uffern n. f. (Old Niarg Standard).
hell - yffarn (Gwaelic).
hell-hound - helle hond (Archaic Modern Niarg).
hello - demat dit (Headlandish).
hello - jyoyfnyoydfif (jy-oyf-ny-oyd-fif) (trollish).
hello - kys t'ou (Gwaelic Elven).
help (help to ___) - halp with inf. (Archaic Modern Niarg).
help - holpe n. (Archaic Modern Niarg).
help - holpe 2nd sing. (Archaic Modern Niarg).
help, to help - holpen 3rd pers., inf. (Archaic Modern Niarg).
helping - holpyn (Archaic Modern Niarg).
helping (was helping) - shal ben holpyn past ppl. (Archaic Modern Niarg)
Help me! - Phnyrsyoy adyroorr! (trollish).
He needs to shit his breeches! - Riachtanais se a cac ar a bristi! (Jutish Elven and Old Gwaelic Elven).
he passed away - fuair se bas (Jutish Elven and Old Gwaelic Elven).
her - hir (Archaic Modern Niarg).
herd - gyr n. m., cenfiant n. f. (Old Niarg Standard).
here - heere (Archaic Modern Niarg).
hero - arwr n. m. (Old Niarg Standard).
herself - (Archaic Modern Niarg).
Hey! - Nyrruy! (trollish).
hidden - yhed (Archaic Modern Niarg).
hide - i-hyd (Archaic Modern Niarg).
high - mawr a. (Old Niarg Standard).
hill - rhiw n. f. (Old Niarg Standard).
hill - hyll, hulle, hulles pl. (Archaic Modern Niarg).
him - hym (Archaic Modern Niarg).
himself - hymselve (Archaic Modern Niarg).
his - hise (Archaic Modern Niarg).
his heart - vyryei n. (trollish).
his supernatural power - veyfnaryr (trollish).
ho - how (Gwaelic).
hobgoblin - bwgan n. (Old Niarg Standard).
hog - hoc'h n. (Headlandish).
hog - hogg, hogge (Archaic Modern Niarg).
hogs - hogges (Archaic Modern Niarg).
hold - halt 2nd pers. sing. (Archaic Modern Niarg).
hold - yholden p. ppl. (Archaic Modern Niarg).
holding - haldyng (Archaic Modern Niarg).
hole, hollow - toull (Headlandish).
hollow, hole - toull (Headlandish).
Holy deity! - Sans dewsys! (Gwaelic).
home - hoom n. (Archaic Modern Niarg).
honey - hony (Archaic Modern Niarg).
honey - ar mel n. (Headlandish).
honor - honour (Archaic Modern Niarg).
hooray! - hwre! (Gwaelic).
hopeful - hopelich (Archaic Modern Niarg).
hopes - hopes 3rd pers. sing. (Archaic Modern Niarg).
horns - hornes n. (Archaic Modern Niarg).
horn squirts - Laora and Edward's name for the five spiked lizard, Phrynosoma stephanorachis R. a kind of horned lizard indigenous to the southern coast of the Black Desert, known for defecating massively upon being picked up.
Horrible Baton (Great Staff of Power) - Bata Millteanach (Jutish Elven).
Horrifying Crystal - Strink Euzhus (Headlandish), Heart of the Staff.
horrors! - horrours! (Archaic Modern Niarg).
horse - marc'h n. (Headlandish).
horse - margh n. m. (Archaic Modern Niarg).
hospitality - hospitalyte, hospitalite n. (Archaic Modern Niarg).
host - hoost, oost n. (Archaic Modern Niarg).
hot - hote (Archaic Modern Niarg).
hour - howre (Archaic Modern Niarg).
house - ty n. (Old Niarg Standard).
howeler - see tall man.
howlie - see tall man.
Hoy! Hey! - Ay! Ye! (Gwaelic).
Hoy! - Hoi! (Gwaelic Elven).
huge - ollmhor a. (Jutish Elven and Old Gwaelic Elven).
Human - Homo sapiens sapiens R., in our usage is a race and therefore is capitalized, just as one would Indian or White. Here, human, which means Homo sapiens R., includes such races as Human and Elf and Fairy.
Human (human) - Humayne (humayne) (Archaic Modern Niarg).
Humans - Humaynes (Archaic Modern Niarg).
humming - hummynge (Archaic Modern Niarg).
hundred - hunderd (Archaic Modern Niarg).
hung - honge (Archaic Modern Niarg).
hung - hyngst 2nd sing. (Archaic Modern Niarg).
hunting - nafnapfeef (trollish).
hurt - hurte gen. (Archaic Modern Niarg).
I - Ich (Archaic Modern Niarg).
I -
I - Ic, Ich, I sing. nom. (Archaic Modern Niarg).
me - me sing. dat. acc. (Archaic Modern Niarg).
mine, my - min, mi sing. poss. pron. (Archaic Modern Niarg).
we two - wit, witt dual. nom. (Archaic Modern Niarg).
us two - unc, unnc dual. dat. acc. (Archaic Modern Niarg).
our two - unker dual. poss. pron. (Archaic Modern Niarg).
we - weo plur. nom. (Archaic Modern Niarg).
us - us, ous plur. dat. acc. (Archaic Modern Niarg).
ours, our - ure, ur, oure plur. poss. pron. (Middle English) (Archaic Modern Niarg)
I - phnirr n. (trollish).
I am just fooling around! - Fnaphnnty ntu! (trollish).
I am wondering - Ich ywondere (Archaic Modern Niarg).
idea - idee n. (Archaic Modern Niarg).
I do not understand. - Du vyrs fnyf dyphndyyf (trollish).
I go - phnirr dyrija (trollish).
I have a good appetite. - Digor eo ma c'halon. (Headlandish).
I have the honor to acknowledge - ta onnor aym goaill rish (Gwaelic Elven).
I'll be damned! - M'annym da'n jouyll! (Gwaelic Elven).
ill - ille (Archaic Modern Niarg).
imagine - ymagyn (Archaic Modern Niarg).
immortal - inmortal (Archaic Modern Niarg).
impossible - inpossible (Archaic Modern Niarg).
impress - inpresse 1st pers. sing., 3rd pers. sing. (Archaic Modern Niarg).
impressed - inpressed (Archaic Modern Niarg).
indeed - in dede (Archaic Modern Niarg).
inn - tafarn (Old Niarg Standard).
inside - in-side (Archaic Modern Niarg).
insights - insightes (Archaic Modern Niarg).
instead - in stede (Archaic Modern Niarg).
intend - entendist (Archaic Modern Niarg).
interrupted - enterrupted (Archaic Modern Niarg).
into - in to, in-to (Archaic Modern Niarg).
introductions - introducciones (Archaic Modern Niarg).
invisible - invysible (Archaic Modern Niarg).
is, be, shall be - beth (before vowels), bethe (before consonants), 3rd pers. sing. (Archaic Modern Niarg).
is - be 3rd sing. pres. (Archaic Modern Niarg).
is - is 3rd pers. sing. pres. ind. (be) (Archaic Modern Niarg).
is - ybe (Archaic Modern Niarg).
island - enez (Headlandish).
is not - nis (Archaic Modern Niarg).
it - hit (Archaic Modern Niarg).
It is filthy - nigspoonfi (trollish).
It is roasted - pyrntey (trollish).
It is ugly - nigspoonfi (trollish).
its shit - vyrgan (trollish).
It's time to eat - fndapffnyjyoyoynf (trollish).
It's time to leave. - Poent eo mont kuit. (Headlandish).
It stinks - nirrgspon (trollish).
I will eat - fnadiphnyd (trollish).
I will eat them - diphndirr (trollish).
I will give it up! - Fnadyrdifarr ja! (trollish).
I will go on a tour - ganf diphnarr (trollish).
I will quit it! - Fnadyrdifarr ja! (trollish).
jesses - strips of light but very tough leather, 12" long which always remain on each leg of a strike falcon.
job - gwyth n. m. (Gwaelic).
John Dory - Yar-Vor (Headlandish).
joined - joyneden (Archaic Modern Niarg).
joining - ioynynge, joynynge (Archaic Modern Niarg).
journey -
journe (Archaic Modern Niarg).
joy - goye, ioye, joye (Archaic Modern Niarg).
joyful - joysome (Archaic Modern Niarg).
judge - jugge 2nd pers. sing. (Archaic Modern Niarg).
judges, will judge - juggen 3rd pers. sing., 3rd pers. sing. fut. (Archaic Modern Niarg).
juice, sap, essence, suction - sugan n. m. (Gwaelic).
just - just (before vowels) (Archaic Modern Niarg).
just - juste (before consonants) (Archaic Modern Niarg).
Jutish troll - vyrrayyoyana (vyr-ray-yoy-ana) (trollish).
Jutish trolls - also known as solitary trolls, Homo neanderthalensis jutlandii R., are indigenous to the heavy deciduous forests of the Jut of Niarg. Like their cousins of the Eastern Continent, the Gwaelic or social trolls, Homo neanderthalensis gwaelii R. (see Elf Killers), these hominids are very heavy bodied and have a greatly expanded visual cortex, giving them a large occipital bun on their cranium. They are exclusively nocturnal and solitary and do not form pair bonds. Their sexual behavior resembles that of the orangutan, and the young are reared exclusively by the female. It is not known whether or not they possess true language, though accounts given by the rare individuals who have survived their assaults suggest that they might have. They do not build shelters but live permanently in rocky recesses, from which they range only short distances. Their tools consist only of rudimentarily trimmed sticks and stones. They have not been known to use fire. They are omnivorous, but show a distinct preference for the raw flesh of large animals that stray near their dens. Accidental encounters with them are considered very dangerous by Elves and other humans who live within their range.
keen - keene (Archaic Modern Niarg).
keen (eyesight) - lagasek (Gwaelic).
keep - kepe 1st pers. sing., 3rd pers. sing., 3rd pers. pl., inf. (Archaic Modern Niarg).
keeper - ceidwad n. m. (Old Niarg Standard).
keeping - ykepyng 3rd pers. sing. (Archaic Modern Niarg).
kelp - culp (Archaic Modern Niarg).
kelp - famlagh (Gwaelic Elven).
ken - kenne (related to) (Archaic Modern Niarg).
Kerry - Ciarrai (Jutish Elven and Old Gwaelic Elven).
Kerry cow - bo Ciarrai (Jutish Elven and Old Gwaelic Elven).
kettle - ketil (Archaic Modern Niarg).
kettle - tegell (Old Niarg Standard).
kicking - kyking, kykynge (Archaic Modern Niarg).
kill (to kill) - to kylle inf. (Archaic Modern Niarg).
killed (was killed) - kyld (Archaic Modern Niarg).
killer - lladdwr n. m. (Old Niarg Standard).
killer - marfoir n. (Jutish Elven and Old Gwaelic Elven).
killers - lladdwyr n. m. pl. (Old Niarg Standard).
killers -