And she murmured a soft moan of pleasure, giving him the go-ahead to release.

  He continued to thrust, feeling her fingers stroking his back until he’d given her all of him, the state of climax washing over him in a warm wealth of bliss.

  He lay on top of her, and she held him tightly to her body.

  “My only regret is we didn’t do this sooner,” she said on a tired sigh.

  “My thoughts exactly.”

  She smiled at him. “Would you be too tired for a swim with me?”

  “Jaguars are always ready for a swim. Always.”

  He rolled off her and stood, then pulled her from the bed. By the time he stalked to the door and opened it, she’d already shifted. She nipped him on his bare butt and bolted out the door. He smiled and called on the shift, his muscles warming and stretching until he dropped onto all four paws, realizing he’d have to shift back when he got to the patio’s french doors. But then he heard them open and knew Demetria had shifted to human form to do so. He lunged through the bedroom door to reach her and saw her glorious naked backside before she blurred into her jaguar form and raced out. He didn’t want to leave the patio doors open and let all the cold air in, so he shifted, shut them, shifted again, and hurried to join her as she dove into the pool.

  She was a beautiful black jaguar, with brown rosettes that barely showed at night, even in the deck lights, as she leaped into the pool, sending the water splashing everywhere. He joined her, his splash even more widespread before he swam after her. Even though they paddled, which for humans could be slow, jaguars’ legs were powerful and allowed them to move silently through the water after their prey—caiman, ancient catfish, turtles. In this case, Everett was after one hot she-cat.

  Sensing he was after her, she whipped around and smiled at him with her wickedly deadly teeth fully exposed. No sneaking up on another jaguar. But this was half the fun. He swam toward her and licked her face, and she licked him back.

  They rubbed their bodies together. Then she swam away and pulled herself out of the deep end of the pool with her powerful forelegs. She turned and sat near the tiled edge. He watched her, eyeing her body language, deciphering what she was up to. She crouched slowly. She was going to lunge at him, her gaze fastened onto him. He paddled in place, just waiting, the anticipation of the hunt giving him a rush.

  If she lunged straight for him, should he move to the right? To the left? Meet her head-on and pull her under like he would his prey? He opened his mouth and smiled.

  Her whiskers twitched a little, her nose sniffing the air, and then she leaped with the power of a jaguar, her strong muscles bunched, then stretched as she lunged straight for him.

  He met her head-on as she encircled his neck with her forearms. He mouthed her face, nuzzling, before she twisted and pulled him under as if she were going to drown her prey. The playing was instinctual, and neither of them used their claws while they hugged each other as big cats underneath the water. In their element. Their sensitive whiskers brushed each other’s like antennae, feeling, sensing, and connecting. Their tongues stroked, not like jaguars would, but like shifters that wanted more of the human interaction.

  That was what was so wonderful about what they were. Not only did they love their jaguar side for all that the courtship meant to them, but they also cherished the human side even when in their jaguar coats.

  She released him, heading to the surface for air, and he joined her. He licked her mouth, and she licked his back. But she wasn’t done playing and put her paws around his neck, nipping at his cheek in a gentle, playful way.

  He paddled to keep them afloat, and then she pulled him under again, such a natural instinct. He went eagerly, hugging her back. She licked his nose, let go of him, and swam to the surface. He grabbed her tail with a gentle tug, then joined her. What he wasn’t expecting was for Demetria to shift.

  She paddled in place, smiling at him. He shifted too, then pulled her into his arms and kissed her like a man needing a woman, this woman, in his life.

  The warm water collided with the air touching it and produced a mist, like being in a misty pool of water in the rain forest.

  Demetria kissed the big cat back, her naked body pressed against his, feeling his arousal all over again, only this time in the silky, warm water brushing against her skin. She broke off the hot kiss. “Are you tired?”

  “I think I’m waking up.” He rubbed his erection against her belly as he kept them afloat, and she wrapped her legs around him.

  “I think you’re right.” She rubbed her mons against his stiffening cock.

  “Here or…” he ventured.


  They moved to the shallow end so he could stand on the bottom of the pool. They made love in the swimming pool, the heat and passion building all over again as the stars filled the night sky, and their breath was as misty as the air above the pool. After she reached climax and he had finished deep inside her, they pulled apart and she shifted, nipping his hair, and swam for the stairs. He shifted and nipped at her tail, and she growled at him in fun.

  This was the best time she’d ever had. And she realized then just how much more willing she was to try new things she’d never experienced with Matt. This was a wondrous night to cap off an unbelievable day that she’d never forget.

  They shook off the water on the patio before Everett shifted and opened the french doors, and they returned to their guest bedroom.

  They took a quick shower to wash off the chlorine, and after drying, Everett said, “Meet you in bed. I’m going to dry the wet floor before Maya and Wade come home.”

  She was going to help him, but he kissed her cheek. “I’ll be right back. Warm the bed for me, will you?”

  She smiled. “Just don’t be too long, or I’ll likely be sound asleep and totally growly if you wake me.”

  He laughed. “I think I hear a challenge. And I’m always up for that kind of challenge if it’s coming from you.”

  She smiled and climbed into bed. When he returned, he slipped under the comforter, pulled her into his arms, and yanked the comforter over them.

  The jungle print made her feel as though she was with her big cat in paradise. If they hadn’t had such an important mission to take care of, she would gladly have spent her whole holiday vacation with Everett, relaxing and making love.

  She hoped he wouldn’t have any regrets in the morning and wanted to pursue this attraction they had for each other like she wanted to. She was used to being independent and unattached, so she didn’t know where she really stood with him as far as making any kind of commitment. Was he even ready?

  He kissed her breast and she smiled. Maybe.

  * * *

  Everett made love to Demetria two more times during the night, though she initiated one of the lovefests when he was sleeping soundly—she’d awakened and it had been too early to get up. It didn’t mean she was in love with Everett. Just like she hadn’t been in love with Matt. Though this sure felt like something more than she’d felt for him. A need to see more of Everett. A desire to fulfill this sexual craving only he seemed to be able to quench. It was more than that though. He’d asked her to help run this special operation for dealing with both kinds of shifters. Not anyone else, but her, as if he felt comfortable working with her and confident she could help him successfully manage the cases.

  It was an honor to be asked, especially by someone she respected so much. He just got along with everyone, even Howard, who was known to be a real hard case to deal with.

  What’s more, she couldn’t quit thinking of Everett, wanting more with him. But a mating? Could she truly be in love? After seeing her father and mother split up, she just wasn’t sure.

  She didn’t know if Maya and Wade had returned to their home with Junior or not, because the house had remained quiet the whole night.

  She hoped their love bo
uts hadn’t been heard in the rest of the house. With as little sleep as they’d both had the night before, she couldn’t believe how they’d had enough energy to make love to each other two more times during the night. Even if she was in doubt about Everett being the one and only for her, she sure could get used to this.

  She glanced at the clock in the room. Nine. She groaned. Way past time to get up.

  Everett pulled her tight against his body, telling her he wanted her to stay, cuddle, be with him. Yeah. She really could get used to this. So she kissed his whiskery cheek, snuggled against his hot and sexy body, and drifted off to sleep.

  An hour later, they heard Junior growling menacingly in the living room. Demetria hurried to get out of bed to take care of the pup.

  Everett threw on a pair of boxer briefs. “I’ll check on him.”

  Appreciating that Everett seemed as concerned about the boy as she was, Demetria rushed to take a shower and get dressed instead. She was just pulling on her sweater when Everett returned.

  “Maya’s fixed cereal and fruit for everyone. We’ll have lunch when Leidolf arrives. We’re going to meet him at Kat and Connor’s house though.”

  “Okay, sounds good. What was the pup growling about?”

  “Maya was playing tug-of-war with him. He gets really growly when he’s trying to win.”

  “Is he still going after her hands?”

  “Nope. She was wearing her jaguar teeth, just lying on the floor and holding the rope toy between her teeth while he tugged on it.”

  Demetria laughed. Not only would they have the experience of a lifetime to share with their own kids someday, but so would the wolf pup.

  “I’m showering, and I’ll join you for breakfast in a few minutes.” He pulled her in for a hug and a kiss first. “Sure wish we were completely free for the next two weeks.”

  “No way. You’d get bored in no time.” She broke free and headed for the door.

  “No way in hell.”

  She laughed and left him to shower.

  * * *

  After they all ate breakfast, Demetria, Everett, and Junior drove over to Kat and Connor’s house, with Maya and Wade following in their own vehicle.

  Demetria couldn’t help how apprehensive she felt about Leidolf’s arrival. How would he react toward them if he knew what they were? She wanted to act normally around him. But it wasn’t every day she met a full-grown wolf man. Though they tried to talk about other things that morning, all conversation returned to the issue of Leidolf’s arrival and how hopeful everyone was that he knew where the boy’s parents were.

  When the time approached and Everett got a call from Leidolf saying he was fifteen minutes from the nursery, Demetria said, “I’m going outside.” She had to brace herself for the meeting while Connor waited on customers in the garden shop and the others were in the house taking care of the kids. Everett joined Demetria outside and rubbed her arm in a way that said he was trying to relax her, but she noted he was just as tense.

  A few minutes later, they heard a vehicle driving along the private road to the nursery. A black mini-SUV appeared and continued on its way to the house.

  “Are you ready?” Everett asked, and she glanced at him. He gave her a small smile. She swore he looked a little nervous too. “So what do you think? Does he know, or doesn’t he?”

  She watched the car park. “I’m going to guess he already knows.”

  Then Leidolf got out of the car, frowning at them. He had chestnut hair that glinted in the afternoon sun, and his olive-green eyes assessed Everett first, just like jaguar shifters would check out the bigger threat. Then he glanced at Demetria and nodded a greeting.

  “I can’t tell from his expression. Could go either way.” Everett stepped off the porch to greet Leidolf.

  Demetria followed him.

  Leidolf stretched out his hand to shake Everett’s, but then the wolf man lifted his head and smelled the air. Or rather, Everett’s scent.

  Demetria smelled Leidolf’s at once too. A wolf for sure. Different than the pup’s smell. But still a wolf.

  Leidolf immediately dropped his hand before he shook Everett’s outstretched hand. “You’re not a wolf shifter.” His gaze took in Demetria, and he smelled her scent too. “You’re not either.” His eyes narrowed. “What the hell is going on?”

  They knew they had to smell like cats, and they’d thoroughly confused him. Humans who worked with big cats at a big cat reserve? That’s probably what he assumed. And somehow they’d learned about the wolf shifters.

  “Why don’t you come inside and see the wolf pup and share what you know,” Everett said, “and we’ll talk about this more. Customers are at the nursery now, and we should keep this private.”

  Wade and Maya raced out of the house as jaguars through the cat door.

  Demetria’s mouth dropped open. None of them had planned this. But she guessed they’d been listening and decided to “help” out a bit. Luckily, the bend in the road kept customers at the shop from seeing the house. But voices could carry.

  “We’re jaguar shifters,” Demetria quickly said.

  Leidolf was standing his ground, probably realizing that running for his car would be a big mistake. His jaw had dropped and his eyes were nearly black with concern as he concentrated on the male and female jaguars.

  “All of us are jaguar shifters. We thought Dr. Denali might have told you. He said he was going to spread the word to the packs he knew of,” Everett said.

  “He must have forgotten to let me know.” Frowning deeply, Leidolf didn’t appear to be happy with the situation at all. But what could he do? They were what they were, and he and the other wolves would have to get used to the idea, just like the jaguars would about the existence of wolves.

  “We weren’t sure you would believe us if we told you over the phone,” Demetria said. “We wouldn’t have believed your kind existed if it hadn’t been for the boy shifting in front of Everett.”

  “All right,” Leidolf said, sounding a little bit anxious. “Let me see the boy.”

  “He’s still a wolf,” Everett warned. “It’s like he’s stuck in that form. If it’s anything like our shifter kind, children only shift when their mothers do until the child reaches puberty.”

  “It’s the same with us.”

  They all entered the house, and Everett led them into the living room. Kat, her toddlers, and the wolf pup were out of sight.

  Wade and Maya ran down the hall in their jaguar forms and returned a few minutes later as humans fully dressed.

  “I don’t believe it.” Leidolf shook his head as he took a seat on one of the chairs.

  “Do you want one of us to shift in front of you?” Demetria asked, willing to do anything to help convince him they were for real.

  “No. I know you wouldn’t have trained a couple of jaguars to come out, greet me, run back into a room, and then have the two of you come out in their place,” Leidolf said to Maya and Wade.

  Introductions were made all around, and Everett explained about their policing force that now included the United Shifters Force he and Demetria headed. At least they would once they solved their first real mixed-shifter case and told Everett’s boss they wanted to be in charge of it.

  Kat brought in her toddlers and the wolf pup.

  The pup greeted everyone and wagged his tail when Leidolf leaned over to pet him. “He’s not afraid of anyone.”

  Which Demetria took to mean he wasn’t afraid of the big cats. “No. He’s learned we’re all good guys. So what information do you have to share about an Arctic wolf pack?”

  “I helped take down some werewolf hunters, but in the process, I came across a couple who had been recently turned. The woman’s father was part of my pack for a while, having been bitten by one of my widowed females. So he was a red wolf, his daughter, an Arctic wolf. Cameron MacPherson h
ad a PI business in Seattle. But when they tried to return, the gray wolf pack there wouldn’t allow it,” Leidolf said.

  “We learned about Cameron from the Seattle pack. We wondered if the wolf who turned him could be the boy’s parent,” Everett said.

  “I doubt it. They were an old pack. Since the boy is shifting during the full moon when he’s not with his pack, I assume the mother is a more newly turned wolf. Cameron might not be his father, and the boy could be from someone else’s pack, but Cameron’s is the only one I know of that could fit the scenario. Since the boy was dropped off in Dallas, I would check Dallas and the surrounding areas to see if there’s a PI by his name closer by. Maybe check all of Texas and the surrounding states.”

  “So you don’t know where the Arctic wolf pack is?” Demetria had hoped he knew but hadn’t wanted to give away their location over the phone.

  “No. Faith’s father and his mate left my pack. I thought they intended to join Faith and Cameron, but we never heard back from them. We tried to locate them but never could. We have enough problems taking care of our pack, so unless I learn they are in trouble, I wouldn’t search for them.”

  “Does the boy look like he might have been Faith and Cameron’s son?” Everett asked.

  “He could be. They were both blonds. And from the video Everett shot of the boy before he shifted, he does look like he could belong to them. If we could, we’d run DNA testing, but without either of the parents’ DNA, we have no way of telling,” Leidolf said.

  “Lunch?” Kat asked. “Connor’s waiting on customers.”

  “I’ll help make lunch,” Maya said.

  “I’ve got babysitting duty,” Wade said. “I’ve been told that I have to practice at this before our own kids show up.” He smiled at Maya, then took the toddlers to the den.

  The wolf pup ran back to Everett, wanting to get in his lap. Even if he wouldn’t have allowed an animal on the furniture, the pup wasn’t just an animal. He was human too, and a shifter would have a difficult time understanding that one part of him wasn’t allowed on the couch, while another part of him was. Besides, Everett knew Kat and Connor didn’t have any problem with it. Their own jaguar cubs sat on the couch when they were in their jaguar forms, though they’d been strictly taught not to scratch the furniture. Everett lifted the pup into his arms.