The following days were quite similar. They were going out in the woods or he took her to the lake. They barely spoke with each other. She was thinking about his story and he was caressing her. They were dancing between the trees or on the cliff near the lake. They were jumping on their way home and laughing a lot. Mia kept asking the same questions and Julian had to tell his family’s story again and again.

  Every evening when Mia was already lying in the bed, Julian stretched his hands over her and filled her body with the sapphire-like ray. She was watching happily and with joy how this sapphire-light went into her and fulfilled her. It was a very enjoyable and awesome feeling; it was like she would get an serotonin injection directly into her veins. Mia felt she had power and joy as if she would be a superwoman. Her cuts healed quickly and after these days, only scars remained.

  She was completely healthy and strong again. She was even stronger than she was before. She wasn't walking: she was flying. She wasn't just smiling, she was a walking smile. She wasn't just laughing – she was the joy itself. She was so sorrow-less and sweet, cute, cuddly and neat whatever she was doing.

  In addition, the happier Mia was the happier Julian was. He was overwhelmed by all the luck he got in these days. Suddenly everything he ever heard, read or saw about love became true, it wasn't just about empty words. It was fascinating, it was awesome, and it was so great that it was hard to believe it was real. But it was his life. It became a new quality and sense. Their love was unconditional and they knew it from the very beginning. They loved and desired every day even more and at the same time, they were wondering and enjoying how it was possible.

  “You're just too good to be true, I can't keep my eyes off you” Julian sung and they were spinning around.

  Sometimes he asked himself how he could live without Mia before. He was apparently expecting her all lifelong and right from the day he saw her, he was sure that she was the reason to live for. She was there; she came into his life and turned his world around. It seemed to him as if he had become a different being.

  One evening, he said quietly, but serious:

  -Nothing I could say to you could show you how I feel about you. There are so many thoughts inside my head. I don’t know how to desire and love you more. I will be with you as long as you will allow.

  Then he kissed her.

  -Every time I close my eyes, I know you will be there when I wake up. – Mia said and tried to fall asleep. She could feel the heat of love inside her and it made life worth living! If you can say yes with the all of your heart, you have said all that can be said.