Page 21 of Fury

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  Ellie darted glances at the intimidating big men who surrounded her and fought a claustrophobic feeling from too many bodies pressed tightly together. No one touched her but she knew if she lifted her arm she’d brush against an NSO officer. Justice acted as though her life were in extreme danger. It made her more than a little terrified until they entered the conference room. The shock at seeing the room packed to full capacity overwhelmed the fear. She clenched her teeth to prevent her jaw from dropping open as her glance darted around the room filled with at least sixty-plus people. It had to set a new record for attendance for a meeting.

  Director Boris stood behind a table in the back. “Ms. Brower.”

  Ellie’s gaze met his and anger surged. She glanced at Darren Artino, who stood next to the director. Other familiar faces were present but most of the people weren’t ones she recognized. Their seemed solely focused on her. It left her feeling as though she were a bug under a microscope. Justice motioned his NSO officers to spread out with a flick of his hand but he stayed at her side to address Director Boris.

  “Here is Ellie Brower and you can see she is fine.” Justice’s irritation sounded in his voice.

  Darren Artino cleared his throat while he studied Ellie. “It has been brought to our attention you might want to leave Mr. Fury’s home. We’re concerned about you.”

  Ellie crossed her arms over her chest and thrust her chin out, really uncomfortable with everyone staring at her. “I’m fine. Mr. Fury has been nice enough to let me crash in his guestroom.” She paused, glaring openly at Director Boris, not bothering to hide her dislike of him. “I was nearly kidnapped by a few members of the hate groups who picket outside after I left Homeland. Mr. Fury is concerned about my safety. I’m much better off here than outside those gates.”

  A blonde woman with her hair pulled into a tight bun stood. She wore a trim, black business suit. “I’m Doctor Trisha Norbit.”

  The woman appeared too young to be a doctor but Ellie didn’t share her opinion aloud. “It’s nice to meet you.” She wasn’t sure what else to say.

  “We were told you and Mr. Fury have become very close. I’d like to examine you to make sure you are in good health and we could discuss some things.” The woman glanced around the room and then gave Ellie a meaningful look. “In private, of course.”

  “There’s nothing to talk about and I don’t need a medical exam.” Ellie sighed loudly, not wanting to spend the day there. “Look, I’ll get to the point. I heard the reports on the news. I know you believe Mr. Fury has hurt me or some other bullshit but that’s not true.” She shot another dirty look toward Director Boris and then turned her attention to the doctor. “I’m his guest who sleeps in the spare bedroom. I hardly see him and there’s nothing dirty going on. I don’t even know why I’m here but Mr. North said I had to show up so everyone can see I’m all right. My day was going great until I had to come here for everyone to gawk at me, imagining the worst.”

  “Are you and Mr. Fury involved in a physical relationship?” A stranger spoke.

  Ellie glared at him. “That is rude to ask a person, way out of line, but the answer is no. Didn’t I just say that? Mr. Fury is a perfect gentleman. I sleep in his guestroom.”

  “But you are living with him.” The man glared at Ellie, his hostility clear. “We know you both are sexually active together.”

  Ellie lost her temper. She took a step toward the rude man but stopped. “We’re roommates. Did you miss that part? Are you one of those stupid people who believe a man and woman can’t share a home without jumping into bed together?”

  An older man sighed. “We didn’t mean any disrespect, Ms. Brower. It’s just that we need to know about it if you and Mr. Fury are having sexual relations. You would be the first couple between the two species who have had sexual intercourse that we’re aware of. We need to run tests and study this.” He shoved his glasses higher up the bridge of his nose. “There could be dangerous side effects. We’re looking out for your best interest and Mr. Fury’s. You wouldn’t want to harm him in some way, would you?”

  Ellie frowned. “I understand what you’re saying but understand this. I am not with Mr. Fury in the way you’re implying. We aren’t having intercourse, as you put it. He’s just a really nice guy who allows me to live with him until I can find another job. I went outside the gates and my association with New Species nearly got me kidnapped by fanatical freaks. I’m safer here, living at Homeland.”

  “Fine.” Director Boris sighed loudly. “You can have your job back at the women’s dorm immediately. We’ll send security with you to Mr. Fury’s home to collect your belongings.”

  The floor may as well have opened up under Ellie. She gaped at Director Boris. That evil bastard. She had to calm down before she responded by shaking her head no, refusing to allow him to force her away from Fury. All eyes inside the room were scrutinizing her for a reaction and she knew it. Damn it. She forced her mind to work as she cocked her head to glare at the jerk.

  “I would love my old job back, believe me, but the reason I lost it in the first place is because you were trying to force me to commit perjury. You didn’t like the new NSO security team who rescued me when Homeland guards couldn’t handle the attack. You ordered me to file a false complaint saying horrible things against them that weren’t true. They saved my life while your security guards couldn’t even get to me.”

  She saw the color leave his face and many of the gazes turned from staring at her to fix on Director Boris. He appeared too shocked to do much but dart his gaze around the room.

  “I don’t work for people who tell me to make up false accusations, nasty ones at that, and then fire me because I won’t do it. I would have quit if you hadn’t canned me. I refuse to work for you, Director Boris. I’ll find my own job where I’m not ordered to lie.”

  “That’s not true,” Director Boris finally sputtered. He pointed a finger at Ellie. “Have her escorted out of here now and I want her removed from Homeland permanently!”

  Justice glared at one of the security guards who stepped toward Ellie. She nearly backed into an NSO officer who’d inched closer to her. She realized all the NSO officers had surrounded her again protectively. Ellie froze in place and so did the security guard intent on removing her from the room.

  “That is a good point,” Justice’s coldly stated. “Do you have a problem with my teams, Director? Unless someone lied to me, this place has been set up so we may structure our own community, create a real home for New Species, and that includes training our own security teams. Ms. Brower informed me about the conversation that took place between the two of you the day you fired her. Speaking of which, you had no right to do that in the first place without my consent. You really overstepped your bounds and here you are repeating that offense. This woman is under New Species protection yet you dare order her removed by force?”

  An older man sporting a suit stood suddenly and moved around a table. He walked toward Director Boris, a deep frown creasing his face. “Jerry?” He obviously knew the director on a first-name basis.

  “It’s not true,” Director Boris sputtered. “One of his men, that Fury she’s living with now, carried Ms. Brower into a bathroom and stripped her naked. He gave her his underwear to put on. She washed up at the sinks and he had to have watched her strip and bathe. I just tried to protect the woman by making her tell the truth and come forward about the abuse she suffered. We can’t have security forcing women into bathrooms to take advantage of them.”

  The older man arched his eyebrow at Ellie. “Is this true?”

  “No,” she ground out. “Yes, Fury took me into the bathroom since blood covered me. He stepped into a stall, removed his underclothing to lend me something to wear, while I washed myself privately. I had blood caked on my skin. The only other option involved walking around naked or putting my wet, bloody clothing on again. We were in lockdown and no other clothes were available. I told the director this clearly bu
t instead he made horrible accusations that I’d been sexually molested or was some kind of mega slut who would do a guy inside a bathroom after the most traumatic experience of my life. Director Boris ordered me to write the report accusing Mr. Fury of horrible things but that’s not what happened. I refused to make up sick things like that just because it really angered him when the NSO security team saved my life.”

  The older man studied Ellie silently with icy blue eyes. He finally nodded and turned to face Director Boris. “Jerry, I hate to do this but I’m replacing you immediately. There seems to be a conflict and this is too important a project to allow for any kind of misunderstandings.” The man addressed Justice. “I apologize. Obviously we’ve been given some incorrect information. I am the new director.” He paused. “Of course, only if that is acceptable to you.”

  Justice nodded. “Fine, Tom. I have a telephone conference call with the president in ten minutes. I’ll be leaving now.” Justice nodded to his men. He held out his arm to Ellie. “Shall we, Ms. Brower?”

  Ellie shot one last glare at Director Boris. Ex-director, she reminded herself, and linked her arm with Justice’s. The NSO security team surrounded them as they left the building.

  “Remind me to never piss you off, Ms. Brower,” Justice softly chuckled as they walked outside.

  She glanced up at him. “That wasn’t about being pissed off. I admit I’ve been a little angry but I was mostly scared.”

  He stopped and peered at her with curiosity. “Of what? We wouldn’t have allowed any harm to come to you. They weren’t going to allow you to be tossed outside the gates again.”

  She didn’t say a word. She couldn’t be sure if she could trust him.

  He watched her for a long moment. “You thought they were going to take you from Fury? That was the source of your fear?”

  Hell, she thought. Am I that transparent? She looked away from him to glance around the parking lot. Cars were jammed along the street that usually didn’t allow parking. She nodded.

  Fury had been such an important part of her life since she’d first laid eyes on him. She’d have done anything for him. She’d dreamed about him, continued working undercover at Mercile despite her terror of being killed, and even taken a job working for the New Species in an attempt to right the wrong she’d done to him. She’d walked away from her family and her friends after the life-altering event of seeing Fury. Now her world centered on him and his people. They were together, a couple, and she didn’t want to lose him. It would tear her apart inside.

  “Let’s take you back to him then,” Justice stated softly.

  Ellie met his gaze. “Thank you.”

  They’d made it a few steps when a snarl of warning sounded behind them. Justice spun, grabbed Ellie, and put her out of harm’s way. She stared at Justice’s wide back when he shielded her with his body. She peered around him.

  Ellie recognized Slade, the NSO officer, and he had the woman doctor from inside blocked from getting any closer with his outstretched arms corralling her. The doctor had a frightened expression on her pale face due to being snarled at. Slade looked tense and a softer growl rumbled from his lips. Justice relaxed his stance.

  “What do you want, Doctor Norbit?”

  Slade glanced back at Justice. “You know her? She ran after us.”

  Justice nodded. “Slade, it’s all right. Let her pass. She’s no threat.”

  Trisha Norbit edged around Slade when his arms dropped. Her gaze locked on Ellie. “I just wanted a private word with Ms. Brower.”

  Justice shoved his thumbs into the front pockets of his jeans. “What is it you wanted to say, Doctor?”

  The doctor still looked frightened. “I wanted to give her my card.” She pulled one from her skirt pocket to offer it with a trembling hand.

  Ellie hesitated to take it. “Why would I need it?”

  “In case you need me. You have to know how important this is. I would be your doctor. It would be strictly confidential if we spoke. If you and Mr. Fury are being intimate please think of what this could mean if you allow me to examine you and be in charge of your medical care.”

  “That you’re nosy? That’s what it would mean.” Slade snorted. “Leave her alone, Doctor. She would have mentioned it inside if she wanted your help.”

  Trisha Norbit ignored Slade, keeping her focus on Ellie. “I’ve seen the medical reports on their physiology and they are slightly different from us. There is so much that is unknown.”

  “What is different?” Slade frowned but then a grin split his full lips. “You mean we’re bigger than your men.”

  Doctor Norbit flashed an irritated look at Slade but her attention refocused on Ellie. “Don’t you want to know if you could get pregnant? Wouldn’t you like to know if it’s possible if the right treatments are applied?”

  Justice frowned. “I’ve had many talks with doctors and they’ve assumed it’s not. We’re incapable of breeding children.”

  Doctor Norbit cocked her head at Justice. “We don’t know anything for certain but we’ve never had a mixed species couple to do a case study on either. If this woman and one of your men are engaging in intercourse, don’t you think it would be a good idea to see what could result from it? It’s not just pregnancy that concerns me. Think about it, Mr. North. More of your people might want to get involved with mine. Wouldn’t you want to know if there are any adverse affects? Your men weren’t able to get your women pregnant but she’s totally human.”

  “What kind of adverse affects? Penis envy?” Slade chuckled. “I’ve been to the men’s room with humans, Doc. The only thing your women should be afraid of is realizing how small your men’s dicks are compared to ours.”

  Trisha Norbit shot Slade a dirty look. “You’re a pig.”

  Slade’s smile died and a low growl issued from his throat. “I’m canine, not pig.”

  “It’s a slang term, not a species call,” Ellie managed to say without laughing. “She thinks what you said is dirty and offensive.”

  Slade nodded at Ellie before he grinned at the doctor. “But honest.”

  “Enough.” Justice chuckled. “As amusing as this conversation is getting, I have a call to take from the president. That wasn’t just an excuse to get us out of there.”

  “Please,” Doctor Norbit pleaded softly. “Ms. Brower, Ellie, please take my card. I’m the New Species doctor. I understand the need for discretion and can visit Mr. Fury’s home privately. No one needs to know. Just consider letting me in on this. You have no idea how important it is for us to understand how we relate to each other sexually.”

  Ellie debated but took the card, shoving it into in her jeans pocket. “I’m not having sex with Mr. Fury. I stated that inside and I know if I were it would turn into a circus.”

  Slade’s nostrils flared and he shifted his gaze to Ellie. She glanced at him. He inhaled slowly and smiled. She looked away from him. He knew she lied, could smell Fury’s scent on her, but she was relieved when he didn’t say anything.

  “It’s imperative I know how our species interact during sex,” Doctor Norbit explained softly. “I’m in charge of the health and well-being of not only New Species but humans too. Between the New Species and the human employees, I really have to know what I’m dealing with. It’s just a matter of time before it may become an important issue.”

  “I’ll tell you what,” Ellie lied. “If I ever consider having sex with Mr. Fury, I’ll let him know, and on the off chance he’s interested, you’ll be the second person I tell.”

  Ellie spun away and stared to walk. Justice immediately matched her steps while they headed toward Fury’s home. He chuckled.

  “You handled that nicely.” He hesitated. “You might want to give her a call tomorrow. According to the files I reviewed, she’s one of the best doctors in the country. I personally handpicked her. She’s young but brilliant and she’s New Species friendly. If she says she’ll keep a lid on it, I would tend to believe her.”

  Ellie nodded
. “I won’t hesitate if I think I need a doctor.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Fury paced the entire time that Ellie was gone, certain something would go wrong. He had refrained from rushing to the control room to spy on the meeting with the cameras set up around Homeland. He had access to those feeds as head of security and second-in-command. He hadn’t left though, wanting to be at home awaiting her return.

  He trusted Justice and their men to protect Ellie. He’d trained all their security officers personally, each and every one, and his people knew how much she mattered to him. He missed her scent, hearing her musical voice, and when he closed his eyes, her face appeared, burned into his memory.

  To sleep with Ellie, feel her skin against his, while they talked late into the night had been wonderful before falling asleep. He wanted to do it every night and hear every detail of her life—minus any mention of men she’d known. He didn’t want to imagine anyone ever touching his Ellie. He’d have to track them down and take them out. If her husband ever did show up at Homeland wanting Ellie back as his wife, he hadn’t been kidding about beating the man until he changed his mind. She was his, now and forever.

  The thought of her ex-husband reminded him of her deficient parents. Fury paused his pacing and stared hard at the door. She would never be alone again. She had him and all his people as her family. He would assure her of that and make it known that she belonged with him. He’d fight tooth and nail with Justice if that’s what it took to make it a New Species law that any humans who were with New Species were considered one of them. He wanted her to have the same rights he had, knowing she made no distinction between them so none would be made against her when it came to his people. She should be considered New Species.

  He nodded, deciding to push that new law at Justice while they made new ones to govern their people. Soon they’d manage their own Homeland and he’d talk Ellie into making their relationship permanent. It already was, to him.