Page 9 of Fury

  “I’m not hurt.” She spoke softly but knew he heard her. “Just release me.”

  “I’m going to clean you up.” He sighed. “You’re bleeding. I nicked you with my teeth but I didn’t bite into you. It’s just a scratch but deep enough to bleed.”

  Great. My blood. At least it didn’t hurt. “Just let me go and I’ll tend to it.”

  “No.” He carefully wiped at the skin just under her right breast, tenderly dabbing there. He hesitated and then cleaned her thigh where he’d left his sexual mark, washed away his semen.

  Hot sex had turned into a calamity. Her passion cooled to leave a bitter aftertaste. Fury didn’t hold her after sex, no tender words came from him unless an apology for making her bleed counted. And he washed away the evidence of passion he’d left on her, as cold as the wet cloth he used to do it with. She suddenly wanted to leave in the worst way and forget what had happened between them.

  She attempted to hide how embarrassed it made her feel that she’d come apart under him when Fury probably still hated her. It had all just been an act of revenge regardless of what he’d claimed though it had meant a hell of a lot more to her. She wanted to get away from him before she fell apart. It would happen soon. She hoped he had found the kind of justice he had been looking for.

  “We’re even now, right?” She fought back the wave of tears that threatened. Don’t cry, damn it. She kept repeating that a few times. Her emotions were too close to the surface and she felt vulnerable. She also didn’t want him to feel worse for the nick he’d given her. He could mistake her tears for physical pain. A remorseful expression marred his grim features. They had enough misunderstandings between them to last a lifetime. She didn’t want to add to them.

  His dark gaze lifted to hers. He studied her for a long moment and an emotion she couldn’t read flickered in his dark eyes. He opened his mouth to say something but he never got the words out. Loud pounding suddenly fractured the silence.

  “Damn it,” Fury snarled.

  He stood from the bed and stormed toward the bathroom door. It shocked Ellie how quickly he could move. He threw the wet hand towel through the open bathroom door. He spun, returned to the bed, and reached down to grab the blanket he’d removed from her earlier. He spread it over her once again to cover her from breast to feet. In the next heartbeat he yanked on his sweats before he lunged out of the room. The bedroom door slammed closed behind him.

  Ellie lay there wondering if she should yell for help. If she drew attention by calling out they’d find her tied naked to his bed with the injury from his teeth. It would appear really bad. They probably would assume he’d sexually assaulted her. She didn’t want anyone to arrest him for a crime he hadn’t committed.

  He’d already paid dearly for a crime he didn’t commit. She’d never suffered a moment for killing Jacob. She remained silent so that whoever had come to his home wouldn’t hear her. She’d rather take her chances of facing whatever else Fury wanted to dish out than get him into any kind of trouble. We have to be even now, she reasoned. He’ll release me after his company leaves.

  The door to the room was suddenly flung wide open. The blood drained from Ellie’s face and dread filled her when Justice stomped into the bedroom. He wore a yellow T-shirt and blue jeans and his long hair was pulled back in a ponytail so his features weren’t hidden. She couldn’t miss the look of shock and horror that transformed them. Ellie flinch from the certainty that he made all kinds of wrong assumptions. After a stunned moment he moved forward, snarled and paused at the side of the bed. Fury filled the bedroom door, pale and silent. He wouldn’t meet her gaze but instead had his chin lowered, staring at the carpet.

  Justice grabbed the blanket and tore it back. Ellie made a horrified sound, startled at having her body totally exposed to a stranger. Another snarl erupted from Justice’s throat. He threw the blanket back over Ellie to shield her nakedness before dropping to sit on the edge of the bed. His outraged glare fixed on Fury while he reached for her arm. He yanked the ties at her wrist, freeing it when he broke the material from the headboard.

  “How could you do this?” Justice growled in a very harsh voice.

  He stood, rounded the bed and freed Ellie’s other arm. He placed his body between her and Fury, his back to her. Ellie sat up, rubbed her wrists, and carefully kept the blanket shielding her body. She couldn’t see Fury at all with the big male between them.

  “How could you do this, Fury? How? She saved us. She put her life on the line to help us. You are alive regardless of what it was she did to you. You are breathing! We are trying to prove to humans that we are more than animals and you take her by force? You raped her in your bed as if you are a rabid dog? Damn it! They are going to lock you up for this. I don’t think I can protect you and I don’t know if I want to at this point. How could you do this? You know what is at stake. Our people need guidance and protection! You’re my second in command. If I fall, you lead.” Justice’s voice lowered, calmed. “You are breaking my heart. You hurt this woman. I smell her blood, and because you injured her, it will cause untold problems for us. What the hell do you think you were doing? Have you lost your mind? This just reinforces the belief that we’re mindless animals, too dangerous to run free.”

  Shame burned through Fury while he stared into Justice’s shocked gaze. He knew he’d let his people down when he’d kidnapped Ellie. He had taken the responsibility of leadership yet he’d allowed his feelings for the woman to make him do things he knew were wrong. He’d chosen her over them, something he swore he’d never do when he’d taken the job as Justice’s second in command.

  “I’m sorry,” Fury whispered.

  Justice softly growled. “What is wrong with you? Have you lost it? Did something make you snap? I can’t and won’t allow you to get away with this. You must be disciplined harshly to set an example.”

  “I expect nothing less.” Fury took a deep breath. He had known he would be punished before he’d touched Ellie, and he would accept any consequences that came his way. He’d wanted Ellie more than the most important thing in his life—his people.

  When New Species had been freed a lot of them had wanted to wage a war on all humans but Justice had been the calm voice of reason. To survive they needed to work with the humans who had freed them. When they’d been told they were being given Homeland, a place to live in peace, a place where they could rebuild their lives, Justice had come to Fury and asked him to help guide them into their new way of life. Fury had agreed quickly, willing to shoulder any burden that came his way as long as he could be of use.

  He’d taken over training their security teams and shown them how to control their inner beasts. The irony wasn’t lost on him. He hadn’t practiced what he preached. He’d gone after something he knew he couldn’t have―Ellie. He’d brought her into his home and seduced her regardless of the cost.

  He couldn’t regret the action. Even the small amount of time with her had been worth whatever pain he’d endure. He had tasted her, touched her, and knew how wonderful it felt to be that close to her. If they locked him up her image would keep him company, her voice committed to memory forever, her beautiful eyes etched into his soul. He could forever close his eyes and hear her, picture her.

  “Are you all right?” Justice glanced back at Ellie.

  “Yes.” She cleared her throat.

  Justice’s attention snapped back to him. Fury met his stern look with a grim determination. He’d make sure everyone knew the blame rested solely on his shoulders. He’d distance himself from New Species, hope the humans didn’t blame others for his actions, and take whatever punishment they meted out to him without complaint or excuses.

  Justice’s disappointment and shock wounded him deeply. He knew how much rested upon his behavior. He’d let his people down, his best friend, and himself.

  “I can’t do this alone, Fury,” Justice informed him softly, a pained look on his face. “I needed you to hold it together for all of us. Director Boris has
fought me every step of the way on us taking control of Homeland. He’s trying to tell the President we’re not capable of running our own lives. He honestly believes we’re more animal than human, little more than trained to speak and mimic them. He hasn’t come straight out by saying it but his contempt is so strong it’s impossible to ignore.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “This is just going to justify his accusations. We have to work twice as hard to show them we are their equals and we are a race of intelligent, responsible people. You couldn’t have totally lost your mind at a worse time.”

  “I realize it will reflect badly on the NSO. I’ll take full responsibility, assure them I’m the only one flawed, and you will need to press for them to deal with me severely.”

  Justice studied his friend. “You aren’t yourself. Why?”

  Fury’s attention drifted toward the bed but he still couldn’t see Ellie around Justice’s large frame. He met his friend’s curious gaze.

  “I think you know why. There’s something about her that I can’t ignore. It’s not just anger. There’s more to it than that.”

  A few Species males had experienced overwhelming urges to mate with certain females, to keep them very close, make them theirs, but none of them had given in to those instincts. Not that they’d been given the chance while they’d been prisoners. They’d been kept separated except for those times that females had been brought to them for breeding.

  They were aware of the problem though. It only had happened to a few times inside the testing facilities but they had discussed the potential problem if more Species suffered from what they’d deemed a need to mate. I have that need, Fury admitted. He was pretty certain a mating was for life too because of how strongly Ellie affected him. He couldn’t see ever wanting to let her go.

  Justice started back with worry and understanding etched on his features. “How bad is it?”

  “Overwhelming, obviously. I’ve been fighting it tooth and nail.” His shoulders slumped. “I’m sorry for the trouble I’ve caused but…” He left the rest unsaid.

  He still didn’t regret it, even knowing how deep was the hole he’d dug. He glanced up to try to see Ellie again but Justice continued to block his view of her. He’d had her once. It would never be enough but at least he’d have the memory to savor.

  Ellie spotted her clothes on the floor by the bed. Fury must have stripped her and just dropped them there. Her ID card and her shoes were there too. She moved slowly, definitely tender between her thighs from their bout of hot sex, and slid her butt to the edge of the bed. She kept the blanket around her. She grabbed her clothes and frantically started to put them on. The men seemed to be having a staring contest.

  “The human security guards are searching everywhere for the woman.” Justice paused. “They found her broken electrical equipment by the pond and suspect something has happened to her. The second I became aware of her identity I came here, hoping you hadn’t done something stupid. We need to inform them she is here. She’ll need medical attention and you need to face the penalty of your crime. She isn’t one of us. I think they will make you face their law punishment. I don’t know what those are but you have to stand up for it for all our sakes. Don’t fight if they arrest you. I know the urge will be strong if they chain you but don’t make this worse.”

  “I won’t struggle,” Fury swore softly. “I’ll call them now.”

  Ellie finished dressing. She shoved on her shoes and stood. The movement made her aware of discomfort when her shirt rubbed under her sore breast. She didn’t take the time to check on how bad the scratch from his teeth was, promising do that later after she reached home. She took tentative steps toward the door.

  “Excuse me.” She cleared her throat.

  Justice turned his head to meet her gaze, a grim frown twisting his full lips.

  Ellie didn’t glance at Fury. “I am going to return to the dorm now so please don’t call anyone. I’ll tell them I’ve been visiting a friend. Don’t get security involved in this. Fury and I are even now. There won’t be any more problems between us.” She forced herself to look at Fury then, seeing shock slacken his handsome face. “Are we even now?”

  He shook his head, frowning.

  She swayed on her feet from shock. Her knees collapsed but Justice caught her before she hit the floor. His strong hands gripped her waist to steady her until she regained control and straightened. He released her instantly when she pushed at his hands. She gaped at Fury.

  “No? What more do you want from me?” Tears flowed freely down her cheeks. She was no longer able to hold them back. “I’m sorry! I thought you’d be safe, damn it. I’m telling you the truth. I had no other choice. I did everything I could for you. I couldn’t tell you what I had to do because I didn’t think you’d trust me. I couldn’t risk you repeating anything I said to you.”

  Fury blinked. The look in his eyes definitely appeared pained. “We aren’t even because now I’m in your debt. I didn’t mean to hurt you with my teeth.”

  Ellie used the backs of her hands to wipe at her tears. She had her key card fisted in her palm. Fury never ceased to astonish her.

  “I know that and I believe you. It’s not a big deal about the scratch. We’re even then, Fury. You don’t ever owe me anything. I have to go.” She bit her lip. “Please move out of my way.”

  Fury stepped away from the door. Ellie darted forward the second she knew she wouldn’t touch him. She nearly staggered out of his bedroom, down the hall, and through a large living room. She saw the front door and headed straight for it. She held her head high when she swung it open. Cool night air blew across her damp face.

  She glanced down to where her watch should have been to see how much time had elapsed. Her bare wrist made her wince. She wasn’t going back into Fury’s bedroom to look for it. No way in hell. She lurched forward, took in her surroundings, and identified her location. He shoes slipped a little on the damp grass until she reached the sidewalk that would lead her to the dorms.

  A hand suddenly gripped her shoulder and spun her around. Ellie stared up at Justice North fearfully. He’d followed her from the house.

  “Why don’t you want him arrested? What the hell is between you both?” Justice’s grip gentled but his confusion was evident in the way he regarded her.

  Ellie studied his pretty cat-like eyes. His facial structure wasn’t completely human, the bones of his face too pronounced with brawny cheekbones, and his nose was wider and flatter than a human nose. His features were…different, like Fury’s, except his traits were feline. She stepped back out of his hold. His hand dropped to his side.

  “I need to return to the dorm and let security know I’m okay so they will call off the search. What happened in there isn’t what you think. He didn’t rape me or hurt me in any way.”

  “What happened between you and Fury at the testing facility? Tell me now,” he demanded.

  She peered around him only to see Fury’s windows dark and the front door firmly closed. Fury wasn’t within sight. Her gaze returned to Justice.

  “Why,” he growled, “would you allow him to hurt you the way he has and not want retribution? Tell me or I’ll beat it out of him myself. He has refused to share any of your history. You are the only thing he won’t discuss.”

  Ellie blinked back tears, hated the idea Fury would suffer if she didn’t admit her crime. “It’s his story to tell, not mine.”

  “He won’t. I’m his best friend. He is acting insane. Make me understand or I’ll have to lock him up, have him evaluated, and force him to tell me what has happened. He won’t take being caged well. If you care at all, you’ll tell me what he will not.”

  She hesitated, hated being put in the middle of it, but didn’t want Fury to suffer more for what had happened the last day she’d seen him inside his cell. She stared at Justice’s shirt. “You won’t use it against him?” Her gaze lifted. “Swear it to me.”

  “I love him like a brother. Family is everyth
ing to me. I’d rather cut off my own hand than harm him.”

  She believed the sincerity she saw in those exotic eyes. “There was this horrible technician named Jacob. He enjoyed hurting New Species but one day Fury elbowed him in the face. It broke his nose. The guy went after Fury the last day I worked at Mercile. I’d just stolen some downloaded files from a doctor’s computer and had swallowed it to try to smuggle it past security. I used to check on Fury, um, there was an observation room, and I overheard Jacob saying he was going to kill him. He’d had the camera inside the cell turned off. I got there as quickly as I could.” She hesitated.

  “Go on.”

  Her gaze lowered to his shirt, unable to look into the man’s eyes as she told him the rest of it. “He’d drugged Fury and had stretched him out, chained down on his stomach. He had started to do vile things to him. I attacked Jacob and he died.” Her voice broke.

  “Fury should be grateful for this.” Justice reached out and gripped her chin, forcing it up until she had to meet his gaze. “What are you not telling me? Why does he feel you did him wrong if you saved him from that fate?”

  She cleared her throat. “I had enough evidence sitting inside my stomach on that data drive to get a judge to finally issue a search warrant on Mercile Industries. If anyone realized I’d killed that technician they wouldn’t have allowed me to leave after my shift ended. I framed Fury for killing the technician. I smeared that asshole’s blood on Fury’s hands while he lay helpless on the floor, unable to move, put the needle back into him as if he’d just been drugged to explain how he’d been able to move long enough to do it, and I was too afraid to tell him why I did it.”

  She waited for the guy to get angry as he stared at her with his narrowed, intelligent eyes.

  “There is more you aren’t telling me. We often took the blame for things. This is damn personal to Fury.”

  She clenched her teeth. “I walked in to find that son of a bitch beating and about to rape Fury, okay?” She blinked back tears and lowered her eyes to his shirt again. “He’d already done horrible things to him, started to rape him with a baton, and um, it was traumatic, okay? Fury thought I would never hurt him but instead I framed him for murder. He told me they tortured him after I pinned the killing on him. They beat him up and hurt him because of what I did. He’s got reasons to be mad at me. He just wanted some payback and he got it.”