Page 29 of Fury

  “Fury,” she moaned.

  “I said ‘stop’, damn it!” Tiger yelled.

  The bedroom door flew open. Fury’s head jerked up but his fist grabbed hold of the material bunched at her waist to yank Ellie’s skirt down enough to fill the space between his chin and her body to hide the view of her exposed pussy. Confused and in a daze, Ellie twisted her head. A woman and Tiger jerked to a halt just inside the door. The woman stood open-mouthed in shock. Tiger laughed before he spun around to present his back.

  “I tried to stop her.” Tiger chuckled. “Sorry, Fury. Sorry, Ellie. This is the home-healthcare nurse.”

  Fury growled. Ellie frantically pushed at her skirt to lower it down her legs more but Fury’s body prevented her from managing it. She wiggled away from Fury’s shoulders until she could sit up all the way. Her gaze ran down Fury’s body, sprawled on his stomach over the bed. Most of the sheet had twisted across his hips covering his ass, barely. Ellie then looked at the twenty-something brunette nurse who gawked at both of them. The nurse snapped her mouth closed but then it opened again just as quickly.

  “You shouldn’t be doing that,” the woman preached. “Mr. Fury, you’re going to open your wounds. Ms. Brower, shame on you!”

  “Get out,” Fury growled. He grabbed Ellie’s ankle when she tried to climb off the bed. “Now.”

  The nurse had a pretty face but her expression was stern at the moment. “I will not. It’s a good thing I got here when I did.”

  “I don’t think they agree with you,” Tiger snorted with a laugh. “I think you have really bad timing. Right, Fury and Ellie?”

  “Get her out of here,” Fury demanded.

  “I can’t.” Tiger turned back around and shrugged. “She’s your nurse. She’s going to be living here for the next week. That was the condition Justice set, since Ellie is gone every day, at work. You agreed so you could come home early to recover with Ellie. Sorry, Fury. It’s out of my hands.”

  The nurse shook her head. “You know he was shot twice to protect you. Wasn’t that enough for you, Ms. Brower? He needs to sleep and not move around.” The woman bent down to the floor. She straightened, holding Ellie’s torn panties between her finger and thumb. She glared at Ellie. “This kind of thing is not acceptable.”

  Tiger leaned against the wall, clutched his stomach, and started laughing again. Ellie knew her face must be bright red while Fury looked ready to kill something. The nurse tossed Ellie’s torn panties into the wastebasket by the door.

  “Everyone but Mr. Fury needs to leave this room right now. I need to make sure he didn’t tear his stitches and he needs his pain medication.”

  Ellie jerked her ankle, which was still in Fury’s grip. The second he released her, she climbed off the other side of the bed. She walked to the dresser and yanked open the drawer containing her panties. She knew her face continued to flame red when she marched into the bathroom and closed the door behind her. She hurried but could hear everything going on in the next room.

  “And I thought this would be a boring job,” Tiger said and chuckled loudly.

  “Shut up,” Fury growled. “Don’t ever come into our bedroom again when that door is closed. Ever.”

  Ellie walked out wearing panties again. She marched back to the dresser and opened another drawer to pull out a pair of sweatpants for Fury. She met the glare of the nurse. “You need to leave or turn your back while I help Fury dress.”

  The nurse snorted at her. “No need. I just plan to give him a sponge bath.”

  “I’ll give him a sponge bath. You can give him his pills. You need to leave so he can put these on.”

  The nurse and Ellie squared off. “It’s my job to care for Mr. Fury.”

  Ellie’s mouth tightened. “It’s my job to take care of him. I also happen to be a nurse.”

  “Uh-oh,” Tiger groaned softly. “Territory fight.”

  Fury frowned, incensed he’d been interrupted from enjoying his Ellie—again! All he’d thought about was getting home to her so they could be alone without the watchful looks of security and hospital staff. He’d missed holding her in his arms, hearing her laugh and talking to her late into the night while they cuddled. He’d also missed her taste and having her hands on his body. He had recovered well enough to make love to her.

  The nurse shouldn’t have arrived until much later and he wasn’t happy with the one they’d sent. She glared at Ellie in a way that had him fighting back a snarl. No one should look at his woman with anger, and if he hadn’t promised to allow a nurse into his home, he’d make Tiger escort her to the main gate immediately.

  New Species women were protective of their possessions. As he watched Ellie, saw how her shoulders were set and her mouth tense, he realized that Tiger wasn’t far off the mark. The two women were about to fight for dominance.

  No way would he allow his woman to fight another. Ellie could be harmed. He forced himself to relax, hoping that his calmness would also soothe her, show her that she should feel secure being his female and that the other one posed no threat. He would never allow any woman except Ellie to touch him. He’d make it clear who bathed him, who dressed him if he needed help and that the female nurse took Ellie’s commands. He took a deep breath.

  “Ellie gives me baths,” Fury stated clearly. “Only Ellie.”

  The nurse glared at Fury. “She isn’t your nurse. I am.”

  “I don’t give a damn,” Fury snarled, his temper rising toward this rude human. “Ellie is the only woman I want touching me. Ellie?” Ellie turned her head and her gaze met his. “Calm down. I belong to you.” He kept eye contact with her to make sure she’d know he meant it. “I don’t have affairs. You are the only woman I want.” The only woman I’ll ever want for the rest of my life, he silently amended. He was certain that mating was definitely forever. Every second with Ellie only tightened the bond he had with her. “You’re it for me.”

  “I know that.” Her tense expression softened.

  “Don’t tear out her throat.” He decided to use humor to grab Ellie’s attention and if it frightened the nurse, so be it. He hid his chuckle. “No matter how much she deserves it for walking in on us.”

  The nurse gasped and jumped back from Ellie. “They told me you were human. You’re New Species?” Panic laced her voice.

  Amusement sparked inside Fury at the annoying human’s fear. “She’s New Species all right. She’s with me.”

  Ellie sighed. “I’m as human as you are. Not exactly a great thing in my opinion.” She approached Fury. “I wasn’t going to tear out her throat. Geez. I just don’t like the idea of her touching you all over.”

  He smiled. “Jealous?”

  She gave a slight nod. Her anger seeped out of her expression completely. “I give the sponge baths.”

  Fury reached out to clasp Ellie’s hand. “Only you. Now, can I have another sandwich? I’m hungry still.” He fought back frustration. “My meal was interrupted.”

  A smile touched Ellie’s lips. She dropped the folded sweatpants over his sheet-covered lap. “Since we’re not alone, put those on.” Ellie faced the nurse. “You follow me. I’ll show you to the guestroom while Fury gets dressed.” She shot Tiger a dirty look. “You…stop grinning. It’s not funny. Can you stick around for a minute and make sure he doesn’t fall over when he puts those on?”

  “Sure thing.” Tiger chuckled. “This is definitely not a boring assignment.”

  “Bite me,” Ellie muttered as she passed him.

  “That’s my job,” Fury called out, laughing. Tiger laughed with him.

  * * * * *

  Ellie wanted to murder Belinda Thomas. She unclenched her hands and tried to take deep breaths but it didn’t help. She counted to ten slowly. Nope, I’m still pissed. Ellie unclenched her teeth. The last thing she needed was to have to visit a dentist for broken teeth. Her temper boiled.

  The nurse was with Fury again. The woman currently sported a pair of cut-off jeans that should have gotten her arrested
for indecent exposure and had topped off her bad fashion choice with a bra-like top. With her tan, flat stomach revealed, she bent over in front of Fury while pretending to vacuum the already clean floor. Fury’s gaze seemed riveted on the inches of bare butt the woman flaunted.


  His attention instantly shifted to Ellie and he smiled. “Hi.”

  Belinda jerked with surprise, shot Ellie an unfriendly frown as she straightened and turned off the vacuum. “You’re home from work early today.” It sounded close to an accusation.

  Ellie nodded. “Is that the new nursing outfit? Someone should talk to your boss.”

  Anger flashed in the nurse’s eyes. “It’s hot. I’m not required to wear a nursing outfit while doing home care.”

  “Well, you should be. I vacuumed this floor yesterday. You didn’t need to do it again.”

  Dark eyebrows arched. “Maybe you should learn how to vacuum better,” the woman replied snottily. “I do a lot of things really well. I guess I’m just better at these kinds of things than you are.” The nurse winked at Fury.

  Ellie took a step toward her. “You little―”

  “Ellie!” Fury’s voice rose. “Come here. I missed you.”

  Ellie walked to Fury instead of decking the bitchy nurse the way she wanted to. Her anger remained as she sat on the bed. Fury had the nerve to look amused and that made her madder. He seemed to enjoy her jealousy and she felt green with it. Belinda Thomas had been flirting outrageously with him for days.

  “I’m going to go heat up some oil,” Belinda called out. “I need to rub your shoulder. It will get stiff if I don’t.” She walked out of the bedroom carrying the vacuum.

  “Don’t let her get to you,” Fury urged softly.

  “I just walked into our bedroom to catch you staring at her ass,” Ellie ground out. “And if she touches you with hot oil, I swear to God I’m moving out, Fury.”

  His amusement vanished instantly. “I am not attracted to her, Ellie. I’ve been looking at her ass but it is because her skin is weird. Your ass doesn’t look that way.”

  “Weird?” Ellie tried hard not to blow up.

  “She has folds of skin lining the bottom of her ass and there are dents. Your ass is full and smooth. I love your ass.”

  “You’re staring at her ass because she has cellulite?”

  “I’ve got nothing else to do. She took my remote and stated that television was bad for my recovery. I wanted to make her give it back but Tiger said I’m not allowed to torture its location from her to find out where she hid it.”

  Ellie stared at him. “I can’t live like this. She’s flirting with you. Maybe you don’t know it but she is. She’s driving me crazy. I’m a nurse. I can take care of you and I don’t care if you promised Justice he could send one here for you.”

  “You’re jealous.”

  “Yes, damn it. I am.”

  Fury grinned. “I love you too. Don’t feel that way. You’re the only one I want. Don’t let her get to you. I know she is flirting. She can do that all she wants to but it doesn’t matter. I feel nothing for her.” He pulled Ellie into his lap.

  “You’re the one I’m hard for. Feel that? All for you. Only for you.”

  “Time for that shoulder massage,” Belinda called out.

  Ellie closed her eyes. Fury pulled her tighter into his arms until her head rested on his good shoulder.

  “Go away,” Fury growled at Belinda. “Ellie will massage me.”

  “Now, Fury,” Belinda huffed. “I’m a professional. You should tell your little friend there to go do something while I tend to that shoulder.”

  Ellie tensed. Fury snarled, obviously enraged.

  “Ellie is not my little friend. She’s going to be my wife. Never talk about her as if she matters so little when she is everything to me. I also told you not to call me by my name. It is Mr. Fury to you. I ordered you to get out and damn it,” he roared, “get out!”

  Ellie’s ears rang. She heard Belinda gasp and then the door slammed closed behind her. Fury’s hands rubbed her back.

  “She’s gone.”

  Ellie lifted her head. “Thank you. I trust you. I do. It’s just that…” She shook her head. “I know it will be better once you’re all healed up and that bitch is gone.”

  “We’re under a lot of stress with other people inside our home and we don’t get much alone time.” He paused and cupped Ellie’s face in his hands. “I can’t wait to be alone with you again. There’s nothing I want more than for us to just be together.”

  “I know. She just pushes all my buttons, Fury. I honestly can’t think of anyone I dislike more and she just throws herself at you. Can you imagine how you’d feel if I had a male nurse who hit on me as hard as she does you?”

  “I can’t imagine.” He grinned. “No male would dare. It would be tough for him to come onto you with broken hands to prevent him from touching you and a broken jaw to prevent him from speaking to you.”

  She laughed. “Oh, don’t give me ideas on what to do that that woman. I can’t wait until she leaves. Thank God it’s going to be soon.”

  He laughed. “Yes. Thank your God for that.” His eyes sparkled. “I’ve been promised a hot oil massage. Want to give me one?”

  “I’d love to.”

  “Not my shoulder,” he growled softly. “And get out of those jeans. I hope you kept your word and aren’t wearing panties.”

  “Hey, I promised to burn all of them if you didn’t stop touching me but you stopped that day when Nurse Witch walked in.” Ellie climbed off his lap and took a few steps from the bed. She unzipped her jeans and spread them open. “But I’m not wearing them anyway.”

  Fury’s gaze locked on the skin she exposed. He growled and grabbed the bedding, shoving it off. He rose to his feet quickly. Ellie licked her lips as she glanced nervously at the door.

  “We need to put a lock on that.”

  Fury growled. “She wouldn’t dare.”

  Ellie put up a finger. “Hold that thought.” She turned and ran to the small desk. She grabbed the chair and carried it to the door to wedge it under the doorknob. She spun and grabbed her shirt, yanked it over her head, and tossed it to the floor.

  “You didn’t burn the bras.” Fury gripped the waist of his sweatpants, shoved them down and kicked them away.

  “I had to work. You don’t want me bouncing around in front of other men, do you?”

  “I’d have to kill someone who stared at my breasts.”

  Ellie laughed, stepping out of her jeans. “Your breasts, huh?”

  Fury reached her. “Mine.” His hands cupped them. Ellie wrapped her arms around his neck.

  “Massage first?”

  “No. I got to be first last time. Lie down for me, Ellie. You owe me a meal.”

  Ellie slipped out of his arms and climbed on the bed. She flipped onto her back and smiled at Fury as he came after her. “If someone interrupts this time, I’m going to have to kill someone.” Fury growled as his hands gripped her thighs, his hands caressing her skin. “I have a gun inside the nightstand drawer.”

  Ellie laughed. “You shouldn’t have told me that. I might use it on that nurse.”

  Fury winked at her. “I’ll teach you how to fire it later.”

  Chapter Eighteen

  “No.” Fury growled the words. His dark eyes flashed rage.

  Ellie watched him grimly. “Justice stated it was important. The public wants to see me and make sure that we’re fine now. I could tell them you’re doing well and healing.”

  “No.” Fury crossed his arms over his chest.

  Ellie took her hand off the lower portion of the phone. “He won’t allow it, Justice. I’m sorry.”

  Ellie listened and then hung up. She sat down on the edge of the bed. “He understands and he’ll just release a press statement from us. He said someone would bring it by later for our approval, before tonight when it’s released.”

  “I don’t care what it says. Call him ba
ck and tell him to say whatever he thinks needs to be said. I trust his judgment.”

  “Fine.” Ellie hesitated. “Why don’t you want me to talk to reporters?”

  “You aren’t going anywhere out there. Someone shot at you. I am not going to allow you to be a target again.”

  Her anger eased. “You’re worried about me.”

  “I always worry about you. It’s my job to protect you and that means I won’t allow anyone to make target practice out of you again.”


  “Okay? You are complying? No argument?” He didn’t look completely convinced. “You won’t go behind my back to talk to the reporters, will you?”

  “I already told Justice no. I’d never do that anyway.” Ellie frowned at him.

  “You don’t like me telling you what to do.”

  She shrugged. “I know it’s because you are worried about me and you have reason for it since you were shot twice the last time we were in front of reporters.”

  Fury relaxed on the bed. “Thank you.” His tone roughened.

  “It’s time to change your bandages and give you your medications,” Belinda said as she walked into the bedroom carrying her medical bag.

  Annoyance rolled through Ellie. She made a face at Fury to show him her thoughts but then stood. “I think I’ll go take a shower.”

  “Hurry back.”

  Ellie shot a dirty look at the nurse as she walked into the bathroom. Belinda ignored the fact Ellie existed. It had been that way since Fury had yelled at the nurse. No one had walked into their bedroom again once the door closed though. Ellie stripped out of her clothes and adjusted the water. She was tired and it had been a long day at work.

  A loud sigh passed her lips when she stepped under the hot spray of water. She closed her eyes, tried to relax and just enjoy the moment.

  Her mind drifted to work, though, immediately. One of the human security guards had done a walkthrough of the dorm and had surprised one of the small New Species women. She’d had a screaming fit the second she’d encountered him inside the kitchen.