Page 23 of Fury

  She wanted to but couldn’t. “I have to think about it still.”

  “You look as though I’ve held out candy to you that you want really bad but you’re afraid to take it because you were taught to never trust strangers.”

  She grinned. “I couldn’t have put it better myself.”

  “I’m good with words too.”

  “What is going on?” Fury stormed up the sidewalk glaring at the new Homeland director. He moved to Ellie’s side, tense and angry.

  Ellie glanced up at him and wanted to flinch. He looked as if he were a jealous boyfriend, which she guessed he was. If he didn’t get a leash on his emotions the director would be an idiot not to see they were involved. She peered up at him and gave him a warning look but he refused to glance at her. He was too busy glaring threateningly at the director.

  Tom Quish took a few steps back. “I’ve been just talking to Ms. Brower. It’s good to see you again, Mr. Fury.”

  “What do you want with her? She stays here. You have no power to make her leave.”

  Quish’s gaze darted from Fury to Ellie and back. Ellie could almost see the man’s mind taking in the scene, his thoughts going where she feared they would, and it just confirmed it when he took another step back. A wary, “oh shit” expression paled his tan features.

  “I came to offer Ms. Brower her job back. Your women really miss her and they fired the last woman who held Ms. Brower’s position. They’ve stated they wish Ms. Brower to return to the dorm. I’ve been told by Justice that the women could choose their own house mother. I came here to let her know the job is open and available for her if she’s interested.”

  “She doesn’t want it,” Fury stated firmly in an angry snarl.

  Shit, Ellie thought. Fury isn’t keeping his cool at all. Her gaze flew to Tom Quish. He studied her and then he looked at Fury again. “She could remain living inside your home if you are worried about her safety. She could work at the dorm during your working hours. It’s not exactly what the job hours entailed but I’m sure everyone would be able to work around a schedule that you would find suitable.”

  Fury finally glanced down at Ellie. “What do you think?”

  It amazed her that he’d thought to ask her for her opinion at all after how he’d first reacted by refusing her job offer. She nodded. She knew Tom Quish watched both of them with fascination. Fury nodded back. His focus returned to Tom Quish.

  “She will take the job on the condition that she lives with me.”

  Tom looked amused suddenly. “Great, Ms Brower. Can you start tomorrow at nine?”

  “Yes,” she answered before Fury could open his mouth and speak for her again.

  The director seemed pleased. “Terrific. I’ll make the calls and have everything set up. Someone from security will drop by later with your new badge.”

  “Thank you,” Ellie called out as she watched the new director jog away and out of sight before she dared face Fury. She shot him an annoyed look. “Damn it. You should have kept your cool. He knows we’re a couple. You acted like my boyfriend.”

  Fury’s gaze darkened as his mouth tensed into a line. “I am.”

  “Well, no one is supposed to know that. Remember? And thanks for letting me make a decision finally.” She stormed inside the house.

  “Why are you angry?” Fury followed her and closed the door.

  Ellie spun and put her hands on her hips. “We are supposed to hide our relationship, remember? Do you want those doctors bugging us to do tests and have people in our faces demanding we tell them how we have sex? I don’t. What if they want to video it? And you told him I didn’t want the job without even asking me first. I miss the dorm but I want to live here with you too.”

  Fury knew he’d messed up. He’d been instantly alarmed when he’d gotten word from his men that Tom Quish, the new director, had come to his door. There could be no reason for a human to be in that section of Homeland except for Ellie. He’d quickened his pace knowing that everyone on the human side preferred Ellie not live with him. He’d heard their concerns and ignored each one.

  Ellie loved working with New Species women, he knew how much they meant to her, so when he heard Tom offer her job back, he’d instantly said no without thinking. It had to be a lure to get her to leave him but one look at Ellie’s face told him that he’d messed up by answering for her. Human women could be as stubborn as New Species ones. They demanded the right to make their own decisions, and while they appreciated some protection, they were by no means weak enough not to be able to fend for themselves if the need arose.

  He’d backed off when he received the assurance that Ellie could live with him and the job wasn’t a bribe for her to leave his house. He’d relaxed when the new director walked away but Ellie’s anger remained. He studied her features and knew she was still ticked off at him. He’d overreacted but he just wanted to protect and keep her with him.

  He’d grown tired of hiding their relationship. He was proud to be with Ellie, even if some of his people didn’t understand. Some of them were still a bit bitter toward humans. That was their problem to deal with and as long as they didn’t take it out on Ellie, they could slowly release that bias in their own time frame.

  He knew he needed to defuse Ellie’s anger. She had a quick wit, a great sense of humor, and she didn’t hold grudges for long. All things he’d learned about her. Sex also worked to soften her up and get her to forgive him.

  A smile curved Fury’s lips. “Do you know how appealing you are to me when you’re angry? Videos, huh? I could buy a camera and tape us having sex.”

  “No!” Ellie glared at him. “You better be teasing about that last part.”

  He laughed. “I am. I don’t want to video our sex. I just want to have it.” He stepped toward her. “You are sexy when you’re mad at me, sweetness. I’m not kidding about that. I’m hot for you.”

  Ellie backed up and let her hands drop from her hips. “I’m mad at you. Don’t you ‘sweetness’ me, Fury. I want to yell at you. You didn’t hide the fact that we’re together and you told that man I wouldn’t take my job back. That’s my choice.”

  “You are right, I am wrong, and I’m sorry.” He grinned as he inched closer to her.

  Ellie backed up more. “You’re humoring me, aren’t you?”

  “Yes.” He winked. “Now let’s have sex.” He lunged, opening his arms, and tried to grab her.

  Ellie spun toward the kitchen, amused at his playful demeanor. It was great to see the usually serious man so lighthearted. Damn, how can I stay mad at him when he acts this way? She couldn’t. She entered the kitchen and dodged around the small island. She grabbed it and her gaze narrowed when Fury stopped on the other side.

  “We’re talking. Stop it.”

  “We’ll talk during sex.” He edged to the left.

  Ellie shook her head and moved to keep him on the other side of the island. “Damn it, Fury. I’m trying to be mad at you. Wipe that grin off your face.”

  He paused and his smile faded. “I won’t grin.”

  Her gaze narrowed and watched his lips twitch. Amusement sparked inside her. She almost laughed. She had to struggle to remember why he’d made her mad in the first place. Oh yeah.

  “You can’t go around making decisions for me and you know we’re supposed to hide that we’re a couple.”

  “You are really turning me on right now. You’re breathing hard and if you don’t watch it, your breasts are going to break the buttons on that shirt.” His gaze riveted to her chest. “Breathe harder. Please?”

  Ellie glanced down at her shirt but saw movement from the corner of her eye when she did. Her head jerked up too late. Fury grabbed her. His arms wrapped around her waist and swung her up until she sat on the island, bringing their faces almost level. Fury shoved her legs open and stepped between her parted thighs. His arms wrapped tighter around her waist, pulling her against his body in a tight hug.

  “I am sorry I made you angry.” He gave her a sincer
e look. “Now let’s have make-up sex. I heard it’s the best.”

  Ellie cupped his face with her palms and grinned. “You’re bad. Do you know that?”

  “I’m good. Do you know that or should I remind you?” He dipped his head and nuzzled Ellie’s face aside until his lips brushed her throat. His tongue darted out and licked the sensitive spot under her ear. His hot breath fanning her tickled. “I could take you right here.”

  Ellie laughed. “Bedroom.”

  Fury straightened his head and his voice deepened. “Here.”

  “Bedroom. We prepare food on the island, Fury.”

  His eyebrows rose as he released her and inched back. He reached for her shirt and unbuttoned it. Ellie held her breath as Fury opened it and tore it off her. He unfastened her pants next and moved his body out of the way. He pulled her down from the island until her feet were back on the floor and then bent in front of her, going to his knees, and helped her out of them.

  “I guess the kitchen is good,” Ellie whispered, totally getting turned on.

  Her heart raced as she kicked her pants away and reached for the front snaps of Fury’s pants when he rose. He yanked his shirt over his head, just tossing it aside.

  “Very good,” Ellie muttered as she brushed against his body. Her tongue traced his nipple.

  Fury groaned and he shoved down his pants, kicking them down his legs. Ellie’s hands ran across his flat stomach and surfed lower, slipping her fingers into the waistband of his briefs. She raked his hips with her fingernails. Fury pushed his hips forward against Ellie’s body. His arousal pressed into her stomach where he became trapped between their bodies.

  “Honey,” Ellie whispered as she moved her mouth to his other nipple.

  “Sweetness,” he growled.

  Ellie smiled and pulled back from his chest. “I want honey from the cupboard behind you. It’s up to the left. My left.”

  Dark eyebrows rose slightly. “Honey? You want to eat right now?”

  She grinned. “I want to lick it off you.”

  His fangs dented his bottom lip when he groaned softly. He twisted his body and stretched to retrieve the honey from the cupboard in record time to hand it over to her. Ellie twisted off the cap. She glanced at him once, assured he was into it, and turned the plastic container upside down above one of his nipples. She let the golden treat drip onto his chest and over the other nipple. She heard Fury take a sharp breath but he didn’t say a word. She set the container on top of the island next to them.

  Ellie arched up on her tiptoes and started to lick his skin where the honey droplets stuck to him, following each one with her tongue. Fury groaned deeply. Ellie moved lower, to his nipple, and lapped at the honey there, teasing the hardening bud. She covered his nipple with her mouth and started to suckle him. Fury’s hands tangled in her hair but he didn’t try to tug her from her task.

  “That feels amazing,” he growled.

  Ellie nipped him with her teeth. He jerked from the shock of the sudden jolt it created. His cock thumped against her stomach and it had grown more rigid when he ground his hips against her softer belly. She released his nipple and slowly moved across his chest. Her tongue and teeth cleaned away the sweet drops slowly, teasingly. Then she pushed him back against the counter. Fury moved to lean against it.

  His black, passion-filled gaze met Ellie’s when she looked up at him. She’d noticed when he had become really turned on, his eyes darkened. She loved it and him. She moved forward and started to go for the drops of honey that had rained down on his stomach. One by one she found them and licked them off. She paused at the waistband of his briefs when she realized she’d run out of drops. She smiled up at him and then slipped her fingers into the band to tug them down. Fury’s cock had grown so hard that she had to actually put the elastic of his briefs to the test to free it from them.

  Fury made a groaning sound when she kissed his hipbone and turned her face, studying his impressive erection up close. She couldn’t avoid a turned-on Fury. She smiled and ran her tongue along the side of the hard, hot flesh that stood at full attention for her—trailing up his shaft to the head.

  Fury snarled and then grabbed her upper arms, jerking her up to her feet. Shock tore through Ellie as she stared into his face. He looked angry. She frowned.

  “Don’t you want me to keep going? I was just getting to the good part.”

  He hoisted her up until Ellie found her ass planted on top of the island again. Fury turned away from her and yanked open drawers, looking for something.

  “Fury? Did I make you angry? What―”

  “I can’t let you do that. I’m frustrated as hell but not mad at you.”

  “Why not? I want to.”

  Fury turned, revealing he had a roll of silver duct tape in his hand. He walked over and gently flattened his palm over her chest. He pushed until she ended up flat on her back on the cool surface. He leaned over her.

  “My cock swells. Remember? I’m so damn ready to come right now that I wouldn’t last a minute. Can you imagine if I swelled inside your mouth?”

  She stared at him with dawning comprehension. “Oh. That probably wouldn’t be good, considering you’re already pretty big. I think it would be okay though as long as I stick to the top. You swell near the base.”

  His features relaxed as some of the tension melted away. “Yeah. I’d love for you to do that but don’t turn me on so much next time, the first time we try something. I’m a shooter, Ellie. You can feel me inside you when my semen releases, can’t you? I’d shoot so hard and so much, I’d choke you. You can do that to me later if you’re up for a second round. Now I need to calm or it won’t be good for you.”

  She stared at the tape with confusion. “What is that for?”

  He grinned. “Give me your wrists.”


  He grabbed a dishtowel. “Now.”

  She hesitated but she trusted him enough to lift her arms. Fury smiled and wrapped the dishtowel around them and then used his teeth to pull tape free from the roll. It astonished Ellie when he wound tape over the dishtowel and bound her wrists together. She lay there and watched him pull more tape, leaving it still connected to the roll and her wrists.

  He rounded the island to stand at her head. She looked up at him until he squatted down out of her line of sight. She heard more tape being pulled and then he slowly tugged her wrists above her head with the tape until her arms stretched. She heard him doing something at the side of the island before he stood. He’d gotten rid of the roll.

  Ellie pulled on her wrists but couldn’t bring them back down. Her gaze flew to Fury. He looked damn amused. “What are you doing?”

  He lifted up the honey and shifted her legs, bent over the island until his hips wedged between her thighs. “I want to eat some honey too.”

  Ellie bit her lip and shivered. Fury turned the bottle over and dripped honey over her lower stomach and lower still, until drops hit the inside of her thighs. Fury moved his hips, pushing hers farther apart, and Ellie closed her eyes when more drips landed on her spread pussy.

  Fury sat the honey bottle on the edge and then bent over her. His hot mouth and tongue licked her as he lapped up each sweet drop. Ellie wanted to touch him but her hands were secured over her head. By the time he reached the inside of her thigh she burned with raw need.

  “Fury,” she begged.

  “Easy. I’m getting there.”

  “Now, Fury. Please? Do that later but I need you. Please? Take me.”

  He growled. Ellie opened her eyes and met his. He rose and gripped her inner thighs, moving his hips closer to hers. Ellie wrapped her legs around his waist as he pulled her a few inches down the island to the edge a heartbeat before he entered her body. Ellie threw her head back and cried out in pleasure.

  “Let me go,” she moaned. “I want to touch you.” She pulled on her wrists but the tape and dishtowel wouldn’t break. He’d tied the tape too tightly around the material.

?s hands gripped her hips as he started to thrust into her at a steady, deep pace. Ellie thrashed on the countertop. She moaned, whimpered, and wondered if she’d survive how good the sensations were to have him awakening her body, bringing her to the edge of ecstasy. He moved faster, feeling even better. Ellie tightened her legs around his waist, moving them higher to give him freer access with his hammering hips.

  She heard him growl and then pressure registered against her vaginal walls as he started swelling inside her. The pressure increased while he continued to fuck her. One of his hands spread where he held her and his thumb brushed against her clit, rubbing it. Ellie screamed, climaxing hard, and Fury roared out her name as he buried his cock deep, his body trembling as hot semen poured into her as he came hard within her.

  “Fury!” A male voice roared.

  Ellie’s eyes flew open. She was dazed, shocked, and horrified when Justice rushed into the kitchen with two NSO officers on his heels. Justice threw himself at Fury, tackled him, and threw him away from Ellie.

  Ellie screamed in fear and shock at what happened as Justice and Fury locked in battle in the corner of the kitchen. Justice punched Fury and Fury tried to throw the other man out of the way to get to her. The two NSO officers rushed to help Justice restrain Fury, grabbed his arms, and slammed him into the counter. Fury roared, tossed one of the men hard into the nearby counter. Glass broke.

  Ellie twisted hard to her side, trying to roll off the countertop where she lay stretched naked, her wrists still restrained above her head, but too upset, too shocked, and too full of adrenaline to be graceful.

  Her movement was too violent and she ended up misjudging the edge. She fell and pure panic struck when she couldn’t even grab for something to stop her fall. Pain exploded inside her head as she slammed into the side of the island, the tile edge of it making contact with her temple. Blackness rushed at her along with intense pain. She heard one thing before she lost consciousness.