Reaches, the - a great unexplored territory, claimed by Niarg, which forms its undefined northern border in the east.

  Great Maidenhair Woods - see Maidenhair woods.

  Great North Woods - see Northern Forest.

  Great North Woods - the boreal forest home of Meri Greenwood, west of the Great Barrier Mountains, location of Gerddi Teg.

  Great Rock Wall - black shale bluffs on the western slopes of the Eternal Mountains, having at their bases the western caves used by the Gwaelic trolls.

  Great Strah - vast big bluestem grassland in the western Eastern Continent.

  Great Wilderlands - see Wilderlands.

  Grog Meadows - between the dunes and the dragon mountains.

  Gulf of Orin - (Gwlff of Orin) see Dragon Mountains.

  Gwael - see Eastern Continent.

  Gwaremm - see Eastern Continent.

  Gwlff of Orin - see Gulf of Orin.

  Hanter Koadou - territory to which the Cias are confined.

  Head - Pennvro.

  Headland - Pennvro.

  Henheath Crown - a prominence in the midst of Gollmoor, overlooking a part of the moor called Henheath.

  Homeland, the - (the Mammvro) the dragons' reference to their place of origin on the Dark Continent.

  Howlie Box - name given by Prince Herio and Sergeant Philpott to the cave in the bluff face, up the Sunset Mountain Divide, where they were held captive by the howlies (giants).

  Illusion Mountains - a small chain of mountains running north and south, just east of the Valley of Illusions.

  Jut Ford - a ford across the Loxmere River where the battle of Bernard's Bane was fought. Also, another name for Bernard's Bane.

  Jutland - see Jut of Niarg.

  Jutland Lake - surrounds the island castle of Oilean Gairdin.

  Jut of Niarg - Jutland, southern arm of Niarg, lying between Goll on the south, Bratin Brute on the south-east and Loxmere on the north.

  Jutwoods - the vast woods covering most of the Jut of Niarg.

  Jyantylesk - (Giant's Cradle) capitol city of the Gwaels on the Eastern Continent.

  Koad Karreg - the Stone Forest on the edge of the Mammvro, where the First Wizard found the stump of the Great Stone Tree and chiseled out the Heart from its center.

  Lake Jutland - the lake surrounding the island of Oilean Gairdin.

  Lake Na Gealai - the lake in the crater of Mount Sliabh in the Eternal Mountains on the Eastern Continent.

  Lardshire - north of Niarg, borders Boneshire on the north, south and west. Its northern border is undefined, since the kingdom claims all the unexplored lands of the Great Boreal Reaches directly north of it.

  Leskycastel - (Cradle's Castle) Vortigern's castle at Jyantylesk.

  Lobhadh - see Eastern Continent.

  Lost Bay - (Bae Ar Goll) bay on the coast of the Black Desert, southeast of the New Dragon Caves.

  Loxa - a town in Loxmere.

  Loxham - capitol of Loxmere.

  Loxmere - a country on the Northern Continent, land locked by the kingdom of Niarg on the north, south and west and with the Gulf of Orin and the Orin Ocean on the east.

  Loxmere-Goll - the combined kingdoms of Loxmere and Goll, joined after the marriage of James and Spitemorta.

  Loxmere River - originates in western Goll, flows through Ash Lake in the Jut of Niarg and empties into Oyster Cove on the Gulf of Orin.

  Magic River - (not on maps) an underground river that wells up from depths far below the cavern system which lies one league below Oilean Gairdin. In Rose and Lukus's case it dumped into a tributary of the Fairy River.

  Maidenhair Woods - major forest of the Eternal Mountains with a climax canopy dominated by the blue maidenhair, Ginkgo cyanophyllum R., the maidenhair, Ginkgo biloba ingentissima R. and the red maidenhair, Ginkgo erythrofolium R. trees. The fringed maidenhair, Ginkgo fimbriflabella R., though not a part of the climax canopy, is a related tree which is one of the first woody invaders after a fire. Interestingly, the shady slopes of north facing ravines are thick with the maidenhair fern, Adiantum capillus-veneris R. as well.

  Mammvro (the) - (the Homeland) the primaeval home of the dragons on the Dark Continent, also known as the Red Lands or the Red Desert.

  Manalgwel - a cutlery and arms making center, a suburb of Jyantylesk, Gwael.

  Margey Eeast - (Fish Market), Gwaelic Elven trading post at Camys Margey Eeast on the northern coast of the Strah.

  Marghas Puskes - Gwaelic name for Margey Eeast.

  Marr, the Kingdom of - the kingdom of the Beaks, made up of an extensive region of fens called Beakmore or the Beakmoor, that were known as the Gobbler Marshes (Marshmallow Marshes) during the Peppermint Forest days, which surround a raised pastoral part of the Kingdom known as Caistealbeak, which includes the village of Caistealbeak which surrounds the Beak Castle, known as Caisteal-Beak.

  Marshmallow Marshes - see Gobbler Marshes.

  Midwoods - the Hanter Koadu on the Dark Continent.

  Mooar-Rheynn Dorraghey - see Dark Continent.

  Mooar-Rheynn Twoaie - see Northern Continent.

  Mor Bras Argos - Gwaelic name for the Argos Ocean, the ocean east of the Eastern Continent and the Dark Continent.

  Mor Dannedd - Sea of Teeth, the waters south of the Northern Continent.

  Mor-Thir Dorch - see Dark Continent.

  Mor-Thir Tuathach - see Northern Continent.

  Mount Bedd - see Bedd Chwiorydd Tair.

  Mount Furor - see Mount Sliabh.

  Mount Sliabh - (Mount Furor) (Sliabh Buile) (Slieau Eulys in later times) a volcanic mountain on the eastern slope of the Eternal Mountains on the Eastern Continent.

  Mount Slieau - (Mount Furor) (Slieau Eulys) (Sliabh Buile in earlier times) see Mount Sliabh).

  Mynoedd Machlud - (Sunset Mountains) a mountain chain running up and down the western coast of the Northern Continent.

  Na Gealai Lake - a lake in the crater of Mount Sliabh in the Eternal Mountains on the Eastern Continent.

  New Dragon Caves - the part of a vast cavern system in the Black Desert occupied by the dragons, made up of grey limestone karst overlain by a great obsidian lava field, full of lava tubes.

  New Gairdin - the series of limestone and obsidian caverns behind the hollow Spring 'n' Drain, several miles straight west of the New Dragon Caves, along the same formation.

  Niarg - a country that extends indefinitely north into the Great Boreal Reaches in the east, with Lardshire and Boneshire forming its northern borders in the west. In the west it extends to the Great Barrier Mountains at the eastern edge of the Great Wilderlands. It extends to Goll in the south, Bratin Brute in the south-east and to the Orin Ocean on the north and the Gulf of Orin on the south of its coast in the east. It land locks the kingdoms of Loxmere, Far and Ellsmore on their north west and south.

  Niarg - the town surrounding Niarg Castle, occasionally referred to as Niarg Proper or as Niarg Town (3) (-2) (4) (5)

  Niarg Bay - bay off the Orin Ocean coast of Niarg, into which the Shallow Sand River empties at the Port of Niarg.

  Niarg Castle - north of the Port of Niarg.

  Niarg-Loxmere-Goll - the combined kingdoms of Loxmere, Goll and Niarg, joined when Niarg Castle was destroyed by Demonica, Spitemorta and the Gwaels.

  Niarg Proper - see Niarg.

  Niarg Town - see Niarg.

  Northern Continent - Brastyr Cleth (Gwaelic), Deatalamh (Jutish Elven), Glan Da (Old Niarg Standard), Gnyrjan ntu Afajoy (Plenty to Eat) (Trollish), Mooar-Rheynn Twoaie (Gwaelic Elven), Norz-Douar-Bras (North Big Land) (Headlandish), Norz-Meurzouar (Headlandish), Mor-Thir Tuathach (Goblish-Beakish).

  Northern Forest - (Fforest y Gogledd, Great North Woods) the forest of the northern Wilderlands.

  Norz-Douar-Bras - (North Big Land) see Northern Continent.

  Norz-Meurzouar - see Northern Continent.

  Nyth Hok - (Hawk's Nest) the name given to Pilar Paleys by General Coel's men (see Pilar Paleys).

  Oilean Gairdin - crystal village of the Jutland Elv
es on the shore of Lake Jutland plus Oilean Gairdin proper in Lake Jutland.

  Oilean Gairdin (proper) - garden isle of the royal castle of the Jutland Elves in the midst of Lake Jutland.

  Oohyn Feer Vooar - (Giant Eggs) (Ubh Ollmhor in early times) a natural deposit of volcanic tuff boulders at the eastern foot of Slieau Eulys (Mount Furor) in the Eternal Mountains on the Eastern Continent.

  Orin Ocean - the Ocean lying between the Northern Continent and the Eastern Continent.

  Oyster Cove - an inlet of the Gulf of Orin fed by the Loxmere River and shared by Loxmere on the north and the Jut of Niarg on the south.

  Oyster Cove - a fishing village and minor shipping port at the mouth of the Loxmere River and shared by Loxmere and the Jut of Niarg. Three fourths of the residents are Elves and one fourth are Humans. The smaller, exclusively Elven fishing village of Fen lies one league to the south on the coast of the Jut of Niarg.

  Pastures - the Niarg military camp in the Machlud Mountains.

  Peach Knob - Dewin family farm, country home of Razzmorten, Minuet and Ugleeuh.

  Pearl Shoals - northern shores of the Gulf of Orin.

  Pennvro - Head, Headland.

  Peppermint Forest - a portion of the Chokewoods enchanted for a time by Ugleeuh.

  Pilar Paleys - home of Niarg's Secretary of the Exchequer. Used by General Coel for headquarter during the occupation of Niarg (see Nyth Hok).

  Pirate Isle - see Dragon Mountains.

  Pitmaster's Basin - land between the Great barrier Mountains and the Ash Mountains, including the Pitmaster's Kettles.

  Pitmaster's Gorge - a gorge in the Maidenhair Woods in the Eternal Mountains, at the bottom of which lives the largest known maidenhair tree, estimated to be over 7000 years old.

  Pitmaster's Kettles - a volcanic field following a huge fault running the length of the huge Pitmaster's Basin, from Gold Lake in the
Carol Marrs Phipps & Tom Phipps's Novels