Page 1 of Scared to Death

o Death

  Drac Von Stoller

  Copyright 2011 by:Drac Von Stoller


  Henry was a very handsome man that the ladies always had their eyes on. Henry wasn't a wealthy man and wasn't born into wealth, but Henry always dreamed he'd marry into wealth someday and have all the precious things he dreamed about. When Henry was around his friends he'd talk like he had money because most of his friends had an abundance of money. Not having any wealth like his friends had made Henry jealous.

  Henry's relationships were not much to speak of many girls broke up with him after just a few dates because he couldn't give lavish gifts. Henry's luck and entire life was about to change because one of Henry's rich friends was invited to a party.  His friend only knew the person that invited him so he thought it would be a good idea to bring someone he knew to keep him company.

  Henry and his friend were having a good time at the party. Henry told Jack he was going to get some punch and would be back shortly. Just as Henry was scooping up some punch a pretty blonde woman approached Henry and introduced herself because Henry's appearance took her breath away.  

  She knew he was the one for her and she wasn't going to let someone else take him away."Excuse me sir, could I please have some punch?" asked Monique. "Sure," said Henry. Henry was blown away by her beauty and was very happy they met. Monique said, "I heard you're a friend of Jack's, he's really a great guy. Don't you think so?" "Yeah, he's been a close friend of mine for many years. Jack and I went to the same schools growing up," said Henry."I tell you what, how'd you like to come over to my place this Saturday around 6:00 and I'll cook you a good meal?" asked Monique. "I'd be delighted to try your cooking.  I'm sure I won't be disappointed," said Henry.  "Great! I'd like to introduce you to my godparents," Monique said. After the party was over Monique asked Henry if he would escort her to her car.

  As Monique got in her car and Henry was turning away to meet up with Jack, Monique rolled down her window in the car and said "Henry could you come over here for a moment?" Then she said, "Henry, it's quite alright if you'd like to kiss me goodbye."  So Henry kissed her and said, "Could I kiss you one more time?" Monique said, "Sure!  That's fine with me." After they kissed Monique said, "I'll see you Saturday and don't be late." Henry replied, "Don't you worry, I won't be late."

  Monique drove off into the sunset to her mansion. Henry got into the car with Jack and Jack asked, "How'd it go Henry?" Henry said, "I believe I just found the woman I've been searching for all of my life." "That's great!  I hope it works out for you both," said Jack."Jack, she wants me to meet her god parents this Saturday." Jack responded, "Did you know her parents left her a vast fortune before their untimely death several years ago? 

  They died when their private jet crashed over Mexico during a vacation. You think I've got a lot of money Monique's wealth makes me look poor. If you marry Monique you'll be set for life.""That's what I'm banking on," said Henry. Jack said "Well here's where I drop you off and let me know how Saturday goes." "I'll let you know, don't worry," said Henry. Henry bought a nice suit to impress Monique for their Saturday date.

  When Henry was finished with dinner at Monique's, Henry gave Monique a kiss goodbye and Monique said "Why don't you spend the night with me? This big house gets pretty lonely at night and I could sure use the company." "Are you sure it's okay?  You really don't know me that well," said Henry. "Come on Henry! I don't bite!" said Monique. Henry accepted Monique's invitation and they shared some wine together before turning in for the night.

  As Monique and Henry lay in bed together Monique asked Henry if he would be interested in moving in with her. Henry replied "I would love to move in with you. I'm tired of being a bachelor and I really enjoy being with you. By the end of the week Henry moved into Monique's mansion and within a month they were married.

  Many years had passed, there were good times and bad times. Henry liked his scotch and whiskey and it showed. Henry loved Monique's money more than her. Monique was very depressed and not happy with Henry's spending. Henry and Monique fought a lot and that’s probably what fueled Henry's drinking and Monique's depression. It was hard for Monique to get around because she had fallen down the stairs and shattered the bones in her right leg. She had to limp around. Monique's beauty was deteriorating and Henry felt it was time to get rid of Monique so he could have her fortune to himself. Henry devised a plan to scare her to death.

  While Monique was sleeping Henry hid a tape recorder in her room with a man and a woman's voice that would call out to Monique. He wanted to make her think it was her parents coming to visit her from beyond the grave. Henry would put hallucinogenic drugs in her drink.  That combined with the voices on the tape recorder really made Monique frightened on a daily basis. Monique would ask Henry if he heard anything unusual but he would say she's just having bad dreams. Henry would put on Monique's father's clothes at night. 

  When Monique would run scared out of her room to get help from Henry, he would be down the hall calling out to Monique saying, "Monique I've come for you, come join me and your mother outside.  We've dug you a fresh grave." Monique would run back in her room, lock the door, and jump back into bed. She pulled the covers over her head until the morning came.

  Henry's plan was working just as he thought it would, just a few more terrifying scares and Monique would be ready to take her own life. Henry planted a noose over the rafters above the top of the stairs so when Monique would run out scared from her room he hoped she would put the noose around her neck. Then Henry could come up behind her and give her a push.  He would help her lose her footing and dangle till the rope choked the last breath out of her body.

  Every night Monique would come out screaming running to the top of the stairs and the noose would be swinging back and forth. Henry would be in Monique's father's clothes trying to convince her to put the rope around her neck and join her mother and father in the cemetery behind the house over the hill.  He'd say, "We have a fresh grave that we dug just for you so we can all be together forever." Henry decided to give Monique a stronger dose of hallucinogens to give her more confidence in putting the rope around her neck.

  The next night as Monique was trying to get some sleep the voices were ringing in her ears. Before she came running out of her room, Henry was outside her door dressed in her father’s clothes. The noose was swinging back and forth waiting for Monique to take the plunge into death so Henry could inherit her fortune. Henry was going to make sure that noose was around her neck this time.

  When Monique came out screaming from her room she ran towards the top of the stairs where the noose was hanging and as Henry came towards her she grabbed the rope with one hand and put her head through the loop. Henry grabbed the rope and tightened it around her neck and said, "Monique we've been waiting for you now it's time to rest over the hill where your grave is waiting for you." Henry pushed her off the steps and Monique's neck snapped and her lifeless body was swinging back and forth over the top of the stairs. Henry immediately called the police and told them she took her own life because she thought her parents were coming back from the grave. 

  When the police arrived, Henry told them Monique was very depressed from an accidental fall she had a couple of years ago. She was on antidepressant drugs which she often mixed with alcohol, making things even worse. "Officer, she was such a kind person, loved life and her garden. Now I'm all alone in this big empty house," said Henry. The officer responded, "There's no guarantees that the one you love will be with you the rest of your life, so you must make the best of what you have.""Thank you officer for the kind words," said Henry.

  The officer left Henry's house and Henry went back to the study to drink his scotch and wh
iskey. He drank until he passed out on his desk, with a bottle of scotch in his hand. As the months went by Monique's fortune was dwindling away because of Henry's expensive taste for wine and whiskey.

  One night as Henry was sleeping in bed he awoke in a cold sweat from a nightmare. Henry thought he heard Monique and her parent's calling out to him to come out to the cemetery. Henry just laughed it off as a nightmare, but this was no ordinary nightmare. Henry did not leave the house to socialize. Henry mainly stayed in the study to waste the day away in his alcohol. Henry staggered up the stairs to turn in for the night and fell flat on the bed mumbling Monique's name and then passed out.

  Again Henry awoke in a cold sweat with Monique and her parent's calling him out to the cemetery. Henry jumped out of bed and went to his bedroom window and peeked through the curtain. He couldn't believe what he was seeing.  "I must be sleepwalking.  There are two women and a man calling out to me and pointing at the cemetery,"

  Henry said to himself. It was pouring down rain with