Page 18 of Fury

  “Not you and Fury exactly but it was brought up about doing it with your people and ours.”

  “Oh.” She relaxed as relief washed through her. Thank God. “How did that go?”

  Breeze shrugged. “We don’t know if it will work. We have watched your people doing it on DVD’s and we do it different.”

  Ellie tried not to laugh. She had to compose her features to hide her amusement. “You watched pornos? Is that what you are saying? Pornos are videos of my people having sex together.”

  “Yes.” Breeze smiled. “We watched those.”

  “Uh…” Ellie eyed Breeze. “Those videos are kind of…” She was at a loss. “Well, they don’t really, well, they aren’t really…” She sighed. “I don’t have sex that way.”

  “You don’t? What is different?”

  Where do I begin? This may be embarrassing but I’m here to help these women. Ellie kicked off her shoes to sit cross-legged on the couch. “The way they talk for starters. I never speak that way and if a man spoke to me the way they do in those films, I would probably get pretty upset.”

  “Calling females offensive bad words and demanding they do sexual acts even though they don’t look that pleasurable for females?”

  “Yes. Exactly.”

  “We thought it kind of shocking. Some believe it’s downright rude.”

  “Yeah, well, if a guy said some lines in those movies to a woman in real life, well, he’d end up being slapped or worse.”

  “Understood. What else is different?”

  Ellie shrugged. “I don’t know what you’ve seen. Most people don’t have sex with multiple partners to start with. We’re monogamous in general.”

  “So I don’t have to invite a female friend to our bed if I want to do it with a fully human man or sleep with two of them at once? I had decided to never touch a human because of that. We don’t share well and I figure a capable male should be able to please a woman without needing help from a friend.”

  “No!” Ellie closed her mouth, which had fallen open. “Stop watching those. Watch love stories. Porn movies are…well, they just…” She softly cursed. “Tell them to stop watching them and forget what they’ve seen. Please. Those are actors and actresses who are paid to have sex on film. They are given a script that someone wrote. Do you understand? They are made to be entertainment but not a ‘how to’ guide on sex unless you want to see how something is done without actually doing it.”


  “What is your version of sex? Maybe we can start there. It might be the same.”

  “Well, we enjoy kissing. We love to kiss. That is new to us but we picked that up after we were freed. We love to touch. We say soft, appealing words, and growl to show our level of arousal. Is that all right?”

  “Perfect,” Ellie admitted. The growling… She let that slide.

  “We fight for dominance and whoever is tougher gets to decide the position we have sex. The male usually wins unless he is tired or weak from injury.”

  “Uh…” Ellie’s mind blanked with that shocking news.

  Breeze stopped talking. “Is that different from you?”

  “Explain ‘fight for dominance’.”

  She blinked. “It’s just the way it sounds.”

  “Like wrestling?”

  She nodded. “Very similar.”

  Ellie shrugged. “That would be okay but we don’t usually enjoy pain during sex. You know that, right?”

  “Okay. I’ll share that. So no fighting?”

  “I’d skip that part. I’m sure some people would be into it but it’s not something you’d want to generally assume as okay to do.”

  “So who gets to decide the positioning?”

  Her mouth opened and then closed. Who indeed? Ellie smiled. “We talk and try to mutually agree on that. Sometimes we mix it up.”

  “Mix it up? Explain.”

  Ellie hesitated. “Well, let’s say I’m on top straddling a man and then after a while he could flip me over to be on top of me. Mixing it up. Is that clear enough?”

  Breeze nodded. “Yes. We don’t do that. We get into a position and stay with it to the end.” She hesitated. “Why would you be on top? What man would lie there for that? Isn’t his pride injured being dominated that way?”

  Ellie knew her eyes widened. “It’s…” Damn. I’m so glad I never had children if this is the kind of discussion I’d have to face. She was at a loss for words yet again but Breeze expected an answer. “It’s not about dominance with us. It’s about pleasure. Have you ever been on top during sex?”

  Breeze appeared horrified by the question. “No. I refused to take a man when he was tied down and helpless. Even when the technicians threatened to punish me I would not do it. I would rather have taken the beating than harm the male’s pride.”

  “Oh boy. Human guys don’t think that way. He would be thrilled for a female do that to him.”

  “Oh. Our males wouldn’t be. They would get very angry. Fury would feel insulted if you even asked him to lay meek under you. Our men are dominant.”

  She had nothing to say to that. Ellie just nodded. “I wouldn’t ask it of him,” she finally got out.

  “Good. He would be very insulted. Our men would rather die than be submissive. That’s why, inside the testing facility, I took a beating before I would do what they wanted when they bound one of our men down.”

  An image of Fury restrained against the floor while Jacob hurt him flashed in Ellie’s memory. She’d never forget seeing that sight or the horror she experienced at knowing what kind of hellish nightmare she’d walked into. God, she thought, hugging her chest tightly with both arms.

  “Ellie? Are you cold?”

  “I’m fine. So what positions do you like for sex?”

  “We enjoy facing the men to keep eye contact but our men prefer taking us from behind. That is what we fight about.” She hesitated. “I’m quite shocked that Fury took you face-to-face. He must have been in a hurry or otherwise he would have set you free to mount you from behind. That is what our men do.”

  An image of that flashed through Ellie’s mind. Fury naked, caging her under his big, sexy body, and maybe his arm wrapped around her waist when he entered her body from behind. Mounting. Wow. She bit her lip. “And what if a woman doesn’t want to be mounted?”

  “Our men don’t touch us unless we are willing to do it with them.”

  “I meant what happens if you want to have sex but not in that position?”

  Breeze smiled widely, revealing sharp teeth. “Best sex ever.”

  Ellie didn’t ask. She just nodded. “Well, that cleared up some things, didn’t it?”

  Breeze agreed. “Yes. I shall share this information at the next meeting. Thank you, Ellie. You have told me many things I will pass along.”

  “Could you leave my name out of it?”

  Breeze laughed. “Yes. I understand. Your face is pink. You are shy about your sex.” Breeze stood. “I must go. The new dorm mother,” she spat that word as though it were a curse word, “has demanded we be inside to take attendance four times a day. She is a bitch.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “If she doesn’t grow on us soon, which I can tell you now she won’t, she will be gone. We have a meeting planned in a few days about her.” Breeze smiled. “We have final say if she stays and we can replace her if it’s not working out.”

  Ellie escorted Breeze to the front door and hugged the taller woman. Breeze laughed as she left. Ellie sighed loudly when she was left alone. Rumors were being spread about a couple shacking up. Damn. If they released Ellie’s name to the press she’d never be able to leave Homeland without fear of some moron harassing her or worse, making her a target of violence.

  She headed for the kitchen after a quick glance at her watch. She noticed Fury usually came home to change his uniform around six in the evening. He tended to change into comfortable clothing, ask her questions about her day, and then disappeared out the door again as quick
ly as possible.

  She had no clue where he spent his evenings after that. He just wasn’t staying at home with her. She opened the fridge to remove the package of chicken breasts she’d thawed. She hummed under her breath as she started to cook.

  * * * * *

  The smell of food made Fury’s stomach rumble as he stepped inside the front door. He’d missed lunch when meetings had run too long. Ellie knew how to cook, obviously, and he followed the tantalizing smell into the small dining area to find a nice dinner for two spread out on the table. He turned and froze in front of the archway as she stepped from the kitchen.

  He wanted to groan over the sight of her smile directed at him. She appeared genuinely happy to see him. His hunger for food instantly changed into a desire to touch her. Her scent tempted him more than the smell of food, called to his animal side, and the urge to take her into his arms nearly overpowered him, weakening his will to resist. Lust roared alive inside his entire body.

  Every smile she gave him melted his heart and every word she spoke fascinated him. The night before she’d sat down with him on the couch, just a few feet away from him, and he’d asked about her family. The sad expression on her features had made him happy not to have parents for the first time in his life.

  She’d told him about her parents’ bitter divorce, putting her in the middle of it at the tender age of ten. He didn’t like her parents already and he’d never met them. He didn’t want Ellie around them after she stated they tried repeatedly to talk her in to reconciling with her ex-husband.

  If he ever met Jeff, he’d beat the stupid human. Ellie had avoided his gaze when he’d asked her questions about her marriage. The idea of another male touching her had nearly sent him into a rage but he’d kept calm. The conversation remained inside his thoughts…

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  “How long were you with him?”

  “It doesn’t matter. We made a mistake when we married. He had affairs and I didn’t know.”

  “Affairs?” Fury had frowned, not understanding. “He went to events? What kind?”

  A grin had spread across her beautiful, tempting lips and she’d turned to face him on the couch. “The event he went to was spending time with other women.” Her smile faded and anger glinted, changing her eyes to a darker blue. “He told me it was my fault when I found out about his cheating with other women.” Her chin rose, showing him the stubborn streak he admired. “What bullshit. I may have been overweight but he wasn’t thin either.”

  Fury’s gaze had wandered over her body slowly, taking in every inch he found delectable. “You are not overweight. I think your curves are perfect.”

  She’d reached over to place her hand over the top of his, rewarding him with a smile. “Thank you. I lost weight.”

  “Even if you gained weight I would find you perfect.”

  She’d stared at him for a long moment and he’d wondered if he’d said the wrong thing. She was Ellie. He’d want her regardless of her size. He actually wished she were bigger. Maybe, if I put more food inside the house she could gain back the weight she lost, he thought. She was too tiny in his opinion and he always worried that if she did allow him to touch her again he might accidentally harm her in some way.

  “I know you don’t really mean that but it was great to hear.”

  “I mean it.” He’d growled at her softly, slightly insulted that she’d question his word. Her eyes had widened in reaction. He cleared his throat. “I don’t lie.”

  “There are lies and there’s saying things to be polite.”

  He’d chuckled. “Haven’t you learned yet that I don’t say things just to soothe someone?”

  His beautiful Ellie had laughed with him. “That’s so true. You’re blunt. All New Species are.”

  “Is that a bad thing?”

  She shook her head. “No. It’s a wonderful trait.”

  “I’m glad. So he spent time with other women?”

  “He had sex with them.”

  Shock tore through Fury. “Why? What is wrong with him? He had you and needed no other.”

  Little delicate fingers had wrapped around the curve of the back of his hand. “I believe you really mean that. Thank you, Fury.”

  “I don’t like your ex-husband.” He growled. “I will change his mind quickly if he ever comes here and tries to get you to go back to being married to him. I wouldn’t mind using my fists a few times to make sure he left you alone.”

  He instantly worried that his threat to the man she’d once married would upset her but he hadn’t censored his thoughts before it popped out of his mouth. She’d reacted with a laugh instead.

  “Will you call me first if he does show up here? I want to watch if you punch him.” Ellie released him then, stood, and gave him a warm smile. “Good night, Fury. Sweet dreams.”

  Her hips swayed when she left the room and he waited until he heard her bedroom door close before he released a pent-up, frustrated groan. It grew more difficult for him to resist his impulses to take her to his bed instead of allowing her to go to hers alone. He didn’t want to frighten her. She’d need time to learn he would never harm her in any way and he’d be certain that feat had been accomplished before he tried to get her back into his bed.

  He smelled desire on her, which gave him hope that the memory of them together lingered inside her mind the way it did in his. He wanted to take her back to his room, spread her out naked over his sheets and touch every inch of her skin. He just needed a sign from her when she reached the point that she wanted to take their relationship farther…

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  He drew his thoughts to the present when she placed more food on the table. His fingers itched to touch her. He inhaled when she inched closer to him and had to force his body not to move at all or he’d close the distance and do exactly that.

  Just give me a hint that you’re ready, he silently begged. He’d talked to some of the human security guards he’d become friends with. They told him that some women needed a man to make the first move. Some women enjoyed a strong male who took charge, and if Ellie were that type, Fury would be that man for her.

  He glanced at both filled plates, realized that her making a meal for the two of them might be her subtle way of hinting she might be ready to deepen their relationship. Of course, he had given Breeze permission to visit Ellie. Perhaps that second plate of food wasn’t intended for him. He tried not to get his hopes up. If she planned to share dinner with him, he’d take it as a signal.

  If he could get Ellie into his bed he might be able to seduce her into staying there. New Species females were strong-willed females with a preference to keep males at arm’s length except during sex. He needed to find a way to soften Ellie’s defenses and push for more, something deeper than just sex. He’d show her everything could be great between them and they could have that out of bed as well.

  Chapter Eleven

  Fury studied the table. “Is that for me?”

  Ellie smiled. “Yes. I swear I’m a good cook. It’s safe to eat.”

  His dark gaze fixed on her. “That was nice. What is the reason?”

  “There isn’t one. I just wanted to do something nice for you. I love to cook. They delivered groceries yesterday. I cooked last night but you didn’t show up until late. Tonight you arrived on time.”

  He studied her closely. “You wish to do something nice for me?”



  “I wanted to do something special for you. You have taken me into your home and you―”

  Fury moved so suddenly Ellie didn’t have time to react before he grabbed her. Strong arms lifted her into his arms and carried her toward the hallway before she realized where they headed.

  “Fury?” Alarm jolted through her and she clutched at him.

  He walked into his bedroom and dropped her onto his bed gently. Ellie gawked at him while he grabbed the front of his shirt, tearing it wide open. Buttons flew. She lowered her shocked gaze to h
is bare chest. Tan, muscled skin beaconed in the dim light from the fading sunshine through the thinly curtained windows.

  “What are you doing?” Her voice trembled.

  He reached for his belt as he toed off his boots. “I won’t hurt you this time. I have it worked out.”

  Fury yanked open the front of his pants and threw the belt he tore from the loops behind him. The sound of it hitting the carpet tore her focus away from his tight abs and sexy black boxer briefs peeking from the vee of the pants that hugged lean hips. Her gaze lifted to his, watched him bend closer to shove his pants down, and her heart hammered. Fury tugged and stepped out of the pants to straighten in front of her again in nothing but his briefs. Her gaze lowered to take in that sight but he lunged suddenly.

  Ellie gasped again when he bent over her, his hands gripped both sides of her shirt, and material tore. Air met skin. Surprise held her still as she stared into his eyes. He growled softly at her, his dark gaze taking in the view he’d bared—her stomach and bra.


  He shoved the shirt wider apart and his hands released it to grip her skirt. He didn’t bother tugging it down her body. Instead he gripped the waistband, his biceps bunched, and more material tore. He shredded it down the center to spread it completely open. Ellie couldn’t move, didn’t even breathe, until she gasped when his fingers slid into the front of her panties. The back of his hand was warm on her lower stomach. One good tug and he threw the destroyed silky material over his shoulder.

  “Fury!” She tried to roll away from him. He’d nearly stripped her naked. Only her bra remained. “What―”

  His hands gripped her hips and flipped her back onto the bed on her backside. He dropped to his knees next to the bed, his body between her thighs, and yanked her toward him.

  “I won’t hurt you this time. I’ll be more aware of my teeth.”

  “Stop it,” Ellie panted. Her heart pounded but she wasn’t afraid, just shocked, and confused. She breathed as if she’d just run a mile.

  His dark gaze locked with hers. “You enjoyed this part.” His rough-feeling palms caressed her inner thighs, pushed them farther apart, and he licked his full lips. “I brought you pleasure with my mouth.”