Page 120 of Quicksilver

  *E.g., Nassau, Katsenellenbogen, Dietz, Vianden, Meurs.

  *The flying jib downhaul.

  *The Duke of Northumbria was the bastard son of Charles II by his mistress Barbara Palmer, nee Villiers, Duchess of Castlemaine.

  †The Duke of Richmond was the bastard son of Charles II by his mistress Louise de Kéroualle, Duchess of Portsmouth.

  ‡The Duke of St. Alban’s was the bastard son of Charles II by his mistress Nell Gwyn, the nubile comedienne and apple-woman.

  *The name of Hexagram 3 of the I Ching, or 010001, that being the encryption key for the subliminal message embedded in the script of this letter.

  *Darkening of the Light: Hexagram 36 of the I Ching, or 000101.

  *Increase: Hexagram 42 of the I Ching, or 110001.

  *Family: Hexagram 37 of the I Ching, or 110101.

  *Break-through: Hexagram 43 of the I Ching, or 0 1 1 1 1 1.

  *But sometimes they formally held these positions and sometimes they didn’t.




  Neal Stephenson, Quicksilver

  (Series: The Baroque Cycle # 1)




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