Damien and Noah that she was finding it hard to make conversation now that Kiki had left their table to go on stage to thunderous applause.

  She was followed by Tyree, who grinned broadly as he reached out to the crowd, thanking them for coming and telling them he hoped they would enjoyed the surprise performance before the Man of the Month contest began.

  "And it's a double surprise. Those of you who've been coming for the last few contests, probably expected to see Beverly Martin up here as our emcee. Well, unfortunately, Bev's a little under the weather." He paused for the sounds of sympathy. "But don't worry, you have a rock solid replacement. And, no, it's not me."

  This time, he paused for the titters of laughter, and Mina had to admit she was impressed with the way Tyree handled a crowd. She knew he'd led men in the military, but leading an audience was entirely different.

  "Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome a man who I hope needs no introduction, because I'm damn sure not reading his novel-length resume, Mr. Damien Stark."

  Taylor was working the spotlight, and Mina saw her shift it to find Damien at their table. He waved to the crowd, illuminated more by the flashes of camera phones than from the huge spotlight itself.

  He made his way to the stage, not the least bit fazed by all the hubbub. He stood for a moment, his hands up in a useless attempt to quell the chatter. Finally, he just picked up the microphone and began talking.

  "Welcome to The Fix, everyone. I'm Damien Stark, and I'll be your emcee this evening." He paused just long enough for applause, then started back in, introducing Kiki and telling the audience about how she'd performed on that very stage before her band, Pink Chameleon, got back together. "And a good thing they did or we'd all have missed out on some incredible, award winning songs.

  "I understand the band is performing in San Antonio tomorrow, but we have a special treat, because Kiki is going to perform a new song that hasn't made it into their repertoire. Ladies and gentlemen, Kiki King."

  Mina was awed by how smooth he was with no rehearsal, but then she was blown away as she watched Kiki. She'd known Cam's sister almost her whole life, but the age difference was such that they didn't hang out together. In fact, most of their contact was when Kiki had babysat her.

  Now, Kiki sat on that stool with nothing but a guitar, and brought the audience to tears with the love song that she sang to the room, but turned back to Noah for the refrain.

  "You're everything right, you're everything wrong

  You're the point of this song

  The man who knows me, the man who sees

  Darling, please

  Don't you ever stop loving me."

  Beside Mina, Darryl whispered, "Wow," and across the table, Noah sat enraptured. Mina felt the same way, and she twisted in her seat to find Cam, but he was in the back bar with the other contestants, watching the show from the do
orway. She saw a glimpse of his hair, but that was all.

  It was enough to make her crave him, though, and as Kiki left the stage to enthusiastic applause, Mina sighed, wishing that she had the ability to voice her emotions that way.

  When Stark returned to the stage, she could see real emotion in his face as he found Kiki at their table and tilted his head in approval. "Now my wife is really going to be upset she mi--" He stopped, his eyes going to someone off stage near the main door to the bar. Mina caught Noah's eyes, who shrugged, but stood up to peer over the crowd as Darryl did the same on the other side of Mina.

  Too short, Mina couldn't manage, but she could tell from Noah's amused grin and the look of undiluted love on Stark's face that Nikki Fairchild Stark must have made it after all.

  For a beat, Damien simply looked at her. "Mrs. Stark," he finally said, as he pointed to his vacant chair at Mina's table. "Your seat."

  Mina had heard the scandal story about Stark offering the former Texas beauty queen a million dollars in exchange for a nude portrait. Maybe that really was how it started between them, and maybe it wasn't, but as Nikki came closer, it only took one look at the two of them for Mina to know there was nothing contrived or fake about their commitment.

  "And I think that's plenty for the warm-up," Stark said, laughing. "Now it's time for the real show."

  After she was seated, Nikki explained to Noah and Kiki that she'd found a sitter. "Thank goodness for Grayson," she added. "I hate using one of the jets just for me, but I didn't want to miss your performance. You've been on the road so much we haven't talked in ages." She turned to Darryl and Mina, then flashed a wide, sincere smile. "I'm Nikki."

  Mina laughed. "Believe me, I know," she said, then realized how horrible that sounded. Nikki, however just nodded toward the stage with a wry grin. "The price I pay for being married to him. Everybody knows me."

  That was probably true, Mina assumed, but from what she could tell, Nikki thought he price was more than fair.

  "I'm Darryl, and this is my sister Mina. Glad you could make it."

  "Mina's Cam's girlfriend," Kiki explained.

  "Oh! He's competing, isn't he? This should be fun."

  Kiki rolled her eyes and Mina soaked up the solidarity, enjoying the company, Damien's easy banter, and the first eleven men who strolled across the stage.

  "Saving the best for last," she said to the table at large.

  Damien's voice boomed out, "Please welcome the final contestant for Mr. March, Cameron Reed."

  Cam strolled up the red carpet looking as comfortable as if he was at home. He wore jeans and, Mina noticed, one of his button down shirts that she'd claimed as her own to sleep in since it was missing some buttons and the cuffs were frayed. Not what she would have picked for an onstage experience, but she supposed he had his reasons.

  Nolan crouched at the base of the stage, his microphone on a stand and a handheld camera in his hand. She'd have to remember to check his Facebook page later tonight.

  "Ladies, I know I'm supposed to say something to convince you to vote for me for Mr. March. But the truth is, I only have one thing to say and one woman to say it to."

  Oh no.

  Darryl nudged her as everyone else at their table turned her direction, and as they did--as Nolan pointed his camera right at her--she felt her cheeks flush.

  Cam thrust his hand out, his finger pointing at her as his hips did a Chippendale's style swivel that had her cheeks heating even more. "You're mine, Mina Silver. And," he added as he ripped open the shirt to reveal his almost bare abs, "I'm yours."

  Sure enough, there was another message scrawled in lipstick on his chest. This time, it said, "Mina's."

  "Yes, you are!" she called out as she jumped to her feet, making the audience howl and applaud.

  Then the music started, he strolled off, and Darryl smacked the table with unrestrained laughter.

  She was still giddy when she threw herself into his arms five minutes later. He was shirtless, all the men were, and she got lipstick all over her blouse. Not that she cared. "I love you," she said.

  After a moment, she pulled gently away. "I brought you a present."

  "Really?" He looked surprised, but pleased.

  She grabbed her purse, then handed him the flat object wrapped in tissue. "It was a last-minute wrapping job," she said apologetically.

  As soon as he unwrapped it, and she saw the tender awe on his face, she knew she didn't need to apologize. He pulled out the framed photo of his graffiti art--Mina + Cam 4ever.

  "I wanted to memorialize it," she said. "Now even if they do demolish the park, at least we really will be forever.

  "Do you have any idea how much I love you?" he asked.

  "Tell me."

  He looked around, as if trying to find the right words. Then he nodded toward the stage where Nikki and Damien stood talking close together, the love on their faces so vibrant it was humbling.

  "Those two? They don't have anything on our love," Cam said.

  She lifted her eyes to his, losing herself in humor and passion. "No competition at all," she agreed, then melted into in the arms of the man who was her past and her future, who knew her fears and her dreams. With Cameron, the future was safe, because whatever came next, she knew they'd handle it together.


  Shelby Drake watched as Nolan stood on stage next to the newly crowned Mr. March, Cameron Reed, and told his radio audience that Cameron not only had big sparkly balls, he also had fine taste in women.

  In the audience, the dark-haired girl that Cameron had singled out during the contest blushed again, and Shelby knew there was something between her and Cameron. But that's about all Shelby knew. Mostly because she hadn't been paying attention to the Mr. March contest at all.

  She'd come to The Fix tonight for one reason, and one reason only--to make a new play in the battle of wills that had been going on between her and Nolan for weeks.

  She pressed her legs together under the small table, remembering all the wicked things he'd done to her. The kind of things that she'd never imagined doing in a million years, but couldn't deny that she liked.

  She knew that he believed he had the upper hand. That he thought she would never manage to surprise him.

  Well, tonight she was just drunk enough to try.

  Before she could talk herself out of it, she scribbled a note on the back of her receipt, then folded it over three times and added a twenty as a tip before handing it to the waitress she'd called over. "Make sure Nolan gets that when he comes off the stage, please. And if you would, tell him to read it right away. It's important."

  "Sure," the girl said, then hurried away to take care of another customer in the jam-packed bar.

  Shelby stood, knowing she was going to lose her table, but that was okay. She had only one more thing to do, and then she was leaving.

  A little wobbly on the unfamiliar heels, she hurried to the back, then waited for a free stall to open up in the ladies room. She didn't need to use the facilities; she only needed privacy, and she emerged in less than five minutes, the wobbly feeling now upgraded to exposed and decadent and decidedly naughty.

  She left the restroom, certain that all eyes were on her. That everyone in the place knew what she was doing. That they were all staring down her cleavage, now revealed by the fact that she'd opened the top four buttons of her silk blouse, revealing the lacy trim of her camisole.

  As she'd hoped, Nolan had read the note, and he was waiting for her at the end of the bar, his expression concerned. "Shel? What is it?" His eyes dipped to her neckline, and she saw the confusion in his eyes and the furrow of his brow. "Are you okay?"

  "I'm fine," she said. "I have something for you." Then she reached into her purse and put the small ball of crumpled material into his hand.

  After that, she drew in a breath and hurried past him toward the door, forcing herself not to look back to see if Nolan was following, or if he was still standing in the middle of The Fix, her
red La Perla panties held tight in his hand.

  Yeah, she thought. Game on.

  * * *

  A note from JK:

  I hope you enjoyed Need You Now!

  * * *

  Did you know that Cam also appears in Kiki and Noah's book, Wicked Torture?

  * * *

  And be sure to grab Shelby and Nolan's story, Start Me Up, book 4 in the Man of the Month series!

  * * *

  If you want your very own Man of the Month calendar, you can grab it now! (While supplies last!)

  * * *

  Guess what? I have even more exciting things coming in 2018, including more Nikki & Damien Stark! Keep reading for details!

  * * *

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  Start Me Up

  Be sure not to miss Shelby and Nolan in Start Me Up!

  * * *

  Wicked days. Sinful nights.

  Meet Mr. April.

  * * *

  A high school drop-out with only his twisted sense of humor and panty-melting good looks going for him, Nolan Wood has turned a small radio gig into a thriving career.

  * * *

  Now a local celebrity, Nolan never wants for female companionship. But he never gets too close. And he damn sure never lets them see the man--or the pain--behind the jokes.

  * * *

  Then a one-night stand changes everything.

  Career-focused, goal-oriented, and buttoned-down accountant Shelby Drake isn't the kind of woman who'd usually catch Nolan's attention, but her soft mouth, hidden curves, and deep sensuality blow his mind. And after only one taste, he wants more.