#59 BREATH (2 AM)

  -I will help you if you allow me to. Well, even if you don't, I don’t care, I will help you anyway. You definitely need help. Please trust me.

  Mia looked at him and tried to nod slowly.

  -You don't have to talk. You don’t have to move. I know it’s hard for you. All you need to do is just to hold on to me. OK?

  She nodded weakly. She was coughing blood without realising it and she was looking extremely bad. Her lips were red from blood, her open eyes were tired and she was as white as a wall. Mia was semi-conscious and she tried to focus on his voice. She was fragile like a snowflake on your tongue when you enjoy the first snow in winter.

  -You have to hold on to me, just for a while.

  Julian touched her carefully and she sighted with pain. He was desperate, because he didn't want to cause new pain, but it was necessary to bring her out of this apartment and to take care of her. Therefore, he put her arm over his shoulder.

  -You promised to hold on to me. So please hold on tight. Please, just keep breathing. – He bagged.

  She squeezed her fingers on his sweater and tried to keep it as strong as she could. He was appreciated her efforts. He took her and whispered to her:

  -Mia, please close your eyes shut and don't let me go.

  She didn't even look at him, her head didn't move.

  -Please, don't be scared.

  She coughed and showed no reaction.

  Julian started walking, but he caused such a wave of air that she had to open her eyes and saw the world in a blur. She wasn't able to recognize anything. Everything was changing so fast that she couldn't even differentiate where she was and where they were going. She only felt his strong arms, which held her and his smell mixed up with the smell of her blood. She was surprised by this mixture and couldn't believe it was real. It couldn't be real. She was simply dreaming.

  She held her breathe because of this amazing experience. It was incredible! The wind on her face, the mixed colours all around her and Julian’s speed were incredible! It was better than driving a cabriolet. It was like a bungee jump into a deep valley. It was like a roller-coaster ride. It was like flying. She felt as if she was fading like a flower or as if she was a feather in the wind. It was astonishing. It was magnificent. It was a miracle.

  Mia opened her mouth and allowed the wind to come into her lung. The air fulfilled her with incredible power and her mind was overwhelmed by this new experience. She didn't want to stop it. It could last forever.

  She smiled. Her heart was beating like boom, boom, boom, in a rhythm of a jumpy, dynamic Black Eyed Peas or Kevin Rudolf song. It was her internal song. Boom, boom, boom, boom. It was her internal feeling. Boom, boom, boom, boom. It was her internal feeling of luck. Boom, boom, boom, boom. She felt free from pain, free from reality, free from sorrows and problems. Everything was spinning around in her head, but it was a great feeling. Boom, boom, boom, boom. It was brilliant!

  Julian was running and hoping that she wouldn't open her eyes and understand what was happening. In the worst case, Julian would try to convince her she was hallucinating. Then he noticed her breathe of admiration, her beating heart and doubted about his plan. He couldn't explain why he did it, it was forbidden, but he couldn't leave her alone and see how she was suffering.

  When he stopped, they were in front of his house. He wanted to take her there. It was easy for him to put her in a bed without taking a break here. However, he knew that she needed some fresh air and some pictures to relax. Moreover, he didn't want to scare her and it was part of his plan.

  -Mia, open your eyes, we are already there.

  She looked around and suddenly, everything looked almost sharp again. Her internal song wasn’t over. Her heart was still beating fast. Boom, boom, boom, boom! Mia caught his shirt stronger and whispered something he didn't understand. He wasn't afraid that she was feeling worse, because her tone revealed her admiration. She was simply overwhelmed. His plan seemed not to work.

  Some seconds later, he put her down on the bed where she had slept the last time she was here.

  When Mia was laying in the bed, she looked at him and asked with amazement in her voice:

  -How was it possible?

  -What? – He pretended not to know what she was talking about. Of course, he was aware that she realised everything. At the same time, these impressions didn’t heal her pain. They only overplayed it. Mia was simply distracted. She knew how to use it.

  -This speed… your speed. It was so impossible!

  -You should rest. And I have to take a full medical examination of you.

  -OK. –She agreed with a big smile on her face. She was apparently still feeling the roller-coaster effect.

  -Do you mind if I... – He said a little bit embarrassed and confused. At the same time, Julian was pointing at her clothes and she understood what he was thinking. She nodded, and the big smile didn't leave her face. Boom, boom, boom, boom!

  He started to take her clothes off, slowly and carefully. She didn't show any sign of suffering. It surely wasn't pleasant for her, but she didn't really seem to notice it.

  -You just have too much adrenaline in your blood and that’s why you don’t notice your health’s damages. You’re sick. – He explained while he was taking her pants off.

  He described her what he was doing with his gently, attractive voice. She was still too impressed by his run and his speed to realise anything else. When Mia’s heart started to slow down and her amazement slowly decreased, she felt she was indeed sick and tired.

  When she was laying in her underwear, Julian stepped back and looked at her carefully. He saw all the damage done to her body, all the new wounds she got.

  -You are staring at me, and you stopped talking. – Mia whispered.

  He looked into her eyes and it wasn't possible to guess what he was thinking.

  -How bad is it? – She asked slowly.

  He didn't answer; he was still looking into her eyes. Mia had beautiful, green eyes, full of emotions and vivid astonishment. If he wouldn't know what she saw some minutes ago, he would say that she was high. He smiled because of this idea.

  Mia was confused. Up to now, he always answered her questions and now he was just standing there and smiled. Then, his smile disappeared. Mia couldn't read anything in his deep blue eyes, which was quite disturbing. She laid there almost naked and didn't feel naked at all. He wasn't looking at her this way. He was observing her like a doctor looks at a patient. After a while, he scanned her once again and then he stepped forward. She expected him to something, but he just sat down on the bed and covered her with the red blanket. She was totally puzzled.

  -Your wound is probably open and there are some new wounds. I have to treat them. You’re already tired. You are very tired. – He spoke quietly and deadly monotonously. He repeated it a couple of times.

  In fact, Mia felt exhausted. She shut her eyes and breathed slower. She missed the wind in her face. She fell into a deep valley of pain. She felt like a balloon, when it rapidly loses the air. After some minutes, she was weak and powerless again. Her only positive thought was that he was at her side. Usually, Mia didn't trust anyone, but he was someone special. He was strange, he was weird, and he was extraordinary. However, she trusted him any way.

  Julian’s voice was quiet and nice to listen to. He whispered to her and every word sounded pleasant. Moreover, it was reassuring and supportive. The red blanket was warm. It was so warm as if it had been warmed up before.

  Mia’s body was her prison again. It was like a stone. She couldn't move any parts of her body. She was just laying and listening to his voice. She couldn't understand his words anymore, but listened to the melody of his voice and was slowly falling asleep. Julian took her hand and held it for a longer while. It was nice. It was a good feeling. It was supportive.

  When he was sure that she was asleep, he would have liked to take a deep breath, but he wasn't able to.

  Mia wasn'
t only tired, but sick as well. Her whole body was a wound. Somebody hit her regularly as if she would be a boxer’s bag. The slaps were apparently perfectly calculated and supposed to cause maximum damage.

  Julian pulled away the blanket and put it aside. Mia laid there in her underwear and didn’t move. Then Julian held his arms above her head and started to move them above her body: over her head, over her shoulder, over her right arm, then over her chest, her left arm, one more time over her chest. Her heart was beating slower than any other human's heart. He kept his hands above her chest for a while and tried to figure out what was happening there. She seemed to have healthy lungs. Her cough wasn't caused by any problems with her lungs. Then, Julian moved his hands over her stomach and rested them there for a long while. He saw her beaten kidneys; he noticed some wounds on her back. Then he moved her hands over her left leg and then over the right leg. He held his hands extensively above her biggest wound. Finally, he could picture the damages.

  Slowly and very carefully, Julian touched her right leg. The bandage was already dark red, because the blood was already older. It was hard for him to take it off, because it was sticky. He took as much time as he needed to make it without waking her up.

  The blood poured out as he opened the bandage. Her infected wound pitted and probably caused a high temperature. As well, sleeping on the floor in a draft was definitely not good for health. She could even get pneumonia. Her leg was swollen, and he left marks when pressing it a little. He disinfected the wound and took a closer look inside the wound. It didn't look as if the wound would heal.

  Julian concentrated and watched Mia’s face. She was still sleeping. He stretched his hands and then an unbelievable sapphire-like ray came out of them directly into her wound. His hands were very close to her, but you could easily see the wonderfully blue luminosity in the room. The streak was strong and powerful.

  Mia opened her mouth in a sigh of relief. Her eyes remained closed, her heart beated normally. She breathed weakly, but regularly. He didn't stop to transfer his energy, and he stayed very focussed. It had to be a dose high enough to start the healing process, but if Mia would get too much of his energy at once, it could harm her. She was just a human and it was very complicated to find the optimal doses. That's why he was concentrating so hard in this sapphire-like ray and didn't notice much of what was around.

  As he thought it was enough, he moved his hands over her chest and steered the streak into her heart and lungs. He counted up to ten and then he led his hands over her stomach. He counted once more up to ten; Julian had to control strictly his movements. When he finished, the ray disappeared quickly. Then, he covered her with the blanket again and sat down in a chair. Now, he was exhausted, too. He wasn't close to a collapse because of sharing his energy, but he was tired because concentration so hard. Any false move could have caused Mia’s death. It was so hard to estimate how far he could go without hurting her. He could easily give her too much energy and she would break down like an ant crushed by an elephant or an eagle caught in a tornado. She would have had no chance to survive it. She wouldn't even have noticed the moment of death.

  It is always hard to care about people you love. You want to help them, but you don't want to offend their pride. You never know how far you can go. Julian looked at her and she was doing a little bit better. At least her face wasn't so white anymore. He was relieved.