Someone knocked at his door and Sebastian got up and opened it without even looking who was knocking. He smiled, because he saw Mia at the door. She smiled, too.

  -Hello. – Mia said.

  -Come in. – Sebastian opened the door wider and wanted to let her in. He was surprised by her visit, but it was more important for him to have her here than to wonder about the why. He looked at her and wondered why she changed so much towards him. He appreciated this change, and hoped for more nice surprises.

  -I already told you, I am not a party girl. It’s not my world. I am sorry. – She said and didn't move another step. She didn't intend to come in. – And I am not the sporty one, either.

  He didn't know what to say, so he waited for further information.

  -I would rather drink a tea with you...

  It wasn’t everything she wanted to tell him. However, he already took her by the hand and pulled her into his apartment. She saw it coming and let it happen. This wasn't the plan.

  He jumped and went into the kitchen. While he was looking for a cup for her, she had already taken off her jacket and followed him into the kitchen. As he turned around, she was standing and he couldn't stop smiling. She showed more self-control.

  -What kind of tea do you like? – He asked. – I have even a banana-vanilla tea.

  -I love tea, just anything.

  As the tea was ready, they sat down in the kitchen and she asked him how he was doing lately. They hadn't seen each other for many days. He told her about his latest troubles when he went shopping and had an issue with his credit card, because it couldn't be read. It was locked after three attempts, he went to the bank and complained and of course, everything was sorted now, but he was still twisted nerved. He explained her how angry he was, gesticulating vividly during all his monologue. She was laughing every now and then because of the way he expressed himself. Sebastian also explained the competition with Julian, because Julian’s car was faster, which was of course known from the very beginning. Sebastian didn't want to admit it and so they organized a short race and his car just marooned him. After this contest, he had to exchange some significant details on his car. The more she listened to him the more he talked. She didn't stop him and didn't ask anything. She was following his stories and enjoyed it.

  After more than two hours of monologue and two pots of tea, Mia brought him back to reality by saying she had to go. Only then, he noticed how much he had talked and he was confused, but in a positive way. He couldn't believe this was real.

  She left him as quickly as she arrived, but she left him in a kind of mood, which he wished to be in every day. Although his mind was full of doubts and questions, he was so happy inside that he could jump right up to the sky. After she left, he literally did it.

  From this day on, she dropped in at least once a week and she didn't talk much. She let Sebastian talk; sat quietly in his kitchen and drank tea. Sometimes they had dinner and afterwards they dished together. He told her some stories or talked about his lectures and problems with the study material. Sometimes he brought up stories about his friends; she just nodded and it was hard for her to follow, because she didn't know his other friends. Mia met them briefly during his birthday party, but apparently, she wasn't very interested in spending time with other people. Whenever he asked her whether she would like to join a meeting with other people, she definitely rejected. Sebastian didn't try to convince her, but he kept on offering such opportunities to her. On the one hand, he would have been very glad to take her with him and show her to his friends. On the other hand, he didn't want to share her with others and this intensity was his only problem at that time.

  He didn't notice her increasing weakness and that her face became whiter and whiter. He saw “his” girl visiting him and listening to his stories. She also started wearing natural make-up and it was really hard to see what was going on with her. She looked even prettier to him. Her look got a special expression because she brushed her eyes.

  Sometimes after dinner, she stayed in his place for an hour or two and translated some texts that he prepared for her. He was surprised how quick she was. She never took her work with her, she always finished it here, in his apartment and if there wasn't enough time to finish it, she continued it the next time she was there. He gave her his second notebook to work on and while she typed they talked about what she translated. Most of the times, it was some material about historic highlights as the French Revolution or battles between Scotland and England. He didn't understand French and she seemed to be very good.

  -So, the French Revolution is definitely your passion. – He said.

  -I like history and the French Revolution was quite important. Years of feudal oppression and fiscal mismanagement contributed to a French society that was ripe for revolt. Usually a revolt develops its own life. I like to learn about people who fight for their ideas. Mostly it doesn’t end luckily for them, but our ancestors’ fights are always causing something great.

  She spoke quietly, but had fire in her eyes. She got emotional when it came to such topics. She sometimes read to him in French and even if he didn't understand a word, he was very pleased to hear her voice. It was better than watching a theatre play. She was a real expressive person when she wasn't herself. Usually, she always controlled herself and her emotions were well hidden. Now, she read something about the downfall of Robespierre and people who were tired of the terror and "Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité" sounded very impressive how she pronounced them.

  He tried to find some French texts for her and usually had no problems to find some. He took over the translation bureau from his father after he had an accident three years ago and now he was responsible for almost everything. He had to fulfil orders and win new clients. His old clients were quite loyal and as long as cost effectiveness was guaranteed, the clients were satisfied and loyal. The translations were some academic texts that were supposed to be used as reliable sources or as a basis for better understanding a topic. Sometimes they wanted to have a short summary of the translated text in addition to the translation and with such tasks Mia was the best. She read him these passages aloud and then she briefly summarized them. She had a wonderful style of writing. It was almost as if she came from another century and could write like kings used to do. She didn't use a pen, she used a feather.