Julian observed her very carefully. She woke up and smiled. He has never seen her smiling this way. She seemed to be happy and relaxed. Until now he saw her stressed and in motion. Now she was just beautiful. Her hair was shining in the sun and her eyes were sparkling. He enjoyed watching her in such situation and thought about how long he should let her savouring the silence.

  He kept the time passing by slowly and finally, he had to react. He left the room so quick that she only noticed a wave of air. Then he searched for some clothes for her, dressed, came back and knocked. He waited for a moment and then he came in. She was sitting on the bed and was covered with the blanket.

  -I thought your clothes were a little dirty and you might want to have new ones.

  He put them on the chair, where he was sometimes sitting on during this night, and left the room. Mia hadn't even the time to thank him for it. She stood up and looked at the clothes he brought. There were two t-shirts and two of his sport pants. Apparently, he didn't have any girly things at home and this was such a funny thought that she had to smile. She tried on the first pants and they were much too big. The second pants were quite OK; at least she could walk without losing them. The t-shirts were both fine, but she chose the blue one.

  Then Mia went out of the room and thought were he might be. She was in the first floor of his house and she heard some noises from the basement. She followed the sound. On her way, she looked at the house. The house wasn't very big, but it wasn't as small as an apartment. You could see and smell wood everywhere. It was gorgeous! The decoration was rather classical and left a great impression. There were not many things there, but everything was elegant and somehow welcoming. There were some paintings hanging on the walls matching the other decorative items in the house. She was very impressed and didn't expect such a good taste and such decoration from a person who was younger than 30 years. It had to cost a fortune and he wouldn't have been able to earn all that money in such a short time. She didn't even know whether he was studying or working. She knew he had this modern and hip club, but you cannot afford both things at the same time. These were her thoughts until she got into the kitchen.

  He was standing there preparing the tea. It smelled of cherry and vanilla. Mia wondered how strange it was that a guy had this kind of tea at home or how he knew which kind of tea she liked. She hadn't told him. It couldn't be a coincidence.

  She shivered shortly, but quickly she got back her self-control. Could he be connected to Jonas? Could it be a plan of Jonas? However, Jonas didn't care about tea. Mia doubted and her heart pushed her in Julian’s direction. Her voice within ordered her to keep going. Maybe it was just a simple coincidence and if not then there had to be a good explanation for it.

  -Good morning. – She said to announce herself.

  Julian had already noticed her, but he didn't let her know it.

  -Good morning. Did you sleep well?

  -I never slept better in my life. –She said with a lucky tone.

  -And how’s your leg? You are not hobbling.

  -It’s better, thank you once again.

  She came some steps closer to the table and sat down on a chair. Her moves were precautiously and tentative.

  As she was sitting on the massive wooden chair, she looked around without suspicions. This kitchen was spacious and bright. The decoration and furniture was white and silver, and everything matched perfectly. There was no chaos there. In the middle of the room, there was a white round table with six chairs around. The tablecloth was red. A glass and a cup already stood in front of her. Julian put an empty plate in front of her and then he dished up some plates with bread and sausages. Then she saw a plate with cheese and a special plate with marmalade. It was too much for both of them. She wouldn't be able to eat one tenth of it.

  -And you? Are you not going to eat? – She asked as she didn't see a plate for him.

  -I have already eaten. - He answered.


  She didn't know what to think about it. She didn't feel well knowing she was the only person who was going to eat something now and what he prepared was too exaggerated. He noticed her confusion and didn't know how to react. He didn't eat, never. Moreover, people were eating differently. It was always hard to assume how much. Sometimes he just acted as if he would eat, but it was just a game, because he didn't want to catch anyone’s attention.

  -I will drink a cup of tea with you. – He smiled.

  She smiled back, but wasn't so convinced.

  -Please, feel free. Mi casa es su casa.

  She wasn't able to start eating; she didn't feel free, but rather tied. She usually ate alone and nobody was watching her. She was off her feed right now.

  -Please, you have to eat something. Otherwise, you will not get back your strength and recover. – He said friendly.

  She forced herself to make a sandwich with cheese and some sausages. The time she was eating was worse than a chewing gum, which you chew for an hour. It didn't end up. She was chewing and chewing and she had the impression again as if the time would pass slower. In addition, she wasn't feeling comfortable by eating alone while Julian was watching her all the time.

  -You don’t eat. – She determined suddenly.

  Julian looked at her more carefully and smiled. There was some uncertainty in his deep blue eyes although his face was still friendly and looked surprised.

  -So I am right, you didn't eat. – She wasn't smiling. She was still chewing her sandwich. It was impossible, but she was right. Her mind was busy with this extraordinary finding. Her heart kept quiet.

  Julian wondered whether she already had any contact with his family. It was rather impossible, but looking at her over average features in connection to this statement and her kind of being it wasn't as impossible as at it seemed to be at first. His smile stayed frozen on his face and he observed her even more watchfully than before. She was calm and controlled. He intended to change this situation somehow.

  -Oh, you were guessing. – Julian said it, as if he would tell a joke, as if he would have spoofed her just this minute.

  -I see it was right. That is enough for me.

  Mia was astonished. Just this one fact was already a reason to leave this house and to avoid him, but her heart took it freely, as if he would say that he loves go swimming or driving a car. It didn't scare her at all, although it should. A normal person would already be afraid but apparently, Mia’s instinct followed its own unexplained ways. Mia took it like a duck to water. She already saw things that were more horrible.

  -Oh, so you are quite good in guessing. – He laughed.


  -And when you are wrong? – He looked at her attentive.

  -It never happens. – She smiled sadly.

  However, Julian smiled. She was looking great when she was smiling, even if it wasn't a sign of joy.

  -When you are ready, we will check the wound.


  -You are not the type of girl who talks much, are you?

  -I don’t know. Until now you didn't asked me anything that could start a discussion. – She said.

  -I guess you wouldn't answer my questions.

  -That’s partially correct.

  -Why partially?

  -It depends on which topic you choose.

  -What do you like to talk about?

  -I don’t know. Philosophy of Persia, Nobel Prize winners in mathematics and techno music. – She laughed.

  -I think you exaggerated a little bit with techno. – He laughed as well.

  She was laughing loudly and he admired her clear voice. Her eyes were really sparkling. Her hair fell into her face, but she pushed it away spontaneously. She was just laughing. It was one of the greatest moments in his life.