(Archaic Modern Niarg).

  do - dooth pl. imp. (Archaic Modern Niarg).

  do - doest, dost 2nd pers. sing. (Archaic Modern Niarg).

  do - ydo 1st pers. sing. perf. (Archaic Modern Niarg).

  does - doith, doth 3rd pers. sing. (Archaic Modern Niarg).

  dog - dogge n., dogges pl. (Archaic Modern Niarg).

  dog - ki n. m. (Headlandish).

  dog fart - bramm ki du (Headlandish).

  dog shit - cachu ci (Old Niarg Standard).

  dog shit - kaoc'h ki (Headlandish).

  dog shit - ky caugh (Gwaelic).

  doing - doynge pres. ppl. (Archaic Modern Niarg).

  done - deante (Beakish).

  done - doon past ppl. (Archaic Modern Niarg).

  done - ydon past ppl. (Archaic Modern Niarg).

  donkey - asyn n. m. (Old Niarg Standard).

  Don't worry, we have plenty of food! - Ntadu va nyrnnifn gnyrjan ntu afajoy nyrfi foro! (trollish).

  Doona's rose - Rosa suffulta R.

  door - doras n. (Jutish Elven and Old Gwaelic Elven).

  door - dore (Archaic Modern Niarg).

  dost thou - dostow 2nd pers. sing. (Archaic Modern Niarg).

  doting - dotynge (Archaic Modern Niarg).

  doubt - dowte (Archaic Modern Niarg).

  Douglas - Doolish (Gwaelic Elven), a breed of short legged unicorn sharing commom ancestry with the Jutish Elven Dulish.

  Douglas - Dulish (Jutish Elven and Old Gwaelic Elven), a breed of short legged unicorn sharing common ancestry with the Gwaelic Elven Doolish.

  down - doon (Beakish).

  down - doun (Archaic Modern Niarg).

  dragon - dragoun (Archaic Modern Niarg).

  dragon - Harpi tyrannus. R., a relative of Archaeopteryx and Deinonychus, which survived the Mwyaf Fawr Llosg or Greatest Burning, traditionally classified as an Adar Drwg ("bad bird" in Old Niarg Standard) by such Niarg naturalists as Razzmorten Dewin. An eight to twenty foot long (six to thirteen foot tall) feathered flying Jurassic bird with teeth, fingered claws on the wrists of its wings and a long un-fused (non-pygostylic) bony tail, which developed the ability to produce, store and ignite large volumes of methane gas that enabled it to toast and make palatable the naturally occurring sukere cana in its original habitat on the Dark Continent. Dragons were rendered featherless when they were captured and taken to the Northern Continent by Razzorbauch and Demonica.

  drawings - drawynges (Archaic Modern Niarg).

  dread (to dread) - drede inf. (Archaic Modern Niarg).

  dreadful - dredfull, drede ful (Archaic Modern Niarg).

  Dreadful Stick (Great Staff of Power) - Maidjey Atchimagh (Gwaelic Elven).

  drink - drenk n. (Archaic Modern Niarg).

  dragoon - in our usage, a cavalryman in the dragon cavalry.

  drowned - badh (Jutish Elven and Old Gwaelic Elven).

  Druid - Drewyth n. m. (Gwaelic).

  druidical - drewydhek adj. (Gwaelic).

  drum, shallow, open backed with a 16"-18" head, played with a double-headed stick - bodhran n. m. Jutish Elven and Old Gwaelic Elven).

  drunken - medhow (Gwaelic).

  due - dewe, due n. (Archaic Modern Niarg).

  dug - digged (Archaic Modern Niarg).

  dung - dong n. (Archaic Modern Niarg).

  dung-matted hair or hide on the hind-quarters of cattle or sheep - knapdarloch n. (Beakish).

  dustpan - padell lwch (Old Niarg Standard).

  Dyrney come! - Dyrney dyrija! (trollish).

  Dyrney headsmash (kill) Fnanar! - Dyrney Fnanar pirrfey! (trollish).

  each - ech (Archaic Modern Niarg).

  eager - eagre (Archaic Modern Niarg).

  eagle - eryr (Old Niarg Standard).

  eagle - fioreun m., dealasach f. (Goblish-Beakish).

  ear - eere n. (Archaic Modern Niarg).

  earlier - erlyer (Archaic Modern Niarg).

  early - erly (Archaic Modern Niarg).

  ears - erys n. (Archaic Modern Niarg).

  earth - erthe (Archaic Modern Niarg).

  earthly - erthly (Archaic Modern Niarg).

  east - fafnafaf (trollish).

  easy - esy (Archaic Modern Niarg).

  eat - deephnyrr v. (trollish).

  eat - ete 1st pers. pl., 2nd pers. sing., inf. (Archaic Modern Niarg).

  eat - eten 3rd pers. sing, 3rd pers. pl., inf. (Archaic Modern Niarg).

  effort, deed - dede (Archaic Modern Niarg).

  egg - egge, eyren (before vowels), eyrene (before consonants) (Archaic Modern Niarg).

  eggs - egges (Archaic Modern Niarg).

  egg - wy n. m. (Old Niarg Standard).

  eighteen - eyghtene (Archaic Modern Niarg).

  either - ayther, eyther (Archaic Modern Niarg).

  elder - tramman n. (Gwaelic Elven).

  Elf - siofra n. (Jutish Elven and Old Gwaelic Elven).

  Elf Killers - Marfora Siofra n. pl. (Jutish Elven and Old Gwaelic Elven) - Gwaelic or social trolls, Homo neanderthalensis gwaelii R., heavy bodied hominids, indigenous to the Eastern Continent. They have a vastly expanded visual cortex, giving them a large occipital bun at the base of their skull. They hunt in groups, exclusively at night. They are quite adept at making crude wooden hafted and shafted stone tools such as knives, mauls and spears. They do not make, nor have they been seen to make use of such devices as bows and atlatls or fluid holding vessels. They have life-long pair bonds and share in the rearing of their young in a human-like manner, unlike their cousins, the Jutish trolls, Homo neanderthalensis jutlandii R. Though they frequently make temporary shelters of animal skins, they prefer large caverns and rocky recesses able to shelter extended family groups. They possess true language, though the only language of theirs which is known lacks some of the discrete parts of speech common to most Human languages. It is far more sonorous and nasal sounding than any known human language.

  Elf Killer(s) - Marooderyn Imshee (Gwaelic Elven) - Homo neanderthalensis gwaelii R. (see above).

  Elf Killers - Marooderyn Imsheeyn (Gwaelic Elven) - Homo neanderthalensis gwaelii R. (see above).

  else - elles, ellys (Archaic Modern Niarg).

  else's - ellyses (Archaic Modern Niarg).

  Elven ginseng - slainte ollmhor or giant wellness plant (dyrgnyfngnyrr to the trolls), Aquilaria peloroicosum N. discovered by the Elven king, Neron on the Eastern Continert and used where dramatic recoveries are imperative.

  Elven hyssop, also called oregano - worrobobo (Ngop).

  Elven maturation rate -

  (240 Elven years divided by 17 human years) times (the number of equivalent Human years) equals (the age of the Elf youth).

  Elven naming day = 14.1 birthdays (years).

  Elven seventh naming day = 99 birthdays (years).

  Elves - Fadayyrrphif (trollish).

  Elven, Elvish - Elvyssh a. (Archaic Modern Niarg).

  Elves - Elves, Elven pl. (Archaic Modern Niarg).

  Elves - Homo sapiens ginkgoliberiensis R., a race of humans indigenous to the Maidenhair Woods of the Eternal Mountains of the Eastern Continent, characterized by ivory colored skin, eyes with various colors of irises highlighted with opalescent flashes and sparkles, pointed ears and hair which is either silky absolute black, absolute black with varying degrees of iridescence or metallic shades of silvery grey, gold or copper or an almost phosphorescent matte rust red. They are highly intuitive and are attuned to their natural surroundings and are predisposed to magical skills. They have life spans scores of times as long as those of the rest of mankind.

  enchant (to enchant) - to enchaunten inf. (Archaic Modern Niarg).

  enchantment - enchauntement (Archaic Modern Niarg).

  enchantment - fnadiyaphn n. (trollish).

  end - ende n. (Archaic Modern Niarg).

  end (to end) - ende inf. (Archaic Modern Niarg).

  end - endede, endide 3rd pl. (Archaic Modern Niarg).

  ends - endyth 3rd sing. (Archaic Modern Niarg).

  endless - endel
es (Archaic Modern Niarg).

  enemy - fnanafnyr n. (trollish).

  enemy - nifeyfnanafni n. (trollish).

  enjoy - enjoye (Archaic Modern Niarg).

  enmity - fnanar n. (trollish).

  enough - ynough, ynogh (Archaic Modern Niarg).

  enter - entre 1st pers. sing. (Archaic Modern Niarg).

  entered - entred (Archaic Modern Niarg).

  entering - entryng (Archaic Modern Niarg).

  enters - entreth 3rd pers. sing. (Archaic Modern Niarg).

  enthrall - thrallen (Archaic Modern Niarg).

  enticing - entysinge (Archaic Modern Niarg).

  errand - erande (Archaic Modern Niarg).

  erupt or belch - bruchtadh v. (Jutish Elven and Old Gwaelic Elven).

  eruption - bruchtadh (Jutish Elven and Old Gwaelic Elven).

  escape - escapist 2nd pers. sing. (Archaic Modern Niarg).

  escaped - escapid 3rd pers. pl. past (Archaic Modern Niarg).

  especially - especiallye (Archaic Modern Niarg).

  established - i-set (Archaic Modern Niarg).

  eternal - eterneel a. (Archaic Modern Niarg).

  eternity - eternite (Archaic Modern Niarg).

  even - evene (Archaic Modern Niarg).

  evening - evenyng (Archaic Modern Niarg).

  ever - ever (before vowels) (Archaic Modern Niarg).

  ever - evere (before consonants) (Archaic Modern Niarg).

  everwaking oak - Quercus claudo-ilex R., derwin hollol effro (Old Niarg Standard) (wide awake oak), a dioecious evergreen oak with holly-like elliptical 1" x 2" leaves with spiny toothed margins, glossy dark green above and whitish green below, which suddenly fold along the midrib and collapse at each end of the petiole when exposed to certain thigmatic and electromagnetic stimuli in a manner reminiscent of the mimosa's response to touch. The narrowly oblong 1/4th" x 3/4th" acorns are enclosed by a shallow scaly cap, and are born singly on the end of a stalk. The trees are much the same stature as burr oaks, being thirty to fifty feet tall with a spreading crown somewhat broader than the tree is tall. They are indigenous to very restricted parts of the thinly forested, savanna-like rolling uplands of the Forest Primeval flanking the great Fairy Valley. A number of them,
Carol Marrs Phipps & Tom Phipps's Novels